ideology (6) – a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture
2. paradox (7) – a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true
3. theocracy (7) – government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by church officials who are regarded as divinely guided
4. villainy (7) – wretched, evil conduct
5. hearty (8) – strong, healthy
6. quaking (8) – trembling, shuddering, quivering with fear
7. dissembling (9) – concealing the facts; hiding under a false pretense
8. propriety (9) – socially acceptable behavior and speech
9. heathen (10) – an uncivilized or irreligious person; pagan
10. witched (10) – affected by witchcraft; in a spell
11. opened (10) – been honest; told the complete truth
12. trafficked (10) – traded; had dealings or associations
13. conjured (10) – summoned a devil or spirit by invocation or incantation
14. faction (10) – group; secret faction; clique
15. abominations (11) – sources of utter disgust or intense dislike; hateful, disgusting actions
16. gibberish (11) – unintelligible or meaningless language; nonsense
17. white (12) – free from moral impurity; pure
18. Goody (12) – used as a title preceding a surname—a usually married woman of lowly station
19. sniveling (12) – speaking or acting in a whining, sniffling, tearful, or weakly emotional manner
20. deference (12) – respect and esteem due a superior or an elder
21. marvel (12) – something that causes wonder or astonishment
22. providence (13) – event guided by God or divine leadership
23. ail (13) – suffer ill health
24. naught (13) – nothing
25. dwindling (14) – steadily lessening
26. demonic (14) – possessed or influenced by a demon; satanic; fiendish
27. vindictive (14) – disposed to seek revenge
28. smirched (15) – discredited or disgraced
29. corroborating (15) – supporting with evidence or authority
30. junctures (15) – points of time
31. abyss (15) – an immeasurably deep gulf or great space
32. intimations (15) – hints; suggestions
33. formidable (16) – dreadful; fearful; extremely serious
34. blink (16) – deny; ignore; pretend not to see
35. undone (16) – ruined; destroyed the worldly means, reputation, or hopes
36. trepidation (18) – timorous uncertain agitation; apprehension
37. weirdish (18) – of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural; strange
38. subservient (18) – servile; cringing manner of one very conscious of a subordinate position
39. pointy (20) – sharp; painful
40. hypocrites (20) – persons who put on false appearances of virtue or religion
41. partisans (20) – members of party, faction, or cause
42. calumny (20) – the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to damage another’s reputation
43. inert (20) – motionless; inactive
44. titillated (21) – aroused; excited
45. sidles (21) – moves or turns sideways in a furtive manner
46. pilgrimage (21) – journey to a shrine or sacred place
47. pretense (24) – false show
48. covenanted (24) – formally enrolled in the church
49. notorious (25) – widely and unfavorably known
50. prodigious (25) – strange; unusual; portentous
51. canny (25) – clever, shrewd, crafty
52. exudes (25) – spreads out in all directions
53. arbitrate (25) – to determine the outcome of a dispute
54. contiguous (26) – touching along a boundary or at a point
55. defers (28) – submits to another’s wishes, opinion, or governance usually through deference or respect
56. fathom (28) – understand
57. break charity with (31) – become alienated from
58. clap (31) – attack with a lawsuit
59. defamation (31) – slander; the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to damage another’s reputation
60. anarchy (32) – a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
61. tract (32) – a defined area of land
62. inculcation (34) – teaching and impressing by frequent repetitions or admonitions
63. avidly (39) – eagerly
64. licentious (41) – lacking legal or moral restraints
65. In nomine Domine Sabaoth sui filiique ite ad infernos (42) – Latin for In the name of the Lord Sabaoth and of his son, depart to hell.‖
66. blanched (42) – became ashen or pale
67. evade (43) – to avoid answering directly
68. truck (43) – have dealings; trade
69. compact (44) – make an agreement; enter into a contract
70. “...the crowd will part like the sea for Israel” (53) – a reference to Moses’ leading the Israelites from Egypt and the parting of the waters of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21)
71. pallor (55) – paleness
72. poppet (56) – small doll
73. ameliorate (56) – to make better or more tolerable
74. indignant (57) – showing anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
75. crone (58) – a withered old woman
76. sarcastical (60) – in a scornful, mocking or derisive manner
77. “from this out” (60) – from now on
78. “cry me out” (60) – accuse me as a witch
79. wily (64) – crafty; cunning
80. flailing (67) – searching in frustration
81. daft (68) – mad; insane
82. suspicion (69) – a state of mental uneasiness and uncertainty
83. tainted (71) – contaminated; corrupted
84. quail (71) – to recoil in dread or terror
85. “I’d as life” (72) – I’d rather
86. Pontius Pilate (77) – Roman governor of Judea who presided at the interrogation of Jesus in the New Testament