Tomorrow: Finish content with a two-part lab.
Wednesday & Thursday: Review days due to the extensive unit content.
Friday: Unit test.
*Note: Some students may have to take the test on Monday.
Kidneys play a crucial role in homeostasis by expelling waste.
Issues with kidney function can lead to significant health problems.
Urinalysis: A lab to analyze urine samples to detect concentrations of certain substances.
Provides insights into conditions like diabetes based on glucose levels in urine.
Diabetes: Two types discussed:
Diabetes Mellitus: Involves issues with pancreas and glucose filtration.
Diabetes Insipidus: Involves problems with antidiuretic hormone affecting water absorption.
Nephritis: Inflammation of nephrons caused by various factors, leading to kidney abnormalities (bumpy appearance).
Kidney Stones: Results from mineral buildup that can cause extreme pain when passing through the nephron tubes.
Causes: Calcification and excess mineral concentration in the blood.
Function: Filters blood through an artificial filter and saltwater bath to maintain proper concentration.
**Muscle Types:
Cardiac Muscle:** Found in the heart, involuntary control.
Smooth Muscle: Found in hollow organs (digestive tract), involuntary control.
Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary muscles attached to bones, controlled consciously.
Main Function: Support body functions including digestive, circulatory, and respiratory.
Actin and Myosin: Essential proteins for muscle contraction.
Actin: Thin filaments involved in muscle contraction.
Myosin: Thick filaments with projections that bind to actin to produce movement.
Sarcomeres: Functional units of muscle fibers; defined by Z-lines, which get closer together during contraction making muscles shorter.
Calcium's Role: Calcium ions are released to trigger the movement of myosin, pulling actin filaments and contracting the muscle.
Types of Muscle Fibers:
Type I (Slow Twitch): More for endurance, less efficient ATP breakdown.
Type II (Fast Twitch): Suited for fast, explosive movements requiring rapid ATP consumption.
Training Effects: While genetic factors influence muscle fiber composition, training can enhance the proportion of fast or slow twitch fibers.
Antagonistic muscles:
Example: Biceps and triceps work oppositely during arm movements.
Importance of energy (ATP) in muscle operations.
Content Review Strategies: Utilize available systems reviews for test preparation.
New Reviews: Additional resources will be created for effective revision ahead of the test.