
APUSH Unit 1 Chapter 2

Corporate Colonies - British colonies in the US whose governments were trading company charters. All political power rested in the members of the company

Royal Colonies - A colony that was directly ruled by a monarch. Many colonies changed to royal colonies so the king could have more control of the colonists with a specific colony. Ex.) Virginia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, ext.

Proprietary Colonies - A colony in which 1 or more individuals remain in ownership of their state’s sanctions. Most of these were run under a colonial charter agreement.

Lord Baltimore - An English nobleman and proprietor of the Maryland Colony. He established Maryland as a safe haven for English Catholics.

Act of Toleration (1649) - An act passed in Maryland in 1649 that granted freedom of worship to all Christians. Enacted to protect the Catholic minority in Maryland.

Bacon’s Rebellion - Bacon and his men attacked Jamestown and demanded the governor's resignation. (History that Doesn’t suck - the riots about the governor)

Indentured Servant - Brought to the colony to labor in tobacco fields. Drawn from England’s lower classes, agreed to work for about 7 years, in exchange for passage across the Atlantic Ocean.

Headright System - A way to attract more settlers to the Virginia colony. Every new arrival paying any way possible was promised a 50-acre land grant.

Roger Williams - Separatist leader and the founder of the colony of Providence Plantations. (Rhode Island) Best remembered for advocating for religious freedom and separation of church and state

Anne Hutchinson - A Puritan woman who disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. (she was well learned) Her actions got her banished from the colony and she later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She questioned authority.

Antinomianism - An interpretation of Puritan beliefs that stressed God’s gift of salvation and minimized what an individual could do to gain salvation. (significant because it justified that Christians were not bound by traditional moral law.)

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639) - A constitution-like document that established the government of the Colony of Connecticut. Some consider it to be the first constitution in the Western tradition.

Halfway covenant - A Puritan church document; that in 1662 allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church.

New England Confederation - Formed in 1643 to provide for the defense of the four New England colonies (Plymouth, Mass Bay, Connecticut, and New Haven) Also acted as a court in disputes between colonies.

King Philip’s War - Series of battles in Hew Hampshire between the colonists and the Wampanoag, led by Meacom, a chief also known as King Philip.

Quakers; William Penn; holy experiment - The holy experiment was an attempt by the religious society of friends (Quakers) to establish a community for themselves & other persecuted religious minorities in what would become Pennsylvania. William Penn was an English Quaker.

Georgia; James Oglethorpe - A British General and member of the House of Parliament. He formed the colony of Georgia in 1732 as a place for poor Britains to resettle. ban of slavery, and regarded by some as a dictator.

Mercantilism - Economic theory that all parts of a nation's or empire's economy should be coordinated for the good of the whole state/empire; hence, colonial economic welfare should be subordinated to that of the imperial power.

Navigation Acts - Laws that governed trade between England and its colonies. Colonists were required to ship certain products exclusively to England. These acts made colonists very angry because they couldn’t trade with other countries.

Dominion of New England - Created in 1686 by Kings James II. He created it to cadence the amount of ruling hands. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Plymouth, New York, and Jersy were added in 1688.

Triangular Trade - A series of triangular trade routes that carried manufactured British goods to Africa & Colonies. Raw products from the Colonies to Africa and Europe. and Slaves from Africa to the New World and Europe.

Slave Trade - Europeans & others enslaved Africans and sold them as labor to harvest crops (sugarcane in SA) African kingdoms traded slaves for European goods.

Middle Passage - Middle segment of the passage from Africa to America. It was the journey the slaves undertook across the Atlantic Ocean.
