* Is any dimension the can be used to

differentiate groups of people from one person to another.



- Race

- Ethnicity

- Gender

- Age

- Disability



* Religion

* Lifestyle

* Economic status

* Sexual orientation

* Family status

* Thinking style

* Geographic origin

* Political orientation

* Nationality

* Work experience

* Language

* Education


- Beliefs

- Assumptions

- Perceptions

- Attitudes

- Feelings

- Values

- Norms

Global Diversity

Diverse Labour Forces

*Norway New Zealand, Iceland,

Australia, Switzerland

*Czech republic, Turkey, Hungary and Pakistan

Sectorial Diversity

*Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Russia

*Philippines, Indonesia, China, Thailand and Pakistan

Income Diversity

•Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Argentina

Gender Diversity

*Iceland, Denmark & Norway

*Pakistan, Turkey, Chile & UAE

Age Diversity

*Indonesia & Philippines, Iceland

*Hungary, Belgium, Slovakia, France and Luxembourg

Educational Diversity

*New Zealand, the U.S. and Japan

*Argentina, China and the Czech Republic

Migrant Diversity

*UAE, Luxemburg, Singapore


* Is a country of diverse culture, ethnicity, language and racial origin.

* There are (8) major languages and more than 100 sub languages and dialects.


* Workplace is heterogeneous in terms

GENDER, RACE & ETHNICITY in which employees possess distinct elements and qualities, differing from one another (Robbins 2003 & Buckingham 2012)

* As a broad range of differences that influence how people interact and achieve business results (Hazard 2004)

* These different elements include

Beliefs, Valyes and Actions that vary by gender, ethnicity, age. lifestgle and physical abilities.

* Managing these elements can create an olf way of staffing related problems that are main focus of human resource departments.


* Is a major focus of HRD.

* Objective: to meet the demands of modern technologically advance society.

* Strategically utilize personnel in a fashion that will meet the demands of society through improvements in the corporations productivity and performance.



* Equal employment opportunity

* Fair and impartial treatment of employees

* Affirmative Actions

* Anti Discrimination Law


The Meaning of diversity

* before business can implement a strategy to get diversity, they should gain a clear understanding of what it means.".

* People are still focused on old models of diversity which focuses on social justice issues such as concerning gender or race.

Leveraging Diversity

- "by building a diverse team of employees, a business will be better able to reach specific audiences".

Business Focus

- "making a product marketable is more about clear advertising rather than anything that goes on behind closed doors".



* Appointments in the Philippine Civil Service are made in accordance to the principle of merit and fitness.

* Opportunities are open to all provided they meet the qualification requirements

* A major requirement is the eligibility obtain through examination.

* For every position in the government, minimum standards are set pertaining education.

* Appointments in the Philippine Civil Service are made in accordance to the principle of merit and fitness.

* Opportunities are open to all provided they meet the qualification requirement

* A major requirement is the eligibility obtain through examination.

* For every position in the government, minimum standards are set pertaining to education.

* Only those who meet the minimum requirements of the vacant positions shall be considered for permanent positions.

* Professional growth and career advancement is important

* Scholarship program (Local & Foreign) was established to provide educational and other learning opportunities for various level of personnel.

* Competence is gauged through the administration of performance evaluation system done every (6) months.

* Those who perform well and exceed the target by more than 50% may be given an outstanding rating.

* A poor performance could be a ground for separation from the service.

* An outstanding employee of the year is selected



* Person's with Disability

* Indigenous People and Ethnic

* Employees in the LGU

* Public Sector Union

* Elderly


* Philippines is a forerunner in pushing for gender equality & women empowerment particularly in the workplace

* RA 7192 - A Lynchpin legislation is the women in Development and Nation

* Building Act

* Passed during President Corazon Aquino

* The allocation of a substantial portion of official development assistance (ODA) to women in development programs, projects, and activities

* The review/revision of all government regulations, circulars, issuance and procedures to remove gender bias

* The active participation of women and women's organization in development programs

* The equal right of women and men to enter into contracts, become member in club, gain admission to military school and as a spouse who does household work fulltime, get SSS housing

* NCRFW 1975 (National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women)

* Was created to review, evaluate and recommend measures including priorities to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social and cultural development at all levels and to ensure further equality between women and men.

* GAD (Gender & Development)

* VAWC (Violence Against Women &

* Flexible time schedule

* Maternity Leave

* Day Care Center for employees children

* CODI (Committee on Decorum and Investigation- handling sexual harassment

Person with Disabilities (PWD's)

• RA 7277 Magna Carta for Disabled

Person in 1992

• Prohibits employment discrimination

against a qualied disabled persons regard to application hiring, promotion, compensation and other employment conditions.


•RA 8371 Indigenous People's Right Act (IPRA)

• Act to recognize, protect and promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities! protect & promote the interest and well: being of the indigenous people due to their beliefs, customs, traditions and institutions.

Employee in the LGU

* RA 2171 Local Government Code

* Sets foundation for truly sustainable development and self reliant LGU

* It includes the right to appoint, promote and to exercise such other personnel actions as re assignment and detail which are generally considered as management prerogatives.

Public Sector Unions

* Executive Order No. 180

* It provides that government employees shall not be discriminated against in respect to their employment by reason of their membership in employee organization or participation.

* Their employment shall not be subjected to the condition that they shall not join or shall relinquish their membership in the employee organization.


* 8.4% represent the population

* RA in 1995 Senior Citizen Act

* to serve as a venues delivery of integrated and comprehensive services to older persons

* Health & nutrition

* Housing

* Transportation and environment

* Income security

* Maintenance & employment

* Social services

* Continuing education/learning


* increase in the pool of qualitified personnel from different background and widens the scope of eligible candidates for hire.

* It improves the communication with an organization's clients.

* Sense of harmony is recreated when they recognizes & accommodate differences within the diverse workplace

* Help the organization execute its plans effectively.

* Can create a several solutions to the Problem, based on unique way of learning, thinking and processing.


* Communication problems in a work environment and how it hinders the performance of workers when left unresolved.

* Workers that are resistance to change.

* Ethnocentrism and discrimination in the workplace.

* eth-no cen-trism

* eTHnö'se trizem/

* noun

* evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of
one's own culture.

* Addressing the main problem

* Need o create and or learn how

to create a diverse workplace

* Need to re think and remove any preconceived notions about previously though knowledge of diversity management.

* "A Strategy must be created and implemented to create a culture of diversity that permeates every department and functions of the organization. (Greenberg 2012)

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization.

Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions

Benefits of Workplace Diversity

An organization's success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits.


Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands.

Broader Service Range

A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis.

Variety of Viewpoints

A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences.

More Effective Execution

Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their highest ability.
