Types of Governments


  • Absolute Monarchy: Ruler holds absolute powers; serves as chief executive, legislator, and judge.

  • Constitutional Monarchy: Monarch's powers are limited by law; promotes political, social, and economic stability.


  • Pure Democracy: Direct expression of the will of the state by the people; mass meetings or assemblies.

  • Representative Democracy: Will of the state expressed through officials chosen by the populace.

Government Structures

  • Centralized (Unitary) Government: Single supreme will from which all political power radiates.

  • Federal Government: Authority divided between two organizations, each with a distinct sphere of authority.

Government Forms

  • Parliamentary Government: Fusion of executive and legislative branches; cabinet members are also legislators.

  • Presidential Government: Separation of powers among executive, legislative, and judicial branches; includes checks and balances.

Authoritarianism vs. Totalitarianism

  • Totalitarian Government: Controls all aspects of life; rights exist only on paper (e.g., Fascism, Nazism, Communism).

  • Authoritarian Government: Less harsh; absolute authority with limited civil rights (e.g., Spain under Franco).

Economic Systems

  • Capitalism: Often found in democratic systems; focuses on private ownership.

  • Socialism: Collective ownership and government management of production and economic activity.

Legal Distinctions

  • De Jure Government: Legally recognized government.

  • De Facto Government: Exists without international recognition; may be temporary or concurrent with a de jure government.
