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Marbury vs Madison: Established judicial review, courts have the right to strike down unconstitutional laws & statutes

McCulloch v Maryland: Federal government has implied powers through Necessary & Proper clause. Furthermore, supremacy clause puts national law above state law

US vs Lopez: Commerce clause does not grant congress limitless power

1A Cases

Engel vs Vitale: Voluntary prayer in schools are unconstitutional because of Establishment Clause

Wisconsin vs Yoder: Requiring students to attend school beyond 8th grade is unconstitutional, Free Excercise Clause takes superiority to federal interests

Tinker Vs Des Moines: Students have free speech rights through symbolic protest

NYT vs US: Freedom of press, preventing publication of classified info is unconstitutional, prior restraint severely limited

Schenk vs US: Espionage Act does not violate 1A, free speech not protecting advocating for unlawful acts

Selective Incorporation Cases

Gideon vs Wainwright: Right to court appointed lawyer is guaranteed

Roe vs Wade: Women's right to abortion covered under right to privacy of 14A

Mcdonald vs Chicago: Handgun ban unconstitutional, 2a rightto bear arms applied to states

Equal Protection Clause Cases

Brown vs Board of Education: School segregation is unconstitutional (14A), seperate but equal is unconstitutional. SCOTUS allowed to reverse rulings

Federal Policy Cases

Cititzens Utd vs FEC:

Free speech protects political speech and campaign funding, led to super PACs

Districting Cases

Baker vs Carr: SCOTUS can hear cases related to legislative appoirtionment

Shaw vs Reno: Districts can be challenged if race was sole factor

Judicial Review Cases


Fed 10: Mischief of factions

Fed 51: Checks and balances

Fed 78: Judicial will be weakest branch

Fed 70: Need for energetic executive

Congress can strip SCOTUS of appelate jurisdiction (Exception clause)

Stare decisis: Using key precedent


Senate duties: confirm presidential nominations and approve treaties

HoR duties: originate revenue legislation

Exec duties: Draft treaties



Marbury vs Madison: Established judicial review, courts have the right to strike down unconstitutional laws & statutes

McCulloch v Maryland: Federal government has implied powers through Necessary & Proper clause. Furthermore, supremacy clause puts national law above state law

US vs Lopez: Commerce clause does not grant congress limitless power

1A Cases

Engel vs Vitale: Voluntary prayer in schools are unconstitutional because of Establishment Clause

Wisconsin vs Yoder: Requiring students to attend school beyond 8th grade is unconstitutional, Free Excercise Clause takes superiority to federal interests

Tinker Vs Des Moines: Students have free speech rights through symbolic protest

NYT vs US: Freedom of press, preventing publication of classified info is unconstitutional, prior restraint severely limited

Schenk vs US: Espionage Act does not violate 1A, free speech not protecting advocating for unlawful acts

Selective Incorporation Cases

Gideon vs Wainwright: Right to court appointed lawyer is guaranteed

Roe vs Wade: Women's right to abortion covered under right to privacy of 14A

Mcdonald vs Chicago: Handgun ban unconstitutional, 2a rightto bear arms applied to states

Equal Protection Clause Cases

Brown vs Board of Education: School segregation is unconstitutional (14A), seperate but equal is unconstitutional. SCOTUS allowed to reverse rulings

Federal Policy Cases

Cititzens Utd vs FEC:

Free speech protects political speech and campaign funding, led to super PACs

Districting Cases

Baker vs Carr: SCOTUS can hear cases related to legislative appoirtionment

Shaw vs Reno: Districts can be challenged if race was sole factor

Judicial Review Cases


Fed 10: Mischief of factions

Fed 51: Checks and balances

Fed 78: Judicial will be weakest branch

Fed 70: Need for energetic executive

Congress can strip SCOTUS of appelate jurisdiction (Exception clause)

Stare decisis: Using key precedent


Senate duties: confirm presidential nominations and approve treaties

HoR duties: originate revenue legislation

Exec duties: Draft treaties