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Joy Harjo

Group 1


  • Psychic dualism

    • a part/separate

    • Diaspora of Indigenous Americans

    • Kosmagram → the above and below; not fully present, but not dead (spiritually)

  • White, red, yellow, and grey


    • Phases/season of life (community, internal, etc.)

    • Horses are a metaphor for experiencing time


  • Immigration to Canada

  • Alienation/other/foreign

  • Straying away from the boxes/Not part of the pack/Limited freedom

  • Each horse had a different ailment/different Americans experience


  • Identity

  • Ancestry

  • “Backwards” (in between or liminal)


  • Hardship

  • Roots

  • Communal

  • Inter

Overall notes

  • Sovereignty

  • Survival

  • Multiple dimensions

Group 2


  • Not separation between poetry/storytelling/etc. just as there is none between humans/nature/animals

Skeleton of Winter

  • Resilience→ rabbits are torn apart, but get to the other side

  • Ancestors living in her

  • Memory alive not just a name


  • representation of family/life

  • Earth is an alive poem

  • we are all connected

New Orleans

  • Past, future exist at same time

  • Place as memory

  • History in places

She Had Some Horses

  • Personality

  • Women’s qualities or hers?

  • Maxine Hong Kingston → ghosts

    • Memory of the past that may or may not have occurred

    • Connection

  • These horses are trained/domesticated UNLIKE the previous horses → WHITE PEOPLE

Other notes

  • How do you reclaim?

    • Having a connection to your ancestors

    • Represent your family well in your waking life/someone on the planet

  • Embodying ancestral knowledge/wisdom

  • Intergenerational Transfer→ epigenetics; trauma often enhances this knowledge

Joy Harjo

Group 1


  • Psychic dualism

    • a part/separate

    • Diaspora of Indigenous Americans

    • Kosmagram → the above and below; not fully present, but not dead (spiritually)

  • White, red, yellow, and grey


    • Phases/season of life (community, internal, etc.)

    • Horses are a metaphor for experiencing time


  • Immigration to Canada

  • Alienation/other/foreign

  • Straying away from the boxes/Not part of the pack/Limited freedom

  • Each horse had a different ailment/different Americans experience


  • Identity

  • Ancestry

  • “Backwards” (in between or liminal)


  • Hardship

  • Roots

  • Communal

  • Inter

Overall notes

  • Sovereignty

  • Survival

  • Multiple dimensions

Group 2


  • Not separation between poetry/storytelling/etc. just as there is none between humans/nature/animals

Skeleton of Winter

  • Resilience→ rabbits are torn apart, but get to the other side

  • Ancestors living in her

  • Memory alive not just a name


  • representation of family/life

  • Earth is an alive poem

  • we are all connected

New Orleans

  • Past, future exist at same time

  • Place as memory

  • History in places

She Had Some Horses

  • Personality

  • Women’s qualities or hers?

  • Maxine Hong Kingston → ghosts

    • Memory of the past that may or may not have occurred

    • Connection

  • These horses are trained/domesticated UNLIKE the previous horses → WHITE PEOPLE

Other notes

  • How do you reclaim?

    • Having a connection to your ancestors

    • Represent your family well in your waking life/someone on the planet

  • Embodying ancestral knowledge/wisdom

  • Intergenerational Transfer→ epigenetics; trauma often enhances this knowledge