Document Details
Author: Lic. Mario Santiago Zetina
Year: 2012
Media Velocity Formula:
v = d/t
Rearranging for t:
t = d/v
Density Formula:
ρ = m/V
Rearranging for m:
m = ρ \cdot V
Ohm's Law:
V = I \cdot R
Rearranging for I:
I = V/R
Kinetic Energy Formula:
E_k = 1/2 \cdot mv²
Rearranging for v:
v = √(2E_k/m)
Force Formula:
F = m \cdot a
Rearranging for a:
a = F/m
Circle Area Formula:
A = πr²
Rearranging for r:
r = √(A/π)
Specific Heat Capacity:
Q = m \cdot c \cdot ΔT
Rearranging for c:
c = Q/(m \cdot ΔT)
Universal Gravity Equation:
F = G(m₁m₂/r²)
Rearranging for r:
r = √(G(m₁m₂)/F)
Textbook Reference:
Edition: 13ª edición
Authors: Raymond Chang and Jason Overby
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Prehistory: Discovery of fire, pottery, and paint production.
Antiquity: Greek philosophers adopt the concept of matter.
Alchemy: Search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life.
Iatrochemistry: Medicinal chemistry.
Antoine Lavoisier (1776): Known as the "father of chemistry"; detailed explanation of combustion and scientific method development.
Modern Chemistry: Discovery of chemical elements, atomic theory, organic chemistry, etc.
Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes.
It deals with substances and their interactions.
Focuses on preparation, properties, and transformations of substances.
Pure Chemistry: Studies all types of substances, organic and inorganic.
Organic Chemistry: Focused on carbon compounds.
Inorganic Chemistry: Studies structure, composition, and reactions of elements and compounds.
Analytical Chemistry: Analyzes properties of chemical systems.
Industrial Chemistry: Examines production methods of chemical substances.
Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass (visible and invisible).
Substance: A form of matter with a defined composition and distinct properties (e.g., water, sugar).
Mixture: Combination of two or more substances retaining their properties (e.g., milk, cement).
Homogeneous Mixtures: Uniform composition (elements indistinguishable).
Heterogeneous Mixtures: Non-uniform composition (distinguishable substances).
Example: Saltwater is a homogeneous mixture.
Visual Representation: Figure illustrating uniformity of saltwater solution.
Visual Representation: Image illustrating distinct phases of heterogeneous mixtures.
Gold and silver alloy (homogeneous).
Activated carbon in a liquid (heterogeneous).
Carbon dioxide in water (homogeneous).
Silica and clay in water (heterogeneous).
Soil with small stones (heterogeneous).
Mixtures can be formed and separated through physical means without changing the identity of components (e.g., boiling saltwater).
Element: A substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means.
Compound: A substance formed from two or more elements chemically bonded in fixed proportions.
Separation: Compounds only separable by chemical methods.
Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Sulfur (S), Barium (Ba), Bismuth (Bi), Bromine (Br).
Visual representations of atoms indicating their classification as elements or compounds.
Matter can be separated into:
Solid: Atoms/molecules are closely packed, minimal movement.
Liquid: Atoms/molecules close but not rigid; can move.
Gas: Atoms/molecules are spread apart; large distances between them.
Why are gases more compressible than liquids or solids?
What happens molecularly when solids change to liquids (melting)?
Why do solids have defined shapes while liquids and gases do not?
Melting Point: Temperature where solid becomes liquid.
Boiling Point: Temperature where liquid becomes gas.
Condensation Point: Temperature where liquid becomes solid.
Physical Property: Can be observed/measured without changing substance (color, melting point).
Chemical Property: Alters molecular structure during interactions (e.g., hydrogen combustion).
Reaction that leads to the formation of products with different properties from the reactants.
Iron forming rust (chemical).
Metal stretching into wire (physical).
Temperature at which liquid becomes gas (physical).
Copper reacts with sulfuric acid (chemical).
Vinegar and baking soda reaction (chemical).
Wood burning (chemical).
Reflective surface (physical).
Cooling reduces a substance's volume (physical).
Extensive Properties: Depends on amount of substance (e.g., mass, volume).
Intensive Properties: Independent of amount of substance (e.g., temperature, density).
Intensive: Temperature, boiling point, density.
Extensive: Weight, size, volume.
Diagrams portraying compounds vs. physical/chemical changes.
Notation information placeholder (context needed).
Macroscopic Properties: Can be directly measured.
Microscopic Properties: Cannot be directly observed.
Measuring flask, graduated cylinder, burette, pipette.
Length: Meter (m)
Mass: Kilogram (kg)
Time: Second (s)
Electric Current: Ampere (A)
Temperature: Kelvin (K)
Amount of Substance: Mole (mol)
Luminous Intensity: Candela (cd)
Mass: Amount of matter in an object.
Weight: Gravity's force on an object.
Mass: kg, Volume: m³.
Cylinder A: 800 g, 1000 cm³, Density = 0.8 g/cm³
Cylinder B: 1000 g, 2000 cm³, Density = 0.5 g/cm³
Conclusion: Cylinder A has higher density.
Gold sample: 301 g, Volume: 15.6 cm³
Density = 19.3 g/cm³.
Platinum density problem.
Mercury density problem.
Fahrenheit: Freezing 32°F, Boiling 212°F.
Celsius: Freezing 0°C, Boiling 100°C.
Kelvin: Absolute temperature scale.
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (80 °C).
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (130 °F).
Scientific notation representation details for calculations.
Used to simplify multiplication/division of large/small numbers in chemistry.
Description of moving decimal for scientific notation.
Handle special cases in scientific notation.
n = 0 implication.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication of scientific notation formats.
Different notations for significant figures
The last digit in a measurement is always uncertain, indicating precision of measurements.
Non-zero digits are significant.
Captive zeros are significant.
Leading zeros are not significant.
Trailing zeros are significant if there's a decimal present.
Determine significant figures given various numbers.
Addition/Subtraction: Depends on decimal places.
Multiplication/Division: Depends on significant figures.
Specifics on how to handle rounding in significant figures during addition and subtraction.
Accuracy: Closeness to true value.
Precision: Closeness among multiple measurements.
Comparing students’ mass measurements for accuracy and precision.
Measurement task showcasing accuracy and precision in science.
Evaluating performance in terms of accuracy or precision.
Players’ scores representing precision and accuracy comparisons.
Series of mass measurements for a metal cube and evaluation of accuracy and precision.
Conversion factors facilitate transitioning between measurement units.
How many cm in 5.84 m?
Convert kg to lb.
Glucose daily intake conversion.
Volume conversion for helium.
Density of mercury in kg/m³.
Convert gallons to cubic centimeters.
Density to volume.
Convert gallons to cubic centimeters.
Temperature and density calculations.
Energy capacity in work production.
Kinetic, radiant, thermal, chemical, and potential energy.
All chemical reactions absorb or release energy, often as heat.
Open, closed, and isolated systems defined by energy and mass transfer.
Definitions and examples of energy release and absorption in reactions.
Classifying systems and reactions based on energy characteristics.
Classify system types and determine reaction types for given scenarios.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.
Calorimetry, specific heat, and capacity heat definitions and formulas explained.
Calculation of heat based on specific heat values.
Detailed equations describing heat absorption/release.
Example calculating heat absorbed by water during temperature increase.
Example calculating heat necessary to change the temperature of copper.
Evaluating heat released during a cooling process.
Problem determining mass based on specific heat and temperature change.
Task determining the initial temperature of a heated aluminum sheet.
Set of exercises demonstrating measurement and conversion skills in chemistry.
Guidelines and examples for answering chemistry measurement problems.