Last saved 669 days ago

World War 2

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World War 2


Lead Up:


  • The Treaty of Versailles had caused lots of tension.

    • This led to many countries disliking each other.

  • Also many nations lost money and went into depression.

  • Some dictators were also rising up (Hitler, and Mussolini).

  • The League of Nations was also weak, and couldn’t stop certain problems.

The four main reasons for the war can be shown through the acronym: TADA

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Aggression

  • Depression

  • Appeasement


→ Giving into an aggressor, hoping to solve an issue.

  • This is how the League of Nations dealt with Hitler.

    • When he wanted to get more “living space” for Germany. (He wanted to invade and get more land.)

      • He would invade, and the League would let him, but they would set certain boundaries on it.

  • The Munich Conference- When Hitler wanted to invade Czechoslovakia, and then both France and England let him.

    • But they said he could only take the part of the countries with Ethnic Germans.

    • At first it worked, but Hitler would later invade the rest of Czechoslovakia.

The Spark:

  • Hitler wanted to take out Poland, and needed help to do so.

    • He asked Stalin, and they made a non-aggression agreement.

  • Hitler also knew that by siding with Russia, if war broke out he wouldn’t have to fight a two front war.

  • Then when Germany and Russia invade Poland, the allies (France and Britain) declare war on them.

The War:

The Two Sides:

The Allied Powers:

  • The UK (Great Britain)

  • France

  • Russia (After Germany betrayed them)

  • The U.S (After Pearl Harbor)

The Axis Powers:

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • Japan

The Beginning:

  • Hitler first goes to take out France, going through the Arden, and they very quickly defeat France.

    • Germany was also beginning to use a new type of war Blitzkrieg, which means “Lightning War”

      • This was done by them moving very quickly, whilst also having little casualties. This helped them avoid trenches.

  • Once France was done they focused on Britain.

    • Hitler tried to break their moral through constant bombings. He wanted to invade Great Britain, but it would cost way too many soldiers.

    • During this time Mussolini took the British colonies in Africa while Britain was preoccupied with bombings.

    • Hitler did fail in breaking he British moral.

  • Hitler also decided to turn his back in Russia, invading Stalingrad.

    • Russia sent all of their troops to the city and defeated Germany.

      • This cost Hitler a lot of sliders.

    • Russia then switched sides.

The U.S:

  • The United States didn’t want to fight in this war at first.

  • But they had also stopped trading oil with Japan, which Japan viewed as them picking a side.

    • Japan then also realized that Hawaii had Pearl Harbor, which held lost of aircraft carriers. They thought this base could be used to attack Japan.

    • Admiral Yamamoto, decided to bomb the base to deal with the threat.

  • When the attack was carried out, most of the ships were out on a mission, and so most of the ships were spared.

    • Japan still dropped their bombs, killing many, and this forced the U.S to join the Allied Powers.

    • The attacks also had many Kamikaze pilots, who would crash their own planes as bombs.

  • When the U.S joined they decided to fight Germany first, as they were the bigger threat. They would deal with Japan later.

D-Day and Germany’s End:

  • The Allied powers launched an attack on Normandy, and its goal was to make Germany fight a multiple front war.

    • This is known as the D-Day invasion

  • They Allied powers succeed, and Germany starts to lose. Their strategies of

    Blitzkrieg stopped working.

    • The Hitler decided to make one last attack at the battle of the bulge.

      • Germany loses, and Hitler commits suicide in a bunker. This leads to Germany leaving the war.

The End of the war:

  • Italy had also been defeated so the last problem was Japan.

  • The U.S started using a strategy called Island Hopping.

    • They would strategically take certain Japanese Islands in order to get closer to Japan.

  • Finally when they landed on the Island of Iwo Jima, they were close enough to attack.

    • There was a huge fight on the island, but the U.S ended up winning.

  • President Truman of the United States, realized that too invade Japan, it would cost them way too many soldiers.

    • Prior to this, a project known as the “Manhattan Project” was being done.

      • Here they developed the first Atomic bombs.

    • Truman decided to drop the bombs on Japan, in order to get them to surrender.

      • The first was dropped on Hiroshima, and the second on Nagasaki.

      • After this, Japan unconditionally surrendered.

  • Afterward The U.S did help Japan set up a new democratic government, and gave them lots of money to rebuild.

  • After WWII, there was lots of death and destruction. Many new governments were also made in some countries.

The Holocaust:

  • About 9 million people were killed in this genocide

    • Around 6 million of them were Jewish.

    • Genocide →The mass killing of a certain group of people.

  • Hitler ranked the races in Germany, Aryans were at the top, and the Jewish were put at the bottom.

    • Aryan’s were straight nosed, had blue eyes, blond hair, and were protestant.

  • The reason why Hitler targeted the Jews was because they were easy targets

    • They had a different look which made them stand out.

    • They were extremely successful, which made people dislike them more.

    • He was also able to make the point that the Jewish had killed Jesus.

  • Hitlers plan was as follows:

  1. Immigration → send them to other countries.

  2. Consolidation → Force the remaining to live in ghettos or camps

  3. Elimination → To kill them.

  • Nuremberg Laws →Laws which stripped Jews of their rights

    • They always had to carry identification, and wear the star of david on their clothes so they would stand out even more.

  • Kristallnacht →”The Night of Broken Glass”, Nazis destroyed Jewish businesses and homes, and start taking Jews to concentration camps.

  • There were other people who were in charge of the Holocaust, some of these men are:

    • Himmler →Head of the Gestapo

    • Goebbels → Head of public relations, known as the “seller of death”

    • Mengele →Experimental doctor at the camps.

    • Eichmann →Designer of the camps

  • Nuremberg Trials →Trails for the Nazi leaders during the holocaust, where some were charged with ‘Crimes Against Humanity”

    • This showed that you could get in trouble for things done during war, “war crimes”

    • Also proved that you couldn’t use the excuse “they told me to do it” to get out of taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Next Lesson: The Cold War