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Velopharyngeal-nasal Function & Speech Production

Skeletal Superstructure

  • pg 120 textbook

  • temporal bone

  • nasal bone

  • alveolar process

  • maxillary bone

  • mandible

  • styloid process

  • mastoid process

  • zygomatic bone

  • nasal choana

  • vomer

The Pharynx

  • extends from base of skull to cricoid cartilage in front and to 6th cervical vertebra in the back

  • pharynx is an oval tube, larger side to side than front to back

  • connective tissue predominates at the top

  • muscle predominates at the bottom

  • continues w/esophagus at lower end

  • 3 cavities

    • nasopharynx

      • hard palate is lower boundary

    • oropharynx

      • between hard palate and hyoid bone

      • contains palatine tonsils and lingual tonsils

    • laryngopharynx

      • between the hyoid and base of cricoid cartilage

  • faucial isthmus

    • narrow opening between velum and the tongue and between anterior faucial pillars


  • velum means “curtain”

  • consists of soft palate and uvula

  • covered w/connective tissue

  • Muscle fibers are most numerous in the middle portion; scarce at the front and back

Nasal Cavities

  • also called nasal fossae

  • 2 chambers separated by nasal septum

  • septum is cartilage at front, bone at back

  • floor is hard palate

  • lateral walls are made up of conchae

    • conchae - curled and convoluted bone

  • nasal vestibule at fornt

  • rich blood supply

The Outer Nose

  • root

  • bridge

  • dorsum

  • ala

  • apex

  • anterior naris

  • base

  • septum

Outer Nose


  • passive

    • recoil of muscles, cartilages, and connective tissues

    • surface tension

    • gravity

    • aeromechanical forces

  • active

    • muscles of pharynx

    • muscles of velum

    • muscles of outer nose

Muscles of Pharynx

The constrictors

  • function: pull pharyngeal walls inward and forward to constrict pharyngeal tube

  • Superior constrictor

    • originates at front of pharyngeal tube and inserts into median raphe of posterior pharyngeal wall

  • middle constrictor

  • inferior constrictor

    • consists of 2 parts

      • thyropharyngeus (upper)

      • cricopharyngeus (lower)


  • function: pulls lateral pharyngeal walls upward and inward

  • origin: near lower border of pharyngeal orifice of auditory tube

  • insertion: lateral pharyngeal wall


  • Function: pulls up on pharynx and pulls lateral walls outward (widens pharynx)

  • Origin: styloid process

  • Insertion: lateral pharyngeal wall and thyroid cartilage


  • Function: pulls inward on upper pharyngeal walls and upward on lower lateral pharyngeal walls (with velum fixed)

  • Origin: soft palate

  • Insertion: lower lateral wall of pharynx and thyroid cartilage

Muscles of the velum

  • Palatal Levator (levator veli palatini)

    • function: draws the velum upward and backward

  • Palatal tensor (tensor veli palatini)

    • function: opens the auditory tube

  • Uvulus

    • function: shorten, lift, increase bulk of velum

    • only intrinsic muscle of the velum

  • Glossopalatine

    • function: pulls downward and forward on the velum (with tongue fixed)

    • Origin: side of tongue

    • insertion: lower surface of palatal aponeurosis

  • Pharyngopalatine

    • function: pulls downward and backward on velum (with pharynx fixed)

    • origin: lower lateral wall of pharynx and thyroid cartilage

    • insertion: runs through posterior faucial pillar and inserts into soft palate and superior constrictor muscle

Muscles of the Outer Nose

  • Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

    • function: draws the ala upward and enlarges the naris

    • origin: frontal process and infraorbital margin of maxilla

    • insertion: divides with one part inserting into upper lip and the other into cartilage of nasal ala

  • Anterior nasal dilator

    • function: enlarges the naris

    • origin: lower edge of lateral nasal cartilage

    • insertion: deep surface of the skin near the outer margin of the naris on the same side

  • posterior nasal dilator

    • function: enlarges the naris

    • origin: nasal notch of maxilla and sesamoid cartilages of the outer nose

    • insertion: into the skin near the alar cartilage along outer naris on the same side

  • nasalis

    • function: constricts the naris

    • origin: maxilla

    • insertion: aponeurosis

  • depressor alae nasi

    • function: draw outer nose down, decrease naris aperture (constricts naris)

