Chapter 3 focuses on utilizing classes and objects in Java to create more engaging programs.
Topics covered include:
Object creation and references
The String class and its methods
Java API class library
Random and Math classes
Formatting output
Enumerated types
Wrapper classes
JavaFX graphics API
Shape classes
Variable Types:
Variables can hold primitive values or references to objects.
Example: String title;
declares an object reference variable of type String without creating an object.
To create the object, use the new
Creation of an object is called instantiation.
Example: title = new String("Java Software Solutions");
This invokes the String constructor, initializing the object.
After instantiation, methods can be invoked using the dot operator:
Example: numChars = title.length();
A method may return a value which can be utilized in an expression or assignment.
Conceptually, invoking a method is like asking the object to perform a service.
Primitive variables store their values, while object variables hold references to memory addresses of objects.
Object references can be illustrated graphically as pointers to memory locations.
Example: Katherine Johnson
refers to an object holding a name.
Primitive Types: Assignment copies actual values.
Example: num2 = num1;
leads to both holding the same value.
Object References: Assignment copies the reference address,
Example: name2 = name1;
makes both refer to the same object.
Multiple references to the same object are called aliases.
Changes via one reference affect the object through all other aliases since there is essentially one object.
Objects with no valid references become inaccessible and are termed "garbage".
Java handles garbage collection automatically, reclaiming memory used by objects that are no longer referenced.
In contrast, manual garbage collection is required in other programming languages.
Strings are ubiquitous in Java and can be created without the new
Example: title = "Java Software Solutions";
String literals automatically create String objects.
Immutability: String objects cannot change value or length after creation, although methods can produce modified versions.
String objects provide various methods, but their values can't change in place.
String manipulation results in the creation of new String objects.
Characters in a string can be accessed via numeric indexes, starting from zero.
Example: In "Hello", 'H' is at index 0, 'o' is at index 4.
A class library is a compilation of classes available for program development, while the Java standard library is heavily used.
Familiar classes include System, Scanner, and String.
The Java API serves as the Application Programming Interface, offering clusters of related classes.
Encourages use of online documentation for exploring libraries like the JavaFX API and Database API.
The Random class from java.util
provides methods for generating pseudorandom numbers.
Example: int num1 = generator.nextInt();
generates random integers.
Methods can generate numbers in specific ranges like generator.nextInt(10)
for values 0-9.
Located in the java.lang
package, the Math class includes methods for performing mathematical operations.
Example: To find the cosine of an angle or the square root of a number, static methods are invoked directly through the class.
Purpose: Proper output formatting enhances readability.
Classes: The NumberFormat and DecimalFormat classes in java.text
assist in formatting numbers as currency or percentages.
Enumerated types can be defined to declare variables with restricted values.
Example declaration: enum Season { winter, spring, summer, fall };
Each enumerated type is type-safe, ensuring values assigned match predefined identifiers.
Each primitive type has a corresponding wrapper class in java.lang
which allows primitive types to be managed as objects.
Examples of wrappers include Integer for int, Double for double, etc.
Autoboxing automatically converts primitives to wrapper objects and vice versa during assignments.
Shift from text-based command-line applications to graphical user interfaces through JavaFX.
JavaFX utilizes an Application class and a start method to manage GUI operations.
JavaFX provides classes for creating various shapes: Line, Rectangle, Circle, and Ellipse, all customizable in terms of positioning and appearance.
Nested groups allow for complex scene structures and transformations like translations and rotations.
Colors in Java are represented as RGB values in Color objects, with methods to create a color from RGB or percentage.
Predefined Color objects include common colors like Color.BLACK and Color.WHITE.
Key topics included:
Object creation and object references
The String class and its methods
The Java standard class library
The Random and Math classes
Formatting output
Enumerated types
Wrapper classes
JavaFX graphics API
Shape classes