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metam 1.1 vocab


argūtia, argūtiae, f. cleverness in the use of words,

verbal trickery

calamus, calamī, m. reed, cane

immūtātiō, immūtātiōnis, f. change, switch

nexus, nexūs, m. the act of connecting; a bond

prōsāpia, prōsāpiae, f. family tree, lineage

Quirītēs, Quirītium, m. citizens of Rome

susurrus, susurrī, m. whisper

stilus, stilī, m. writing nail, stylus; manner, style

venia, veniae, f. favor; forgiveness, pardon


aerumnābilis, aerumnābilis, aerumnābile causing misery, distressing

Atthis, Atthidis [feminine only] Attic, from Attica, Athenian

dēsultōrius, -a, -um in the manner of a horseman in a circus


excolō, excolere, excoluī, excultus to develop, polish

laetor, laetārī, laetātus sum to be delighted

mereō, merēre, meruī, meritus to earn, acquire through effort

metam 1.1 vocab


argūtia, argūtiae, f. cleverness in the use of words,

verbal trickery

calamus, calamī, m. reed, cane

immūtātiō, immūtātiōnis, f. change, switch

nexus, nexūs, m. the act of connecting; a bond

prōsāpia, prōsāpiae, f. family tree, lineage

Quirītēs, Quirītium, m. citizens of Rome

susurrus, susurrī, m. whisper

stilus, stilī, m. writing nail, stylus; manner, style

venia, veniae, f. favor; forgiveness, pardon


aerumnābilis, aerumnābilis, aerumnābile causing misery, distressing

Atthis, Atthidis [feminine only] Attic, from Attica, Athenian

dēsultōrius, -a, -um in the manner of a horseman in a circus


excolō, excolere, excoluī, excultus to develop, polish

laetor, laetārī, laetātus sum to be delighted

mereō, merēre, meruī, meritus to earn, acquire through effort