    • origin: fossa of maxilla

    • insertion: back part of ala

Movements of Velopharyngeal-nasal apparatus

  • movements of pharynx

    • lengthening/shortening by vertical movements of larynx

    • inward/outward movements of lateral pharyngeal walls

    • forward/backward movements of posterior pharyngeal walls

    • forward/backward movements of velum, tongue, and epiglottis

  • movements of the velum


Velopharyngeal-nasal Function & Speech Production

Skeletal Superstructure

  • pg 120 textbook

  • temporal bone

  • nasal bone

  • alveolar process

  • maxillary bone

  • mandible

  • styloid process

  • mastoid process

  • zygomatic bone

  • nasal choana

  • vomer

The Pharynx

  • extends from base of skull to cricoid cartilage in front and to 6th cervical vertebra in the back

  • pharynx is an oval tube, larger side to side than front to back

  • connective tissue predominates at the top

  • muscle predominates at the bottom

  • continues w/esophagus at lower end

  • 3 cavities

    • nasopharynx

      • hard palate is lower boundary

    • oropharynx

      • between hard palate and hyoid bone

      • contains palatine tonsils and lingual tonsils

    • laryngopharynx

      • between the hyoid and base of cricoid cartilage

  • faucial isthmus

    • narrow opening between velum and the tongue and between anterior faucial pillars


  • velum means “curtain”

  • consists of soft palate and uvula

  • covered w/connective tissue

  • Muscle fibers are most numerous in the middle portion; scarce at the front and back

Nasal Cavities

  • also called nasal fossae

  • 2 chambers separated by nasal septum

  • septum is cartilage at front, bone at back

  • floor is hard palate

  • lateral walls are made up of conchae

    • conchae - curled and convoluted bone

  • nasal vestibule at fornt

  • rich blood supply

The Outer Nose

  • root

  • bridge

  • dorsum

  • ala

  • apex

  • anterior naris

  • base

  • septum

Outer Nose


  • passive

    • recoil of muscles, cartilages, and connective tissues

    • surface tension

    • gravity

    • aeromechanical forces

  • active

    • muscles of pharynx

    • muscles of velum

    • muscles of outer nose

Muscles of Pharynx

The constrictors

  • function: pull pharyngeal walls inward and forward to constrict pharyngeal tube

  • Superior constrictor

    • originates at front of pharyngeal tube and inserts into median raphe of posterior pharyngeal wall

  • middle constrictor

  • inferior constrictor

    • consists of 2 parts

      • thyropharyngeus (upper)

      • cricopharyngeus (lower)


  • function: pulls lateral pharyngeal walls upward and inward

  • origin: near lower border of pharyngeal orifice of auditory tube

  • insertion: lateral pharyngeal wall


  • Function: pulls up on pharynx and pulls lateral walls outward (widens pharynx)

  • Origin: styloid process

  • Insertion: lateral pharyngeal wall and thyroid cartilage


  • Function: pulls inward on upper pharyngeal walls and upward on lower lateral pharyngeal walls (with velum fixed)

  • Origin: soft palate

  • Insertion: lower lateral wall of pharynx and thyroid cartilage

Muscles of the velum

  • Palatal Levator (levator veli palatini)

    • function: draws the velum upward and backward

  • Palatal tensor (tensor veli palatini)

    • function: opens the auditory tube

  • Uvulus

    • function: shorten, lift, increase bulk of velum

    • only intrinsic muscle of the velum

  • Glossopalatine

    • function: pulls downward and forward on the velum (with tongue fixed)

    • Origin: side of tongue

    • insertion: lower surface of palatal aponeurosis

  • Pharyngopalatine

    • function: pulls downward and backward on velum (with pharynx fixed)

    • origin: lower lateral wall of pharynx and thyroid cartilage

    • insertion: runs through posterior faucial pillar and inserts into soft palate and superior constrictor muscle

Muscles of the Outer Nose

  • Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

    • function: draws the ala upward and enlarges the naris

    • origin: frontal process and infraorbital margin of maxilla

    • insertion: divides with one part inserting into upper lip and the other into cartilage of nasal ala

  • Anterior nasal dilator

    • function: enlarges the naris

    • origin: lower edge of lateral nasal cartilage

    • insertion: deep surface of the skin near the outer margin of the naris on the same side

  • posterior nasal dilator

    • function: enlarges the naris

    • origin: nasal notch of maxilla and sesamoid cartilages of the outer nose

    • insertion: into the skin near the alar cartilage along outer naris on the same side

  • nasalis

    • function: constricts the naris

    • origin: maxilla

    • insertion: aponeurosis

  • depressor alae nasi

    • function: draw outer nose down, decrease naris aperture (constricts naris)

    • origin: fossa of maxilla

    • insertion: back part of ala

Movements of Velopharyngeal-nasal apparatus

  • movements of pharynx

    • lengthening/shortening by vertical movements of larynx

    • inward/outward movements of lateral pharyngeal walls

    • forward/backward movements of posterior pharyngeal walls

    • forward/backward movements of velum, tongue, and epiglottis

  • movements of the velum
