Takes place in the cytoplasm '
Translating the coding region of the mRNA by the ribosomes
Amino Acids (AA) are building blocks
Peptide bonds link AA’s together
They have a carboxyl group and an amino group
Synthesis starts at the animo end
Synthesis ends at the carboxyl end
All polypeptides have an amino and carboxyl terminus
Polypeptides are made of many amino acids linked together by peptide bonds
Proteins are chemically distinct from one another due to differences in the R-groups
A proteins consists of one or more polpeptides proteins function results from the 3D shape and chemical properties of the amino acids
mRNA (the instructions) with codons (the words)
Loose amino acids (raw material)
tRNA- charged (amino acids attached)
Aminoacyl tRNA synethetases- attached AA to the correct tRNA
Initiation factors
elongation factors
peptidyl transferase
Energy (ATP and GTP)
release factors
Read codon by codon (3 nucleotides )
A codon specifies the amino acid to be added- each codon translates to one amino acid
Degenerate (redundancy)- 1 AA can be coded for by more than 1 codon- the code has more info than needed 61 codons=20 AAs
Start and stop codoons- Start : AUG (Met or fMet); Stop: UAA,UGA,UAG
There are no pauses in the code (every codon is read)
Universal- same code across life
“The Wobble”
Often the 3rd position of codon can be any nucleotide where 1st and especially 2nd are “stable”
Groups of codons that code for the same AA are called synonymous Z
R groups in Amino Acids can make the molecules:
Non-polar( hydrophobic)- No charge, no H bonds, repel water
Polar (hydrophilic)- Charged, H-bonds, bonds with water
Positive charge (+)
Negative charge (-)
Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases: direct the charging of each tRNA (20 different synthetases to match AA with correct tRNAs
Multiple tRNAs can carry the same Amino Acid
Different codons sometimes pair with the same anticodon→ Wobble
Flexibility in base pairing
Many codons differ at only the third base
rRNA makes up ~60% of the ribosome, the ribosomes contains proteins that help the rRNA fold into the right shape
Initiation: Assemvle the ribisomoes on the mRMA postiioned correctly to find the START codon bring in the first Amino Acid
Elongation: A cyclical prpocess of bringing in the nect amino acoid and catalyzing peptide bonds to grow the amino acid chain (the polypeptide).
Termination: When the STOP codon is reached, bring in release factors and break down the assembled components– releasing the completed polypeptide.
Charged fMet (euk) and Met (prok)
Ribsome: large and small subunit
Initation factors : IF1 IF2 IF3
Energy GTP
The pre-initiation comeplex: the small subunit with IF3 ninds near the 5’ end of the mRNA and searched for the Shine-Dalgarno Sequence
Shine paris with the small subinit to position the start codon in the P site (only initiationor with tRNA can go to thw p site- every onther amino acid goes to the A site)
The tRNA charged with fMet forms a complec with IF2 and GTP and binds to the start codon on the p Site through pairing of the anticodon and codon
IF1 binds to the A site and blocks it
GTP provides energy to jpiin thew small and large subunit
IF1 is released for the A site and charged tRNA can now enter the site
IF3 is released and its now ready to buildf the polypeptide
Cap binding proteins binf to the mRNA 5’cap and form a closed loop structure with the poly a tail
eIFs recruit the small subunit and prevent binding of the large subunit
tRNA met binds to the P site
Complex scans for the start codon (AUG) in tjhe kozak sequence
Finding AUG triggers binding of the large subunit (60S)
Happens in the ribosomes- Charged tRNAs enetr the A site
Peptide bond forms betwen the AA at the P site and AA at the A site. Growing Aa chain (polypeptide) is transferred to the A site
tRNA that is released the polypeptide that was in the Psite is moved to the E site which means it exits the ribosome
A Site
Elongation factor EF-Tu and GTP attach to a charged tRNA → this provides energy for the next step
Many charged tRNAs could enter the A site
Peptidyl Transferase ribozyme catalyzes:
Hydrolisis of bond vetweent tRNA and AA (p site)
Formation of a peptide bond between two Amino Acids
Elongation factor EF-G + GTP (energy) binds to the A site which pushes everything over → dont have to know that
RF1 recognizes UAA or UAG, or RF2 recognizes UGA or UAA
Then RF3 binds GTP and the ribosome
The polypeptide chain is cleaved from the tRNA
Result is confromational shape change
Prokaryotic: concurrent transcription and translation
Initiation- shine delgarn sequence
Eukaryotic: Transcription and translation separated in time and space
Initiation- 5’ cap and Kozak sequence
Primary, secondary, tertiary. etc structure
Chemical modification
Trimming of the methionine
Single nucleotide change= Point Mutation (type of Misense mutation)
Synonymous mutation (silent/neutral) nucleotide change which causes no effect die to changed a codon to a synonymous codon (Silent mutation)
Nonsense Mutation- a nucleotide change that results in a STOP codon during translation
Frameshift Mutation- the gain or loss of nucleotides resulting in a change in the reading frame during translation (deletion or insertion)