Define population density below:
Population density is an area of 1 km by km squared (km2) that contains a set amount of people after calculated. This number is calculated by dividing population by land mass.
Define population distribution below:
Population distribution is the way people are distributed in their country. There are three types of densities - linear (line), dispersed (scattered), and concentrated (clustered).
Settlement patterns in Canada vary greatly from place to place
spread out from one another
close together
Dispersed - patterns typically include areas with an agricultural base because people tend to live on farms that are spread out over a region.
Concentrated patterns occur where other natural resources are present. (when economic opportunities present themselves, people settle closer together)
Example, a gold mine attracts miners and their families. This leads to a concentrated pattern of population.
**Sometimes settlement occurs in a line that stretches out for some distance over a landscape
This is a special kind of concentrated settlement pattern
Linear patterns exist where economic activities support people and have developed in a line. Example, major highways in an isolated area or ocean coasts where fishing is important.
Rural Settlement patterns.
Occurs outside of cities and towns
Kinds of resources found in the area
Ex. South western Ontario rich in agricultural resources
Transportation methods available at the time of settlement
Ex. Along roads or railroads
The role played by government policy
Ex. Government planned how, where and when settlement would occur