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→ The belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture.

Crimean War:

  • War between the Ottomans and Russia, for a warm water port.

  • The Ottomans won only because they got help from France and England.

    • They helped because if Russia won it would offset the balance of power in Europe.

  • This all proved that keeping the balance of power would be difficult task.

  • Russification- Forcing people to give into Russian culture

  • Nationalism would also be the cause for some countries uniting like Italy and Prussia (Germany).

Unification of Italy:

  • Some Italian provinces were ruled by Austria

  • Giuseppe Mazzini- “The Soul”

    • Formed the “Young Italy”.  He called for the end of foreign rule [In Italy] and the unification of Italy.  Italy should be its own nation.

  • Camillo di Cavour- “The Brain“

    • Prime Minister of Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia.  Used diplomacy and alliances to increase Piedmont-Sardinia's power. Will unify the North.

  • Garibaldi- “The Sword“

    • Leader of the Red Shirts (Italian nationalist group in Sicily).  Will Unify the South and merge with the North.

  • Italy was finally united in 1861

Unification of Germany:

  • Germany started out as Prussia

    • Germans were people who spoke German. These people felt connected, and most wanted their own nation (Nationalism).

  • They were ruled by a king. During this time it was Wilhelm I. He was supported by the Junkers.

    • Junkers- Wealthy class.

  • King Wilhelm I appointed a prime minister to rule over Prussia.

  • Prime Minister: Otto Von Bismarck.

    • He was quite popular, and helped out the king to make a bigger military

    • He made realpolitik.

      • Realpolitik- Politics then leaves no room for idealism.

    • Was known as “The Iron Chancellor” for his powerful rule.

    • “Blood and Iron”- Bismarck’s idea that to accomplish their goals they have to use war.

  • The 7 week war:

    • Prussia(Germany) Vs Austria

    • Prussia and Austria disagree over borders of the new land which they both conquered.

    • This pushes Austria to declare war on Prussia

    • Prussia easily wins, taking over the land which they fought for, and more from Austria.

  • The Franco-Prussian War:

    • Prussia(Germany) Vs. France

    • A few German states were still independent

      • These were very close to France

    • Bismark makes a fake telegraph making fun of the French.

    • This pushes France to declare war on Prussia.

    • The German states feel scared so the Prussians come to “help them”

    • Prussia beats France, and keeps their armies the German states, essentially taking them over.

      • Prussia also takes the area of Alsace Lorraine from France.

    • All of this makes France really made at Prussia, so Europe starts to divide into two sides.

    • Also Prussia undid the balance of power in Europe by uniting into Germany.

Nest Lesson: World War 1




→ The belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture.

Crimean War:

  • War between the Ottomans and Russia, for a warm water port.

  • The Ottomans won only because they got help from France and England.

    • They helped because if Russia won it would offset the balance of power in Europe.

  • This all proved that keeping the balance of power would be difficult task.

  • Russification- Forcing people to give into Russian culture

  • Nationalism would also be the cause for some countries uniting like Italy and Prussia (Germany).

Unification of Italy:

  • Some Italian provinces were ruled by Austria

  • Giuseppe Mazzini- “The Soul”

    • Formed the “Young Italy”.  He called for the end of foreign rule [In Italy] and the unification of Italy.  Italy should be its own nation.

  • Camillo di Cavour- “The Brain“

    • Prime Minister of Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia.  Used diplomacy and alliances to increase Piedmont-Sardinia's power. Will unify the North.

  • Garibaldi- “The Sword“

    • Leader of the Red Shirts (Italian nationalist group in Sicily).  Will Unify the South and merge with the North.

  • Italy was finally united in 1861

Unification of Germany:

  • Germany started out as Prussia

    • Germans were people who spoke German. These people felt connected, and most wanted their own nation (Nationalism).

  • They were ruled by a king. During this time it was Wilhelm I. He was supported by the Junkers.

    • Junkers- Wealthy class.

  • King Wilhelm I appointed a prime minister to rule over Prussia.

  • Prime Minister: Otto Von Bismarck.

    • He was quite popular, and helped out the king to make a bigger military

    • He made realpolitik.

      • Realpolitik- Politics then leaves no room for idealism.

    • Was known as “The Iron Chancellor” for his powerful rule.

    • “Blood and Iron”- Bismarck’s idea that to accomplish their goals they have to use war.

  • The 7 week war:

    • Prussia(Germany) Vs Austria

    • Prussia and Austria disagree over borders of the new land which they both conquered.

    • This pushes Austria to declare war on Prussia

    • Prussia easily wins, taking over the land which they fought for, and more from Austria.

  • The Franco-Prussian War:

    • Prussia(Germany) Vs. France

    • A few German states were still independent

      • These were very close to France

    • Bismark makes a fake telegraph making fun of the French.

    • This pushes France to declare war on Prussia.

    • The German states feel scared so the Prussians come to “help them”

    • Prussia beats France, and keeps their armies the German states, essentially taking them over.

      • Prussia also takes the area of Alsace Lorraine from France.

    • All of this makes France really made at Prussia, so Europe starts to divide into two sides.

    • Also Prussia undid the balance of power in Europe by uniting into Germany.

Nest Lesson: World War 1
