Untitled Flashcards Set

Ø  Homeostasis: state of balance

Ø  Sequence: cells, tissues, organs, body systems, human body as a whole



Structural organization of the body


Ø  Cells

Ø  Cell membrane

Ø  Cytoplasm

Ø  Organelles

§  Nucleus

§  Mitochondrion

§  Lysosome

§  Golgi bodies

§  Centrioles

§  Endoplasmic reticulum

§  Vacuole



·      Epithelial (covering internal/ external)

·      Connective (keeps things together)

·      Nervous

·      Muscular

§  Skeletal

§  Smooth (visceral)

§  Cardiac



Body Planes


·      Midsagittal (medium  or midline)


·      Frontal  plane (coronal)


·      Transverse plane


Directional Terms       Table 6-1


Body Cavities (know the organs in each cavity)

·      Posterior (dorsal) body cavity

§  Cranial cavity

§  Spinal cavity

·      Anterior (ventral) body cavity (organs in cavities)

§  Thoracic cavity        

§  Abdominal cavity

§  Pelvic cavity


Abdominal Descriptions (nine regions)


·      Epigastric (top center)

·      Right and left of hypochondriac

·      Umbilical (middle center)

·      Right and left lumber regions

·      Hypogastric (lower center)

·      Right and left iliac (hip bone)


Review figure 6-8


Abdomen divided into quadrants

·      Right upper quadrant (RUQ)

·      Right lower quadrant (RLQ)

·      Left upper quadrant (LUQ)

·      Left lower quadrant (LLQ)


Review figure 6-9


Chapter #7


Anatomy and Physiology                


After each body system, please review the Preventive Measures.


            Terms to know

¨     Anatomy

¨     Physiology

¨     Diseases

¨     Pathophysiology

¨     Etiology

¨     Signs and symptoms

¨     Objective

¨     Subjective

¨     Syndromes (aids)

¨     Diagnosis

¨     Treatment

¨     Prevention

¨     Prognosis

¨     Wellness

¨     Illness



Three levels of prevention

Hypertension: monitor own blood pressure bc it may be high

§  Primary

·      Prevent initial occurrence

·      Secondary

·      Treat conditions quickly

§  Tertiary

·      Rehabilitate




Table 7-1 Organ Systems of the Body


Systems for movement and protection

·      Skeletal

·      Muscular

·      Integumentary (skin)


Skeletal system provides framework that

·      Gives shape to body

·      Provides places for muscles to attach for movement

·      Protects internal organs

·      Stores minerals

·      Manufactures blood cells


§  Long bones

§  Short bones

§  Flat bones

§  Irregular bones


Bone Structure Fig. 7-2

§  Medullary canal

§  Diaphysis

§  Epiphysis

§  Periosteum

§  Cartilage


Two major parts of the skeletal system

§  Axial skeleton (shorter name less bones)

§  80 bones

§  Appendicular skeleton (longer name more bones)

§  126 bones


The mandible is the only part of cranial skeleton

Also the 2 Soft spots on baby’s head are moveable at birth


Cervical (7) thoracic (12) lumbar (12) (breakfast at 7 lunch at 12 dinner at 5)


Review pages 134-137


Figure 7-3 and 7-5






§  connection between bones that allows for movement

§  covered by synovial fluid

§  allows joint to move freely

§  ligaments

§  fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone

      to another

§     bursa

§  small fluid filled sac

§  serves as a cushion

§  prevents friction between moving parts

active ROM: move body on own

passive ROM: someone else having to move the body (paralyzed or sickness)


Review figure 7-6

            Movements of joints (table 7-2)


Major disease and disorders

§  Arthritis

§  Back pain

§  Carpal syndrome

§  Excessive curvature of the spine

§  Scoliosis

§  Lordosis (lumbar curve)

§  Kyphosis (humpback)

§  Fractures Fig.7-8

§  Osteomyelitis

§  Osteoporosis


Muscular Fig. 7-9

·      Consist of over 600 muscles

·      Provide movement

·      Provide support

·      Produce heat

Types of muscles

·      Cardiac

·      Skeletal

·      Smooth (visceral)

·      Sphincter (dilator)


·      Contractibility -tightening

·      Excitability- ready to respond

·      Extensibility-ready to stretch

·      Elasticity-return back to normal




Tendons- attach muscles to bone

Ligaments- attaches bone to bone

Fascia- membrane that covers, supports,   and separates muscles


  • Skeletal muscles work in pairs

  • Prime movers- produce movement in one direction

  • Antagonist - produces movement in the opposite direction

  • Muscle tone - is muscles normal resistance to stretching

  • Spasticity - is too much muscle tone (build up of lactic acid)

  • Atrophy - muscle shrinks from lack of use

  • Contracture – shortened muscle holds joint in flexed position


Major diseases and disorders

·      Contractures

·      Gangrene

·      Muscle spasms (cramps)

·      Muscle sprain

·      Muscular dystrophy

·      Myasthenia


Integumentary system

·      largest organ of the body

·      15% of total body weight

·      provides protection

·      responds to heat, touch, cold, pain, and pressure

·      controls body temperature through sweating and narrowing and widening blood vessels


·      layers of the skin

§  epidermis

§  dermis

§  subcutaneous tissue (adipose tissue/ fat)

·           appendages

§  hair (dead tissue)

§  nails (dead tissue)

§  sudoriferous (sweat) glands

§  sebaceous (oil) gland

Major diseases and disorders

·      Athlete’s foot- (infected by fungus)

·      Boils (furuncle)- (bacterial infection) (mercer)

·      Cancer of the skin

§  Basal cell

§  Squamous cell

§  Melanoma (worst)

·      Cellulites – (bacterial infection of dermis and subcutaneous)

·      Decubitus ulcers (bed or pressure sores)

·      Dermatitis s

Psoriasis – overproduction of skin
