Naming Convention
When writing the symbol for an element, it’s important to capitalize the first letter and make all following letters lowercase. Not following this rule can lead to losing points in class. For instance, 'Co' is the symbol for the element cobalt, but 'CO' represents carbon monoxide, a different substance. Understanding this distinction is crucial for clear communication in chemistry.
Tough Elements
Many elements have symbols based on their common English names. For example, 'C' stands for carbon, 'U' for uranium, and 'Ca' for calcium. However, some elements have names that reflect their characteristics or history:
Radium (Ra) is named for its radioactivity.
Polonium (Po) is named in honor of Poland, the native country of one of its discoverers.
Curium (Cm) honors the famous scientists Marie and Pierre Curie.
Selenium (Se) is named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon.
Some elements have symbols that come from older names no longer in use, often derived from Latin or other languages. Here are a few examples:
Table: Element Symbols and Their Origins
Element | Symbol | Language | Meaning |
Antimony | Sb | Latin | Means "mark" |
Copper | Cu | Latin | From Cyprium, the name for Cyprus, a source of copper in ancient times |
Gold | Au | Latin | Means "gold" |
Iron | Fe | Latin | Means "iron" |
Lead | Pb | Latin | Means "heavy" |
Mercury | Hg | Latin | Means "liquid silver" |
Potassium | K | Arabic | From al-qili, meaning "alkali" |
Silver | Ag | Latin | Means "silver" |
Sodium | Na | Latin | From natrium |
Tin | Sn | Latin | Means "tin" |
Tungsten | W | German | Means "wolf stone"; name refers to its effect on tin smelting |
It's crucial to remember the names and symbols of the elements highlighted in figure 3.2.1 and in table 3.2.1. While you may not be asked about basic elements like hydrogen or oxygen on tests, you should be prepared to answer questions about radium or radon, as they are less common.
Knowing the history and meaning behind element names and symbols will help you grasp concepts in chemistry better.