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AP BIO Unit 2

Ribosomes - Sites in the cell where proteins are synthesized.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum - An organelle involved in protein synthesis and sorting.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - An organelle involved in lipid synthesis and detoxification.

Golgi complex - A cellular organelle responsible for modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins.

Mitochondria - Organelles involved in generating energy (ATP) for the cell.

Lysosomes - Organelles containing enzymes for breaking down waste materials.

Vacuole - A membrane-bound organelle that stores water, nutrients, or waste.

Chloroplast - Organelles in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs.

Plasma membrane - A selectively permeable barrier that encloses the cell and regulates what enters and exits.

Protein - Large molecules composed of amino acids that perform various functions in the body.

Steroid - A type of lipid molecule with a specific arrangement of carbon atoms in rings.

Glycoprotein - A protein with attached carbohydrate chains.

Glycolipid - A lipid molecule with attached carbohydrate chains.

Selective permeability - Property of a membrane allowing some substances to pass while restricting others.

Cell wall - A rigid structure outside the cell membrane providing support and protection (in plant cells and some others).

Passive transport - Movement of substances across a cell membrane without the input of energy.

Active transport - Movement of substances across a cell membrane requiring energy.

Endocytosis - Process of bringing substances into a cell by engulfing them in a vesicle.

Exocytosis - Process of releasing substances from a cell via vesicles merging with the cell membrane.

Vesicles - Small membrane-bound sacs involved in transport within the cell.

Facilitated diffusion - Movement of substances across a membrane with the help of transport proteins.

Channel proteins - Proteins forming channels in the cell membrane to facilitate specific molecule passage.

Membrane proteins - Proteins embedded in or attached to the cell membrane.

Concentration gradient - Difference in the concentration of a substance across a space.

Hypotonic - Solution with lower solute concentration compared to another solution.

Hypertonic - Solution with higher solute concentration compared to another solution.

Isotonic - Solutions with equal solute concentration.

Water potential - The potential energy of water in a system.

Osmolarity - Measure of the concentration of solute particles in a solution.

Solute - A substance dissolved in a solvent to form a solution.

Compartmentalize - Organize or separate into distinct compartments or sections.

Endosymbiosis - Theory explaining the origin of eukaryotic cells through the engulfment of one cell by another, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship.

AP BIO Unit 2

Ribosomes - Sites in the cell where proteins are synthesized.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum - An organelle involved in protein synthesis and sorting.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - An organelle involved in lipid synthesis and detoxification.

Golgi complex - A cellular organelle responsible for modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins.

Mitochondria - Organelles involved in generating energy (ATP) for the cell.

Lysosomes - Organelles containing enzymes for breaking down waste materials.

Vacuole - A membrane-bound organelle that stores water, nutrients, or waste.

Chloroplast - Organelles in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs.

Plasma membrane - A selectively permeable barrier that encloses the cell and regulates what enters and exits.

Protein - Large molecules composed of amino acids that perform various functions in the body.

Steroid - A type of lipid molecule with a specific arrangement of carbon atoms in rings.

Glycoprotein - A protein with attached carbohydrate chains.

Glycolipid - A lipid molecule with attached carbohydrate chains.

Selective permeability - Property of a membrane allowing some substances to pass while restricting others.

Cell wall - A rigid structure outside the cell membrane providing support and protection (in plant cells and some others).

Passive transport - Movement of substances across a cell membrane without the input of energy.

Active transport - Movement of substances across a cell membrane requiring energy.

Endocytosis - Process of bringing substances into a cell by engulfing them in a vesicle.

Exocytosis - Process of releasing substances from a cell via vesicles merging with the cell membrane.

Vesicles - Small membrane-bound sacs involved in transport within the cell.

Facilitated diffusion - Movement of substances across a membrane with the help of transport proteins.

Channel proteins - Proteins forming channels in the cell membrane to facilitate specific molecule passage.

Membrane proteins - Proteins embedded in or attached to the cell membrane.

Concentration gradient - Difference in the concentration of a substance across a space.

Hypotonic - Solution with lower solute concentration compared to another solution.

Hypertonic - Solution with higher solute concentration compared to another solution.

Isotonic - Solutions with equal solute concentration.

Water potential - The potential energy of water in a system.

Osmolarity - Measure of the concentration of solute particles in a solution.

Solute - A substance dissolved in a solvent to form a solution.

Compartmentalize - Organize or separate into distinct compartments or sections.

Endosymbiosis - Theory explaining the origin of eukaryotic cells through the engulfment of one cell by another, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship.