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Chapter 6: Computer Networks



Together with the network layer, the transport layer is the heart of the protocol hierarchy. The network layer provides end-to-end packet delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits. The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a source machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical networks cur rently in use. It provides the abstractions that applications need to use the network. Without the transport layer, the whole concept of layered protocols would make lit tle sense. In this chapter, we will study the transport layer in detail, including its services and choice of API design to tackle issues of reliability, connections and congestion control, protocols such as TCP and UDP, and performance.


In the following sections, we will provide an introduction to the transport ser- vice. We will look at what kind of service is provided to the application layer. To make the issue of transport service more concrete, we will examine two sets of transport layer primitives. First comes a simple (but hypothetical) one to show the basic ideas. Then comes the interface commonly used in the Internet.


502 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.1.1 Services Provided to the Upper Layers

The ultimate goal of the transport layer is to provide efficient, reliable, and cost-effective data transmission service to its users, normally processes in the ap- plication layer. To achieve this, the transport layer makes use of the services pro- vided by the network layer. The software and/or hardware within the transport layer that does the work is called the transport entity. The transport entity can be located in the operating system kernel, in a library package bound into network ap- plications, in a separate user process, or even on the network interface card. The first two options are most common on the Internet. The (logical) relationship of the network, transport, and application layers is illustrated in Fig. 6-1.

Host 1 Host 2

Application (or session)



Application/transport interface

Application (or session) layer







Transport entity



Network layer

Transport/network interface

Network layer

Figure 6-1. The network, transport, and application layers.

Just as there are two types of network service, connection-oriented and con- nectionless, there are also two types of transport service. The connection-oriented transport service is similar to the connection-oriented network service in many ways. In both cases, connections have three phases: establishment, data transfer, and release.

Addressing and flow control are also similar in both layers. Furthermore, the connectionless transport service is also very similar to the connectionless network service. However, note that it can be difficult to provide a connectionless transport service on top of a connection-oriented network service, since it is inefficient to set up a connection to send a single packet and then tear it down immediately after- wards.

The obvious question is this: if the transport layer service is so similar to the network layer service, why are there two distinct layers? Why is one layer not ade- quate? The answer is subtle, but really crucial. The transport code runs entirely on


the users’ machines, but the network layer largely runs on the routers, which are operated by the carrier (at least for a wide area network). What happens if the net- work layer offers inadequate service? What if it frequently loses packets? What happens if routers crash from time to time?

Problems occur, that’s what. The users have no real control over the network layer, so they cannot solve the problem of poor service by using better routers or putting more error handling in the data link layer because they don’t own the rout- ers. The only possibility is to put on top of the network layer another layer that im- proves the quality of the service. If, in a connectionless network, packets are lost or mangled, the transport entity can detect the problem and compensate for it by using retransmissions. If, in a connection-oriented network, a transport entity is informed halfway through a long transmission that its network connection has been abruptly terminated, with no indication of what has happened to the data currently in transit, it can set up a new network connection to the remote transport entity. Using this new network connection, it can send a query to its peer asking which data arrived and which did not, and knowing where it was, pick up from where it left off.

In essence, the existence of the transport layer makes it possible for the tran- sport service to be more reliable than the underlying network, which may not be all that reliable. Furthermore, the transport primitives can be implemented as calls to library procedures to make them independent of the network primitives. The net- work service calls may vary considerably from one network to another (e.g., calls based on a connectionless Ethernet may be quite different from calls on a con- nection-oriented network). Hiding the network service behind a set of transport service primitives ensures that changing the network merely requires replacing one set of library procedures with another one that does the same thing with a different underlying service. Having applications be independent of the network layer is a good thing.

Thanks to the transport layer, application programmers can write code accord ing to a standard set of primitives and have these programs work on a wide variety of networks, without having to worry about dealing with different network inter faces and levels of reliability. If all real networks were flawless and all had the same service primitives and were guaranteed never, ever to change, the transport layer might not be needed. However, in the real world it fulfills the key function of isolating the upper layers from the technology, design, and imperfections of the network.

For this reason, many people have made a qualitative distinction between lay- ers one through four on the one hand and layer(s) above four on the other. The bottom four layers can be seen as the transport service provider, whereas the upper layer(s) are the transport service user. This distinction of provider versus user has a considerable impact on the design of the layers and puts the transport layer in a key position, since it forms the major boundary between the provider and user of the reliable data transmission service. It is the level that applications see.

504 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.1.2 Transport Service Primitives

To allow users to access the transport service, the transport layer must provide some operations to application programs, that is, a transport service interface. Each transport service has its own interface. In this section, we will first examine a simple (hypothetical) transport service and its interface to see the bare essentials. In the following section, we will look at a real example.

The transport service is similar to the network service, but there are also some important differences. The main difference is that the network service is intended to model the service offered by real networks, warts and all. Real networks can lose packets, so the network service is generally unreliable.

The connection-oriented transport service, in contrast, is reliable. Of course, real networks are not error-free, but that is precisely the purpose of the transport layer—to provide a reliable service on top of an unreliable network.

As an example, consider two processes on a single machine connected by a pipe in UNIX (or any other interprocess communication facility). They assume the connection between them is 100% perfect. They do not want to know about ac- knowledgements, lost packets, congestion, or anything at all like that. What they want is a 100% reliable connection. Process A puts data into one end of the pipe, and process B takes it out of the other. This is what the connection-oriented tran- sport service is all about—hiding the imperfections of the network service so that user processes can just assume the existence of an error-free bit stream even when they are on different machines.

As an aside, the transport layer can also provide unreliable (datagram) service. However, there is relatively little to say about that besides ‘‘it’s datagrams,’’ so we will mainly concentrate on the connection-oriented transport service in this chap ter. Nevertheless, there are some applications, such as client-server computing and streaming multimedia, that build on a connectionless transport service, and we will say a little bit about that later on.

A second difference between the network service and transport service is whom the services are intended for. From the perspective of network endpoints, the network service is used only by the transport entities. Few users write their own transport entities, and thus few users or programs ever see the bare network service. In contrast, many programs (and thus programmers) see the transport primitives. Consequently, the transport service must be convenient and easy to use.

To get an idea of what a transport service might be like, consider the five prim itives listed in Fig. 6-2. This transport interface is truly bare bones, but it gives the essential flavor of what a connection-oriented transport interface has to do. It al lows application programs to establish, use, and then release connections, which is sufficient for many applications.

To see how these primitives might be used, consider an application with a ser- ver and a number of remote clients. To start with, the server executes a LISTEN primitive, typically by calling a library procedure that makes a system call that


Primitive Packet sent Meaning LISTEN (none) Block until some process tries to connect CONNECT CONNECTION REQ. Actively attempt to establish a connection SEND DATA Send information

RECEIVE (none) Block until a DATA packet arrives DISCONNECT DISCONNECTION REQ. Request a release of the connection

Figure 6-2. The primitives for a simple transport service.

blocks the server until a client turns up. When a client wants to talk to the server, it executes a CONNECT primitive. The transport entity carries out this primitive by blocking the caller and sending a packet to the server. Encapsulated in the payload of this packet is a transport layer message for the server’s transport entity.

A quick note on terminology is now in order. For lack of a better term, we will use the term segment for messages sent from transport entity to transport entity. TCP, UDP and other Internet protocols use this term. Some older protocols used the ungainly name TPDU (Transport Protocol Data Unit). That term is not used much any more now but you may see it in older papers and books.

Thus, segments (exchanged by the transport layer) are contained in packets (which are exchanged by the network layer). In turn, these packets are contained in frames (exchanged by the data link layer). When a frame arrives, the data link layer processes the frame header and, if the destination address matches for local delivery, passes the contents of the frame payload field up to the network entity. The network entity similarly processes the packet header and then passes the con tents of the packet payload up to the transport entity. This nesting is illustrated in Fig. 6-3.

Frame header

Packet header



Segment payload

Packet payload

Frame payload

Figure 6-3. Nesting of segments, packets, and frames.

Getting back to our client-server example, the client’s CONNECT call causes a CONNECTION REQUEST segment to be sent to the server. When it arrives, the transport entity checks to see that the server is blocked on a LISTEN (i.e., is ready to


handle requests). If so, it then unblocks the server and sends a CONNECTION ACCEPTED segment back to the client. When this segment arrives, the client is unblocked and the connection is established.

Data can now be exchanged using the SEND and RECEIVE primitives. In the simplest form, either party can do a (blocking) RECEIVE to wait for the other party to do a SEND. When the segment arrives, the receiver is unblocked. It can then process the segment and send a reply. As long as both sides can keep track of whose turn it is to send, this scheme works fine.

In the transport layer, even a simple unidirectional data exchange is more com- plicated than at the network layer. Every data packet sent will also be acknow ledged (eventually). The packets bearing control segments are also acknowledged, implicitly or explicitly. These acknowledgements are managed by the transport en tities, using the network layer protocol, and are not visible to the transport users. Similarly, the transport entities need to worry about timers and retransmissions. None of this machinery is visible to the transport users. To the transport users, a connection is a reliable bit pipe: one end stuffs bits in and they magically appear in the same order at the other end. This ability to hide complexity is the reason that layered protocols are such a powerful tool.

When a connection is no longer needed, it must be released to free up table space within the two transport entities. Disconnection has two variants: asymmet ric and symmetric. In the asymmetric variant, either transport user can issue a DIS CONNECT primitive, which results in a DISCONNECT segment being sent to the re- mote transport entity. Upon its arrival, the connection is released.

In the symmetric variant, each direction is closed separately, independently of the other one. When one side does a DISCONNECT, that means it has no more data to send but it is still willing to accept data from its partner. In this model, a con- nection is released when both sides have done a DISCONNECT.

A state diagram for connection establishment and release for these simple primitives is given in Fig. 6-4. Each transition is triggered by some event, either a primitive executed by the local transport user or an incoming packet. For simpli- city, we assume here that each segment is separately acknowledged. We also as- sume that a symmetric disconnection model is used, with the client going first. Please note that this model is quite unsophisticated. We will look at more realistic models later on when we describe how TCP works.

6.1.3 Berkeley Sockets

Let us now briefly inspect another set of transport primitives, the socket primi tives as they are used for TCP. Sockets were first released as part of the Berkeley UNIX 4.2BSD software distribution in 1983. They quickly became popular. The primitives are now widely used for Internet programming on many operating sys tems, especially UNIX-based systems, and there is a socket-style API for Windows called ‘‘winsock.’’


Connection request

segment received




Connect primitive



Connect primitive





Connection accepted

segment received


Disconnection request segment

Disconnect primitive







primitive executed


Disconnection request segment received

Figure 6-4. A state diagram for a simple connection management scheme. Tran- sitions labeled in italics are caused by packet arrivals. The solid lines show the client’s state sequence. The dashed lines show the server’s state sequence.

The primitives are listed in Fig. 6-5. Roughly speaking, they follow the model of our first example but offer more features and flexibility. We will not look at the corresponding segments here. That discussion will come later.

Primitive Meaning

SOCKET Create a new communication endpoint

BIND Associate a local address with a socket

LISTEN Announce willingness to accept connections; give queue size ACCEPT Passively establish an incoming connection

CONNECT Actively attempt to establish a connection

SEND Send some data over the connection

RECEIVE Receive some data from the connection

CLOSE Release the connection

Figure 6-5. The socket primitives for TCP.

The first four primitives in the list are executed in that order by servers. The SOCKET primitive creates a new endpoint and allocates table space for it within the transport entity. The parameters of the call specify the addressing format to be


used, the type of service desired (e.g., reliable byte stream), and the protocol. A successful SOCKET call returns an ordinary file descriptor for use in succeeding calls, the same way an OPEN call on a file does.

Newly created sockets do not have network addresses. These are assigned using the BIND primitive. Once a server has bound an address to a socket, remote clients can connect to it. The reason for not having the SOCKET call create an ad- dress directly is that some processes care about their addresses (e.g., they have been using the same address for years and everyone knows this address)..

Next comes the LISTEN call, which allocates space to queue incoming calls for the case that several clients try to connect at the same time. In contrast to LISTEN in our first example, in the socket model LISTEN is not a blocking call.

To block waiting for an incoming connection, the server executes an ACCEPT primitive. When a segment asking for a connection arrives, the transport entity creates a new socket with the same properties as the original one and returns a file descriptor for it. The server can then fork off a process or thread to handle the con- nection on the new socket and go back to waiting for the next connection on the original socket. ACCEPT returns a file descriptor, which can be used for reading and writing in the standard way, the same as for files.

Now let us look at the client side. Here, too, a socket must first be created using the SOCKET primitive, but BIND is not required since the address used does not matter to the server. The CONNECT primitive blocks the caller and starts the connection process. When it completes (i.e., when the appropriate segment is re- ceived from the server), the client process is unblocked and the connection is estab lished. Both sides can now use SEND and RECEIVE to transmit and receive data over the full-duplex connection. The standard UNIX READ and WRITE system calls can also be used if none of the special options of SEND and RECEIVE are required.

Connection release with sockets is symmetric. When both sides have executed a CLOSE primitive, the connection is released.

Sockets have proved tremendously popular and are the de facto standard for abstracting transport services to applications. The socket API is often used with the TCP protocol to provide a connection-oriented service called a reliable byte stream, which is simply the reliable bit pipe that we described. However, other protocols could be used to implement this service using the same API. It should all be the same to the transport service users.

A strength of the socket API is that is can be used by an application for other transport services. For instance, sockets can be used with a connectionless tran- sport service. In this case, CONNECT sets the address of the remote transport peer and SEND and RECEIVE send and receive datagrams to and from the remote peer.

(It is also common to use an expanded set of calls, for example, SENDTO and RECVFROM, that emphasize messages and do not limit an application to a single transport peer.) Sockets can also be used with transport protocols that provide a message stream rather than a byte stream and that do or do not have congestion control. For example, DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) is a


version of UDP with congestion control (Kohler et al., 2006). It is up to the tran- sport users to understand what service they are getting.

However, sockets are not likely to be the final word on transport interfaces. For example, applications often work with a group of related streams, such as a Web browser that requests several objects from the same server. With sockets, the most natural fit is for application programs to use one stream per object. This structure means that congestion control is applied separately for each stream, not across the group, which is suboptimal. It punts to the application the burden of managing the set. Some protocols and interfaces have been devised that support groups of relat- ed streams more effectively and simply for the application. Two examples are SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) defined in RFC 4960 (Ford, 2007) and QUIC (discussed later). These protocols must change the socket API slightly to get the benefits of groups of related streams, and they also support fea tures such as a mix of connection-oriented and connectionless traffic and even mul tiple network paths.

6.1.4 An Example of Socket Programming: An Internet File Server

As an example of the nitty-gritty of how real socket calls are made, consider the client and server code of Fig. 6-6. Here we have a very primitive Internet file server along with an example client that uses it. The code has many limitations (discussed below), but in principle the server code can be compiled and run on any UNIX system connected to the Internet. The client code can be compiled and run on any other UNIX machine on the Internet, anywhere in the world. The client code can be executed with appropriate parameters to fetch any file to which the server has access on its machine. The file is written to standard output, which, of course, can be redirected to a file or pipe.

Let us look at the server code first. It starts out by including some standard headers, the last three of which contain the main Internet-related definitions and data structures. Next comes a definition of SERVER PORT as 8080. This number was chosen arbitrarily. Any number between 1024 and 65535 will work just as well, as long as it is not in use by some other process; ports below 1023 are re- served for privileged users.

The next two lines in the server define constants. The first one determines the chunk size in bytes used for the file transfer. The second one determines how many pending connections can be held before additional ones are discarded.

After the declarations of local variables, the server code begins. It starts out by initializing a data structure that will hold the server’s IP address. This data struc ture will soon be bound to the server’s socket. The call to memset sets the data structure to all 0s. The three assignments following it fill in three of its fields. The last of these contains the server’s port. The functions htonl and htons have to do with converting values to a standard format so the code runs correctly on both lit tle-endian machines (e.g., Intel x86) and big-endian machines (e.g., the SPARC).


/* This page contains a client program that can request a file from the server program * on the next page. The server responds by sending the whole file. */

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <netdb.h>

#define SERVER PORT 8080 /* arbitrary, but client & server must agree */ #define BUF SIZE 4096 /* block transfer size*/

int main(int argc, char**argv)


int c, s, bytes;

char buf[BUF SIZE]; /* buffer for incoming file */ struct hostent *h; /* info about server */ struct sockaddr in channel; /* holds IP address */ if (argc != 3) {printf("Usage: client server-name file-name0); exit(-1);}

h = gethostbyname(argv[1]); /*look up host’s IP address */ if (!h) {printf("gethostbyname failed to locate %s0, argv[1]); exit(-1;}


if (s <0) {printf("socket call failed0); exit(-1);}

memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel));

channel.sin family= AF INET;

memcpy(&channel.sin addr.s addr, h->h addr, h->h length);

channel.sin port= htons(SERVER PORT);

c = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &channel, sizeof(channel));

if (c < 0) {printf("connect failed0); exit(-1);}

/* Connection is now established. Send file name including 0 byte at end. */ write(s, argv[2], strlen(argv[2])+1);

/* Go get the file and write it to standard output. */

while (1) {

bytes = read(s, buf, BUF SIZE); /*read from socket */

if (bytes <= 0) exit(0); /*check for end of file*/ write(1, buf, bytes); /* write to standard output*/ }


Figure 6-6. Client code using sockets. The server code is on the next page.


#include <sys/types.h> /* This is the server code */ #include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sys/fcntl.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <netdb.h>

#define SERVER PORT 8080 /* arbitrary, but client & server must agree */ #define BUF SIZE 4096 /* block transfer size */ #define QUEUE SIZE 10

int main(int argc, char*argv[])

{ int s, b, l, fd, sa, bytes, on = 1;

char buf[BUF SIZE]; /* buffer for outgoing file */ struct sockaddr in channel; /* holds IP address */ /* Build address structure to bind to socket.*/

memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel)); /*zero channel */

channel.sin family = AF INET;

channel.sin addr.s addr = htonl(INADDR ANY);

channel.sin port = htons(SERVER PORT);

/* Passive open. Wait for connection. */ s = socket(AF INET, SOCK STREAM, IPPROTO TCP); /*create socket*/ if (s < 0) {printf("socket call failed0); exit(-1);}

setsockopt(s, SOL SOCKET, SO REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof(on)); b = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &channel, sizeof(channel));

if (b < 0) {printf("bind failed0); exit(-1);}

l = listen(s, QUEUE SIZE); /*specify queue size*/

if (l < 0) {printf("listen failed0); exit(-1);}

/* Socket is now set up and bound. Wait for connection and process it. */ while (1) {

sa = accept(s, 0, 0); /* block for connection request */ if (sa < 0) {printf("accept failed0); exit(-1);}

read(sa, buf, BUF SIZE); /*read file name from socket */ /* Get and return the file.*/

fd = open(buf, O RDONLY); /* open the file to be sent back */ if (fd < 0) {printf("open failed");

while (1) {

bytes = read(fd, buf, BUF SIZE); /*read from file*/


if (bytes <= 0) break; /*check for end of file */ write(sa, buf, bytes); /* write bytes to socket */

close(fd); /*close file*/ close(sa); /*close connection */ }



Next, the server creates a socket and checks for errors (indicated by s < 0). In a production version of the code, the error message could be a trifle more explana tory. The call to setsockopt is needed to allow the port to be reused so the server can run indefinitely, fielding request after request. Now the IP address is bound to the socket and a check is made to see if the call to bind succeeded. The final step in the initialization is the call to listen to announce the server’s willingness to accept incoming calls and tell the system to hold up to QUEUE SIZE of them in case new requests arrive while the server is still processing the current one. If the queue isfull and additional requests arrive, they are quietly discarded.

At this point, the server enters its main loop, which it never leaves. The only way to stop it is to kill it from outside. The call to accept blocks the server until some client tries to establish a connection with it. If the accept call succeeds, it re turns a socket descriptor that can be used for reading and writing, analogous to how file descriptors can be used to read from and write to pipes. However, unlike pipes, which are unidirectional, sockets are bidirectional, so sa (the accepted socket) can be used for reading from the connection and also for writing to it. A pipe file descriptor is for reading or writing but not both.

After the connection is established, the server reads the file name from it. If the name is not yet available, the server blocks waiting for it. After getting the file name, the server opens the file and enters a loop that alternately reads blocks from the file and writes them to the socket until the entire file has been copied. Then the server closes the file and the connection and waits for the next connection to show up. It repeats this loop forever.

Now let us look at the client code. To understand how it works, it is necessary to understand how it is invoked. Assuming it is called client, a typical call is

client /usr/tom/filename >f

This call only works if the server is already running on and the file /usr/tom/filename exists and the server has read access to it. If the call is suc- cessful, the file is transferred over the Internet and written to f, after which the cli- ent program exits. Since the server continues after a transfer, the client can be started again and again to get other files.

The client code starts with some includes and declarations. Execution begins by checking to see if it has been called with the right number of arguments, where argc = 3 means the program was called with its name plus two arguments. Note that argv[1] contains the name of the server (e.g., and is converted to an IP address by gethostbyname. This function uses DNS to look up the name.We will study DNS in Chap. 7.

Next, a socket is created and initialized. After that, the client attempts to establish a TCP connection to the server, using connect. If the server is up and running on the named machine and attached to SERVER PORT and is either idle or has room in its listen queue, the connection will (eventually) be established. Using the connection, the client sends the name of the file by writing on the socket.


The number of bytes sent is one larger than the name proper, since the 0 byte ter- minating the name must also be sent to tell the server where the name ends. Now the client enters a loop, reading the file block by block from the socket and copying it to standard output. When it is done, it just exits.

The procedure fatal prints an error message and exits. The server needs the same procedure, but it was omitted due to lack of space on the page. Since the cli- ent and server are compiled separately and normally run on different computers, they cannot share the code of fatal.

Just for the record, this server is not the last word in serverdom. Its error checking is meager and its error reporting is mediocre. Since it handles all re- quests strictly sequentially (because it has only a single thread), its performance is poor. It has clearly never heard about security, and using bare UNIX system calls is not the way to gain platform independence. It also makes some assumptions that are technically illegal, such as assuming that the file name fits in the buffer and is transmitted atomically. These shortcomings notwithstanding, it is a working Inter- net file server. For more information about using sockets, see Donahoo and Calvert (2008, 2009); and Stevens et al. (2004).


The transport service is implemented by a transport protocol used between the two transport entities. In some ways, transport protocols resemble the data link protocols we studied in detail in Chap. 3. Both have to deal with error control, sequencing, and flow control, among other issues.

However, significant differences between the two also exist. These differences are due to major dissimilarities between the environments in which the two proto- cols operate, as shown in Fig. 6-7. At the data link layer, two routers communicate directly via a physical channel, whether wired or wireless, whereas at the transport layer, this physical channel is replaced by the entire network. This difference has many important implications for the protocols.

Router Router Physical


communication channel Host

(a) (b)

Figure 6-7. (a) Environment of the data link layer. (b) Environment of the

transport layer.

For one thing, over point-to-point links such as wires or optical fiber, it is usually not necessary for a router to specify which router it wants to talk to—each


outgoing line leads directly to a particular router. In the transport layer, explicit addressing of destinations is required.

For another thing, the process of establishing a connection over the wire of Fig. 6-7(a) is simple: the other end is always there (unless it has crashed, in which case it is not there). Either way, there is not much to do. Even on wireless links, the process is not much different. Just sending a message is sufficient to have it reach all other destinations. If the message is not acknowledged due to an error, it can be resent. In the transport layer, initial connection establishment is complicat- ed, as we will see.

Another (exceedingly annoying) difference between the data link layer and the transport layer is the potential existence of storage capacity in the network. When a router sends a packet over a link, it may arrive or be lost, but it cannot bounce around for a while, go into hiding in a far corner of the world, and suddenly emerge after other packets that were sent much later. If the network uses data- grams, which are independently routed inside, there is a nonnegligible probability that a packet may take the scenic route and arrive late and out of the expected order, or even that duplicates of the packet will arrive. The consequences of the network’s ability to delay and duplicate packets can sometimes be disastrous and can require the use of special protocolsto correctly transport information.

A final difference between the data link and transport layers is one of degree rather than of kind. Buffering and flow control are needed in both layers, but the presence in the transport layer of a large and varying number of connections with bandwidth that fluctuates as the connections compete with each other may require a different approach than we used in the data link layer. Some of the protocols dis- cussed in Chap. 3 allocate a fixed number of buffers to each line, so that when a frame arrives a buffer is always available. In the transport layer, the larger number of connections that must be managed and variations in the bandwidth each con- nection may receive make the idea of dedicating many buffers to each one less attractive. In the following sections, we will examine all of these important issues, and others.

6.2.1 Addressing

When an application process wishes to set up a connection to a remote applica tion process, it must specify which process on the remote endpoint to connect to. The method normally used is to define transport addresses to which processes can listen for connection requests. In the Internet, these endpoints are called ports. We will use the generic term TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) to mean a specific endpoint in the transport layer. The analogous endpoints in the network layer (i.e., network layer addresses) are not-surprisingly called NSAPs (Network Service Access Points). IP addresses are examples of NSAPs.

Figure 6-8 illustrates the relationship between the NSAPs, the TSAPs, and a transport connection using them. Application processes, both clients and servers,


can attach themselves to a local TSAP to establish a connection to a remote TSAP. These connections run through NSAPs on each host, as shown. The purpose of having TSAPs is that in some networks, each computer has a single NSAP, so some way is needed to distinguish multiple transport endpoints that share that NSAP.

Host 1 Host 2

Server 1


TSAP 1208

process Application layer


Server 2


TSAP 1522







Data link




Figure 6-8. TSAPs, NSAPs, and transport connections.

A possible scenario for a transport connection is as follows:

1. A mail server process attaches itself to TSAP 1522 on host 2 to wait for an incoming call. How a process attaches itself to a TSAP is out- side the networking model and depends entirely on the local operating system. A call such as our LISTEN might be used, for example.

2. An application process on host 1 wants to send an email message, so it attaches itself to TSAP 1208 and issues a CONNECT request. The request specifies TSAP 1208 on host 1 as the source and TSAP 1522 on host 2 as the destination. This action ultimately results in a tran- sport connection being established between the application process and the server.

3. The application process sends over the mail message.

4. The mail server responds to say that it will deliver the message. 5. The transport connection is released.


Note that there may well be other servers on host 2 that are attached to other TSAPs and are waiting for incoming connections that arrive over the same NSAP. The picture painted above is fine, except we have swept one little problem under the rug: how does the user process on host 1 know that the mail server is at tached to TSAP 1522? One possibility is that the mail server has been attaching itself to TSAP 1522 for years and gradually all the network users have learned this. In this model, services have stable TSAP addresses that are listed in files in well- known places. For example, the /etc/services file on UNIX systems lists which ser- vers are permanently attached to which ports, including the fact that the mail server is found on TCP port 25.

While stable TSAP addresses work for a small number of key services that never change (e.g., the Web server), user processes, in general, often want to talk to other user processes that do not have TSAP addresses that are known in advance, or that may exist for only a short time.

To handle this situation, an alternative scheme can be used. In this scheme, there exists a special process called a portmapper. To find the TSAP address cor responding to a given service name, such as ‘‘BitTorrent,’’ a user sets up a con- nection to the portmapper (which listens to a well-known TSAP). The user then sends a message specifying the service name, and the portmapper sends back the TSAP address. Then the user releases the connection with the portmapper and establishes a new one with the desired service.

In this model, when a new service is created, it must register itself with the portmapper, giving both its service name (typically, an ASCII string) and its TSAP. The portmapper records this information in its internal database so that when queries come in later, it will know the answers.

The function of the portmapper is analogous to that of a directory assistance operator in the telephone system—it provides a mapping of names onto numbers. Just as in the telephone system, it is essential that the address of the well-known TSAP used by the portmapper is indeed well known. If you do not know the num- ber of the information operator, you cannot call the information operator to find it out. If you think the number you dial for information is obvious, try it in a foreign country sometime.

Many of the server processes that can exist on a machine will be used only rarely. It is wasteful to have each of them active and listening to a stable TSAP address all day long. An alternative scheme is shown in Fig. 6-9 in a simplified form. It is known as the initial connection protocol. Instead of every conceivable server listening at a well-known TSAP, each machine that wishes to offer services to remote users has a special process server that acts as a proxy for less heavily used servers. This server is called inetd on UNIX systems. It listens to a set of ports at the same time, waiting for a connection request. Potential users of a ser- vice begin by doing a CONNECT request, specifying the TSAP address of the ser- vice they want. If no server is waiting for them, they get a connection to the proc- ess server, as shown in Fig. 6-9(a).


Host 1 Host 2 Host 1 Host 2 Mail



server User Process



server User

(a) (b)

Figure 6-9. How a user process in host 1 establishes a connection with a mail

server in host 2 via a process server.

After it gets the incoming request, the process server spawns the requested ser- ver, allowing it to inherit the existing connection with the user. The new server does the requested work, while the process server goes back to listening for new requests, as shown in Fig. 6-9(b). This method is only applicable when servers can be created on demand.

6.2.2 Connection Establishment

Establishing a connection sounds easy, but it is actually surprisingly tricky. At first glance, it would seem sufficient for one transport entity to just send a CON- NECTION REQUEST segment to the destination and wait for a CONNECTION ACCEPTED reply. The problem occurs when the network can lose, delay, corrupt, and duplicate packets. This behavior causes serious complications.

Problem: Delayed and Duplicate Packets

Imagine a network that is so congested that acknowledgements hardly ever get back in time and each packet times out and is retransmitted two or three or more times. Suppose that the network uses datagrams inside and that every packet fol lows a different route. Some of the packets might get stuck in a traffic jam inside


the network and take a long time to arrive. That is, they may be delayed in the net- work and pop out much later, when the sender thought that they had been lost. The worst possible nightmare is as follows. A user establishes a connection with a bank, sends messages telling the bank to transfer a large amount of money to the account of a not-entirely-trustworthy person. Unfortunately, the packets decide to take the scenic route to the destination and go off exploring a remote cor- ner of the network. The sender then times out and sends them all again. This time the packets take the shortest route and are delivered quickly so the sender releases the connection.

Unfortunately, eventually the initial batch of packets finally come out of hiding and arrive at the destination in order, asking the bank to establish a new connection and transfer money (again). The bank has no way of telling that these are dupli- cates. It must assume that this is a second, independent transaction, and transfers the money again.

This scenario may sound unlikely, or even implausible but the point is this: protocols must be designed to be correct in all cases. Only the common cases need be implemented efficiently to obtain good network performance, but the protocol must be able to cope with the uncommon cases without breaking. If it cannot, we have built a fair-weather network that can fail without warning when the conditions get tough.

For the remainder of this section, we will study the problem of delayed dupli- cates, with emphasis on algorithms for establishing connections in a reliable way, so that nightmares like the one above cannot happen. The crux of the problem is that the delayed duplicates are thought to be new packets. We cannot prevent pack- ets from being duplicated and delayed. But if and when this happens, the packets must be rejected as duplicates and not processed as fresh packets.

The problem can be attacked in various ways, none of them terribly satisfac tory. One way is to use throwaway transport addresses. In this approach, each time a transport address is needed, a brand new one is generated. When a con- nection is released, the address is discarded and never used again. Delayed dupli- cate packets then never find their way to a transport process and can do no damage. However, this approach makes it more difficult to connect with a process in the first place.

Another option is to give each connection a unique identifier (i.e., a sequence number incremented for each connection established) chosen by the initiating party and put in each segment, including the one requesting the connection. After each connection is released, each transport entity can update a table listing obsolete con- nections as (peer transport entity, connection identifier) pairs. Whenever a con- nection request comes in, it can be checked against the table to see if it belongs to a previously released connection.

Unfortunately, this scheme has a basic flaw: it requires each transport entity to maintain a certain amount of history information effectively indefinitely. This his tory must persist at both the source and destination machines. Otherwise, if a


machine crashes and loses its memory, it will no longer know which connection identifiers have already been used by its peers.

Instead, we need to take a different tack to simplify the problem. Rather than allowing packets to live forever within the network, we devise a mechanism to kill off aged packets that are still hobbling about. With this restriction, the problem becomes somewhat more manageable.

Packet lifetime can be restricted to a known maximum using one (or more) of the following techniques:

1. Restricted network design.

2. Putting a hop counter in each packet.

3. Timestamping each packet.

The first technique includes any method that prevents packets from looping, com- bined with some way of bounding delay including congestion over the (now known) longest possible path. It is difficult, given that internets may range from a single city to international in scope. The second method consists of having the hop count initialized to some appropriate value and decremented each time the packet is forwarded. The network protocol simply discards any packet whose hop counter becomes zero. The third method requires each packet to bear the time it was creat- ed, with the routers agreeing to discard any packet older than some agreed-upon time. This latter method requires the router clocks to be synchronized, which itself is a nontrivial task, and in practice a hop counter is a close enough approximation to age.

In practice, we will need to guarantee not only that a packet is dead, but also that all acknowledgements to it are dead, too, so we will now introduce a period T, which is some small multiple of the true maximum packet lifetime. The maximum packet lifetime is a conservative constant for a network; for the Internet, it is some- what arbitrarily taken to be 120 seconds. The multiple is protocol dependent and simply has the effect of making T longer. If we wait a time T secs after a packet has been sent, we can be sure that all traces of it are now gone and that neither it nor its acknowledgements will suddenly appear out of the blue to complicate mat ters.

With packet lifetimes bounded, it is possible to devise a practical and foolproof way to reject delayed duplicate segments. The method described below is due to Tomlinson (1975), as refined by Sunshine and Dalal (1978). Variants of it are widely used in practice, including in TCP.

The heart of the method is for the source to label segments with sequence numbers that will not be reused within T secs. The period, T, and the rate of pack- ets per second determine the size of the sequence numbers. In this way, only one packet with a given sequence number may be outstanding at any given time. Dupli- cates of this packet may still occur, and they must be discarded by the destination.


However, it is no longer the case that a delayed duplicate of an old packet may beat a new packet with the same sequence number and be accepted by the destination in its stead.

To get around the problem of a machine losing all memory of where it was after a crash, one possibility is to require transport entities to be idle for T secs after a recovery. The idle period will let all old segments die off, so the sender can start again with any sequence number. However, in a complex internetwork, T may be large, so this strategy is unattractive.

Instead, Tomlinson proposed equipping each host with a time-of-day clock. The clocks at different hosts need not be synchronized. Each clock is assumed to take the form of a binary counter that increments itself at uniform intervals. Fur thermore, the number of bits in the counter must equal or exceed the number of bits in the sequence numbers. Last, and most important, the clock is assumed to continue running even if the host goes down.

When a connection is set up, the low-order k-bits of the clock are used as the k-bit initial sequence number. Thus, unlike our protocols of Chap. 3, each connec tion starts numbering its segments with a different initial sequence number. The sequence space should be so large that by the time sequence numbers wrap around, old segments with the same sequence number are long gone. This linear relation between time and initial sequence numbers is shown in Fig. 6-10(a). The forbid- den region shows the times for which segment sequence numbers are illegal lead ing up to their use. If any segment is sent with a sequence number in this region, it could be delayed and impersonate a different packet with the same sequence num- ber that will be issued slightly later. For example, if the host crashes and restarts at time 70 seconds, it will use initial sequence numbers based on the clock to pick up after it left off; the host does not start with a lower sequence number in the forbid- den region.

Once both transport entities have agreed on the initial sequence number, any sliding window protocol can be used for data flow control. This window protocol will correctly find and discard duplicates of packets after they have already been accepted. In reality, the initial sequence number curve (shown by the heavy line) is not linear, but a staircase, since the clock advances in discrete steps. For simpli- city, we will ignore this detail.

To keep packet sequence numbers out of the forbidden region, we need to take care in two respects. We can get into trouble in two distinct ways. If a host sends too much data too fast on a newly opened connection, the actual sequence number versus time curve may rise more steeply than the initial sequence number versus time curve, causing the sequence number to enter the forbidden region. To prevent this from happening, the maximum data rate on any connection is one segment per clock tick. This also means that the transport entity must wait until the clock ticks before opening a new connection after a crash restart, lest the same number be used twice. Both of these points argue in favor of a short clock tick (1 µsec or less). However, the clock cannot tick too fast relative to the sequence number. For










Forbidden region












80 70 60

Restart after




crash with 70









030 60 90

0 120 150 180 Time


Actual sequence numbers used



Figure 6-10. (a) Segments may not enter the forbidden region. (b) The resyn

chronization problem.

a clock rate of C and a sequence number space of size S, we must have S/C > T so that the sequence numbers cannot wrap around too quickly.

Entering the forbidden region from underneath by sending too fast is not the only way to get into trouble. From Fig. 6-10(b), we see that at any data rate less than the clock rate, the curve of actual sequence numbers used versus time will eventually run into the forbidden region from the left as the sequence numbers wrap around. The greater the slope of the actual sequence numbers, the longer this event will be delayed. Avoiding this situation limits how slowly sequence numbers can advance on a connection (or how long the connections may last).

The clock-based method solves the problem of not being able to distinguish delayed duplicate segments from new segments. However, there is a practical snag for using it for establishing connections. Since we do not normally remember sequence numbers across connections at the destination, we still have no way of knowing if a CONNECTION REQUEST segment containing an initial sequence number is a duplicate of a recent connection. This snag does not exist during a con- nection because the sliding window protocol does remember the current sequence number.

Solution: Three-Way Handshake

To solve this specific problem, Tomlinson (1975) introduced the three-way handshake. This establishment protocol involves one peer checking with the other that the connection request is indeed current. The normal setup procedure when host 1 initiates is shown in Fig. 6-11(a). Host 1 chooses a sequence number, x, and sends a CONNECTION REQUEST segment containing it to host 2. Host 2 replies with an ACK segment acknowledging x and announcing its own initial sequence


number, y. Finally, host 1 acknowledges host 2’s choice of an initial sequence number in the first data segment that it sends.

Host 1 Host 2 CR (seq = x)

Host 1 Host 2 Old duplicate

CR (seq = x)





ACK (seq = y, ACK = x) DATA (seq = x, ACK = y)





ACK (seq = y, ACK = x) REJECT (ACK = y)

(a) (b)

Host 1 Host 2

CR (seq = x)

Old duplicate

ACK (seq = y, ACK = x)




DATA (seq = ACK x, = z)

Old duplicate

REJECT (ACK = y) (c)

Figure 6-11. Three protocol scenarios for establishing a connection using a three-way handshake. CR denotes CONNECTION REQUEST. (a) Normal opera

tion. (b) Old duplicate CONNECTION REQUEST appearing out of nowhere. (c) Duplicate CONNECTION REQUEST and duplicate ACK.

Now let us see how the three-way handshake works in the presence of delayed duplicate control segments. In Fig. 6-11(b), the first segment is a delayed dupli- cate CONNECTION REQUEST from an old connection. This segment arrives at host 2 without host 1’s knowledge. Host 2 reacts to this segment by sending host 1 an ACK segment, in effect asking for verification that host 1 was indeed trying to set up a new connection. When host 1 rejects host 2’s attempt to establish a con- nection, host 2 realizes that it was tricked by a delayed duplicate and abandons the connection. In this way, a delayed duplicate does no damage.


The worst case is when both a delayed CONNECTION REQUEST and an ACK are floating around in the subnet. This case is shown in Fig. 6-11(c). As in the previous example, host 2 gets a delayed CONNECTION REQUEST and replies to it. At this point, it is crucial to realize that host 2 has proposed using y as the initial sequence number for host 2 to host 1 traffic, knowing full well that no segments containing sequence number y or acknowledgements to y are still in existence. When the second delayed segment finally arrives at host 2, the fact that z has been acknowledged rather than y tells host 2 that this, too, is an old duplicate. The important thing to realize here is that there is no combination of old segments that can cause the protocol to fail and have a connection set up by accident when no one wants it.

TCP always uses this three-way handshake to establish connections. Within a connection, a timestamp is used to extend the 32-bit sequence number so that it will not wrap within the maximum packet lifetime, even for gigabit-per-second connections. This mechanism is a fix to TCP that was needed as it was used on faster and faster links. It is described in RFC 1323 and called PAWS (Protection Against Wrapped Sequence numbers). Across connections, for the initial sequence numbers and before PAWS can come into play, TCP originally used the clock-based scheme just described. However, this turned out to have a security vulnerability. The clock made it easy for an attacker to predict the next initial sequence number and send packets that tricked the three-way handshake and estab lished a forged connection. To close this hole, pseudorandom initial sequence num- bers are used for connections in practice. However, it remains important that the initial sequence numbers not repeat for an interval even though they appear random to an observer. Otherwise, delayed duplicates can wreak havoc.

6.2.3 Connection Release

Releasing a connection is easier than establishing one. Nevertheless, there are more pitfalls than one might expect here. As we mentioned earlier, there are two styles of terminating a connection: asymmetric release and symmetric release. Asymmetric release is the way the telephone system works: when one party hangs up, the connection is broken. Symmetric release treats the connection as two sepa rate unidirectional connections and requires each one to be released separately.

Asymmetric release is abrupt and may result in data loss. Consider the scen- ario of Fig. 6-12. After the connection is established, host 1 sends a segment that arrives properly at host 2. Then host 1 sends another segment. Unfortunately, host 2 issues a DISCONNECT before the second segment arrives. The result is that the connection is released and data are lost.

Clearly, a more sophisticated release protocol is needed to avoid data loss. One way is to use symmetric release, in which each direction is released indepen- dently of the other one. Here, a host can continue to receive data even after it has sent a DISCONNECT segment.


Host 1 Host 2










No data are delivered after a disconnect


Figure 6-12. Abrupt disconnection with loss of data.

Symmetric release does the job when each process has a fixed amount of data to send and clearly knows when it has sent it. In other situations, determining that all the work has been done and the connection should be terminated is not so ob- vious. One can envision a protocol in which host 1 says ‘‘I am done. Are you done too?’’ If host 2 responds: ‘‘I am done too. Goodbye, the connection can be safely released.’’

Unfortunately, this protocol does not always work. There is a famous problem that illustrates this issue. It is called the two-army problem. Imagine that a white army is encamped in a valley, as shown in Fig. 6-13. On both of the surrounding hillsides are blue armies. The white army is larger than either of the blue armies alone, but together the blue armies are larger than the white army. If either blue army attacks by itself, it will be defeated, but if the two blue armies attack simul taneously, they will be victorious.

The blue armies want to synchronize their attacks. However, their only com- munication medium is to send messengers on foot down into the valley, where they might be captured and the message lost (i.e., they have to use an unreliable com- munication channel). The question is: does a protocol exist that allows the blue armies to win?

Suppose that the commander of blue army #1 sends a message reading: ‘‘I pro- pose we attack at dawn on March 29. How about it?’’ Now suppose that the mes- sage arrives, the commander of blue army #2 agrees, and his reply gets safely back to blue army #1. Will the attack happen? Probably not, because commander #2 does not know if his reply got through. If it did not, blue army #1 will not attack, so it would be foolish for him to charge into battle.

Now let us improve the protocol by making it a three-way handshake. The ini tiator of the original proposal must acknowledge the response. Assuming no mes- sages are lost, blue army #2 will get the acknowledgement, but the commander of







White army


Figure 6-13. The two-army problem.




blue army #1 will now hesitate. After all, he does not know if his acknowledge- ment got through, and if it did not, he knows that blue army #2 will not attack. We could now make a four-way handshake protocol, but that does not help either.

In fact, it can be proven that no protocol exists that works. Suppose that some protocol did exist. Either the last message of the protocol is essential, or it is not. If it is not, we can remove it (and any other unessential messages) until we are left with a protocol in which every message is essential. What happens if the final message does not get through? We just said that it was essential, so if it is lost, the attack does not take place. Since the sender of the final message can never be sure of its arrival, he will not risk attacking. Worse yet, the other blue army knows this, so it will not attack either.

To see the relevance of the two-army problem to releasing connections, rather than to military affairs, just substitute ‘‘disconnect’’ for ‘‘attack.’’ If neither side is prepared to disconnect until it is convinced that the other side is prepared to disconnect too, the disconnection will never happen.

In practice, we can avoid this quandary by foregoing the need for agreement and pushing the problem up to the transport user, letting each side independently decide when it is done. This is an easier problem to solve. Figure 6-14 illustrates four scenarios of releasing using a three-way handshake. While this protocol is not infallible, it is usually adequate.

In Fig. 6-14(a), we see the normal case in which one of the users sends a DR (DISCONNECTION REQUEST) segment to initiate the connection release. When it arrives, the recipient sends back a DR segment and starts a timer, just in case its DR is lost. When this DR arrives, the original sender sends back an ACK segment and releases the connection. Finally, when the ACK segment arrives, the receiver also releases the connection. Releasing a connection means that the transport entity


removes the information about the connection from its table of currently open con- nections and signals the connection’s owner (the transport user) somehow. This action is different from a transport user issuing a DISCONNECT primitive.

Host 1 Host 2

Host 1 Host 2

Send DR

+ start timer

Send DR


Send DR

+ start timer

Send DR


Release connection


+ start timer




+ start timer

Send ACK




Send ACK



(Timeout) release connection

(a) (b)

Host 1 Host 2

Host 1 Host 2

Send DR + start timer


Send DR &

Send DR + start timer


Send DR &


start timer


start timer


( Timeout)

send DR + start timer

Release connection


Send DR & start timer

( Timeout)

send DR + start timer


Send ACK



(N Timeouts) release

(Timeout) release




(c) (d)

Figure 6-14. Four protocol scenarios for releasing a connection. (a) Normal case of three-way handshake. (b) Final ACK lost. (c) Response lost. (d) Re

sponse lost and subsequent DRs lost.

If the final ACK segment is lost, as shown in Fig. 6-14(b), the situation is saved by the timer. When the timer expires, the connection is released anyway. Now consider the case of the second DR being lost. The user initiating the disconnection will not receive the expected response, will time out, and will start all over again. In Fig. 6-14(c), we see how this works, assuming that the second time no segments are lost and all segments are delivered correctly and on time.


Our last scenario, Fig. 6-14(d), is the same as Fig. 6-14(c) except that now we assume all the repeated attempts to retransmit the DR also fail due to lost segments. After N retries, the sender just gives up and releases the connection. Meanwhile, the receiver times out and also exits.

While this protocol usually suffices, in theory it can fail if the initial DR and N retransmissions are all lost. The sender will give up and release the connection, while the other side knows nothing at all about the attempts to disconnect and is still fully active. This situation results in a half-open connection. That is unac- ceptable.

We could have avoided this problem by not allowing the sender to give up after N retries and forcing it to go on forever until it gets a response. However, if the other side is allowed to time out, the sender will indeed go on forever, because no response will ever be forthcoming. If we do not allow the receiving side to time out, the protocol hangs in Fig. 6-14(d).

One way to kill off half-open connections is to have a rule saying that if no segments have arrived for a certain number of seconds, the connection is automat ically disconnected. That way, if one side ever disconnects, the other side will detect the lack of activity and also disconnect. This rule also takes care of the case where the connection is broken (because the network can no longer deliver packets between the hosts) without either end disconnecting first.

Of course, if this rule is introduced, it is necessary for each transport entity to have a timer that is stopped and then restarted whenever a segment is sent. If this timer expires, a dummy segment is transmitted, just to keep the other side from disconnecting. On the other hand, if the automatic disconnect rule is used and too many dummy segments in a row are lost on an otherwise idle connection, first one side, then the other will automatically disconnect.

We will not belabor this point any more, but by now it should be clear that releasing a connection without data loss is not nearly as simple as it first appears. The lesson here is that the transport user must be involved in deciding when to disconnect—the problem cannot be cleanly solved by the transport entities them- selves. To see the importance of the application, consider that while TCP normally does a symmetric close (with each side independently closing its half of the con- nection with a FIN packet when it has sent its data), many Web servers send the cli- ent a RST packet that causes an abrupt close of the connection that is more like an asymmetric close. This works only because the Web server knows the pattern of data exchange. First it receives a request from the client, which is all the data the client will send, and then it sends a response to the client.

When the Web server is finished with its response, all of the data has been sent in either direction. The server can send the client a warning and abruptly shut the connection. If the client gets this warning, it will release its connection state then and there. If the client does not get the warning, it will eventually realize that the server is no longer talking to it and release the connection state. The data has been successfully transferred in either case.

528 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.2.4 Error Control and Flow Control

Having examined connection establishment and release in some detail, let us now look at how connections are managed while they are in use. The key issues are error control and flow control. Error control is ensuring that the data is deliv- ered with the desired level of reliability, usually that all of the data is delivered without any errors. Flow control is keeping a fast transmitter from overrunning a slow receiver.

Both of these issues have come up before, when we studied the data link layer. The solutions that are used at the transport layer are the same mechanisms that we studied in Chap. 3. As a very brief recap:

1. A frame carries an error-detecting code (e.g., a CRC or checksum) that is used to check if the information was correctly received.

2. A frame carries a sequence number to identify itself and is retrans- mitted by the sender until it receives an acknowledgement of suc- cessful receipt from the receiver. This is called ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest).

3. There is a maximum number of frames that the sender will allow to be outstanding at any time, pausing if the receiver is not acknowledg

ing frames quickly enough. If this maximum is one packet the proto- col is called stop-and-wait. Larger windows enable pipelining and improve performance on long, fast links.

4. The sliding window protocol combines these features and is also used to support bidirectional data transfer.

Given that these mechanisms are used on frames at the link layer, it is natural to wonder why they would be used on segments at the transport layer as well. However, there is little duplication between the link and transport layers in prac tice. Even though the same mechanisms are used, there are differences in function and degree.

For a difference in function, consider error detection. The link layer checksum protects a frame while it crosses a single link. The transport layer checksum pro tects a segment while it crosses an entire network path. It is an end-to-end check, which is not the same as having a check on every link. Saltzer et al. (1984) de- scribe a situation in which packets were corrupted inside a router. The link layer checksums protected the packets only while they traveled across a link, not while they were inside the router. Thus, packets were delivered incorrectly even though they were correct according to the checks on every link.

This and other examples led Saltzer et al. to articulate what is called the end to-end argument. According to this argument, the transport layer check that runs end-to-end is essential for correctness, and the link layer checks are not essential


but nonetheless valuable for improving performance (since without them a cor rupted packet can be sent along the entire path unnecessarily).

As a difference in degree, consider retransmissions and the sliding window protocol. Most wireless links, other than satellite links, can have only a single frame outstanding from the sender at a time. That is, the bandwidth-delay product for the link is small enough that not even a whole frame can be stored inside the link. In this case, a small window size is sufficient for good performance. For example, 802.11 uses a stop-and-wait protocol, transmitting or retransmitting each frame and waiting for it to be acknowledged before moving on to the next frame. Having a window size larger than one frame would add complexity without im- proving performance. For wired and optical fiber links, such as (switched) Ether- net or ISP backbones, the error-rate is low enough that link-layer retransmissions can be omitted because the end-to-end retransmissions will repair the residual frame loss.

On the other hand, many TCP connections have a bandwidth-delay product that is much larger than a single segment. Consider a connection sending data across the U.S. at 1 Mbps with a round-trip time of 200 msec. Even for this slow connection, 200 Kbit of data will be stored at the receiver in the time it takes to send a segment and receive an acknowledgement. For these situations, a large slid ing window must be used. Stop-and-wait will cripple performance. In our example it would limit performance to one segment every 200 msec, or 5 segments/sec no matter how fast the network really is.

Given that transport protocols generally use larger sliding windows, we will look at the issue of buffering data more carefully. Since a host may have many connections, each of which is treated separately, it may need a substantial amount of buffering for the sliding windows. The buffers are needed at both the sender and the receiver. Certainly they are needed at the sender to hold all transmitted but as yet unacknowledged segments. They are needed there because these segments may be lost and need to be retransmitted.

However, since the sender is buffering, the receiver may or may not dedicate specific buffers to specific connections, as it sees fit. The receiver may, for ex- ample, maintain a single buffer pool shared by all connections. When a segment comes in, an attempt is made to dynamically acquire a new buffer. If one is avail- able, the segment is accepted; otherwise, it is discarded. Since the sender is pre- pared to retransmit segments lost by the network, no permanent harm is done by having the receiver drop segments, although some resources are wasted. The send- er just keeps trying until it gets an acknowledgement.

The best trade-off between source buffering and destination buffering depends on the type of traffic carried by the connection. For low-bandwidth bursty traffic, such as that produced by a user typing at a remote computer, it is reasonable not to dedicate any buffers, but rather to acquire them dynamically at both ends, relying on buffering at the sender if segments must occasionally be discarded. On the other hand, for file transfer and most other high-bandwidth traffic, it is better if the


receiver does dedicate a full window of buffers, to allow the data to flow at maxi- mum speed. This is the strategy that TCP uses.

There still remains the question of how to organize the buffer pool. If most segments are nearly the same size, it is natural to organize the buffers as a pool of identically sized buffers, with one segment per buffer, as in Fig. 6-15(a). However, if there is wide variation in segment size, from short requests for Web pages to large packets in peer-to-peer file transfers, a pool of fixed-sized buffers presents problems. If the buffer size is chosen to be equal to the largest possible segment, space will be wasted whenever a short segment arrives. If the buffer size is chosen to be less than the maximum segment size, multiple buffers will be needed for long segments, with the attendant complexity.

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

(a) (b)

Segment 4




Figure 6-15. (a) Chained fixed-size buffers. (b) Chained variable-sized buffers. (c) One large circular buffer per connection.

Another approach to the buffer size problem is to use variable-sized buffers, as in Fig. 6-15(b). The advantage here is better memory utilization, at the price of more complicated buffer management. A third possibility is to dedicate a single large circular buffer per connection, as in Fig. 6-15(c). This system is simple and elegant and does not depend on segment sizes, but makes good use of memory only when the connections are heavily loaded.

As connections are opened and closed and as the traffic pattern changes, the sender and receiver need to dynamically adjust their buffer allocations. Conse- quently, the transport protocol should allow a sending host to request buffer space at the other end. Buffers could be allocated per connection, or collectively, for all connections running between the two hosts. Alternatively, the receiver, knowing


its buffer situation (but not knowing the offered traffic) could tell the sender ‘‘I have reserved X buffers for you.’’ If the number of open connections should increase, it may be necessary for an allocation to be reduced, so the protocol should provide for this possibility.

A reasonably general way to manage dynamic buffer allocation is to decouple the buffering from the acknowledgements, in contrast to the sliding window proto- cols of Chap. 3. Dynamic buffer management means, in effect, a variable-sized window. Initially, the sender requests a certain number of buffers, based on its ex- pected needs. The receiver then grants as many of these as it can afford. Every time the sender transmits a segment, it must decrement its allocation, stopping alto- gether when the allocation reaches zero. The receiver separately piggybacks both acknowledgements and buffer allocations onto the reverse traffic. TCP uses this scheme, carrying buffer allocations in a header field called Window size.

Figure 6-16 has an example of how dynamic window management might work in a datagram network with 4-bit sequence numbers. In this example, data flows in segments from host A to host B and acknowledgements and buffer allocations flow in segments in the reverse direction. Initially, A wants eight buffers, but it is grant- ed only four of these. It then sends three segments, of which the third is lost. Seg- ment 6 acknowledges receipt of all segments up to and including sequence number 1, thus allowing A to release those buffers, and furthermore informs A that it has permission to send three more segments starting beyond 1 (i.e., segments 2, 3, and 4). A knows that it has already sent number 2, so it thinks that it may send seg- ments 3 and 4, which it proceeds to do. At this point it is blocked and must wait for more buffer allocation. Timeout-induced retransmissions (line 9), however, may occur while blocked, since they use buffers that have already been allocated. In line 10, B acknowledges receipt of all segments up to and including 4 but re fuses to let A continue. Such a situation is impossible with the fixed-window pro tocols of Chap. 3. The next segment from B to A allocates another buffer and al lows A to continue. This will happen when B has buffer space, likely because the transport user has accepted more segment data.

Problems with buffer allocation schemes of this kind can arise in datagram net- works if control segments can get lost—which they most certainly can. Look at line 16. B has now allocated more buffers to A, but the allocation segment was lost. Oops. Since control segments are not sequenced or timed out, A is now dead locked. To prevent this situation, each host should periodically send control seg- ments giving the acknowledgement and buffer status on each connection. That way, the deadlock will be broken, sooner or later.

Until now we have assumed that the only limit imposed on the sender’s data rate is the amount of buffer space available in the receiver. This is often not the case. Memory was once expensive but prices have fallen dramatically. Hosts may be equipped with sufficient memory that the lack of buffers is rarely a problem, even for wide area connections. Of course, this depends on the buffer size being set to be large enough, which is not always the case for TCP (Zhang et al., 2002).

532 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 A Message B Comments

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

< request 8 buffers> <ack = 15, buf = 4> <seq = 0, data = m0> <seq = 1, data = m1> <seq = 2, data = m2> <ack = 1, buf = 3> <seq = 3, data = m3> <seq = 4, data = m4> <seq = 2, data = m2> <ack = 4, buf = 0> <ack = 4, buf = 1> <ack = 4, buf = 2> <seq = 5, data = m5> <seq = 6, data = m6> <ack = 6, buf = 0> <ack = 6, buf = 4>

A wants 8 buffers

B grants messages 0-3 only

A has 3 buffers left now

A has 2 buffers left now

Message lost but A thinks it has 1 left B acknowledges 0 and 1, permits 2-4 A has 1 buffer left

A has 0 buffers left, and must stop A times out and retransmits

Everything acknowledged, but A still blocked A may now send 5

B found a new buffer somewhere A has 1 buffer left

A is now blocked again

A is still blocked

Potential deadlock

Figure 6-16. Dynamic buffer allocation. The arrows show the direction of trans

mission. An ellipsis (...) indicates a lost segment.

When buffer space no longer limits the maximum flow, another bottleneck will appear: the carrying capacity of the network. If adjacent routers can exchange at most x packets/sec and there are k disjoint paths between a pair of hosts, there is no way that those hosts can exchange more than kx segments/sec, no matter how much buffer space is available at each end. If the sender pushes too hard (i.e., sends more than kx segments/sec), the network will become congested because it will be unable to deliver segments as fast as they are coming in.

What is needed is a mechanism that limits transmissions from the sender based on the network’s carrying capacity rather than on the receiver’s buffering capacity. Belsnes (1975) proposed using a sliding window flow-control scheme in which the sender dynamically adjusts the window size to match the network’s carrying capac ity.

This means that a dynamic sliding window can implement both flow control and congestion control. If the network can handle c segments/sec and the round trip time (including transmission, propagation, queueing, processing at the re- ceiver, and return of the acknowledgement) is r, the sender’s window should be cr. With a window of this size, the sender normally operates with the pipeline full. Any small decrease in network performance will cause it to block. Since the net- work capacity available to any given flow varies over time, the window size should be adjusted frequently, to track changes in the carrying capacity. As we will see later, TCP uses a similar scheme.


Multiplexing, or sharing several conversations over connections, virtual cir- cuits, and physical links plays a role in several layers of the network architecture. In the transport layer, the need for multiplexing can arise in a number of ways. For example, if only one network address is available on a host, all transport con- nections on that machine have to use it. When a segment comes in, some way is needed to tell which process to give it to. This situation, called multiplexing, is shown in Fig. 6-17(a). In this figure, four distinct transport connections all use the same network connection (e.g., IP address) to the remote host.

Transport address


4 3 2 1



Router lines

To router

(a) (b)

Figure 6-17. (a) Multiplexing. (b) Inverse multiplexing.

Multiplexing can also be useful in the transport layer for another reason. Sup- pose, for example, that a host has multiple network paths that it can use. If a user needs more bandwidth or more reliability than one of the network paths can pro- vide, a way out is to have a connection that distributes the traffic among multiple

network paths on a round-robin basis, as indicated in Fig. 6-17(b). This modus operandi is called inverse multiplexing. With k network connections open, the ef fective bandwidth might be increased by a factor of k. An example of inverse mul tiplexing is SCTP which can run a connection using multiple network interfaces. In contrast, TCP uses a single network endpoint. Inverse multiplexing is also found at the link layer, when several low-rate links are used in parallel as one fast link.

6.2.6 Crash Recovery

If hosts and routers are subject to crashes or connections are long-lived (e.g., large software or media downloads), recovery from these crashes becomes an issue. If the transport entity is entirely within the hosts, recovery from network


and router crashes is straightforward. The transport entities expect lost segments all the time and know how to cope with them by using retransmissions. A more troublesome problem is how to recover from host crashes. In particu lar, it may be desirable for clients to be able to continue working when servers crash and quickly reboot. To illustrate the difficulty, let us assume that one host, the client, is sending a long file to another host, the file server, using a simple stop- and-wait protocol. The transport layer on the server just passes the incoming seg- ments to the transport user, one by one. Partway through the transmission, the ser- ver crashes. When it comes back up, its tables are reinitialized, so it no longer knows precisely where it was.

In an attempt to recover its previous status, the server might send a broadcast segment to all other hosts, announcing that it has just crashed and requesting that its clients inform it of the status of all open connections. Each client can be in one of two states: one segment outstanding, S1, or no segments outstanding, S0. Based on only this state information, the client must decide whether to retransmit the most recent segment.

At first glance, it would seem obvious: the client should retransmit if and only if it has an unacknowledged segment outstanding (i.e., is in state S1) when it learns of the crash. However, a closer inspection reveals difficulties with this naive approach. Consider, for example, the situation in which the server’s transport enti ty first sends an acknowledgement and then, when the acknowledgement has been sent, writes to the application process. Writing a segment onto the output stream and sending an acknowledgement are two distinct events that cannot be done simultaneously. If a crash occurs after the acknowledgement has been sent but be fore the write has been fully completed, the client will receive the acknowledge- ment and thus be in state S0 when the crash recovery announcement arrives. The client will therefore not retransmit, (incorrectly) thinking that the segment has arri- ved. This decision by the client leads to a missing segment.

At this point you may be thinking: ‘‘That problem can be solved easily. All you have to do is reprogram the transport entity to first do the write and then send the acknowledgement.’’ Try again. Imagine that the write has been done but the crash occurs before the acknowledgement can be sent. The client will be in state S1 and thus retransmit, leading to an undetected duplicate segment in the output stream to the server application process.

No matter how the client and server are programmed, there are always situa tions where the protocol fails to recover properly. The server can be programmed in one of two ways: acknowledge first or write first. The client can be pro- grammed in one of four ways: always retransmit the last segment, never retransmit the last segment, retransmit only in state S0, or retransmit only in state S1. This gives eight combinations, but as we shall see, for each combination there is some set of events that makes the protocol fail.

Three events are possible at the server: sending an acknowledgement (A), writ ing to the output process (W), and crashing (C). The three events can occur in six


different orderings: AC(W ), AWC, C(AW), C(WA), WAC, and WC(A), where the parentheses are used to indicate that neither A nor W can follow C (i.e., once it has crashed, it has crashed). Figure 6-18 shows all eight combinations of client and server strategies and the valid event sequences for each one. Notice that for each strategy there is some sequence of events that causes the protocol to fail. For ex- ample, if the client always retransmits, the AWC event will generate an undetected duplicate, even though the other two events work properly.

Strategy used by receiving host

First ACK, then write First write, then ACK

Strategy used by

sending host AWC




Always retransmit OK DUP OK


Never retransmit Retransmit in S0 Retransmit in S1



OK = Protocol functions correctly

DUP = Protocol generates a duplicate message

LOST = Protocol loses a message

Figure 6-18. Different combinations of client and server strategies.

Making the protocol more elaborate does not help. Even if the client and ser- ver exchange several segments before the server attempts to write, so that the client knows exactly what is about to happen, the client has no way of knowing whether a crash occurred just before or just after the write. The conclusion is inescapable: under our ground rules of no simultaneous events—that is, separate events happen one after another not at the same time—host crash and recovery cannot be made transparent to higher layers.

Put in more general terms, this result can be restated as ‘‘recovery from a layer N crash can only be done by layer N + 1,’’ and then only if the higher layer retains enough status information to reconstruct where it was before the problem occurred. This is consistent with the case mentioned above that the transport layer can recover from failures in the network layer, provided that each end of a connection keeps track of where it is.

This problem gets us into the issue of what a so-called end-to-end acknowl- edgement really means. In principle, the transport protocol is end-to-end and not chained like the lower layers. Now consider the case of a user entering requests for transactions against a remote database. Suppose that the remote transport entity is programmed to first pass segments to the next layer up and then acknowledge.


Even in this case, the receipt of an acknowledgement back at the user’s machine does not necessarily mean that the remote host stayed up long enough to actually update the database. A truly end-to-end acknowledgement, whose receipt means that the work has actually been done and lack thereof means that it has not, is prob- ably impossible to achieve. This point is discussed in more detail by Saltzer et al. (1984).


If the transport entities on many machines send too many packets into the net- work too quickly, the network will become congested, with performance degraded as packets are delayed and lost. Controlling congestion to avoid this problem is the combined responsibility of the network and transport layers. Congestion occurs at routers, so it is detected at the network layer. However, congestion is ultimately caused by traffic sent into the network by the transport layer. The only effective way to control congestion is for the transport protocols to send packets into the net- work more slowly.

In Chap. 5, we studied congestion control mechanisms in the network layer. In this section, we will study the other half of the problem, congestion control mech- anisms in the transport layer. After describing the goals of congestion control, we will describe how hosts can regulate the rate at which they send packets into the network. The Internet relies heavily on the transport layer for congestion control, and specific algorithms are built into TCP and other protocols.

6.3.1 Desirable Bandwidth Allocation

Before we describe how to regulate traffic, we must understand what we are trying to achieve by running a congestion control algorithm. That is, we must spec ify the state in which a good congestion control algorithm will operate the network. The goal is more than to simply avoid congestion. It is to find a good allocation of bandwidth to the transport entities that are using the network. A good allocation will deliver good performance because it uses all the available bandwidth but avoids congestion, it will be fair across competing transport entities, and it will quickly track changes in traffic demands. We will make each of these criteria more precise in turn.

Efficiency and Power

An efficient allocation of bandwidth across transport entities will use all of the network capacity that is available. However, it is not quite right to think that if there is a 100-Mbps link, five transport entities should get 20 Mbps each. They should usually get less than 20 Mbps for good performance. The reason is that the


traffic is often bursty. Recall that in Sec. 5.3 we described the goodput (or rate of useful packets arriving at the receiver) as a function of the offered load. This curve and a matching curve for the delay as a function of the offered load are given in Fig. 6-19.

) c






































Onset of


Offered load (packets/sec) (a)

Offered load (packets/sec) (b)

Figure 6-19. (a) Goodput and (b) delay as a function of offered load.

As the load increases in Fig. 6-19(a) goodput initially increases at the same rate, but as the load approaches the capacity, goodput rises more gradually. This falloff is because bursts of traffic can occasionally mount up and cause some losses at buffers inside the network. If the transport protocol is poorly designed and retransmits packets that have been delayed but not lost, the network can enter con- gestion collapse. In this state, senders are furiously sending packets, but increas ingly little useful work is being accomplished.

The corresponding delay is given in Fig. 6-19(b) Initially the delay is fixed, representing the propagation delay across the network. As the load approaches the capacity, the delay rises, slowly at first and then much more rapidly. This is again because of bursts of traffic that tend to mound up at high load. The delay cannot really go to infinity, except in a model in which the routers have infinite buffers. Instead, packets will be lost after experiencing the maximum buffering delay.

For both goodput and delay, performance begins to degrade at the onset of con- gestion. Intuitively, we will obtain the best performance from the network if we allocate bandwidth up until the delay starts to climb rapidly. This point is below the capacity. To identify it, Kleinrock (1979) proposed the metric of power, where

power =load


Power will initially rise with offered load, as delay remains small and roughly con- stant, but will reach a maximum and fall as delay grows rapidly. The load with the highest power represents an efficient load for the transport entity to place on the network. The network should try to stay close it as best it can.

538 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 Max-Min Fairness

In the discussion above, we did not talk about how to divide bandwidth be tween different transport senders. This sounds like a simple question—give all the senders an equal fraction of the bandwidth—but it is more complicated than that.

Perhaps the first consideration is to ask what this problem has to do with con- gestion control. After all, if the network gives a sender some amount of bandwidth to use, the sender should just use that much bandwidth. However, it is often the case that networks do not have a strict bandwidth reservation for each flow or con- nection. They may for some flows if quality of service is supported, but many con- nections will seek to use whatever bandwidth is available or be lumped together by the network under a common allocation. For example, IETF’s differentiated ser- vices separates traffic into two classes and connections compete for bandwidth within each class. IP routers often have all connections competing for the same bandwidth. In this situation, it is the congestion control mechanism that is allocat ing bandwidth to the competing connections.

A second consideration is what a fair portion means for flows in a network. It is simple enough if N flows use a single link, in which case they can all have 1/N of the bandwidth (although efficiency will dictate that they use slightly less if the traffic is bursty). But what happens if the flows have different, but overlapping, network paths? For example, one flow may cross three links, and the other flows may cross one link. The three-link flow consumes more network resources. It might be fairer in some sense to give it less bandwidth than the one-link flows. It should certainly be possible to support more one-link flows by reducing the band- width of the three-link flow. This point demonstrates an inherent tension between fairness and efficiency.

However, we will adopt a notion of fairness that does not depend on the length of the network path. Even with this simple model, giving connections an equal fraction of bandwidth is a bit complicated because different connections will take different paths through the network and these paths will themselves have different capacities. In this case, it is possible for a flow to be bottlenecked on a downstream link and take a smaller portion of an upstream link than other flows; reducing the bandwidth of the other flows would slow them down but would not help the bottle- necked flow at all.

The form of fairness that is often desired for network usage is max-min fair- ness. An allocation is max-min fair if the bandwidth given to one flow cannot be increased without decreasing the bandwidth given to another flow with an alloca tion that is no larger. That is, increasing the bandwidth of a flow will only make the situation worse for flows that are less well off.

Let us see an example. A max-min fair allocation is shown for a network with four flows, A, B, C, and D, in Fig. 6-20. Each of the links between routers has the same capacity, taken to be 1 unit, though in the general case the links will have dif ferent capacities. Three flows compete for the bottom-left link between routers R4


and R5. Each of these flows therefore gets 1/3 of the link. The remaining flow, A, competes with B on the link from R2 to R3. Since B has an allocation of 1/3, A gets the remaining 2/3 of the link. Notice that all of the other links have spare capacity. However, this capacity cannot be given to any of the flows without decreasing the capacity of another, lower flow. For example, if more of the band- width on the link between R2 and R3 is given to flow B, there will be less for flow A. This is reasonable as flow A already has more bandwidth. However, the capac ity of flow C or D (or both) must be decreased to give more bandwidth to B, and these flows will have less bandwidth than B. Thus, the allocation is max-min fair.




R1 R2 1/3

1/3 1/3

2/3 1/3









R5 R6


Figure 6-20. Max-min bandwidth allocation for four flows.

Max-min allocations can be computed given a global knowledge of the net- work. An intuitive way to think about them is to imagine that the rate for all of the flows starts at zero and is slowly increased. When the rate reaches a bottleneck for any flow, that flow stops increasing. The other flows continue to increase, sharing equally in the available capacity, until they too reach their respective bottlenecks.

A third consideration is the level over which to consider fairness. A network could be fair at the level of connections, connections between a pair of hosts, or all connections per host. We examined this issue when we were discussing WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing) in Sec. 5.4 and concluded that each of these definitions has its problems. For example, defining fairness per host means that a busy server will fare no better than a mobile phone, while defining fairness per connection encourages hosts to open more connections. Given that there is no clear answer, fairness is often considered per connection, but precise fairness is usually not a concern. It is more important in practice that no connection be starved of band- width than that all connections get precisely the same amount of bandwidth. In fact, with TCP it is possible to open multiple connections and compete for band- width more aggressively. This tactic is used by bandwidth-hungry applications such as BitTorrent for peer-to-peer file sharing.


A final criterion is that the congestion control algorithm converge quickly to a fair and efficient allocation of bandwidth. The discussion of the desirable operat ing point above assumes a static network environment. However, connections are


always coming and going in a network, and the bandwidth needed by a given con- nection will vary over time too, for example, as a user browses Web pages and occasionally downloads large videos.

Because of the variation in demand, the ideal operating point for the network varies over time. A good congestion control algorithm should rapidly converge to the ideal operating point, and it should track that point as it changes over time. If the convergence is too slow, the algorithm will never be close to the changing oper- ating point. If the algorithm is not stable, it may fail to converge to the right point in some cases, or even oscillate around the right point.

An example of a bandwidth allocation that changes over time and converges quickly is shown in Fig. 6-21. Initially, flow 1 has all of the bandwidth. One sec- ond later, flow 2 starts. It needs bandwidth as well. The allocation quickly changes to give each of these flows half the bandwidth. At 4 seconds, a third flow joins. However, this flow uses only 20% of the bandwidth, which is less than its fair share (which is a third). Flows 1 and 2 quickly adjust, dividing the available band- width to each have 40% of the bandwidth. At 9 seconds, the second flow leaves, and the third flow remains unchanged. The first flow quickly captures 80% of the bandwidth. At all times, the total allocated bandwidth is approximately 100%, so that the network is fully used, and competing flows get equal treatment (but do not have to use more bandwidth than they need).





Flow 1














Flow 2 starts





Flow 3 Flow 2 stops


1 4 9 Time (secs)

Figure 6-21. Changing bandwidth allocation over time.

6.3.2 Regulating the Sending Rate

Now it is time for the main course. How do we regulate the sending rates to obtain a desirable bandwidth allocation? The sending rate may be limited by two factors. The first is flow control, in the case that there is insufficient buffering at the receiving end. The second is congestion, in the case that there is insufficient capacity in the network. In Fig. 6-22, we see this problem illustrated hydraulically.


In Fig. 6-22(a), we see a thick pipe leading to a small-capacity receiver. This is a flow-control limited situation. As long as the sender does not send more water than the bucket can contain, no water will be lost. In Fig. 6-22(b), the limiting fac tor is not the bucket capacity, but the internal carrying capacity of the network. If too much water comes in too fast, it will back up and some will be lost (in this case, by overflowing the funnel).


rate adjustment


network Internal


Small-capacity receiver

Large-capacity receiver

(a) (b)

Figure 6-22. (a) A fast network feeding a low-capacity receiver. (b) A slow net- work feeding a high-capacity receiver.

These cases may appear similar to the sender, as transmitting too fast causes packets to be lost. However, they have different causes and call for different solu tions. We have already talked about a flow-control solution with a variable-sized window. Now we will consider a congestion control solution. Since either of these problems can occur, the transport protocol will in general need to run both solu tions and slow down if either problem occurs.

The way that a transport protocol should regulate the sending rate depends on the form of the feedback returned by the network. Different network layers may return different kinds of feedback. The feedback may be explicit or implicit, and it may be precise or imprecise.


An example of an explicit, precise design is when routers tell the sources the rate at which they may send. Designs in the literature such as XCP (eXplicit Con- gestion Protocol) operate in this manner (Katabi et al., 2002). An explicit, impre- cise design is the use of ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) with TCP. In this design, routers set bits on packets that experience congestion to warn the senders to slow down, but they do not tell them how much to slow down.

In other designs, there is no explicit signal. FAST TCP measures the round trip delay and uses that metric as a signal to avoid congestion (Wei et al., 2006). Finally, in the form of congestion control most prevalent in the Internet today, TCP with drop-tail or RED routers, packet loss is inferred and used to signal that the network has become congested. There are many variants of this form of TCP, in- cluding TCP CUBIC, which is used in Linux (Ha et al., 2008). Combinations are also possible. For example, Windows includes Compound TCP that uses both packet loss and delay as feedback signals (Tan et al., 2006). These designs are summarized in Fig. 6-23.

Protocol Signal Explicit? Precise? XCP Rate to use Yes Yes TCP with ECN Congestion warning Yes No FAST TCP End-to-end delay No Yes Compound TCP Packet loss & end-to-end delay No Yes CUBIC TCP Packet loss No No TCP Packet loss No No

Figure 6-23. Signals of some congestion control protocols.

If an explicit and precise signal is given, the transport entity can use that signal to adjust its rate to the new operating point. For example, if XCP tells senders the rate to use, the senders may simply use that rate. In the other cases, however, some guesswork is involved. In the absence of a congestion signal, the senders should increase their rates. When a congestion signal is given, the senders should decrease their rates. The way in which the rates are increased or decreased is given by a control law. These laws have a major effect on performance.

Chiu and Jain (1989) studied the case of binary congestion feedback and con- cluded that AIMD (Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease) is the appropriate control law to arrive at the efficient and fair operating point. To argue this case, they constructed a graphical argument for the simple case of two connections com- peting for the bandwidth of a single link. The graph in Fig. 6-24 shows the band- width allocated to user 1 on the x-axis and to user 2 on the y-axis. When the allocation is completely fair, both users will receive the same amount of band- width. This is shown by the dotted fairness line. When the allocations sum to 100%, the capacity of the link, the allocation is efficient. This is shown by the dot ted efficiency line. A congestion signal is given by the network to both users when


the sum of their allocations crosses this line. The intersection of these lines is the desired operating point, when both users have the same bandwidth and all of the network bandwidth is used.

Additive increase


and decrease

















Fairness line

Optimal point

Multiplicative increase

and decrease

Efficiency line


User 1’s bandwidth

Figure 6-24. Additive and multiplicative bandwidth adjustments.

Consider what happens from some starting allocation if both user 1 and user 2 additively increase their respective bandwidths over time. For example, the users may each increase their sending rate by 1 Mbps every second. Eventually, the oper- ating point crosses the efficiency line and both users receive a congestion signal from the network. At this stage, they must reduce their allocations. However, an additive decrease would simply cause them to oscillate along an additive line. This situation is shown in Fig. 6-24. The behavior will keep the operating point close to efficient, but it will not necessarily be fair.

Similarly, consider the case when both users multiplicatively increase their bandwidth over time until they receive a congestion signal. For example, the users may increase their sending rate by 10% every second. If they then multiplicatively decrease their sending rates, the operating point of the users will simply oscillate along a multiplicative line. This behavior is also shown in Fig. 6-24. The multi- plicative line has a different slope than the additive line. (It points to the origin, while the additive line has an angle of 45 degrees.) But it is otherwise no better. In neither case will the users converge to the optimal sending rates that are both fair and efficient.

Now consider the case that the users additively increase their bandwidth allo- cations and then multiplicatively decrease them when congestion is signaled. This behavior is the AIMD control law, and it is shown in Fig. 6-25. It can be seen that the path traced by this behavior does converge to the optimal point that is both fair and efficient. This convergence happens no matter what the starting point, making AIMD broadly useful. By the same argument, the only other combination, multi- plicative increase and additive decrease, would diverge from the optimal point.

AIMD is the control law that is used by TCP, based on this argument and an- other stability argument (that it is easy to drive the network into congestion and

















Fairness line

Optimal point

= Additive increase (up at 45 )

= Multiplicative decrease (line points to origin)





Efficiency line

User 1’s bandwidth 100%

Figure 6-25. Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) control law.

difficult to recover, so the increase policy should be gentle and the decrease policy aggressive). It is not quite fair, since TCP connections adjust their window size by a given amount every round-trip time. Different connections will have different round-trip times. This leads to a bias in which connections to closer hosts receive more bandwidth than connections to distant hosts, all else being equal.

In Sec. 6.5, we will describe in detail how TCP implements an AIMD control law to adjust the sending rate and provide congestion control. This task is more difficult than it sounds because rates are measured over some interval and traffic is bursty. Instead of adjusting the rate directly, a strategy that is often used in practice is to adjust the size of a sliding window. TCP uses this strategy. If the window size is W and the round-trip time is RTT, the equivalent rate is W/RTT. This strategy is easy to combine with flow control, which already uses a window, and has the ad- vantage that the sender paces packets using acknowledgements and hence slows down in one RTT if it stops receiving reports that packets are leaving the network.

As a final issue, there may be many different transport protocols that send traf fic into the network. What will happen if the different protocols compete with dif ferent control laws to avoid congestion? Unequal bandwidth allocations, that is what. Since TCP is the dominant form of congestion control in the Internet, there is significant community pressure for new transport protocols to be designed so that they compete fairly with it. The early streaming media protocols caused prob lems by excessively reducing TCP throughput because they did not compete fairly. This led to the notion of TCP-friendly congestion control in which TCP and non- TCP transport protocols can be freely mixed with no ill effects (Floyd et al., 2000).

6.3.3 Wireless Issues

Transport protocols such as TCP that implement congestion control should be independent of the underlying network and link layer technologies. That is a good theory, but in practice there are issues with wireless networks. The main issue is that packet loss is often used as a congestion signal, including by TCP as we have


just discussed. Wireless networks lose packets all the time due to transmission er rors. They just are not as reliable as wired networks.

With the AIMD control law, high throughput requires very small levels of packet loss. Analyses by Padhye et al. (1998) show that the throughput goes up as the inverse square root of the packet loss rate. What this means in practice is that the loss rate for fast TCP connections is very small; 1% is a moderate loss rate, and by the time the loss rate reaches 10% the connection has effectively stopped work ing. However, for wireless networks such as 802.11 LANs, frame loss rates of at least 10% are common. This difference means that, absent protective measures, congestion control schemes that use packet loss as a signal will unnecessarily throttle connections that run over wireless links to very low rates.

To function well, the only packet losses that the congestion control algorithm should observe are losses due to insufficient bandwidth, not losses due to transmis- sion errors. One solution to this problem is to mask the wireless losses by using re transmissions over the wireless link. For example, 802.11 uses a stop-and-wait pro tocol to deliver each frame, retrying transmissions multiple times if need be before reporting a packet loss to the higher layer. In the normal case, each packet is deliv- ered despite transient transmission errors that are not visible to the higher layers.

Fig. 6-26 shows a path with a wired and wireless link for which the masking strategy is used. There are two aspects to note. First, the sender does not necessar ily know that the path includes a wireless link, since all it sees is the wired link to which it is attached. Internet paths are heterogeneous and there is no general meth- od for the sender to tell what kind of links comprise the path. This complicates the congestion control problem, as there is no easy way to use one protocol for wire less links and another protocol for wired links.

Transport with end-to-end congestion control (loss = congestion)

Wired link

Wireless link

Sender Receiver

Link layer retransmission

(loss = transmission error)

Figure 6-26. Congestion control over a path with a wireless link.

The second aspect is a puzzle. The figure shows two mechanisms that are dri- ven by loss: link layer frame retransmissions, and transport layer congestion con trol. The puzzle is how these two mechanisms can co-exist without getting con fused. After all, a loss should cause only one mechanism to take action because it is either a transmission error or a congestion signal. It cannot be both. If both


mechanisms take action (by retransmitting the frame and slowing down the send ing rate) then we are back to the original problem of transports that run far too slowly over wireless links. Consider this puzzle for a moment and see if you can solve it.

The solution is that the two mechanisms act at different timescales. Link layer retransmissions happen on the order of microseconds to milliseconds for wireless links such as 802.11. Loss timers in transport protocols fire on the order of milliseconds to seconds. The difference is three orders of magnitude. This allows wireless links to detect frame losses and retransmit frames to repair transmission errors long before packet loss is inferred by the transport entity.

The masking strategy is sufficient to let most transport protocols run well across most wireless links. However, it is not always a fitting solution. Some wire less links have long round-trip times, such as satellites. For these links other tech- niques must be used to mask loss, such as FEC (Forward Error Correction), or the transport protocol must use a non-loss signal for congestion control.

A second issue with congestion control over wireless links is variable capacity. That is, the capacity of a wireless link changes over time, sometimes abruptly, as nodes move and the signal-to-noise ratio varies with the changing channel condi tions. This is unlike wired links whose capacity is fixed. The transport protocol must adapt to the changing capacity of wireless links, otherwise it will either con- gest the network or fail to use the available capacity.

One possible solution to this problem is simply not to worry about it. This strategy is feasible because congestion control algorithms must already handle the case of new users entering the network or existing users changing their sending rates. Even though the capacity of wired links is fixed, the changing behavior of other users presents itself as variability in the bandwidth that is available to a given user. Thus it is possible to simply run TCP over a path with an 802.11 wireless link and obtain reasonable performance.

However, when there is much wireless variability, transport protocols designed for wired links may have trouble keeping up and deliver poor performance. The solution in this case is a transport protocol that is designed for wireless links. A particularly challenging setting is a wireless mesh network in which multiple, interfering wireless links must be crossed, routes change due to mobility, and there is lots of loss. Research in this area is ongoing. See Li et al. (2009) for an example of wireless transport protocol design.


The Internet has two main protocols in the transport layer, a connectionless protocol and a connection-oriented one. The protocols complement each other. The connectionless protocol is UDP. It does almost nothing beyond sending pack- ets between applications, letting applications build their own protocols on top as


needed. The connection-oriented protocol is TCP. It does almost everything. It makes connections and adds reliability with retransmissions, along with flow con trol and congestion control, all on behalf of the applications that use it.

In the following sections, we will study UDP and TCP. We will start with UDP because it is simplest. We will also look at two uses of UDP. Since UDP is a transport layer protocol that typically runs in the operating system and protocols that use UDP typically run in user space, these uses might be considered applica tions. However, the techniques they use are useful for many applications and are better considered to belong to a transport service, so we will cover them here.

6.4.1 Introduction to UDP

The Internet protocol suite supports a connectionless transport protocol called UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP provides a way for applications to send encapsulated IP datagrams without having to establish a connection. UDP is de- scribed in RFC 768.

UDP transmits segments consisting of an 8-byte header followed by the pay load. The header is shown in Fig. 6-27. The two ports serve to identify the end- points within the source and destination machines. When a UDP packet arrives, its

payload is handed to the process attached to the destination port. This attachment occurs when the BIND primitive or something similar is used, as we saw in Fig. 6-6 for TCP (the binding process is the same for UDP). Think of ports as mailboxes that applications can rent to receive packets. We will have more to say about them when we describe TCP, which also uses ports. In fact, the main value of UDP over just using raw IP is the addition of the source and destination ports. Without the port fields, the transport layer would not know what to do with each incoming packet. With them, it delivers the embedded segment to the correct application.

32 Bits

Source port UDP length

Destination port

UDP checksum

Figure 6-27. The UDP header.

The source port is primarily needed when a reply must be sent back to the source. By copying the Source port field from the incoming segment into the Des tination port field of the outgoing segment, the process sending the reply can spec ify which process on the sending machine is to get it.

The UDP length field includes the 8-byte header and the data. The minimum length is 8 bytes, to cover the header. The maximum length is 65,515 bytes, which


is lower than the largest number that will fit in 16 bits because of the size limit on IP packets.

An optional Checksum is also provided for extra reliability. It checksums the header, the data, and a conceptual IP pseudoheader. When performing this compu tation, the Checksum field is set to zero and the data field is padded out with an ad- ditional zero byte if its length is an odd number. The checksum algorithm is sim- ply to add up all the 16-bit words in one’s complement and to take the one’s com- plement of the sum. As a consequence, when the receiver performs the calculation on the entire segment, including the Checksum field, the result should be 0. If the checksum is not computed, it is stored as a 0, since by a happy coincidence of one’s complement arithmetic a true computed 0 is stored as all 1s. However, turn ing it off is foolish unless the quality of the data does not matter (e.g., for digitized speech).

The pseudoheader for the case of IPv4 is shown in Fig. 6-28. It contains the 32-bit IPv4 addresses of the source and destination machines, the protocol number for UDP (17), and the byte count for the UDP segment (including the header). It is different but analogous for IPv6. Including the pseudoheader in the UDP check- sum computation helps detect misdelivered packets, but including it also violates the protocol hierarchy since the IP addresses in it belong to the IP layer, not to the UDP layer. TCP uses the same pseudoheader for its checksum.

32 Bits

Source address

Destination address

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Protocol = 17 UDP length

Figure 6-28. The IPv4 pseudoheader included in the UDP checksum.

It is probably worth mentioning explicitly some of the things that UDP does not do. It does not do flow control, congestion control, or retransmission upon receipt of a bad segment. All of that is up to the user processes. What it does do is provide an interface to the IP protocol with the added feature of demultiplexing multiple processes using the ports and optional end-to-end error detection. That is all it does.

For applications that need to have precise control over the packet flow, error control, or timing, UDP provides just what the doctor ordered. One area where it is especially useful is in client-server situations. Often, the client sends a short re- quest to the server and expects a short reply back. If either the request or the reply


is lost, the client can just time out and try again. Not only is the code simple, but fewer messages are required (one in each direction) than with a protocol requiring an initial setup like TCP.

An application that uses UDP this way is DNS (Domain Name System), which we will study in Chap. 7. In brief, a program that needs to look up the IP address of some host name, for example,, can send a UDP packet con taining the host name to a DNS server. The server replies with a UDP packet con taining the host’s IP address. No setup is needed in advance and no release is needed afterward. Just two messages go over the network.

6.4.2 Remote Procedure Call

In a certain sense, sending a message to a remote host and getting a reply back is a lot like making a function call in a programming language. In both cases, you start with one or more parameters and you get back a result. This observation has led people to try to arrange request-reply interactions on networks to be cast in the form of procedure calls. Such an arrangement makes network applications much easier to program and more familiar to deal with. For example, just imagine a pro- cedure named get IP address(host name) that works by sending a UDP packet to a DNS server and waiting for the reply, timing out and trying again if one is not forthcoming quickly enough. In this way, all the details of networking can be hid- den from the programmer.

The key work in this area was done by Birrell and Nelson (1984). In a nut- shell, what Birrell and Nelson suggested was allowing programs to call procedures located on remote hosts. When a process on machine 1 calls a procedure on ma- chine 2, the calling process on 1 is suspended and execution of the called proce- dure takes place on 2. Information can be transported from the caller to the callee in the parameters and can come back in the procedure result. No message passing is visible to the application programmer. This technique is known as RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and has become the basis for many networking applica tions. Traditionally, the calling procedure is known as the client and the called pro- cedure is known as the server, and we will use those names here too.

The idea behind RPC is to make a remote procedure call look as much as pos- sible like a local one. In the simplest form, to call a remote procedure, the client program must be bound with a small library procedure, called the client stub, that represents the server procedure in the client’s address space. Similarly, the server is bound with a procedure called the server stub. These procedures hide the fact that the procedure call from the client to the server is not local.

The actual steps in making an RPC are shown in Fig. 6-29. Step 1 is the client calling the client stub. This call is a local procedure call, with the parameters pushed onto the stack in the normal way. Step 2 is the client stub packing the pa rameters into a message and making a system call to send the message. Packing the parameters is called marshaling. Step 3 is the operating system sending the


message from the client machine to the server machine. Step 4 is the operating system passing the incoming packet to the server stub. Finally, step 5 is the server stub calling the server procedure with the unmarshaled parameters. The reply traces the same path in the other direction.

Client CPU

Server CPU





stub Client




Operating system



Operating system Network

Figure 6-29. Steps in making a remote procedure call. The stubs are shaded.

The key item to note here is that the client procedure, written by the user, just makes a normal (i.e., local) procedure call to the client stub, which has the same name as the server procedure. Since the client procedure and client stub are in the same address space, the parameters are passed in the usual way. Similarly, the ser- ver procedure is called by a procedure in its address space with the parameters it expects. To the server procedure, nothing is unusual. In this way, instead of I/O being done on sockets, network communication is done by faking a normal proce- dure call.

Despite the conceptual elegance of RPC, there are a few snakes hiding under the grass. A big one is the use of pointer parameters. Normally, passing a pointer to a procedure is not a problem. The called procedure can use the pointer in the same way the caller can because both procedures live in the same virtual address space. With RPC, passing pointers is impossible because the client and server are in different address spaces.

In some cases, tricks can be used to make it possible to pass pointers. Suppose that the first parameter is a pointer to an integer, k. The client stub can marshal k and send it along to the server. The server stub then creates a pointer to k and passes it to the server procedure, just as it expects. When the server procedure re turns control to the server stub, the latter sends k back to the client, where the new k is copied over the old one, just in case the server changed it. In effect, the stan- dard calling sequence of call-by-reference has been replaced by call-by-copy-re- store. Unfortunately, this trick does not always work, for example, if the pointer points to a graph or other complex data structure. For this reason, some restric tions must be placed on parameters to procedures called remotely, as we shall see.


A second problem is that in weakly typed languages, like C, it is perfectly legal to write a procedure that computes the inner product of two vectors (arrays), with- out specifying how large either one is. Each could be terminated by a special value known only to the calling and called procedures. Under these circumstances, it is essentially impossible for the client stub to marshal the parameters: it has no way of determining how large they are.

A third problem is that it is not always possible to deduce the types of the parameters, not even from a formal specification or the code itself. An example is printf, which may have any number of parameters (at least one), and the parame ters can be an arbitrary mixture of integers, shorts, longs, characters, strings, float ing-point numbers of various lengths, and other types. Trying to call printf as a remote procedure would be practically impossible because C is so permissive. However, a rule saying that RPC can be used provided that you do not program in C (or C++) would not be popular with a lot of programmers.

A fourth problem relates to the use of global variables. Normally, the calling and called procedure can communicate by using global variables (although it is not good practice), in addition to communicating via parameters. But if the called pro- cedure is moved to a remote machine, the code will fail because the global vari- ables are no longer shared.

These problems are not meant to suggest that RPC is hopeless. In fact, it is widely used, but some restrictions are needed to make it work well in practice. In terms of transport layer protocols, UDP is a good base on which to imple- ment RPC. Both requests and replies may be sent as a single UDP packet in the simplest case and the operation can be fast. However, an implementation must include other machinery as well. Because the request or the reply may be lost, the client must keep a timer to retransmit the request. Note that a reply serves as an implicit acknowledgement for a request, so the request need not be separately ac- knowledged. Sometimes the parameters or results may be larger than the maxi- mum UDP packet size, in which case some protocol is needed to deliver large mes- sages in pieces and reassemble them correctly. If multiple requests and replies can overlap (as in the case of concurrent programming), an identifier is needed to match the request with the reply.

A higher-level concern is that the operation may not be idempotent (i.e., safe to repeat). The simple case is idempotent operations such as DNS requests and replies. The client can safely retransmit these requests again and again if no replies are forthcoming. It does not matter whether the server never received the re-

quest, or it was the reply that was lost. The answer, when it finally arrives, will be the same (assuming the DNS database is not updated in the meantime). However, not all operations are idempotent, for example, because they have important side effects such as incrementing a counter. RPC for these operations requires stronger semantics so that when the programmer calls a procedure it is not executed multi- ple times. In this case, it may be necessary to set up a TCP connection and send the request over it rather than using UDP.

552 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.4.3 Real-Time Transport Protocols

Client-server RPC is one area in which UDP is widely used. Another one is for real-time multimedia applications. In particular, as Internet radio, Internet tele- phony, music-on-demand, videoconferencing, video-on-demand, and other multi- media applications became more commonplace, people have discovered that each application was reinventing more or less the same real-time transport protocol. It gradually became clear that having a generic real-time transport protocol for multi- ple applications would be a good idea.

Thus was RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) born. It is described in RFC 3550 and is now in widespread use for multimedia applications. We will describe two aspects of real-time transport. The first is the RTP protocol for transporting audio and video data in packets. The second is the processing that takes place, mostly at the receiver, to play out the audio and video at the right time. These functions fit into the protocol stack as shown in Fig. 6-30.

Ethernet header





Multimedia application






Socket interface UDP

RTP payload

OS Kernel

IP Ethernet

UDP payload

IP payload

Ethernet payload

(a) (b)

Figure 6-30. (a) The position of RTP in the protocol stack. (b) Packet nesting.

RTP normally runs in user space over UDP (in the operating system). It oper- ates as follows. The multimedia application consists of multiple audio, video, text, and possibly other streams. These are fed into the RTP library, which is in user space along with the application. This library multiplexes the streams and encodes them in RTP packets, which it stuffs into a socket. On the operating system side of the socket, UDP packets are generated to wrap the RTP packets and handed to IP for transmission over a link such as Ethernet. The reverse process happens at the receiver. The multimedia application eventually receives multimedia data from the RTP library. It is responsible for playing out the media. The protocol stack for this situation is shown in Fig. 6-30(a). The packet nesting is shown in Fig. 6-30(b).

As a consequence of this design, it is a little hard to say which layer RTP is in. Since it runs in user space and is linked to the application program, it certainly looks like an application protocol. On the other hand, it is a generic, applica tion-independent protocol that just provides transport facilities, so it also looks like


a transport protocol. Probably the best description is that it is a transport protocol that just happens to be implemented in the application layer, which is why we are covering it in this chapter.

RTP—The Real-time Transport Protocol

The basic function of RTP is to multiplex several real-time data streams onto a single stream of UDP packets. The UDP stream can be sent to a single destination (unicasting) or to multiple destinations (multicasting). Because RTP just uses nor- mal UDP, its packets are not treated specially by the routers unless some normal IP quality-of-service features are enabled. In particular, there are no special guaran tees about delivery, and packets may be lost, delayed, corrupted, etc.

The RTP format contains several features to help receivers work with multi- media information. Each packet sent in an RTP stream is given a number one higher than its predecessor. This numbering allows the destination to determine if any packets are missing. If a packet is missing, the best action for the destination to take is up to the application. It may be to skip a video frame if the packets are carrying video data, or to approximate the missing value by interpolation if the packets are carrying audio data. Retransmission is not a practical option since the retransmitted packet would probably arrive too late to be useful. As a conse- quence, RTP has no acknowledgements, and no mechanism to request retransmis- sions.

Each RTP payload may contain multiple samples, and they may be coded any way that the application wants. To allow for interworking, RTP defines several profiles (e.g., a single audio stream), and for each profile, multiple encoding for- mats may be allowed. For example, a single audio stream may be encoded as 8-bit PCM samples at 8 kHz using delta encoding, predictive encoding, GSM encoding, MP3 encoding, and so on. RTP provides a header field in which the source can specify the encoding but is otherwise not involved in how encoding is done.

Another facility many real-time applications need is timestamping. The idea here is to allow the source to associate a timestamp with the first sample in each packet. The timestamps are relative to the start of the stream, so only the dif ferences between timestamps are significant. The absolute values have no mean ing. As we will describe shortly, this mechanism allows the destination to do a small amount of buffering and play each sample the right number of milliseconds after the start of the stream, independently of when the packet containing the sam- ple arrived.

Not only does timestamping reduce the effects of variation in network delay, but it also allows multiple streams to be synchronized with each other. For ex- ample, a digital television program might have a video stream and two audio streams. The two audio streams could be for stereo broadcasts or for handling films with an original language soundtrack and a soundtrack dubbed into the local language, giving the viewer a choice. Each stream comes from a different physical


device, but if they are timestamped from a single counter, they can be played back synchronously, even if the streams are transmitted and/or received somewhat errati- cally.

The RTP header is illustrated in Fig. 6-31. It consists of three 32-bit words and potentially some extensions. The first word contains the Version field, which is al ready at 2. Let us hope this version is very close to the ultimate version since there is only one code point left (although 3 could be defined as meaning that the real version was in an extension word).

32 bits

Ver. P X M Payload type Sequence number CC


Synchronization source identifier

Contributing source identifier

Figure 6-31. The RTP header.

The P bit indicates that the packet has been padded to a multiple of 4 bytes. The last padding byte tells how many bytes were added. The X bit indicates that an extension header is present. The format and meaning of the extension header are not defined. The only thing that is defined is that the first word of the extension

gives the length. This is an escape hatch for any unforeseen requirements. The CC field tells how many contributing sources are present, from 0 to 15 (see below). The M bit is an application-specific marker bit. It can be used to mark the start of a video frame, the start of a word in an audio channel, or some thing else that the application understands. The Payload type field tells which encoding algorithm has been used (e.g., uncompressed 8-bit audio, MP3, etc.). Since every packet carries this field, the encoding can change during transmission. The Sequence number is just a counter that is incremented on each RTP packet sent. It is used to detect lost packets.

The Timestamp is produced by the stream’s source to note when the first sam- ple in the packet was made. This value can help reduce timing variability which is called jitter, at the receiver by decoupling the playback from the packet arrival time. The Synchronization source identifier tells which stream the packet belongs to. It is the method used to multiplex and demultiplex multiple data streams onto a


single stream of UDP packets. Finally, the Contributing source identifiers, if any, are used when mixers are present in the studio. In that case, the mixer is the syn- chronizing source, and the streams being mixed are listed here.

RTCP—The Real-time Transport Control Protocol

RTP has a little sister protocol (little sibling protocol?) called RTCP (Real time Transport Control Protocol). It is defined along with RTP in RFC 3550 and handles feedback, synchronization, and the user interface. It does not transport any media samples.

The first function can be used to provide feedback on delay, variation in delay or jitter, bandwidth, congestion, and other network properties to the sources. This information can be used by the encoding process to increase the data rate (and give better quality) when the network is functioning well and to cut back the data rate when there is trouble in the network. By providing continuous feedback, the encoding algorithms can be continuously adapted to provide the best quality pos- sible under the current circumstances. For example, if the bandwidth increases or decreases during the transmission, the encoding may switch from MP3 to 8-bit PCM to delta encoding as required. The Payload type field is used to tell the desti- nation what encoding algorithm is used for the current packet, making it possible to vary it on demand.

An issue with providing feedback is that the RTCP reports are sent to all par ticipants. For a multicast application with a large group, the bandwidth used by RTCP would quickly grow large. To prevent this from happening, RTCP senders scale down the rate of their reports to collectively consume no more than, say, 5%of the media bandwidth. To do this, each participant needs to know the media bandwidth, which it learns from the sender, and the number of participants, which it estimates by listening to other RTCP reports.

RTCP also handles interstream synchronization. The problem is that different streams may use different clocks, with different granularities and different drift rates. RTCP can be used to keep them in sync.

Finally, RTCP provides a way for naming the various sources (e.g., in ASCII text). This information can be displayed on the receiver’s screen to indicate who is talking at the moment.

More information about RTP can be found in Perkins (2003).

Playout with Buffering and Jitter Control

Once the media information reaches the receiver, it must be played out at the right time. In general, this will not be the time at which the RTP packet arrived at the receiver because packets will take slightly different amounts of time to transit the network. Even if the packets are injected with exactly the right intervals be tween them at the sender, they will reach the receiver with different relative times.


Even a small amount of packet jitter can cause distracting media artifacts, such as jerky video frames and unintelligible audio, if the media is simply played out as it arrives.

The solution to this problem is to buffer packets at the receiver before they are played out to reduce the jitter. As an example, in Fig. 6-32 we see a stream of packets being delivered with a substantial amount of jitter. Packet 1 is sent from the server at t = 0 sec and arrives at the client at t = 1 sec. Packet 2 undergoes more delay and takes 2 sec to arrive. As the packets arrive, they are buffered on the client machine.

Packet departs source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Packet arrives at buffer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Packet removed from buffer

Time in buffer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gap in playback

0 5


Time (sec)

15 20

Figure 6-32. Smoothing the output stream by buffering packets.

At t = 10 sec, playback begins. At this time, packets 1 through 6 have been buffered so that they can be removed from the buffer at uniform intervals for smooth play. In the general case, it is not necessary to use uniform intervals because the RTP timestamps tell when the media should be played.

Unfortunately, we can see that packet 8 has been delayed so much that it is not available when its play slot comes up. There are two options. Packet 8 can be skipped and the player can move on to subsequent packets. Alternatively, playback can stop until packet 8 arrives, creating an annoying gap in the music or movie. In a live media application like a voice-over-IP call, the packet will typically be skipped. Live applications do not work well on hold. In a streaming media applica tion, the player might pause. This problem can be alleviated by delaying the start ing time even more, by using a larger buffer. For a streaming audio or video player, buffers of about 10 seconds are often used to ensure that the player receives all of the packets (that are not dropped in the network) in time. For live applica tions like videoconferencing, short buffers are needed for responsiveness.

A key consideration for smooth playout is the playback point, or how long to wait at the receiver for media before playing it out. Deciding how long to wait de- pends on the jitter. The difference between a low-jitter and high-jitter connection is shown in Fig. 6-33. The average delay may not differ greatly between the two, but if there is high jitter the playback point may need to be much further out to capture 99% of the packets than if there is low jitter.


s t






























High jitter Low jitter







(due to speed of light)


Figure 6-33. (a) High jitter. (b) Low jitter.

Delay (b)

To pick a good playback point, the application can measure the jitter by look ing at the difference between the RTP timestamps and the arrival time. Each dif ference gives a sample of the delay (plus an arbitrary, fixed offset). However, the delay can change over time due to other, competing traffic and changing routes. To accommodate this change, applications can adapt their playback point while they are running. However, if not done well, changing the playback point can produce an observable glitch to the user. One way to avoid this problem for audio is to adapt the playback point between talkspurts, in the gaps in a conversation. No one will notice the difference between a short and slightly longer silence. RTP lets applications set the M marker bit to indicate the start of a new talkspurt for this purpose.

If the absolute delay until media is played out is too long, live applications will suffer. Nothing can be done to reduce the propagation delay if a direct path is already being used. The playback point can be pulled in by simply accepting that a larger fraction of packets will arrive too late to be played. If this is not acceptable, the only way to pull in the playback point is to reduce the jitter by using a better quality of service, for example, the expedited forwarding differentiated service. That is, a better network is needed.


UDP is a simple protocol and it has some very important uses, such as cli- ent-server interactions and multimedia, but for most Internet applications, reliable, sequenced delivery is needed, so UDP will not do. UDP cannot provide this, so another protocol is required. It is called TCP and is the main workhorse of the Internet. Let us now study it in detail.

558 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.5.1 Introduction to TCP

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) was specifically designed to provide a reliable end-to-end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork. An internetwork differs from a single network because different parts may have wildly different topologies, bandwidths, delays, packet sizes, and other parameters. TCP was designed to dynamically adapt to properties of the internetwork and to be robust in the face of many kinds of failures.

TCP was formally defined in RFC 793 in September 1981. As time went on, many improvements have been made, and various errors and inconsistencies have been fixed. To give you a sense of the extent of TCP, the important RFCs are now RFC 793 plus: clarifications and bug fixes in RFC 1122; extensions for high-per formance in RFC 1323; selective acknowledgements in RFC 2018; congestion con trol in RFC 2581; repurposing of header fields for quality of service in RFC 2873; improved retransmission timers in RFC 2988; and explicit congestion notification in RFC 3168. The full collection is even larger, which led to a guide to the many RFCs, published of course as another RFC document, RFC 4614.

Each machine supporting TCP has a TCP transport entity, either a library pro- cedure, a user process, or most commonly part of the kernel. In all cases, it man- ages TCP streams and interfaces to the IP layer. A TCP entity accepts user data streams from local processes, breaks them up into pieces not exceeding 64 KB (in practice, often 1460 data bytes in order to fit in a single Ethernet frame with the IP and TCP headers), and sends each piece as a separate IP datagram. When data- grams containing TCP data arrive at a machine, they are given to the TCP entity, which reconstructs the original byte streams. For simplicity, we will sometimes use just ‘‘TCP’’ to mean the TCP transport entity (a piece of software) or the TCP protocol (a set of rules). From the context it will be clear which is meant. For example, in ‘‘The user gives TCP the data,’’ the TCP transport entity is clearly in tended.

The IP layer gives no guarantee that datagrams will be delivered properly, nor any indication of how fast datagrams may be sent. It is up to TCP to send data- grams fast enough to make use of the capacity but not cause congestion, and to time out and retransmit any datagrams that are not delivered. Datagrams that do arrive may well do so in the wrong order; it is also up to TCP to reassemble them into messages in the proper sequence. In short, TCP must furnish good per formance with the reliability that most applications want and that IP does not pro- vide.

6.5.2 The TCP Service Model

TCP service is obtained by both the sender and the receiver creating end points, called sockets, as discussed in Sec. 6.1.3. Each socket has a socket number (address) consisting of the IP address of the host and a 16-bit number local to that


host, called a port. A port is the TCP name for a TSAP. For TCP service to be obtained, a connection must be explicitly established between a socket on one ma- chine and a socket on another machine. The socket calls are listed in Fig. 6-5.

A socket may be used for multiple connections at the same time. In other words, two or more connections may terminate at the same socket. Connections are identified by the socket identifiers at both ends, that is, (socket1, socket2). No virtual circuit numbers or other identifiers are used.

Port numbers below 1024 are reserved for standard services that can usually only be started by privileged users (e.g., root in UNIX systems). They are called well-known ports. For example, any process wishing to remotely retrieve mail from a host can connect to the destination host’s port 143 to contact its IMAP dae- mon. The list of well-known ports is given at Over 700 have been assigned. A few of the better-known ones are listed in Fig. 6-34.

Port Protocol Use

20, 21 FTP File transfer

22 SSH Remote login, replacement for Telnet

25 SMTP Email

80 HTTP World Wide Web

110 POP-3 Remote email access

143 IMAP Remote email access

443 HTTPS Secure Web (HTTP over SSL/TLS)

543 RTSP Media player control

631 IPP Printer sharing

Figure 6-34. Some assigned ports.

Other ports from 1024 through 49151 can be registered with IANA for use by unprivileged users, but applications can and do choose their own ports. For ex- ample, the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file-sharing application (unofficially) uses ports 6881–6887, but may run on other ports as well.

It would certainly be possible to have the FTP daemon attach itself to port 21 at boot time, the SSH daemon attach itself to port 22 at boot time, and so on. However, doing so would clutter up memory with daemons that were idle most of the time. Instead, what is commonly done is to have a single daemon, called inetd (Internet daemon) in UNIX, attach itself to multiple ports and wait for the first incoming connection. When that occurs, inetd forks off a new process and ex- ecutes the appropriate daemon in it, letting that daemon handle the request. In this way, the daemons other than inetd are only active when there is work for them to do. Inetd learns which ports it is to use from a configuration file. Consequently, the system administrator can set up the system to have permanent daemons on the busiest ports (e.g., port 80) and inetd on the rest.


All TCP connections are full duplex and point-to-point. Full duplex means that traffic can go in both directions at the same time. Point-to-point means that each connection has exactly two end points. TCP does not support multicasting or broadcasting.

A TCP connection is a byte stream, not a message stream. Message bound- aries are not preserved end to end. For example, if the sending process does four 512-byte writes to a TCP stream, these data may be delivered to the receiving proc- ess as four 512-byte chunks, two 1024-byte chunks, one 2048-byte chunk (see

Fig. 6-35), or some other way. There is no way for the receiver to detect the unit(s) in which the data were written, no matter how hard it tries.

IP header TCP header

A B C D A B C D (a) (b)

Figure 6-35. (a) Four 512-byte segments sent as separate IP datagrams. (b) The 2048 bytes of data delivered to the application in a single READ call.

Files in UNIX have this property too. The reader of a file cannot tell whether the file was written a block at a time, a byte at a time, or all in one blow. As with a UNIX file, the TCP software has no idea of what the bytes mean and no interest in finding out. A byte is just a byte.

When an application passes data to TCP, TCP may send it immediately or buff- er it (in order to collect a larger amount to send at once), at its discretion. Howev- er, sometimes the application really wants the data to be sent immediately. For example, suppose a user of an interactive game wants to send a stream of updates.

It is essential that the updates be sent immediately, not buffered until there is a col lection of them. To force data out, TCP has the notion of a PUSH flag that is car ried on packets. The original intent was to let applications tell TCP implementa tions via the PUSH flag not to delay the transmission. However, applications can- not literally set the PUSH flag themselves when they send data. Instead, different operating systems have evolved different options to expedite transmission (e.g., TCP NODELAY in Windows and Linux).

For Internet archaeologists, we will also mention one interesting feature of TCP service that remains in the protocol but is rarely used: urgent data. When an application has high-priority data that should be processed immediately, for ex- ample, if an interactive user hits the CTRL-C key to break off a remote computa tion that has already begun, the sending application can put some control infor- mation in the data stream and give it to TCP along with the URGENT flag. This event causes TCP to stop accumulating data and transmit everything it has for that connection immediately, with no delay.


When the urgent data are received at the destination, the receiving application is interrupted (e.g., given a signal in UNIX terms) so it can stop whatever it was doing and read the data stream to find the urgent data. The end of the urgent data is marked so the application knows when it is over. The start of the urgent data is not marked. It is up to the application to figure that out.

This scheme provides a crude signaling mechanism and leaves everything else up to the application. However, while urgent data is potentially useful, it found no compelling application early on and fell into disuse. Its use is now discouraged be- cause of implementation differences, leaving applications to handle their own sig- naling. Perhaps future transport protocols will provide better signaling.

6.5.3 The TCP Protocol

In this section, we will give a general overview of the TCP protocol. In the next one, we will go over the protocol header, field by field.

A key feature of TCP, and one that dominates the protocol design, is that every byte on a TCP connection has its own 32-bit sequence number. When the Internet began, the lines between routers were mostly 56-kbps leased lines, so a host blast ing away at full speed took over 1 week to cycle through the sequence numbers. At modern network speeds, the sequence numbers can be consumed at an alarming rate, as we will see later. Separate 32-bit sequence numbers are carried on packets for the sliding window position in one direction and for acknowledgements in the reverse direction, as discussed below.

The sending and receiving TCP entities exchange data in the form of segments. A TCP segment consists of a fixed 20-byte header (plus an optional part) followed by zero or more data bytes. The TCP software decides how big segments should be. It can accumulate data from several writes into one segment or can split data

from one write over multiple segments. Two limits restrict the segment size. First, each segment, including the TCP header, must fit in the 65,515-byte IP payload. Second, each link has an MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit). Each segment must fit in the MTU at the sender and receiver so that it can be sent and received in a

single, unfragmented packet. In practice, the MTU is generally 1500 bytes (the Ethernet payload size) and thus defines the upper bound on segment size. However, it is still possible for IP packets carrying TCP segments to be frag- mented when passing over a network path for which some link has a small MTU. If this happens, it degrades performance and causes other problems (Kent and Mogul, 1987). Instead, modern TCP implementations perform path MTU discov- ery by using the technique outlined in RFC 1191 . We describedit in Sec. 5.5.6. This technique uses ICMP error messages to find the smallest MTU for any link on the path. TCP then adjusts the segment size downwards to avoid fragmentation. The basic protocol used by TCP entities is the sliding window protocol with a dynamic window size. When a sender transmits a segment, it also starts a timer. When the segment arrives at the destination, the receiving TCP entity sends back a


segment (with data if any exist, and otherwise without) bearing an acknowledge- ment number equal to the next sequence number it expects to receive and the remaining window size. If the sender’s timer goes off before the acknowledgement is received, the sender transmits the segment again.

Although this protocol sounds simple, there are many sometimes subtle ins and outs, which we will cover below. Segments can arrive out of order, so bytes 3072–4095 can arrive but cannot be acknowledged because bytes 2048–3071 have not turned up yet. Segments can also be delayed so long in transit that the sender times out and retransmits them. The retransmissions may include different byte ranges than the original transmission, requiring careful administration to keep track of which bytes have been correctly received so far. However, since each byte in the stream has its own unique offset, it can be done.

TCP must be prepared to deal with these problems and solve them in an efficient way. A considerable amount of effort has gone into optimizing the per formance of TCP streams, even in the face of network problems. A number of the algorithms used by many TCP implementations will be discussed below.

6.5.4 The TCP Segment Header

Figure 6-36 shows the layout of a TCP segment. Every segment begins with a fixed-format, 20-byte header. The fixed header may be followed by header op tions. After the options, if any, up to 65, 535 < 20 < 20 = 65, 495 data bytes may follow, where the first 20 refer to the IP header and the second to the TCP header. Segments without any data are legal and are commonly used for acknowledge- ments and control messages.

Let us dissect the TCP header field by field. The Source port and Destination port fields identify the local end points of the connection. A TCP port plus its host’s IP address forms a 48-bit unique end point. The source and destination end points together identify the connection. This connection identifier is called a 5 tuple because it consists of five pieces of information: the protocol (TCP), source IP and source port, and destination IP and destination port.

The Sequence number and Acknowledgement number fields perform their usual functions. Note that the latter specifies the next in-order byte expected, not the last byte correctly received. It is a cumulative acknowledgement because it summarizes the received data with a single number. It does not go beyond lost data. Both are 32 bits because every byte of data is numbered in a TCP stream.

The TCP header length tells how many 32-bit words are contained in the TCP header. This information is needed because the Options field is of variable length, so the header is, too. Technically, this field really indicates the start of the data within the segment, measured in 32-bit words, but that number is just the header length in words, so the effect is the same.

Next comes a 4-bit field that is not used. The fact that these bits have remained unused for 30 years (as only 2 of the original reserved 6 bits have been


32 Bits

Source port Destination port

Sequence number

Acknowledgement number




















Window size









Checksum Urgent pointer Options (0 or more 32-bit words)

Data (optional)

Figure 6-36. The TCP header.

reclaimed) is testimony to how well thought out TCP is. Lesser protocols would have needed these bits to fix bugs in the original design.

Now come eight 1-bit flags. CWR and ECE are used to signal congestion when ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) is used, as specified in RFC 3168. ECE is set to signal an ECN-Echo to a TCP sender to tell it to slow down when the TCP receiver gets a congestion indication from the network. CWR is set to signal Congestion Window Reduced from the TCP sender to the TCP receiver so that it knows the sender has slowed down and can stop sending the ECN-Echo. We dis- cuss the role of ECN in TCP congestion control in Sec. 6.5.10.

URG is set to 1 if the Urgent pointer is in use. The Urgent pointer is used to indicate a byte offset from the current sequence number at which urgent data are to be found. This facility is in lieu of interrupt messages. As we mentioned above, this facility is a bare-bones way of allowing the sender to signal the receiver with- out getting TCP itself involved in the reason for the interrupt, but it is seldom used.

The ACK bit is set to 1 to indicate that the Acknowledgement number is valid. This is the case for nearly all packets. If ACK is 0, the segment does not contain an acknowledgement, so the Acknowledgement number field is ignored.

The PSH bit indicates PUSHed data. The receiver is hereby kindly requested to deliver the data to the application upon arrival and not buffer it until a full buffer has been received (which it might otherwise do for efficiency).

The RST bit is used to abruptly reset a connection that has become confused due to a host crash or for some other reason. It is also used to reject an invalid


segment or refuse an attempt to open a connection. In general, if you get a seg- ment with the RST bit on, you have a problem on your hands.

The SYN bit is used to establish connections. The connection request has SYN = 1 and ACK = 0 to indicate that the piggyback acknowledgement field is not in use. The connection reply does bear an acknowledgement, however, so it has SYN = 1 and ACK = 1. In essence, the SYN bit is used to denote both CONNEC- TION REQUEST and CONNECTION ACCEPTED, with the ACK bit used to distin- guish between those two possibilities.

The FIN bit is used to release a connection. It specifies that the sender has no more data to transmit. However, after closing a connection, the closing process may continue to receive data indefinitely. Both SYN and FIN segments have sequence numbers and are thus guaranteed to be processed in the correct order.

Flow control in TCP is handled using a variable-sized sliding window. The Window size field tells how many bytes may be sent starting at the byte acknow ledged. A Window size field of 0 is legal and says that the bytes up to and includ ing Acknowledgement number < 1 have been received, but that the receiver has not had a chance to consume the data and would like no more data for the moment, thank you. The receiver can later grant permission to send by transmitting a seg- ment with the same Acknowledgement number and a nonzero Window size field.

In the protocols of Chap. 3, acknowledgements of frames received and permis- sion to send new frames were tied together. This was a consequence of a fixed window size for each protocol. In TCP, acknowledgements and permission to send additional data are completely decoupled. In effect, a receiver can say: ‘‘I have re- ceived bytes up through k but I do not want any more just now, thank you.’’ This decoupling (in fact, a variable-sized window) gives additional flexibility. We will study it in detail below.

A Checksum is also provided for extra reliability. It checksums the header, the data, and a conceptual pseudoheader in exactly the same way as UDP, except that the pseudoheader has the protocol number for TCP (6) and the checksum is mandatory. Please see Sec. 6.4.1 for details.

The Options field provides a way to add extra facilities not covered by the reg- ular header. Many options have been defined and several are commonly used. The options are of variable length, fill a multiple of 32 bits by using padding with zeros, and may extend to 40 bytes to accommodate the longest TCP header that can be specified. Some options are carried when a connection is established to negotiate or inform the other side of capabilities. Other options are carried on packets during the lifetime of the connection. Each option has a Type-Length- Value encoding.

A widely used option is the one that allows each host to specify the MSS (Maximum Segment Size) it is willing to accept. Using large segments is more efficient than using small ones because the 20-byte header can be amortized over more data, but small hosts may not be able to handle big segments. During con- nection setup, each side can announce its maximum and see its partner’s. If a host


does not use this option, it defaults to a 536-byte payload. All Internet hosts are required to accept TCP segments of 536 + 20 = 556 bytes. The maximum segment size in the two directions need not be the same.

For lines with high bandwidth, high delay, or both, the 64-KB window corres- ponding to a 16-bit field is a problem. For example, on an OC-12 line (of roughly 600 Mbps), it takes less than 1 msec to output a full 64-KB window. If the round trip propagation delay is 50 msec (which is typical for a transcontinental fiber), the sender will be idle more than 98% of the time waiting for acknowledgements. A larger window size would allow the sender to keep pumping data out. The window scale option allows the sender and receiver to negotiate a window scale factor at the start of a connection. Both sides use the scale factor to shift the Window size 30 bytes. Most TCP

field up to 14 bits to the left, thus allowing windows of up to 2 implementations support this option.

The timestamp option carries a timestamp sent by the sender and echoed by the receiver. It is included in every packet, once its use is established during con- nection setup, and used to compute round-trip time samples that are used to esti- mate when a packet has been lost. It is also used as a logical extension of the 32-bit sequence number. On a fast connection, the sequence number may wrap around quickly, leading to possible confusion between old and new data. The PAWS scheme described earlier discards arriving segments with old timestamps to prevent this problem.

Finally, the SACK (Selective ACKnowledgement) option lets a receiver tell a sender the ranges of sequence numbers that it has received. It supplements the Ac- knowledgement number and is used after a packet has been lost but subsequent (or duplicate) data has arrived. The new data is not reflected by the Acknowledgement number field in the header because that field gives only the next in-order byte that is expected. With SACK, the sender is explicitly aware of what data the receiver has and hence can determine what data should be retransmitted. SACK is defined in RFC 2108 and RFC 2883 and is increasingly used. We describe the use of SACK along with congestion control in Sec. 6.5.10.

6.5.5 TCP Connection Establishment

Connections are established in TCP by means of the three-way handshake dis- cussed in Sec. 6.2.2. To establish a connection, one side, say, the server, passively waits for an incoming connection by executing the LISTEN and ACCEPT primitives in that order, either specifying a specific source or nobody in particular.

The other side, say, the client, executes a CONNECT primitive, specifying the IP address and port to which it wants to connect, the maximum TCP segment size it is willing to accept, and optionally some user data (e.g., a password). The CONNECT primitive sends a TCP segment with the SYN bit on and ACK bit off and waits for a response from the other end.


When this segment arrives at the destination, the TCP entity there checks to see if there is a process that has done a LISTEN on the port given in the Destination port field. If not, it sends a reply with the RST bit on to reject the connection.

Host 1 Host 2

Host 1 Host 2





SYN (SEQ = x)

SYN (SEQ = y, ACK = x + 1)

SYN (SEQ = x)

SYN (SEQ = y)

SYN (SEQ = y, ACK = x + 1)

(SEQ = x + 1, ACK = y + 1)

SYN (SEQ = x , ACK = y + 1)

(a) (b)

Figure 6-37. (a) TCP connection establishment in the normal case. (b) Simul

taneous connection establishment on both sides.

If some process is listening to the port, that process is given the incoming TCP segment. It can either accept or reject the connection. If it accepts, an acknowl- edgement segment is sent back. The sequence of TCP segments sent in the normal case is shown in Fig. 6-37(a). Note that a SYN segment consumes 1 byte of sequence space so that it can be acknowledged unambiguously.

In the event that two hosts simultaneously attempt to establish a connection between the same two sockets, the sequence of events is as illustrated in Fig. 6-37(b). The result of these events is that just one connection is established, not two, because connections are identified by their end points. If the first setup results in a connection identified by (x, y) and the second one does too, only one ta- ble entry is made, namely, for (x, y).

Recall that the initial sequence number chosen by each host should cycle slowly, rather than be a constant such as 0. This rule is to protect against delayed duplicate packets, as we discussed in Sec 6.2.2. Originally, this was accomplished with a clock-based scheme in which the clock ticked every 4 µsec.

However, a vulnerability with implementing the three-way handshake is that the listening process must remember its sequence number as soon it responds with its own SYN segment. This means that a malicious sender can tie up resources on a host by sending a stream of SYN segments and never following through to com- plete the connection. This attack is called a SYN flood, and it crippled many Web servers in the 1990s. Now ways are known for defending against this attack.


One way to defend against this attack is to use SYN cookies. Instead of remembering the sequence number, a host chooses a cryptographically generated sequence number, puts it on the outgoing segment, and forgets it. If the three-way handshake completes, this sequence number (plus 1) will be returned to the host. It can then regenerate the correct sequence number by running the same crypto- graphic function, as long as the inputs to that function are known, for example, the other host’s IP address and port, and a local secret. This procedure allows the host to check that an acknowledged sequence number is correct without having to remember the sequence number separately. There are some caveats, such as the inability to handle TCP options, so SYN cookies may be used only when the host is subject to a SYN flood. However, they are an interesting twist on connection establishment. For more information, see RFC 4987 and Lemon (2002).

6.5.6 TCP Connection Release

Although TCP connections are full duplex, to understand how connections are released it is best to think of them as a pair of simplex connections. Each simplex connection is released independently of its sibling. To release a connection, either party can send a TCP segment with the FIN bit set, which means that it has no more data to transmit. When the FIN is acknowledged, that direction is shut down for new data. Data may continue to flow indefinitely in the other direction, howev- er. When both directions have been shut down, the connection is released. Nor- mally, four TCP segments are needed to release a connection: one FIN and one ACK for each direction. However, it is possible for the first ACK and the second FIN to be contained in the same segment, reducing the total count to three.

Just as with telephone calls in which both people say goodbye and hang up the phone simultaneously, both ends of a TCP connection may send FIN segments at the same time. These are each acknowledged in the usual way, and the connection is shut down. There is, in fact, no essential difference between the two hosts releasing sequentially or simultaneously.

To avoid the two-army problem (discussed in Sec. 6.2.3), timers are used. If a response to a FIN is not forthcoming within two maximum packet lifetimes, the sender of the FIN releases the connection. The other side will eventually notice that nobody seems to be listening to it anymore and will time out as well. While this solution is not perfect, given the fact that a perfect solution is theoretically

impossible, it will have to do. In practice, problems rarely arise.

6.5.7 TCP Connection Management Modeling

The steps required to establish and release connections can be represented in a finite state machine with the 11 states listed in Fig. 6-38. In each state, certain events are legal. When a legal event happens, some action may be taken. If some other event happens, an error is reported.


State Description

CLOSED No connection is active or pending

LISTEN The server is waiting for an incoming call

SYN RCVD A connection request has arrived; wait for ACK

SYN SENT The application has started to open a connection

ESTABLISHED The normal data transfer state

FIN WAIT 1 The application has said it is finished

FIN WAIT 2 The other side has agreed to release

TIME WAIT Wait for all packets to die off

CLOSING Both sides have tried to close simultaneously

CLOSE WAIT The other side has initiated a release

LAST ACK Wait for all packets to die off

Figure 6-38. The states used in the TCP connection management finite state ma- chine.

Each connection starts in the CLOSED state. It leaves that state when it does either a passive open (LISTEN) or an active open (CONNECT). If the other side does the opposite one, a connection is established and the state becomes ESTAB- LISHED. Connection release can be initiated by either side. When it is complete, the state returns to CLOSED.

The finite state machine itself is shown in Fig. 6-39. The common case of a client actively connecting to a passive server is shown with heavy lines—solid for the client, dotted for the server. The lightface lines are unusual event sequences. Each line in Fig. 6-39 is marked by an event/action pair. The event can either be a user-initiated system call (CONNECT, LISTEN, SEND, or CLOSE), a segment arrival (SYN, FIN, ACK, or RST), or, in one case, a timeout of twice the maximum packet lifetime. The action is the sending of a control segment (SYN, FIN, or RST) or nothing, indicated by –. Comments are shown in parentheses.

One can best understand the diagram by first following the path of a client (the heavy solid line), then later following the path of a server (the heavy dashed line). When an application program on the client machine issues a CONNECT request, the local TCP entity creates a connection record, marks it as being in the SYN SENT state, and shoots off a SYN segment. Note that many connections may be open (or being opened) at the same time on behalf of multiple applications, so the state is per connection and recorded in the connection record. When the SYN+ACK arrives, TCP sends the final ACK of the three-way handshake and switches into the ESTABLISHED state. Data can now be sent and received.

When an application is finished, it executes a CLOSE primitive, which causes the local TCP entity to send a FIN segment and wait for the corresponding ACK (dashed box marked ‘‘active close’’). When the ACK arrives, a transition is made to the state FIN WAIT 2 and one direction of the connection is closed. When the



CONNECT/SYN (Step 1 of the 3-way handshake)






(Step 2 of the 3-way handshake)







SYN/SYN + ACK (simultaneous open) (Data transfer state)




(Step 3 of the 3-way handshake)




(Active close)




(Passive close)














(Go back to start)

Figure 6-39. TCP connection management finite state machine. The heavy solid line is the normal path for a client. The heavy dashed line is the normal path for a server. The light lines are unusual events. Each transition is labeled with the event causing it and the action resulting from it, separated by a slash.

other side closes, too, a FIN comes in, which is acknowledged. Now both sides are closed, but TCP waits a time equal to twice the maximum packet lifetime to guar- antee that all packets from the connection have died off, just in case the acknowl- edgement was lost. When the timer goes off, TCP deletes the connection record.

Now let us examine connection management from the server’s viewpoint. The server does a LISTEN and settles down to see who turns up. When a SYN comes in, it is acknowledged and the server goes to the SYN RCVD state. When the server’s


SYN is itself acknowledged, the three-way handshake is complete and the server goes to the ESTABLISHED state. Data transfer can now occur.

When the client is done transmitting its data, it does a CLOSE, which causes a FIN to arrive at the server (dashed box marked ‘‘passive close’’). The server is then signaled. When it, too, does a CLOSE, a FIN is sent to the client. When the client’s acknowledgement shows up, the server releases the connection and deletes the connection record.

6.5.8 TCP Sliding Window

As mentioned earlier, window management in TCP decouples the issues of acknowledgement of the correct receipt of segments and receiver buffer allocation. For example, suppose the receiver has a 4096-byte buffer, as shown in Fig. 6-40. If the sender transmits a 2048-byte segment that is correctly received, the receiver will acknowledge the segment. However, since it now has only 2048 bytes of buff- er space (until the application removes some data from the buffer), it will advertise a window of 2048 starting at the next byte expected.

Now the sender transmits another 2048 bytes, which are acknowledged, but the advertised window is of size 0. The sender must stop until the application process on the receiving host has removed some data from the buffer, at which time TCP can advertise a larger window and more data can be sent.

When the window is 0, the sender may not normally send segments, with two exceptions. First, urgent data may be sent, for example, to allow the user to kill the process running on the remote machine. Second, the sender may send a 1-byte segment to force the receiver to reannounce the next byte expected and the window size. This packet is called a window probe. The TCP standard explicitly provides this option to prevent deadlock if a window update ever gets lost.

Senders are not required to transmit data as soon as they come in from the application. Neither are receivers required to send acknowledgements as soon as possible. For example, in Fig. 6-40, when the first 2 KB of data came in, TCP, knowing that it had a 4-KB window, would have been completely correct in just buffering the data until another 2 KB came in, to be able to transmit a segment with a 4-KB payload. This freedom can be used to improve performance.

Consider a connection to a remote terminal, for example using SSH or telnet, that reacts on every keystroke. In the worst case, whenever a character arrives at the sending TCP entity, TCP creates a 21-byte TCP segment, which it gives to IP to send as a 41-byte IP datagram. At the receiving side, TCP immediately sends a 40-byte acknowledgement (20 bytes of TCP header and 20 bytes of IP header). Later, when the remote terminal has read the byte, TCP sends a window update, moving the window 1 byte to the right.This packet is also 40 bytes. Finally, when the remote terminal has processed the character, it echoes the character for local display using a 41-byte packet. In all, 162 bytes of bandwidth are consumed and


Sender Receiver



does a 2-KB write


does a 2-KB write

Sender is


Sender may

send up to 2-KB

2 KB SEQ = 0

ACK = 2048 WIN = 2048

2 KB SEQ = 2048

ACK = 4096 WIN = 0

ACK = 4096 WIN = 2048

1 KB SEQ = 4096

Figure 6-40. Window management in TCP.


0 4 KB Empty

2 KB



reads 2 KB

2 KB

1 KB 2 KB

four segments are sent for each character typed. When bandwidth is scarce, this method of doing business is not desirable.

One approach that many TCP implementations use to optimize this situation is called delayed acknowledgements. The idea is to delay acknowledgements and window updates for up to 500 msec in the hope of acquiring some data on which to hitch a free ride. Assuming the terminal echoes within 500 msec, only one 41-byte packet now need be sent back by the remote side, cutting the packet count and bandwidth usage in half.

Although delayed acknowledgements reduce the load placed on the network by the receiver, a sender that sends multiple short packets (e.g., 41-byte packets con taining 1 byte of data) is still operating inefficiently. A way to reduce this usage is known as Nagle’s algorithm (Nagle, 1984). What Nagle suggested is simple: when data come into the sender in small pieces, just send the first piece and buffer all the rest until the first piece is acknowledged. Then send all the buffered data in


one TCP segment and start buffering again until the next segment is acknowledged. That is, only one short packet can be outstanding at any time. If many pieces of data are sent by the application in one round-trip time, Nagle’s algorithm will put

the many pieces in one segment, greatly reducing the bandwidth used. The algo rithm additionally says that a new segment should be sent if enough data have trickled in to fill a maximum segment.

Nagle’s algorithm is widely used by TCP implementations, but there are times when it is better to disable it. In particular, in interactive games that are run over the Internet, the players typically want a rapid stream of short update packets. Gathering the updates to send them in bursts makes the game respond erratically, which makes for unhappy users. A more subtle problem is that Nagle’s algorithm can sometimes interact with delayed acknowledgements to cause a temporary deadlock: the receiver waits for data on which to piggyback an acknowledgement, and the sender waits on the acknowledgement to send more data. This interaction can delay the downloads of Web pages. Because of these problems, Nagle’s algo rithm can be disabled (which is called the TCP NODELAY option). Mogul and Minshall (2001) discuss this and other solutions.

Another problem that can degrade TCP performance is the silly window syn- drome (Clark, 1982). This problem occurs when data are passed to the sending TCP entity in large blocks, but an interactive application on the receiving side reads data only 1 byte at a time. To see the problem, look at Fig. 6-41. Initially, the TCP buffer on the receiving side is full (i.e., it has a window of size 0) and the sender knows this. Then the interactive application reads one character from the TCP stream. This action makes the receiving TCP happy, so it sends a window update to the sender saying that it is all right to send 1 byte. The sender obliges and sends 1 byte. The buffer is now full, so the receiver acknowledges the 1-byte segment and sets the window to 0. This behavior can go on forever.

Clark’s solution is to prevent the receiver from sending a window update for 1 byte. Instead, it is forced to wait until it has a decent amount of space available and advertise that instead. Specifically, the receiver should not send a window update until it can handle the maximum segment size it advertised when the con- nection was established or until its buffer is half empty, whichever is smaller. Fur thermore, the sender can also help by not sending tiny segments. Instead, it should wait until it can send a full segment, or at least one containing half of the receiver’s buffer size.

Nagle’s algorithm and Clark’s solution to the silly window syndrome are com- plementary. Nagle was trying to solve the problem caused by the sending applica tion delivering data to TCP a byte at a time. Clark was trying to solve the problem of the receiving application sucking the data up from TCP a byte at a time. Both solutions are valid and can work together. The goal is for the sender not to send small segments and the receiver not to ask for them.

The receiving TCP can go further in improving performance than just doing window updates in large units. Like the sending TCP, it can also buffer data, so it


Receiver's buffer is full

Application reads 1 byte

Room for one more byte



1 Byte

Window update segment sent New byte arrives

Receiver's buffer is full

Figure 6-41. Silly window syndrome.

can block a READ request from the application until it has a large chunk of data for it. Doing so reduces the number of calls to TCP (and the overhead). It also increases the response time, but for noninteractive applications like file transfer, efficiency may be more important than response time to individual requests.

Another issue that the receiver must handle is that segments may arrive out of order. The receiver will buffer the data until it can be passed up to the application in order. Actually, nothing bad would happen if out-of-order segments were dis- carded, since they would eventually be retransmitted by the sender, but it would be wasteful.

Acknowledgements can be sent only when all the data up to the byte acknow ledged have been received. This is a cumulative acknowledgement. If the receiver gets segments 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, it can acknowledge everything up to and in-

cluding the last byte in segment 2. When the sender times out, it then retransmits segment 3. As the receiver has buffered segments 4 through 7, upon receipt of seg- ment 3 it can acknowledge all bytes up to the end of segment 7.

6.5.9 TCP Timer Management

TCP uses multiple timers (at least conceptually) to do its work. The most important of these is the RTO (Retransmission TimeOut). When a segment is sent, a retransmission timer is started. If the segment is acknowledged before the


timer expires, the timer is stopped. If, on the other hand, the timer goes off before the acknowledgement comes in, the segment is retransmitted (and the timer is start- ed again). The question that arises is: how long should the timeout be?

This problem is much more difficult in the transport layer than in data link pro tocols such as 802.11. In the latter case, the expected delay is measured in microseconds and is highly predictable (i.e., has a low variance), so the timer can be set to go off just slightly after the acknowledgement is expected, as shown in

Fig. 6-42(a). Since acknowledgements are rarely delayed in the data link layer (due to lack of congestion), the absence of an acknowledgement at the expected time generally means either the frame or the acknowledgement has been lost.

T T1 T2 0.3 0.3


























00 10 20

0.1 0

30 40 50 0 10 20

30 40 50

Round-trip time (microseconds)

Round-trip time (milliseconds)

(a) (b)

Figure 6-42. (a) Probability density of acknowledgement arrival times in the data link layer. (b) Probability density of acknowledgement arrival times for TCP.

TCP is faced with a radically different environment. The probability density function for the time it takes for a TCP acknowledgement to come back looks more like Fig. 6-42(b) than Fig. 6-42(a). It is larger and more variable. Determining the round-trip time to the destination is tricky. Even when it is known, deciding on the timeout interval is also difficult. If the timeout is set too short, say, T1in Fig. 6-42(b), unnecessary retransmissions will occur, clogging the Internet with useless packets. If it is set too long (e.g., T2), performance will suffer due to the long retransmission delay whenever a packet is lost. Furthermore, the mean and variance of the acknowledgement arrival distribution can change rapidly within a few seconds as congestion builds up or is resolved.

The solution is to use a dynamic algorithm that constantly adapts the timeout interval, based on continuous measurements of network performance. The algo rithm generally used by TCP is due to Jacobson (1988) and works as follows. For each connection, TCP maintains a variable, SRTT (Smoothed Round-Trip Time),


that is the best current estimate of the round-trip time to the destination in question. When a segment is sent, a timer is started, both to see how long the acknowledge- ment takes and also to trigger a retransmission if it takes too long. If the acknowl- edgement gets back before the timer expires, TCP measures how long the acknowl- edgement took, say, R. It then updates SRTT according to the formula

SRTT = _ SRTT + (1 < _ ) R

where _ is a smoothing factor that determines how quickly the old values are for- gotten. Typically, _ = 7/8. This kind of formula is an EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) or low-pass filter that discards noise in the samples.

Even given a good value of SRTT, choosing a suitable retransmission timeout is a nontrivial matter. Initial implementations of TCP used 2xRTT, but experience showed that a constant value was too inflexible because it failed to respond when the variance went up. In particular, queueing models of random (i.e., Poisson) traf fic predict that when the load approaches capacity, the delay becomes large and highly variable. This can lead to the retransmission timer firing and a copy of the packet being retransmitted although the original packet is still transiting the net- work. It is all the more likely to happen under conditions of high load, which is the worst time at which to send additional packets into the network.

To fix this problem, Jacobson proposed making the timeout value sensitive to the variance in round-trip times as well as the smoothed round-trip time. This change requires keeping track of another smoothed variable, RTTVAR (Round-Trip Time VARiation) that is updated using the formula

RTTVAR = ` RTTVAR + (1 < ` ) |SRTT < R|

This is an EWMA as before, and typically ` = 3/4. The retransmission timeout, RTO, is set to be


The choice of the factor 4 is somewhat arbitrary, but multiplication by 4 can be done with a single shift, and less than 1% of all packets come in more than four standard deviations late. Note that RTTVAR is not exactly the same as the standard deviation (it is really the mean deviation), but it is close enough in practice. Jacob- son’s paper is full of clever tricks to compute timeouts using only integer adds, subtracts, and shifts. This economy is not needed for modern hosts, but it has become part of the culture that allows TCP to run on all manner of devices, from supercomputers down to tiny devices. So far nobody has put it on an RFID chip, but someday? Who knows.

More details of how to compute this timeout, including initial settings of the variables, are given in RFC 2988. The retransmission timer is also held to a mini- mum of 1 second, regardless of the estimates. This is a conservative (albeit some- what empirical) value chosen to prevent spurious retransmissions based on meas- urements (Allman and Paxson, 1999).


One problem that occurs with gathering the samples, R, of the round-trip time is what to do when a segment times out and is sent again. When the acknowledge- ment comes in, it is unclear whether the acknowledgement refers to the first trans- mission or a later one. Guessing wrong can seriously contaminate the retransmis- sion timeout. Phil Karn discovered this problem the hard way. Karn is an amateur radio enthusiast interested in transmitting TCP/IP packets by ham radio, a notori- ously unreliable medium. He made a simple proposal: do not update estimates on any segments that have been retransmitted. Additionally, the timeout is doubled on each successive retransmission until the segments get through the first time. This fix is called Karn’s algorithm (Karn and Partridge, 1987). Most TCP imple- mentations use it.

The retransmission timer is not the only timer TCP uses. A second timer is the persistence timer. It is designed to prevent the following deadlock. The receiver sends an acknowledgement with a window size of 0, telling the sender to wait. Later, the receiver updates the window, but the packet with the update is lost. Now the sender and the receiver are each waiting for the other to do something. When the persistence timer goes off, the sender transmits a probe to the receiver. The re- sponse to the probe gives the window size. If it is still 0, the persistence timer is set again and the cycle repeats. If it is nonzero, data can now be sent.

A third timer that some implementations use is the keepalive timer. When a connection has been idle for a long time, the keepalive timer may go off to cause one side to checkwhether the other side isstill there. If it fails to respond, the con- nection is terminated. This feature is controversial because it adds overhead and may terminate an otherwise healthy connection due to a transient network parti tion.

The last timer used on each TCP connection is the one used in the TIME WAIT state while closing. It runs for twice the maximum packet lifetime to make sure that when a connection is closed, all packets created by it have died off.

6.5.10 TCP Congestion Control

We have saved one of the key functions of TCP for last: congestion control. When the load offered to any network is more than it can handle, congestion builds up. The Internet is no exception. The network layer detects congestion when queues grow large at routers and tries to manage it, if only by dropping packets. It is up to the transport layer to receive congestion feedback from the network layer and slow down the rate of traffic that it is sending into the network. In the Internet, TCP plays the main role in controlling congestion, as well as the main role in reli- able transport. That is why it is such a special protocol.

We covered the general situation of congestion control back in Sec. 6.3. One key takeaway there was that a transport protocol using an additive increase multi- plicative decrease control law in response to binary congestion signals from the


network would converge to a fair and efficient bandwidth allocation. TCP conges tion control is based on implementing this approach using a window and with packet loss as the binary signal. To do so, TCP maintains a congestion window whose size is the number of bytes the sender may have in the network at any time. The corresponding rate is the window size divided by the round-trip time of the connection. TCP adjusts the size of the window according to the AIMD rule.

Recall that the congestion window is maintained in addition to the flow control window, which specifies the number of bytes that the receiver can buffer. Both windows are tracked in parallel, and the number of bytes that may be sent is the smaller of the two windows. Thus, the effective window is the smaller of what the sender thinks is all right and what the receiver thinks is all right. It takes two to tango. TCP will stop sending data if either the congestion or the flow control win- dow is temporarily full. If the receiver says ‘‘send 64 KB’’ but the sender knows that bursts of more than 32 KB clog the network, it will send 32 KB. On the other hand, if the receiver says ‘‘send 64 KB’’ and the sender knows that bursts of up to 128 KB get through effortlessly, it will send the full 64 KB requested. The flow control window was described earlier, and in what follows we will only describe the congestion window.

Modern congestion control was added to TCP largely through the efforts of Van Jacobson (1988). It is a fascinating story. Starting in 1986, the growing popu larity of the early Internet led to the first occurrence of what became known as a congestion collapse, a prolonged period during which goodput dropped precipi tously (i.e., by more than a factor of 100) due to congestion in the network. Jacob- son (and many others) set out to understand what was happening and remedy the situation.

The high-level fix that Jacobson implemented was to approximate an AIMD congestion window. The interesting part, and much of the complexity of TCP con- gestion control, is how he added this to an existing implementation without chang ing any of the message formats, which made it instantly deployable. To start, he observed that packet loss is a suitable signal of congestion. This signal comes a lit tle late (as the network is already congested) but it is quite dependable. After all, it is difficult to build a router that does not drop packets when it is overloaded. This fact is unlikely to change. Even when terabyte memories appear to buffer vast numbers of packets, we will probably have terabit/sec networks to fill up those memories.

However, using packet loss as a congestion signal depends on transmission errors being relatively rare. This is not normally the case for wireless links such as 802.11, which is why they include their own retransmission mechanism at the link layer. Because of wireless retransmissions, network layer packet loss due to trans- mission errors is normally masked on wireless networks. It is also rare on other links because wires and optical fibers typically have low bit-error rates.

All the Internet TCP algorithms assume that lost packets are caused by conges tion and monitor timeouts and look for signs of trouble the way miners watch their


canaries. A good retransmission timer is needed in order to detect packet loss sig- nals accurately and in a timely manner. We have already discussed how the TCP retransmission timer includes estimates of the mean and variation in round-trip times. Fixing this timer, by including the variation factor, was an important step in Jacobson’s work. Given a good retransmission timeout, the TCP sender can track the outstanding number of bytes, which are loading the network. It simply looks at the difference between the sequence numbers that are transmitted and acknow ledged.

Now it seems that our task is easy. All we need to do is to track the congestion window, using sequence and acknowledgement numbers, and adjust the congestion window using an AIMD rule. As you might have expected, it is more complicated than that. A first consideration is that the way packets are sent into the network,

even over short periods of time, must be matched to the network path. Otherwise the traffic will cause congestion. For example, consider a host with a congestion window of 64 KB attached to a 1-Gbps switched Ethernet. If the host sends the

entire window at once, this burst of traffic may travel over a slow 1-Mbps ADSL line further along the path. The burst that took only half a millisecond on the 1-Gbps line will clog the 1-Mbps line for half a second, completely disrupting pro tocols such as voice over IP. This behavior might be a good idea for a protocol designed to cause congestion, but not for a protocol to control it.

However, it turns out that we can use small bursts of packets to our advantage. Fig. 6-43 shows what happens when a sender on a fast network (the 1-Gbps link) sends a small burst of four packets to a receiver on a slow network (the 1-Mbps link) that is the bottleneck or slowest part of the path. Initially the four packets travel over the link as quickly as they can be sent by the sender. At the router, they are queued while being sent because it takes longer to send a packet over the slow link than to receive the next packet over the fast link. But the queue is not large because only a small number of packets were sent at once. Note the increased length of the packets on the slow link. The same packet, of 1 KB say, is now longer because it takes more time to send it on a slow link than on a fast one.

1: Burst of packets sent on fast link

2: Burst queues at router and drains onto slow link

Fast link Slow link (bottleneck)

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

Sender Receiver

4: Acks preserve slow

link timing at sender Ack clock

3: Receive acks packets at slow link rate

Figure 6-43. A burst of packets from a sender and the returning ack clock.

Eventually the packets get to the receiver, where they are acknowledged. The times for the acknowledgements reflect the times at which the packets arrived at


the receiver after crossing the slow link. They are spread out compared to the origi- nal packets on the fast link. As these acknowledgements travel over the network and back to the sender they preserve this timing.

The key observation is this: the acknowledgements return to the sender at about the rate that packets can be sent over the slowest link in the path. This is pre- cisely the rate that the sender wants to use. If it injects new packets into the net- work at this rate, they will be sent as fast as the slow link permits, but they will not queue up and congest any router along the path. This timing is known as an ack clock. It is an essential part of TCP. By using an ack clock, TCP smoothes out traffic and avoids unnecessary queues at routers.

A second consideration is that the AIMD rule will take a very long time to reach a good operating point on fast networks if the congestion window is started from a small size. Consider a modest network path that can support 10 Mbps with an RTT of 100 msec. The appropriate congestion window is the bandwidth-delay product, which is 1 Mbit or 100 packets of 1250 bytes each. If the congestion win-

dow starts at 1 packet and increases by 1 packet every RTT, it will be 100 RTTs or 10 seconds before the connection is running at about the right rate. That is a long time to wait just to get to the right speed for a transfer. We could reduce this startup time by starting with a larger initial window, say of 50 packets. But this window would be far too large for slow or short links. It would cause congestion if used all at once, as we have just described.

Instead, the solution Jacobson chose to handle both of these considerations is a mix of linear and multiplicative increase. When a connection is established, the sender initializes the congestion window to a small initial value of at most four segments; the details are described in RFC 3390, and the use of four segments is an increase from an earlier initial value of one segment based on experience. The sender then sends the initial window. The packets will take a round-trip time to be acknowledged. For each segment that is acknowledged before the retransmission timer goes off, the sender adds one segment’s worth of bytes to the congestion win- dow. Plus, as that segment has been acknowledged, there is now one less segment in the network. The upshot is that every acknowledged segment allows two more segments to be sent. The congestion window is doubling every round-trip time.

This algorithm is called slow start, but it is not slow at all—it is exponential growth—except in comparison to the previous algorithm that let an entire flow control window be sent all at once. Slow start is shown in Fig. 6-44. In the first round-trip time, the sender injects one packet into the network (and the receiver re- ceives one packet). Two packets are sent in the next round-trip time, then four packets in the third round-trip time.

Slow start works well over a range of link speeds and round-trip times, and uses an ack clock to match the rate of sender transmissions to the network path. Take a look at the way acknowledgements return from the sender to the receiver in Fig. 6-44. When the sender gets an acknowledgement, it increases the congestion window by one and immediately sends two packets into the network. (One packet

580 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 TCP sender TCP receiver

cwnd = 1



1 RTT, 1 packet cwnd = 2

cwnd = 3 cwnd = 4

cwnd = 5 cwnd = 6 cwnd = 7 cwnd = 8

1 RTT, 2 packets

1 RTT, 4 packets

1 RTT, 4 packets (pipe is full)

Figure 6-44. Slow start from an initial congestion window of one segment.

is the increase by one; the other packet is a replacement for the packet that has been acknowledged and left the network. At all times, the number of unacknow ledged packets is given by the congestion window.) However, these two packets will not necessarily arrive at the receiver as closely spaced as when they were sent. For example, suppose the sender is on a 100-Mbps Ethernet. Each packet of 1250 bytes takes 100 µsec to send. So the delay between the packets can be as small as 100 µsec. The situation changes if these packets go across a 1-Mbps ADSL link anywhere along the path. It now takes 10 msec to send the same packet. This means that the minimum spacing between the two packets has grown by a factor of 100. Unless the packets have to wait together in a queue on a later link, the spacing will remain large.

In Fig. 6-44, this effect is shown by enforcing a minimum spacing between data packets arriving at the receiver. The same spacing is kept when the receiver sends acknowledgements, and thus when the sender receives the acknowledge- ments. If the network path is slow, acknowledgements will come in slowly (after a delay of an RTT). If the network path is fast, acknowledgements will come in quickly (again, after the RTT). All the sender has to do is follow the timing of the ack clock as it injects new packets, which is what slow start does.

Because slow start causes exponential growth, eventually (and sooner rather than later) it will send too many packets into the network too quickly. When this happens, queues will build up in the network. When the queues are full, one or more packets will be lost. After this happens, the TCP sender will time out when an acknowledgement fails to arrive in time. There is evidence of slow start growing too fast in Fig. 6-44. After three RTTs, four packets are in the network. These four packets take an entire RTT to arrive at the receiver. That is, a congestion window of four packets is the right size for this connection. However, as these packets are acknowledged, slow start continues to grow the congestion window, reaching eight packets in another RTT. Only four of these packets can reach the receiver in one


Chapter 6: Computer Networks



Together with the network layer, the transport layer is the heart of the protocol hierarchy. The network layer provides end-to-end packet delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits. The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a source machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical networks cur rently in use. It provides the abstractions that applications need to use the network. Without the transport layer, the whole concept of layered protocols would make lit tle sense. In this chapter, we will study the transport layer in detail, including its services and choice of API design to tackle issues of reliability, connections and congestion control, protocols such as TCP and UDP, and performance.


In the following sections, we will provide an introduction to the transport ser- vice. We will look at what kind of service is provided to the application layer. To make the issue of transport service more concrete, we will examine two sets of transport layer primitives. First comes a simple (but hypothetical) one to show the basic ideas. Then comes the interface commonly used in the Internet.


502 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.1.1 Services Provided to the Upper Layers

The ultimate goal of the transport layer is to provide efficient, reliable, and cost-effective data transmission service to its users, normally processes in the ap- plication layer. To achieve this, the transport layer makes use of the services pro- vided by the network layer. The software and/or hardware within the transport layer that does the work is called the transport entity. The transport entity can be located in the operating system kernel, in a library package bound into network ap- plications, in a separate user process, or even on the network interface card. The first two options are most common on the Internet. The (logical) relationship of the network, transport, and application layers is illustrated in Fig. 6-1.

Host 1 Host 2

Application (or session)



Application/transport interface

Application (or session) layer







Transport entity



Network layer

Transport/network interface

Network layer

Figure 6-1. The network, transport, and application layers.

Just as there are two types of network service, connection-oriented and con- nectionless, there are also two types of transport service. The connection-oriented transport service is similar to the connection-oriented network service in many ways. In both cases, connections have three phases: establishment, data transfer, and release.

Addressing and flow control are also similar in both layers. Furthermore, the connectionless transport service is also very similar to the connectionless network service. However, note that it can be difficult to provide a connectionless transport service on top of a connection-oriented network service, since it is inefficient to set up a connection to send a single packet and then tear it down immediately after- wards.

The obvious question is this: if the transport layer service is so similar to the network layer service, why are there two distinct layers? Why is one layer not ade- quate? The answer is subtle, but really crucial. The transport code runs entirely on


the users’ machines, but the network layer largely runs on the routers, which are operated by the carrier (at least for a wide area network). What happens if the net- work layer offers inadequate service? What if it frequently loses packets? What happens if routers crash from time to time?

Problems occur, that’s what. The users have no real control over the network layer, so they cannot solve the problem of poor service by using better routers or putting more error handling in the data link layer because they don’t own the rout- ers. The only possibility is to put on top of the network layer another layer that im- proves the quality of the service. If, in a connectionless network, packets are lost or mangled, the transport entity can detect the problem and compensate for it by using retransmissions. If, in a connection-oriented network, a transport entity is informed halfway through a long transmission that its network connection has been abruptly terminated, with no indication of what has happened to the data currently in transit, it can set up a new network connection to the remote transport entity. Using this new network connection, it can send a query to its peer asking which data arrived and which did not, and knowing where it was, pick up from where it left off.

In essence, the existence of the transport layer makes it possible for the tran- sport service to be more reliable than the underlying network, which may not be all that reliable. Furthermore, the transport primitives can be implemented as calls to library procedures to make them independent of the network primitives. The net- work service calls may vary considerably from one network to another (e.g., calls based on a connectionless Ethernet may be quite different from calls on a con- nection-oriented network). Hiding the network service behind a set of transport service primitives ensures that changing the network merely requires replacing one set of library procedures with another one that does the same thing with a different underlying service. Having applications be independent of the network layer is a good thing.

Thanks to the transport layer, application programmers can write code accord ing to a standard set of primitives and have these programs work on a wide variety of networks, without having to worry about dealing with different network inter faces and levels of reliability. If all real networks were flawless and all had the same service primitives and were guaranteed never, ever to change, the transport layer might not be needed. However, in the real world it fulfills the key function of isolating the upper layers from the technology, design, and imperfections of the network.

For this reason, many people have made a qualitative distinction between lay- ers one through four on the one hand and layer(s) above four on the other. The bottom four layers can be seen as the transport service provider, whereas the upper layer(s) are the transport service user. This distinction of provider versus user has a considerable impact on the design of the layers and puts the transport layer in a key position, since it forms the major boundary between the provider and user of the reliable data transmission service. It is the level that applications see.

504 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.1.2 Transport Service Primitives

To allow users to access the transport service, the transport layer must provide some operations to application programs, that is, a transport service interface. Each transport service has its own interface. In this section, we will first examine a simple (hypothetical) transport service and its interface to see the bare essentials. In the following section, we will look at a real example.

The transport service is similar to the network service, but there are also some important differences. The main difference is that the network service is intended to model the service offered by real networks, warts and all. Real networks can lose packets, so the network service is generally unreliable.

The connection-oriented transport service, in contrast, is reliable. Of course, real networks are not error-free, but that is precisely the purpose of the transport layer—to provide a reliable service on top of an unreliable network.

As an example, consider two processes on a single machine connected by a pipe in UNIX (or any other interprocess communication facility). They assume the connection between them is 100% perfect. They do not want to know about ac- knowledgements, lost packets, congestion, or anything at all like that. What they want is a 100% reliable connection. Process A puts data into one end of the pipe, and process B takes it out of the other. This is what the connection-oriented tran- sport service is all about—hiding the imperfections of the network service so that user processes can just assume the existence of an error-free bit stream even when they are on different machines.

As an aside, the transport layer can also provide unreliable (datagram) service. However, there is relatively little to say about that besides ‘‘it’s datagrams,’’ so we will mainly concentrate on the connection-oriented transport service in this chap ter. Nevertheless, there are some applications, such as client-server computing and streaming multimedia, that build on a connectionless transport service, and we will say a little bit about that later on.

A second difference between the network service and transport service is whom the services are intended for. From the perspective of network endpoints, the network service is used only by the transport entities. Few users write their own transport entities, and thus few users or programs ever see the bare network service. In contrast, many programs (and thus programmers) see the transport primitives. Consequently, the transport service must be convenient and easy to use.

To get an idea of what a transport service might be like, consider the five prim itives listed in Fig. 6-2. This transport interface is truly bare bones, but it gives the essential flavor of what a connection-oriented transport interface has to do. It al lows application programs to establish, use, and then release connections, which is sufficient for many applications.

To see how these primitives might be used, consider an application with a ser- ver and a number of remote clients. To start with, the server executes a LISTEN primitive, typically by calling a library procedure that makes a system call that


Primitive Packet sent Meaning LISTEN (none) Block until some process tries to connect CONNECT CONNECTION REQ. Actively attempt to establish a connection SEND DATA Send information

RECEIVE (none) Block until a DATA packet arrives DISCONNECT DISCONNECTION REQ. Request a release of the connection

Figure 6-2. The primitives for a simple transport service.

blocks the server until a client turns up. When a client wants to talk to the server, it executes a CONNECT primitive. The transport entity carries out this primitive by blocking the caller and sending a packet to the server. Encapsulated in the payload of this packet is a transport layer message for the server’s transport entity.

A quick note on terminology is now in order. For lack of a better term, we will use the term segment for messages sent from transport entity to transport entity. TCP, UDP and other Internet protocols use this term. Some older protocols used the ungainly name TPDU (Transport Protocol Data Unit). That term is not used much any more now but you may see it in older papers and books.

Thus, segments (exchanged by the transport layer) are contained in packets (which are exchanged by the network layer). In turn, these packets are contained in frames (exchanged by the data link layer). When a frame arrives, the data link layer processes the frame header and, if the destination address matches for local delivery, passes the contents of the frame payload field up to the network entity. The network entity similarly processes the packet header and then passes the con tents of the packet payload up to the transport entity. This nesting is illustrated in Fig. 6-3.

Frame header

Packet header



Segment payload

Packet payload

Frame payload

Figure 6-3. Nesting of segments, packets, and frames.

Getting back to our client-server example, the client’s CONNECT call causes a CONNECTION REQUEST segment to be sent to the server. When it arrives, the transport entity checks to see that the server is blocked on a LISTEN (i.e., is ready to


handle requests). If so, it then unblocks the server and sends a CONNECTION ACCEPTED segment back to the client. When this segment arrives, the client is unblocked and the connection is established.

Data can now be exchanged using the SEND and RECEIVE primitives. In the simplest form, either party can do a (blocking) RECEIVE to wait for the other party to do a SEND. When the segment arrives, the receiver is unblocked. It can then process the segment and send a reply. As long as both sides can keep track of whose turn it is to send, this scheme works fine.

In the transport layer, even a simple unidirectional data exchange is more com- plicated than at the network layer. Every data packet sent will also be acknow ledged (eventually). The packets bearing control segments are also acknowledged, implicitly or explicitly. These acknowledgements are managed by the transport en tities, using the network layer protocol, and are not visible to the transport users. Similarly, the transport entities need to worry about timers and retransmissions. None of this machinery is visible to the transport users. To the transport users, a connection is a reliable bit pipe: one end stuffs bits in and they magically appear in the same order at the other end. This ability to hide complexity is the reason that layered protocols are such a powerful tool.

When a connection is no longer needed, it must be released to free up table space within the two transport entities. Disconnection has two variants: asymmet ric and symmetric. In the asymmetric variant, either transport user can issue a DIS CONNECT primitive, which results in a DISCONNECT segment being sent to the re- mote transport entity. Upon its arrival, the connection is released.

In the symmetric variant, each direction is closed separately, independently of the other one. When one side does a DISCONNECT, that means it has no more data to send but it is still willing to accept data from its partner. In this model, a con- nection is released when both sides have done a DISCONNECT.

A state diagram for connection establishment and release for these simple primitives is given in Fig. 6-4. Each transition is triggered by some event, either a primitive executed by the local transport user or an incoming packet. For simpli- city, we assume here that each segment is separately acknowledged. We also as- sume that a symmetric disconnection model is used, with the client going first. Please note that this model is quite unsophisticated. We will look at more realistic models later on when we describe how TCP works.

6.1.3 Berkeley Sockets

Let us now briefly inspect another set of transport primitives, the socket primi tives as they are used for TCP. Sockets were first released as part of the Berkeley UNIX 4.2BSD software distribution in 1983. They quickly became popular. The primitives are now widely used for Internet programming on many operating sys tems, especially UNIX-based systems, and there is a socket-style API for Windows called ‘‘winsock.’’


Connection request

segment received




Connect primitive



Connect primitive





Connection accepted

segment received


Disconnection request segment

Disconnect primitive







primitive executed


Disconnection request segment received

Figure 6-4. A state diagram for a simple connection management scheme. Tran- sitions labeled in italics are caused by packet arrivals. The solid lines show the client’s state sequence. The dashed lines show the server’s state sequence.

The primitives are listed in Fig. 6-5. Roughly speaking, they follow the model of our first example but offer more features and flexibility. We will not look at the corresponding segments here. That discussion will come later.

Primitive Meaning

SOCKET Create a new communication endpoint

BIND Associate a local address with a socket

LISTEN Announce willingness to accept connections; give queue size ACCEPT Passively establish an incoming connection

CONNECT Actively attempt to establish a connection

SEND Send some data over the connection

RECEIVE Receive some data from the connection

CLOSE Release the connection

Figure 6-5. The socket primitives for TCP.

The first four primitives in the list are executed in that order by servers. The SOCKET primitive creates a new endpoint and allocates table space for it within the transport entity. The parameters of the call specify the addressing format to be


used, the type of service desired (e.g., reliable byte stream), and the protocol. A successful SOCKET call returns an ordinary file descriptor for use in succeeding calls, the same way an OPEN call on a file does.

Newly created sockets do not have network addresses. These are assigned using the BIND primitive. Once a server has bound an address to a socket, remote clients can connect to it. The reason for not having the SOCKET call create an ad- dress directly is that some processes care about their addresses (e.g., they have been using the same address for years and everyone knows this address)..

Next comes the LISTEN call, which allocates space to queue incoming calls for the case that several clients try to connect at the same time. In contrast to LISTEN in our first example, in the socket model LISTEN is not a blocking call.

To block waiting for an incoming connection, the server executes an ACCEPT primitive. When a segment asking for a connection arrives, the transport entity creates a new socket with the same properties as the original one and returns a file descriptor for it. The server can then fork off a process or thread to handle the con- nection on the new socket and go back to waiting for the next connection on the original socket. ACCEPT returns a file descriptor, which can be used for reading and writing in the standard way, the same as for files.

Now let us look at the client side. Here, too, a socket must first be created using the SOCKET primitive, but BIND is not required since the address used does not matter to the server. The CONNECT primitive blocks the caller and starts the connection process. When it completes (i.e., when the appropriate segment is re- ceived from the server), the client process is unblocked and the connection is estab lished. Both sides can now use SEND and RECEIVE to transmit and receive data over the full-duplex connection. The standard UNIX READ and WRITE system calls can also be used if none of the special options of SEND and RECEIVE are required.

Connection release with sockets is symmetric. When both sides have executed a CLOSE primitive, the connection is released.

Sockets have proved tremendously popular and are the de facto standard for abstracting transport services to applications. The socket API is often used with the TCP protocol to provide a connection-oriented service called a reliable byte stream, which is simply the reliable bit pipe that we described. However, other protocols could be used to implement this service using the same API. It should all be the same to the transport service users.

A strength of the socket API is that is can be used by an application for other transport services. For instance, sockets can be used with a connectionless tran- sport service. In this case, CONNECT sets the address of the remote transport peer and SEND and RECEIVE send and receive datagrams to and from the remote peer.

(It is also common to use an expanded set of calls, for example, SENDTO and RECVFROM, that emphasize messages and do not limit an application to a single transport peer.) Sockets can also be used with transport protocols that provide a message stream rather than a byte stream and that do or do not have congestion control. For example, DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) is a


version of UDP with congestion control (Kohler et al., 2006). It is up to the tran- sport users to understand what service they are getting.

However, sockets are not likely to be the final word on transport interfaces. For example, applications often work with a group of related streams, such as a Web browser that requests several objects from the same server. With sockets, the most natural fit is for application programs to use one stream per object. This structure means that congestion control is applied separately for each stream, not across the group, which is suboptimal. It punts to the application the burden of managing the set. Some protocols and interfaces have been devised that support groups of relat- ed streams more effectively and simply for the application. Two examples are SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) defined in RFC 4960 (Ford, 2007) and QUIC (discussed later). These protocols must change the socket API slightly to get the benefits of groups of related streams, and they also support fea tures such as a mix of connection-oriented and connectionless traffic and even mul tiple network paths.

6.1.4 An Example of Socket Programming: An Internet File Server

As an example of the nitty-gritty of how real socket calls are made, consider the client and server code of Fig. 6-6. Here we have a very primitive Internet file server along with an example client that uses it. The code has many limitations (discussed below), but in principle the server code can be compiled and run on any UNIX system connected to the Internet. The client code can be compiled and run on any other UNIX machine on the Internet, anywhere in the world. The client code can be executed with appropriate parameters to fetch any file to which the server has access on its machine. The file is written to standard output, which, of course, can be redirected to a file or pipe.

Let us look at the server code first. It starts out by including some standard headers, the last three of which contain the main Internet-related definitions and data structures. Next comes a definition of SERVER PORT as 8080. This number was chosen arbitrarily. Any number between 1024 and 65535 will work just as well, as long as it is not in use by some other process; ports below 1023 are re- served for privileged users.

The next two lines in the server define constants. The first one determines the chunk size in bytes used for the file transfer. The second one determines how many pending connections can be held before additional ones are discarded.

After the declarations of local variables, the server code begins. It starts out by initializing a data structure that will hold the server’s IP address. This data struc ture will soon be bound to the server’s socket. The call to memset sets the data structure to all 0s. The three assignments following it fill in three of its fields. The last of these contains the server’s port. The functions htonl and htons have to do with converting values to a standard format so the code runs correctly on both lit tle-endian machines (e.g., Intel x86) and big-endian machines (e.g., the SPARC).


/* This page contains a client program that can request a file from the server program * on the next page. The server responds by sending the whole file. */

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <netdb.h>

#define SERVER PORT 8080 /* arbitrary, but client & server must agree */ #define BUF SIZE 4096 /* block transfer size*/

int main(int argc, char**argv)


int c, s, bytes;

char buf[BUF SIZE]; /* buffer for incoming file */ struct hostent *h; /* info about server */ struct sockaddr in channel; /* holds IP address */ if (argc != 3) {printf("Usage: client server-name file-name0); exit(-1);}

h = gethostbyname(argv[1]); /*look up host’s IP address */ if (!h) {printf("gethostbyname failed to locate %s0, argv[1]); exit(-1;}


if (s <0) {printf("socket call failed0); exit(-1);}

memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel));

channel.sin family= AF INET;

memcpy(&channel.sin addr.s addr, h->h addr, h->h length);

channel.sin port= htons(SERVER PORT);

c = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &channel, sizeof(channel));

if (c < 0) {printf("connect failed0); exit(-1);}

/* Connection is now established. Send file name including 0 byte at end. */ write(s, argv[2], strlen(argv[2])+1);

/* Go get the file and write it to standard output. */

while (1) {

bytes = read(s, buf, BUF SIZE); /*read from socket */

if (bytes <= 0) exit(0); /*check for end of file*/ write(1, buf, bytes); /* write to standard output*/ }


Figure 6-6. Client code using sockets. The server code is on the next page.


#include <sys/types.h> /* This is the server code */ #include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sys/fcntl.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <netdb.h>

#define SERVER PORT 8080 /* arbitrary, but client & server must agree */ #define BUF SIZE 4096 /* block transfer size */ #define QUEUE SIZE 10

int main(int argc, char*argv[])

{ int s, b, l, fd, sa, bytes, on = 1;

char buf[BUF SIZE]; /* buffer for outgoing file */ struct sockaddr in channel; /* holds IP address */ /* Build address structure to bind to socket.*/

memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel)); /*zero channel */

channel.sin family = AF INET;

channel.sin addr.s addr = htonl(INADDR ANY);

channel.sin port = htons(SERVER PORT);

/* Passive open. Wait for connection. */ s = socket(AF INET, SOCK STREAM, IPPROTO TCP); /*create socket*/ if (s < 0) {printf("socket call failed0); exit(-1);}

setsockopt(s, SOL SOCKET, SO REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof(on)); b = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &channel, sizeof(channel));

if (b < 0) {printf("bind failed0); exit(-1);}

l = listen(s, QUEUE SIZE); /*specify queue size*/

if (l < 0) {printf("listen failed0); exit(-1);}

/* Socket is now set up and bound. Wait for connection and process it. */ while (1) {

sa = accept(s, 0, 0); /* block for connection request */ if (sa < 0) {printf("accept failed0); exit(-1);}

read(sa, buf, BUF SIZE); /*read file name from socket */ /* Get and return the file.*/

fd = open(buf, O RDONLY); /* open the file to be sent back */ if (fd < 0) {printf("open failed");

while (1) {

bytes = read(fd, buf, BUF SIZE); /*read from file*/


if (bytes <= 0) break; /*check for end of file */ write(sa, buf, bytes); /* write bytes to socket */

close(fd); /*close file*/ close(sa); /*close connection */ }



Next, the server creates a socket and checks for errors (indicated by s < 0). In a production version of the code, the error message could be a trifle more explana tory. The call to setsockopt is needed to allow the port to be reused so the server can run indefinitely, fielding request after request. Now the IP address is bound to the socket and a check is made to see if the call to bind succeeded. The final step in the initialization is the call to listen to announce the server’s willingness to accept incoming calls and tell the system to hold up to QUEUE SIZE of them in case new requests arrive while the server is still processing the current one. If the queue isfull and additional requests arrive, they are quietly discarded.

At this point, the server enters its main loop, which it never leaves. The only way to stop it is to kill it from outside. The call to accept blocks the server until some client tries to establish a connection with it. If the accept call succeeds, it re turns a socket descriptor that can be used for reading and writing, analogous to how file descriptors can be used to read from and write to pipes. However, unlike pipes, which are unidirectional, sockets are bidirectional, so sa (the accepted socket) can be used for reading from the connection and also for writing to it. A pipe file descriptor is for reading or writing but not both.

After the connection is established, the server reads the file name from it. If the name is not yet available, the server blocks waiting for it. After getting the file name, the server opens the file and enters a loop that alternately reads blocks from the file and writes them to the socket until the entire file has been copied. Then the server closes the file and the connection and waits for the next connection to show up. It repeats this loop forever.

Now let us look at the client code. To understand how it works, it is necessary to understand how it is invoked. Assuming it is called client, a typical call is

client /usr/tom/filename >f

This call only works if the server is already running on and the file /usr/tom/filename exists and the server has read access to it. If the call is suc- cessful, the file is transferred over the Internet and written to f, after which the cli- ent program exits. Since the server continues after a transfer, the client can be started again and again to get other files.

The client code starts with some includes and declarations. Execution begins by checking to see if it has been called with the right number of arguments, where argc = 3 means the program was called with its name plus two arguments. Note that argv[1] contains the name of the server (e.g., and is converted to an IP address by gethostbyname. This function uses DNS to look up the name.We will study DNS in Chap. 7.

Next, a socket is created and initialized. After that, the client attempts to establish a TCP connection to the server, using connect. If the server is up and running on the named machine and attached to SERVER PORT and is either idle or has room in its listen queue, the connection will (eventually) be established. Using the connection, the client sends the name of the file by writing on the socket.


The number of bytes sent is one larger than the name proper, since the 0 byte ter- minating the name must also be sent to tell the server where the name ends. Now the client enters a loop, reading the file block by block from the socket and copying it to standard output. When it is done, it just exits.

The procedure fatal prints an error message and exits. The server needs the same procedure, but it was omitted due to lack of space on the page. Since the cli- ent and server are compiled separately and normally run on different computers, they cannot share the code of fatal.

Just for the record, this server is not the last word in serverdom. Its error checking is meager and its error reporting is mediocre. Since it handles all re- quests strictly sequentially (because it has only a single thread), its performance is poor. It has clearly never heard about security, and using bare UNIX system calls is not the way to gain platform independence. It also makes some assumptions that are technically illegal, such as assuming that the file name fits in the buffer and is transmitted atomically. These shortcomings notwithstanding, it is a working Inter- net file server. For more information about using sockets, see Donahoo and Calvert (2008, 2009); and Stevens et al. (2004).


The transport service is implemented by a transport protocol used between the two transport entities. In some ways, transport protocols resemble the data link protocols we studied in detail in Chap. 3. Both have to deal with error control, sequencing, and flow control, among other issues.

However, significant differences between the two also exist. These differences are due to major dissimilarities between the environments in which the two proto- cols operate, as shown in Fig. 6-7. At the data link layer, two routers communicate directly via a physical channel, whether wired or wireless, whereas at the transport layer, this physical channel is replaced by the entire network. This difference has many important implications for the protocols.

Router Router Physical


communication channel Host

(a) (b)

Figure 6-7. (a) Environment of the data link layer. (b) Environment of the

transport layer.

For one thing, over point-to-point links such as wires or optical fiber, it is usually not necessary for a router to specify which router it wants to talk to—each


outgoing line leads directly to a particular router. In the transport layer, explicit addressing of destinations is required.

For another thing, the process of establishing a connection over the wire of Fig. 6-7(a) is simple: the other end is always there (unless it has crashed, in which case it is not there). Either way, there is not much to do. Even on wireless links, the process is not much different. Just sending a message is sufficient to have it reach all other destinations. If the message is not acknowledged due to an error, it can be resent. In the transport layer, initial connection establishment is complicat- ed, as we will see.

Another (exceedingly annoying) difference between the data link layer and the transport layer is the potential existence of storage capacity in the network. When a router sends a packet over a link, it may arrive or be lost, but it cannot bounce around for a while, go into hiding in a far corner of the world, and suddenly emerge after other packets that were sent much later. If the network uses data- grams, which are independently routed inside, there is a nonnegligible probability that a packet may take the scenic route and arrive late and out of the expected order, or even that duplicates of the packet will arrive. The consequences of the network’s ability to delay and duplicate packets can sometimes be disastrous and can require the use of special protocolsto correctly transport information.

A final difference between the data link and transport layers is one of degree rather than of kind. Buffering and flow control are needed in both layers, but the presence in the transport layer of a large and varying number of connections with bandwidth that fluctuates as the connections compete with each other may require a different approach than we used in the data link layer. Some of the protocols dis- cussed in Chap. 3 allocate a fixed number of buffers to each line, so that when a frame arrives a buffer is always available. In the transport layer, the larger number of connections that must be managed and variations in the bandwidth each con- nection may receive make the idea of dedicating many buffers to each one less attractive. In the following sections, we will examine all of these important issues, and others.

6.2.1 Addressing

When an application process wishes to set up a connection to a remote applica tion process, it must specify which process on the remote endpoint to connect to. The method normally used is to define transport addresses to which processes can listen for connection requests. In the Internet, these endpoints are called ports. We will use the generic term TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) to mean a specific endpoint in the transport layer. The analogous endpoints in the network layer (i.e., network layer addresses) are not-surprisingly called NSAPs (Network Service Access Points). IP addresses are examples of NSAPs.

Figure 6-8 illustrates the relationship between the NSAPs, the TSAPs, and a transport connection using them. Application processes, both clients and servers,


can attach themselves to a local TSAP to establish a connection to a remote TSAP. These connections run through NSAPs on each host, as shown. The purpose of having TSAPs is that in some networks, each computer has a single NSAP, so some way is needed to distinguish multiple transport endpoints that share that NSAP.

Host 1 Host 2

Server 1


TSAP 1208

process Application layer


Server 2


TSAP 1522







Data link




Figure 6-8. TSAPs, NSAPs, and transport connections.

A possible scenario for a transport connection is as follows:

1. A mail server process attaches itself to TSAP 1522 on host 2 to wait for an incoming call. How a process attaches itself to a TSAP is out- side the networking model and depends entirely on the local operating system. A call such as our LISTEN might be used, for example.

2. An application process on host 1 wants to send an email message, so it attaches itself to TSAP 1208 and issues a CONNECT request. The request specifies TSAP 1208 on host 1 as the source and TSAP 1522 on host 2 as the destination. This action ultimately results in a tran- sport connection being established between the application process and the server.

3. The application process sends over the mail message.

4. The mail server responds to say that it will deliver the message. 5. The transport connection is released.


Note that there may well be other servers on host 2 that are attached to other TSAPs and are waiting for incoming connections that arrive over the same NSAP. The picture painted above is fine, except we have swept one little problem under the rug: how does the user process on host 1 know that the mail server is at tached to TSAP 1522? One possibility is that the mail server has been attaching itself to TSAP 1522 for years and gradually all the network users have learned this. In this model, services have stable TSAP addresses that are listed in files in well- known places. For example, the /etc/services file on UNIX systems lists which ser- vers are permanently attached to which ports, including the fact that the mail server is found on TCP port 25.

While stable TSAP addresses work for a small number of key services that never change (e.g., the Web server), user processes, in general, often want to talk to other user processes that do not have TSAP addresses that are known in advance, or that may exist for only a short time.

To handle this situation, an alternative scheme can be used. In this scheme, there exists a special process called a portmapper. To find the TSAP address cor responding to a given service name, such as ‘‘BitTorrent,’’ a user sets up a con- nection to the portmapper (which listens to a well-known TSAP). The user then sends a message specifying the service name, and the portmapper sends back the TSAP address. Then the user releases the connection with the portmapper and establishes a new one with the desired service.

In this model, when a new service is created, it must register itself with the portmapper, giving both its service name (typically, an ASCII string) and its TSAP. The portmapper records this information in its internal database so that when queries come in later, it will know the answers.

The function of the portmapper is analogous to that of a directory assistance operator in the telephone system—it provides a mapping of names onto numbers. Just as in the telephone system, it is essential that the address of the well-known TSAP used by the portmapper is indeed well known. If you do not know the num- ber of the information operator, you cannot call the information operator to find it out. If you think the number you dial for information is obvious, try it in a foreign country sometime.

Many of the server processes that can exist on a machine will be used only rarely. It is wasteful to have each of them active and listening to a stable TSAP address all day long. An alternative scheme is shown in Fig. 6-9 in a simplified form. It is known as the initial connection protocol. Instead of every conceivable server listening at a well-known TSAP, each machine that wishes to offer services to remote users has a special process server that acts as a proxy for less heavily used servers. This server is called inetd on UNIX systems. It listens to a set of ports at the same time, waiting for a connection request. Potential users of a ser- vice begin by doing a CONNECT request, specifying the TSAP address of the ser- vice they want. If no server is waiting for them, they get a connection to the proc- ess server, as shown in Fig. 6-9(a).


Host 1 Host 2 Host 1 Host 2 Mail



server User Process



server User

(a) (b)

Figure 6-9. How a user process in host 1 establishes a connection with a mail

server in host 2 via a process server.

After it gets the incoming request, the process server spawns the requested ser- ver, allowing it to inherit the existing connection with the user. The new server does the requested work, while the process server goes back to listening for new requests, as shown in Fig. 6-9(b). This method is only applicable when servers can be created on demand.

6.2.2 Connection Establishment

Establishing a connection sounds easy, but it is actually surprisingly tricky. At first glance, it would seem sufficient for one transport entity to just send a CON- NECTION REQUEST segment to the destination and wait for a CONNECTION ACCEPTED reply. The problem occurs when the network can lose, delay, corrupt, and duplicate packets. This behavior causes serious complications.

Problem: Delayed and Duplicate Packets

Imagine a network that is so congested that acknowledgements hardly ever get back in time and each packet times out and is retransmitted two or three or more times. Suppose that the network uses datagrams inside and that every packet fol lows a different route. Some of the packets might get stuck in a traffic jam inside


the network and take a long time to arrive. That is, they may be delayed in the net- work and pop out much later, when the sender thought that they had been lost. The worst possible nightmare is as follows. A user establishes a connection with a bank, sends messages telling the bank to transfer a large amount of money to the account of a not-entirely-trustworthy person. Unfortunately, the packets decide to take the scenic route to the destination and go off exploring a remote cor- ner of the network. The sender then times out and sends them all again. This time the packets take the shortest route and are delivered quickly so the sender releases the connection.

Unfortunately, eventually the initial batch of packets finally come out of hiding and arrive at the destination in order, asking the bank to establish a new connection and transfer money (again). The bank has no way of telling that these are dupli- cates. It must assume that this is a second, independent transaction, and transfers the money again.

This scenario may sound unlikely, or even implausible but the point is this: protocols must be designed to be correct in all cases. Only the common cases need be implemented efficiently to obtain good network performance, but the protocol must be able to cope with the uncommon cases without breaking. If it cannot, we have built a fair-weather network that can fail without warning when the conditions get tough.

For the remainder of this section, we will study the problem of delayed dupli- cates, with emphasis on algorithms for establishing connections in a reliable way, so that nightmares like the one above cannot happen. The crux of the problem is that the delayed duplicates are thought to be new packets. We cannot prevent pack- ets from being duplicated and delayed. But if and when this happens, the packets must be rejected as duplicates and not processed as fresh packets.

The problem can be attacked in various ways, none of them terribly satisfac tory. One way is to use throwaway transport addresses. In this approach, each time a transport address is needed, a brand new one is generated. When a con- nection is released, the address is discarded and never used again. Delayed dupli- cate packets then never find their way to a transport process and can do no damage. However, this approach makes it more difficult to connect with a process in the first place.

Another option is to give each connection a unique identifier (i.e., a sequence number incremented for each connection established) chosen by the initiating party and put in each segment, including the one requesting the connection. After each connection is released, each transport entity can update a table listing obsolete con- nections as (peer transport entity, connection identifier) pairs. Whenever a con- nection request comes in, it can be checked against the table to see if it belongs to a previously released connection.

Unfortunately, this scheme has a basic flaw: it requires each transport entity to maintain a certain amount of history information effectively indefinitely. This his tory must persist at both the source and destination machines. Otherwise, if a


machine crashes and loses its memory, it will no longer know which connection identifiers have already been used by its peers.

Instead, we need to take a different tack to simplify the problem. Rather than allowing packets to live forever within the network, we devise a mechanism to kill off aged packets that are still hobbling about. With this restriction, the problem becomes somewhat more manageable.

Packet lifetime can be restricted to a known maximum using one (or more) of the following techniques:

1. Restricted network design.

2. Putting a hop counter in each packet.

3. Timestamping each packet.

The first technique includes any method that prevents packets from looping, com- bined with some way of bounding delay including congestion over the (now known) longest possible path. It is difficult, given that internets may range from a single city to international in scope. The second method consists of having the hop count initialized to some appropriate value and decremented each time the packet is forwarded. The network protocol simply discards any packet whose hop counter becomes zero. The third method requires each packet to bear the time it was creat- ed, with the routers agreeing to discard any packet older than some agreed-upon time. This latter method requires the router clocks to be synchronized, which itself is a nontrivial task, and in practice a hop counter is a close enough approximation to age.

In practice, we will need to guarantee not only that a packet is dead, but also that all acknowledgements to it are dead, too, so we will now introduce a period T, which is some small multiple of the true maximum packet lifetime. The maximum packet lifetime is a conservative constant for a network; for the Internet, it is some- what arbitrarily taken to be 120 seconds. The multiple is protocol dependent and simply has the effect of making T longer. If we wait a time T secs after a packet has been sent, we can be sure that all traces of it are now gone and that neither it nor its acknowledgements will suddenly appear out of the blue to complicate mat ters.

With packet lifetimes bounded, it is possible to devise a practical and foolproof way to reject delayed duplicate segments. The method described below is due to Tomlinson (1975), as refined by Sunshine and Dalal (1978). Variants of it are widely used in practice, including in TCP.

The heart of the method is for the source to label segments with sequence numbers that will not be reused within T secs. The period, T, and the rate of pack- ets per second determine the size of the sequence numbers. In this way, only one packet with a given sequence number may be outstanding at any given time. Dupli- cates of this packet may still occur, and they must be discarded by the destination.


However, it is no longer the case that a delayed duplicate of an old packet may beat a new packet with the same sequence number and be accepted by the destination in its stead.

To get around the problem of a machine losing all memory of where it was after a crash, one possibility is to require transport entities to be idle for T secs after a recovery. The idle period will let all old segments die off, so the sender can start again with any sequence number. However, in a complex internetwork, T may be large, so this strategy is unattractive.

Instead, Tomlinson proposed equipping each host with a time-of-day clock. The clocks at different hosts need not be synchronized. Each clock is assumed to take the form of a binary counter that increments itself at uniform intervals. Fur thermore, the number of bits in the counter must equal or exceed the number of bits in the sequence numbers. Last, and most important, the clock is assumed to continue running even if the host goes down.

When a connection is set up, the low-order k-bits of the clock are used as the k-bit initial sequence number. Thus, unlike our protocols of Chap. 3, each connec tion starts numbering its segments with a different initial sequence number. The sequence space should be so large that by the time sequence numbers wrap around, old segments with the same sequence number are long gone. This linear relation between time and initial sequence numbers is shown in Fig. 6-10(a). The forbid- den region shows the times for which segment sequence numbers are illegal lead ing up to their use. If any segment is sent with a sequence number in this region, it could be delayed and impersonate a different packet with the same sequence num- ber that will be issued slightly later. For example, if the host crashes and restarts at time 70 seconds, it will use initial sequence numbers based on the clock to pick up after it left off; the host does not start with a lower sequence number in the forbid- den region.

Once both transport entities have agreed on the initial sequence number, any sliding window protocol can be used for data flow control. This window protocol will correctly find and discard duplicates of packets after they have already been accepted. In reality, the initial sequence number curve (shown by the heavy line) is not linear, but a staircase, since the clock advances in discrete steps. For simpli- city, we will ignore this detail.

To keep packet sequence numbers out of the forbidden region, we need to take care in two respects. We can get into trouble in two distinct ways. If a host sends too much data too fast on a newly opened connection, the actual sequence number versus time curve may rise more steeply than the initial sequence number versus time curve, causing the sequence number to enter the forbidden region. To prevent this from happening, the maximum data rate on any connection is one segment per clock tick. This also means that the transport entity must wait until the clock ticks before opening a new connection after a crash restart, lest the same number be used twice. Both of these points argue in favor of a short clock tick (1 µsec or less). However, the clock cannot tick too fast relative to the sequence number. For










Forbidden region












80 70 60

Restart after




crash with 70









030 60 90

0 120 150 180 Time


Actual sequence numbers used



Figure 6-10. (a) Segments may not enter the forbidden region. (b) The resyn

chronization problem.

a clock rate of C and a sequence number space of size S, we must have S/C > T so that the sequence numbers cannot wrap around too quickly.

Entering the forbidden region from underneath by sending too fast is not the only way to get into trouble. From Fig. 6-10(b), we see that at any data rate less than the clock rate, the curve of actual sequence numbers used versus time will eventually run into the forbidden region from the left as the sequence numbers wrap around. The greater the slope of the actual sequence numbers, the longer this event will be delayed. Avoiding this situation limits how slowly sequence numbers can advance on a connection (or how long the connections may last).

The clock-based method solves the problem of not being able to distinguish delayed duplicate segments from new segments. However, there is a practical snag for using it for establishing connections. Since we do not normally remember sequence numbers across connections at the destination, we still have no way of knowing if a CONNECTION REQUEST segment containing an initial sequence number is a duplicate of a recent connection. This snag does not exist during a con- nection because the sliding window protocol does remember the current sequence number.

Solution: Three-Way Handshake

To solve this specific problem, Tomlinson (1975) introduced the three-way handshake. This establishment protocol involves one peer checking with the other that the connection request is indeed current. The normal setup procedure when host 1 initiates is shown in Fig. 6-11(a). Host 1 chooses a sequence number, x, and sends a CONNECTION REQUEST segment containing it to host 2. Host 2 replies with an ACK segment acknowledging x and announcing its own initial sequence


number, y. Finally, host 1 acknowledges host 2’s choice of an initial sequence number in the first data segment that it sends.

Host 1 Host 2 CR (seq = x)

Host 1 Host 2 Old duplicate

CR (seq = x)





ACK (seq = y, ACK = x) DATA (seq = x, ACK = y)





ACK (seq = y, ACK = x) REJECT (ACK = y)

(a) (b)

Host 1 Host 2

CR (seq = x)

Old duplicate

ACK (seq = y, ACK = x)




DATA (seq = ACK x, = z)

Old duplicate

REJECT (ACK = y) (c)

Figure 6-11. Three protocol scenarios for establishing a connection using a three-way handshake. CR denotes CONNECTION REQUEST. (a) Normal opera

tion. (b) Old duplicate CONNECTION REQUEST appearing out of nowhere. (c) Duplicate CONNECTION REQUEST and duplicate ACK.

Now let us see how the three-way handshake works in the presence of delayed duplicate control segments. In Fig. 6-11(b), the first segment is a delayed dupli- cate CONNECTION REQUEST from an old connection. This segment arrives at host 2 without host 1’s knowledge. Host 2 reacts to this segment by sending host 1 an ACK segment, in effect asking for verification that host 1 was indeed trying to set up a new connection. When host 1 rejects host 2’s attempt to establish a con- nection, host 2 realizes that it was tricked by a delayed duplicate and abandons the connection. In this way, a delayed duplicate does no damage.


The worst case is when both a delayed CONNECTION REQUEST and an ACK are floating around in the subnet. This case is shown in Fig. 6-11(c). As in the previous example, host 2 gets a delayed CONNECTION REQUEST and replies to it. At this point, it is crucial to realize that host 2 has proposed using y as the initial sequence number for host 2 to host 1 traffic, knowing full well that no segments containing sequence number y or acknowledgements to y are still in existence. When the second delayed segment finally arrives at host 2, the fact that z has been acknowledged rather than y tells host 2 that this, too, is an old duplicate. The important thing to realize here is that there is no combination of old segments that can cause the protocol to fail and have a connection set up by accident when no one wants it.

TCP always uses this three-way handshake to establish connections. Within a connection, a timestamp is used to extend the 32-bit sequence number so that it will not wrap within the maximum packet lifetime, even for gigabit-per-second connections. This mechanism is a fix to TCP that was needed as it was used on faster and faster links. It is described in RFC 1323 and called PAWS (Protection Against Wrapped Sequence numbers). Across connections, for the initial sequence numbers and before PAWS can come into play, TCP originally used the clock-based scheme just described. However, this turned out to have a security vulnerability. The clock made it easy for an attacker to predict the next initial sequence number and send packets that tricked the three-way handshake and estab lished a forged connection. To close this hole, pseudorandom initial sequence num- bers are used for connections in practice. However, it remains important that the initial sequence numbers not repeat for an interval even though they appear random to an observer. Otherwise, delayed duplicates can wreak havoc.

6.2.3 Connection Release

Releasing a connection is easier than establishing one. Nevertheless, there are more pitfalls than one might expect here. As we mentioned earlier, there are two styles of terminating a connection: asymmetric release and symmetric release. Asymmetric release is the way the telephone system works: when one party hangs up, the connection is broken. Symmetric release treats the connection as two sepa rate unidirectional connections and requires each one to be released separately.

Asymmetric release is abrupt and may result in data loss. Consider the scen- ario of Fig. 6-12. After the connection is established, host 1 sends a segment that arrives properly at host 2. Then host 1 sends another segment. Unfortunately, host 2 issues a DISCONNECT before the second segment arrives. The result is that the connection is released and data are lost.

Clearly, a more sophisticated release protocol is needed to avoid data loss. One way is to use symmetric release, in which each direction is released indepen- dently of the other one. Here, a host can continue to receive data even after it has sent a DISCONNECT segment.


Host 1 Host 2










No data are delivered after a disconnect


Figure 6-12. Abrupt disconnection with loss of data.

Symmetric release does the job when each process has a fixed amount of data to send and clearly knows when it has sent it. In other situations, determining that all the work has been done and the connection should be terminated is not so ob- vious. One can envision a protocol in which host 1 says ‘‘I am done. Are you done too?’’ If host 2 responds: ‘‘I am done too. Goodbye, the connection can be safely released.’’

Unfortunately, this protocol does not always work. There is a famous problem that illustrates this issue. It is called the two-army problem. Imagine that a white army is encamped in a valley, as shown in Fig. 6-13. On both of the surrounding hillsides are blue armies. The white army is larger than either of the blue armies alone, but together the blue armies are larger than the white army. If either blue army attacks by itself, it will be defeated, but if the two blue armies attack simul taneously, they will be victorious.

The blue armies want to synchronize their attacks. However, their only com- munication medium is to send messengers on foot down into the valley, where they might be captured and the message lost (i.e., they have to use an unreliable com- munication channel). The question is: does a protocol exist that allows the blue armies to win?

Suppose that the commander of blue army #1 sends a message reading: ‘‘I pro- pose we attack at dawn on March 29. How about it?’’ Now suppose that the mes- sage arrives, the commander of blue army #2 agrees, and his reply gets safely back to blue army #1. Will the attack happen? Probably not, because commander #2 does not know if his reply got through. If it did not, blue army #1 will not attack, so it would be foolish for him to charge into battle.

Now let us improve the protocol by making it a three-way handshake. The ini tiator of the original proposal must acknowledge the response. Assuming no mes- sages are lost, blue army #2 will get the acknowledgement, but the commander of







White army


Figure 6-13. The two-army problem.




blue army #1 will now hesitate. After all, he does not know if his acknowledge- ment got through, and if it did not, he knows that blue army #2 will not attack. We could now make a four-way handshake protocol, but that does not help either.

In fact, it can be proven that no protocol exists that works. Suppose that some protocol did exist. Either the last message of the protocol is essential, or it is not. If it is not, we can remove it (and any other unessential messages) until we are left with a protocol in which every message is essential. What happens if the final message does not get through? We just said that it was essential, so if it is lost, the attack does not take place. Since the sender of the final message can never be sure of its arrival, he will not risk attacking. Worse yet, the other blue army knows this, so it will not attack either.

To see the relevance of the two-army problem to releasing connections, rather than to military affairs, just substitute ‘‘disconnect’’ for ‘‘attack.’’ If neither side is prepared to disconnect until it is convinced that the other side is prepared to disconnect too, the disconnection will never happen.

In practice, we can avoid this quandary by foregoing the need for agreement and pushing the problem up to the transport user, letting each side independently decide when it is done. This is an easier problem to solve. Figure 6-14 illustrates four scenarios of releasing using a three-way handshake. While this protocol is not infallible, it is usually adequate.

In Fig. 6-14(a), we see the normal case in which one of the users sends a DR (DISCONNECTION REQUEST) segment to initiate the connection release. When it arrives, the recipient sends back a DR segment and starts a timer, just in case its DR is lost. When this DR arrives, the original sender sends back an ACK segment and releases the connection. Finally, when the ACK segment arrives, the receiver also releases the connection. Releasing a connection means that the transport entity


removes the information about the connection from its table of currently open con- nections and signals the connection’s owner (the transport user) somehow. This action is different from a transport user issuing a DISCONNECT primitive.

Host 1 Host 2

Host 1 Host 2

Send DR

+ start timer

Send DR


Send DR

+ start timer

Send DR


Release connection


+ start timer




+ start timer

Send ACK




Send ACK



(Timeout) release connection

(a) (b)

Host 1 Host 2

Host 1 Host 2

Send DR + start timer


Send DR &

Send DR + start timer


Send DR &


start timer


start timer


( Timeout)

send DR + start timer

Release connection


Send DR & start timer

( Timeout)

send DR + start timer


Send ACK



(N Timeouts) release

(Timeout) release




(c) (d)

Figure 6-14. Four protocol scenarios for releasing a connection. (a) Normal case of three-way handshake. (b) Final ACK lost. (c) Response lost. (d) Re

sponse lost and subsequent DRs lost.

If the final ACK segment is lost, as shown in Fig. 6-14(b), the situation is saved by the timer. When the timer expires, the connection is released anyway. Now consider the case of the second DR being lost. The user initiating the disconnection will not receive the expected response, will time out, and will start all over again. In Fig. 6-14(c), we see how this works, assuming that the second time no segments are lost and all segments are delivered correctly and on time.


Our last scenario, Fig. 6-14(d), is the same as Fig. 6-14(c) except that now we assume all the repeated attempts to retransmit the DR also fail due to lost segments. After N retries, the sender just gives up and releases the connection. Meanwhile, the receiver times out and also exits.

While this protocol usually suffices, in theory it can fail if the initial DR and N retransmissions are all lost. The sender will give up and release the connection, while the other side knows nothing at all about the attempts to disconnect and is still fully active. This situation results in a half-open connection. That is unac- ceptable.

We could have avoided this problem by not allowing the sender to give up after N retries and forcing it to go on forever until it gets a response. However, if the other side is allowed to time out, the sender will indeed go on forever, because no response will ever be forthcoming. If we do not allow the receiving side to time out, the protocol hangs in Fig. 6-14(d).

One way to kill off half-open connections is to have a rule saying that if no segments have arrived for a certain number of seconds, the connection is automat ically disconnected. That way, if one side ever disconnects, the other side will detect the lack of activity and also disconnect. This rule also takes care of the case where the connection is broken (because the network can no longer deliver packets between the hosts) without either end disconnecting first.

Of course, if this rule is introduced, it is necessary for each transport entity to have a timer that is stopped and then restarted whenever a segment is sent. If this timer expires, a dummy segment is transmitted, just to keep the other side from disconnecting. On the other hand, if the automatic disconnect rule is used and too many dummy segments in a row are lost on an otherwise idle connection, first one side, then the other will automatically disconnect.

We will not belabor this point any more, but by now it should be clear that releasing a connection without data loss is not nearly as simple as it first appears. The lesson here is that the transport user must be involved in deciding when to disconnect—the problem cannot be cleanly solved by the transport entities them- selves. To see the importance of the application, consider that while TCP normally does a symmetric close (with each side independently closing its half of the con- nection with a FIN packet when it has sent its data), many Web servers send the cli- ent a RST packet that causes an abrupt close of the connection that is more like an asymmetric close. This works only because the Web server knows the pattern of data exchange. First it receives a request from the client, which is all the data the client will send, and then it sends a response to the client.

When the Web server is finished with its response, all of the data has been sent in either direction. The server can send the client a warning and abruptly shut the connection. If the client gets this warning, it will release its connection state then and there. If the client does not get the warning, it will eventually realize that the server is no longer talking to it and release the connection state. The data has been successfully transferred in either case.

528 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.2.4 Error Control and Flow Control

Having examined connection establishment and release in some detail, let us now look at how connections are managed while they are in use. The key issues are error control and flow control. Error control is ensuring that the data is deliv- ered with the desired level of reliability, usually that all of the data is delivered without any errors. Flow control is keeping a fast transmitter from overrunning a slow receiver.

Both of these issues have come up before, when we studied the data link layer. The solutions that are used at the transport layer are the same mechanisms that we studied in Chap. 3. As a very brief recap:

1. A frame carries an error-detecting code (e.g., a CRC or checksum) that is used to check if the information was correctly received.

2. A frame carries a sequence number to identify itself and is retrans- mitted by the sender until it receives an acknowledgement of suc- cessful receipt from the receiver. This is called ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest).

3. There is a maximum number of frames that the sender will allow to be outstanding at any time, pausing if the receiver is not acknowledg

ing frames quickly enough. If this maximum is one packet the proto- col is called stop-and-wait. Larger windows enable pipelining and improve performance on long, fast links.

4. The sliding window protocol combines these features and is also used to support bidirectional data transfer.

Given that these mechanisms are used on frames at the link layer, it is natural to wonder why they would be used on segments at the transport layer as well. However, there is little duplication between the link and transport layers in prac tice. Even though the same mechanisms are used, there are differences in function and degree.

For a difference in function, consider error detection. The link layer checksum protects a frame while it crosses a single link. The transport layer checksum pro tects a segment while it crosses an entire network path. It is an end-to-end check, which is not the same as having a check on every link. Saltzer et al. (1984) de- scribe a situation in which packets were corrupted inside a router. The link layer checksums protected the packets only while they traveled across a link, not while they were inside the router. Thus, packets were delivered incorrectly even though they were correct according to the checks on every link.

This and other examples led Saltzer et al. to articulate what is called the end to-end argument. According to this argument, the transport layer check that runs end-to-end is essential for correctness, and the link layer checks are not essential


but nonetheless valuable for improving performance (since without them a cor rupted packet can be sent along the entire path unnecessarily).

As a difference in degree, consider retransmissions and the sliding window protocol. Most wireless links, other than satellite links, can have only a single frame outstanding from the sender at a time. That is, the bandwidth-delay product for the link is small enough that not even a whole frame can be stored inside the link. In this case, a small window size is sufficient for good performance. For example, 802.11 uses a stop-and-wait protocol, transmitting or retransmitting each frame and waiting for it to be acknowledged before moving on to the next frame. Having a window size larger than one frame would add complexity without im- proving performance. For wired and optical fiber links, such as (switched) Ether- net or ISP backbones, the error-rate is low enough that link-layer retransmissions can be omitted because the end-to-end retransmissions will repair the residual frame loss.

On the other hand, many TCP connections have a bandwidth-delay product that is much larger than a single segment. Consider a connection sending data across the U.S. at 1 Mbps with a round-trip time of 200 msec. Even for this slow connection, 200 Kbit of data will be stored at the receiver in the time it takes to send a segment and receive an acknowledgement. For these situations, a large slid ing window must be used. Stop-and-wait will cripple performance. In our example it would limit performance to one segment every 200 msec, or 5 segments/sec no matter how fast the network really is.

Given that transport protocols generally use larger sliding windows, we will look at the issue of buffering data more carefully. Since a host may have many connections, each of which is treated separately, it may need a substantial amount of buffering for the sliding windows. The buffers are needed at both the sender and the receiver. Certainly they are needed at the sender to hold all transmitted but as yet unacknowledged segments. They are needed there because these segments may be lost and need to be retransmitted.

However, since the sender is buffering, the receiver may or may not dedicate specific buffers to specific connections, as it sees fit. The receiver may, for ex- ample, maintain a single buffer pool shared by all connections. When a segment comes in, an attempt is made to dynamically acquire a new buffer. If one is avail- able, the segment is accepted; otherwise, it is discarded. Since the sender is pre- pared to retransmit segments lost by the network, no permanent harm is done by having the receiver drop segments, although some resources are wasted. The send- er just keeps trying until it gets an acknowledgement.

The best trade-off between source buffering and destination buffering depends on the type of traffic carried by the connection. For low-bandwidth bursty traffic, such as that produced by a user typing at a remote computer, it is reasonable not to dedicate any buffers, but rather to acquire them dynamically at both ends, relying on buffering at the sender if segments must occasionally be discarded. On the other hand, for file transfer and most other high-bandwidth traffic, it is better if the


receiver does dedicate a full window of buffers, to allow the data to flow at maxi- mum speed. This is the strategy that TCP uses.

There still remains the question of how to organize the buffer pool. If most segments are nearly the same size, it is natural to organize the buffers as a pool of identically sized buffers, with one segment per buffer, as in Fig. 6-15(a). However, if there is wide variation in segment size, from short requests for Web pages to large packets in peer-to-peer file transfers, a pool of fixed-sized buffers presents problems. If the buffer size is chosen to be equal to the largest possible segment, space will be wasted whenever a short segment arrives. If the buffer size is chosen to be less than the maximum segment size, multiple buffers will be needed for long segments, with the attendant complexity.

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

(a) (b)

Segment 4




Figure 6-15. (a) Chained fixed-size buffers. (b) Chained variable-sized buffers. (c) One large circular buffer per connection.

Another approach to the buffer size problem is to use variable-sized buffers, as in Fig. 6-15(b). The advantage here is better memory utilization, at the price of more complicated buffer management. A third possibility is to dedicate a single large circular buffer per connection, as in Fig. 6-15(c). This system is simple and elegant and does not depend on segment sizes, but makes good use of memory only when the connections are heavily loaded.

As connections are opened and closed and as the traffic pattern changes, the sender and receiver need to dynamically adjust their buffer allocations. Conse- quently, the transport protocol should allow a sending host to request buffer space at the other end. Buffers could be allocated per connection, or collectively, for all connections running between the two hosts. Alternatively, the receiver, knowing


its buffer situation (but not knowing the offered traffic) could tell the sender ‘‘I have reserved X buffers for you.’’ If the number of open connections should increase, it may be necessary for an allocation to be reduced, so the protocol should provide for this possibility.

A reasonably general way to manage dynamic buffer allocation is to decouple the buffering from the acknowledgements, in contrast to the sliding window proto- cols of Chap. 3. Dynamic buffer management means, in effect, a variable-sized window. Initially, the sender requests a certain number of buffers, based on its ex- pected needs. The receiver then grants as many of these as it can afford. Every time the sender transmits a segment, it must decrement its allocation, stopping alto- gether when the allocation reaches zero. The receiver separately piggybacks both acknowledgements and buffer allocations onto the reverse traffic. TCP uses this scheme, carrying buffer allocations in a header field called Window size.

Figure 6-16 has an example of how dynamic window management might work in a datagram network with 4-bit sequence numbers. In this example, data flows in segments from host A to host B and acknowledgements and buffer allocations flow in segments in the reverse direction. Initially, A wants eight buffers, but it is grant- ed only four of these. It then sends three segments, of which the third is lost. Seg- ment 6 acknowledges receipt of all segments up to and including sequence number 1, thus allowing A to release those buffers, and furthermore informs A that it has permission to send three more segments starting beyond 1 (i.e., segments 2, 3, and 4). A knows that it has already sent number 2, so it thinks that it may send seg- ments 3 and 4, which it proceeds to do. At this point it is blocked and must wait for more buffer allocation. Timeout-induced retransmissions (line 9), however, may occur while blocked, since they use buffers that have already been allocated. In line 10, B acknowledges receipt of all segments up to and including 4 but re fuses to let A continue. Such a situation is impossible with the fixed-window pro tocols of Chap. 3. The next segment from B to A allocates another buffer and al lows A to continue. This will happen when B has buffer space, likely because the transport user has accepted more segment data.

Problems with buffer allocation schemes of this kind can arise in datagram net- works if control segments can get lost—which they most certainly can. Look at line 16. B has now allocated more buffers to A, but the allocation segment was lost. Oops. Since control segments are not sequenced or timed out, A is now dead locked. To prevent this situation, each host should periodically send control seg- ments giving the acknowledgement and buffer status on each connection. That way, the deadlock will be broken, sooner or later.

Until now we have assumed that the only limit imposed on the sender’s data rate is the amount of buffer space available in the receiver. This is often not the case. Memory was once expensive but prices have fallen dramatically. Hosts may be equipped with sufficient memory that the lack of buffers is rarely a problem, even for wide area connections. Of course, this depends on the buffer size being set to be large enough, which is not always the case for TCP (Zhang et al., 2002).

532 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 A Message B Comments

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

< request 8 buffers> <ack = 15, buf = 4> <seq = 0, data = m0> <seq = 1, data = m1> <seq = 2, data = m2> <ack = 1, buf = 3> <seq = 3, data = m3> <seq = 4, data = m4> <seq = 2, data = m2> <ack = 4, buf = 0> <ack = 4, buf = 1> <ack = 4, buf = 2> <seq = 5, data = m5> <seq = 6, data = m6> <ack = 6, buf = 0> <ack = 6, buf = 4>

A wants 8 buffers

B grants messages 0-3 only

A has 3 buffers left now

A has 2 buffers left now

Message lost but A thinks it has 1 left B acknowledges 0 and 1, permits 2-4 A has 1 buffer left

A has 0 buffers left, and must stop A times out and retransmits

Everything acknowledged, but A still blocked A may now send 5

B found a new buffer somewhere A has 1 buffer left

A is now blocked again

A is still blocked

Potential deadlock

Figure 6-16. Dynamic buffer allocation. The arrows show the direction of trans

mission. An ellipsis (...) indicates a lost segment.

When buffer space no longer limits the maximum flow, another bottleneck will appear: the carrying capacity of the network. If adjacent routers can exchange at most x packets/sec and there are k disjoint paths between a pair of hosts, there is no way that those hosts can exchange more than kx segments/sec, no matter how much buffer space is available at each end. If the sender pushes too hard (i.e., sends more than kx segments/sec), the network will become congested because it will be unable to deliver segments as fast as they are coming in.

What is needed is a mechanism that limits transmissions from the sender based on the network’s carrying capacity rather than on the receiver’s buffering capacity. Belsnes (1975) proposed using a sliding window flow-control scheme in which the sender dynamically adjusts the window size to match the network’s carrying capac ity.

This means that a dynamic sliding window can implement both flow control and congestion control. If the network can handle c segments/sec and the round trip time (including transmission, propagation, queueing, processing at the re- ceiver, and return of the acknowledgement) is r, the sender’s window should be cr. With a window of this size, the sender normally operates with the pipeline full. Any small decrease in network performance will cause it to block. Since the net- work capacity available to any given flow varies over time, the window size should be adjusted frequently, to track changes in the carrying capacity. As we will see later, TCP uses a similar scheme.


Multiplexing, or sharing several conversations over connections, virtual cir- cuits, and physical links plays a role in several layers of the network architecture. In the transport layer, the need for multiplexing can arise in a number of ways. For example, if only one network address is available on a host, all transport con- nections on that machine have to use it. When a segment comes in, some way is needed to tell which process to give it to. This situation, called multiplexing, is shown in Fig. 6-17(a). In this figure, four distinct transport connections all use the same network connection (e.g., IP address) to the remote host.

Transport address


4 3 2 1



Router lines

To router

(a) (b)

Figure 6-17. (a) Multiplexing. (b) Inverse multiplexing.

Multiplexing can also be useful in the transport layer for another reason. Sup- pose, for example, that a host has multiple network paths that it can use. If a user needs more bandwidth or more reliability than one of the network paths can pro- vide, a way out is to have a connection that distributes the traffic among multiple

network paths on a round-robin basis, as indicated in Fig. 6-17(b). This modus operandi is called inverse multiplexing. With k network connections open, the ef fective bandwidth might be increased by a factor of k. An example of inverse mul tiplexing is SCTP which can run a connection using multiple network interfaces. In contrast, TCP uses a single network endpoint. Inverse multiplexing is also found at the link layer, when several low-rate links are used in parallel as one fast link.

6.2.6 Crash Recovery

If hosts and routers are subject to crashes or connections are long-lived (e.g., large software or media downloads), recovery from these crashes becomes an issue. If the transport entity is entirely within the hosts, recovery from network


and router crashes is straightforward. The transport entities expect lost segments all the time and know how to cope with them by using retransmissions. A more troublesome problem is how to recover from host crashes. In particu lar, it may be desirable for clients to be able to continue working when servers crash and quickly reboot. To illustrate the difficulty, let us assume that one host, the client, is sending a long file to another host, the file server, using a simple stop- and-wait protocol. The transport layer on the server just passes the incoming seg- ments to the transport user, one by one. Partway through the transmission, the ser- ver crashes. When it comes back up, its tables are reinitialized, so it no longer knows precisely where it was.

In an attempt to recover its previous status, the server might send a broadcast segment to all other hosts, announcing that it has just crashed and requesting that its clients inform it of the status of all open connections. Each client can be in one of two states: one segment outstanding, S1, or no segments outstanding, S0. Based on only this state information, the client must decide whether to retransmit the most recent segment.

At first glance, it would seem obvious: the client should retransmit if and only if it has an unacknowledged segment outstanding (i.e., is in state S1) when it learns of the crash. However, a closer inspection reveals difficulties with this naive approach. Consider, for example, the situation in which the server’s transport enti ty first sends an acknowledgement and then, when the acknowledgement has been sent, writes to the application process. Writing a segment onto the output stream and sending an acknowledgement are two distinct events that cannot be done simultaneously. If a crash occurs after the acknowledgement has been sent but be fore the write has been fully completed, the client will receive the acknowledge- ment and thus be in state S0 when the crash recovery announcement arrives. The client will therefore not retransmit, (incorrectly) thinking that the segment has arri- ved. This decision by the client leads to a missing segment.

At this point you may be thinking: ‘‘That problem can be solved easily. All you have to do is reprogram the transport entity to first do the write and then send the acknowledgement.’’ Try again. Imagine that the write has been done but the crash occurs before the acknowledgement can be sent. The client will be in state S1 and thus retransmit, leading to an undetected duplicate segment in the output stream to the server application process.

No matter how the client and server are programmed, there are always situa tions where the protocol fails to recover properly. The server can be programmed in one of two ways: acknowledge first or write first. The client can be pro- grammed in one of four ways: always retransmit the last segment, never retransmit the last segment, retransmit only in state S0, or retransmit only in state S1. This gives eight combinations, but as we shall see, for each combination there is some set of events that makes the protocol fail.

Three events are possible at the server: sending an acknowledgement (A), writ ing to the output process (W), and crashing (C). The three events can occur in six


different orderings: AC(W ), AWC, C(AW), C(WA), WAC, and WC(A), where the parentheses are used to indicate that neither A nor W can follow C (i.e., once it has crashed, it has crashed). Figure 6-18 shows all eight combinations of client and server strategies and the valid event sequences for each one. Notice that for each strategy there is some sequence of events that causes the protocol to fail. For ex- ample, if the client always retransmits, the AWC event will generate an undetected duplicate, even though the other two events work properly.

Strategy used by receiving host

First ACK, then write First write, then ACK

Strategy used by

sending host AWC




Always retransmit OK DUP OK


Never retransmit Retransmit in S0 Retransmit in S1



OK = Protocol functions correctly

DUP = Protocol generates a duplicate message

LOST = Protocol loses a message

Figure 6-18. Different combinations of client and server strategies.

Making the protocol more elaborate does not help. Even if the client and ser- ver exchange several segments before the server attempts to write, so that the client knows exactly what is about to happen, the client has no way of knowing whether a crash occurred just before or just after the write. The conclusion is inescapable: under our ground rules of no simultaneous events—that is, separate events happen one after another not at the same time—host crash and recovery cannot be made transparent to higher layers.

Put in more general terms, this result can be restated as ‘‘recovery from a layer N crash can only be done by layer N + 1,’’ and then only if the higher layer retains enough status information to reconstruct where it was before the problem occurred. This is consistent with the case mentioned above that the transport layer can recover from failures in the network layer, provided that each end of a connection keeps track of where it is.

This problem gets us into the issue of what a so-called end-to-end acknowl- edgement really means. In principle, the transport protocol is end-to-end and not chained like the lower layers. Now consider the case of a user entering requests for transactions against a remote database. Suppose that the remote transport entity is programmed to first pass segments to the next layer up and then acknowledge.


Even in this case, the receipt of an acknowledgement back at the user’s machine does not necessarily mean that the remote host stayed up long enough to actually update the database. A truly end-to-end acknowledgement, whose receipt means that the work has actually been done and lack thereof means that it has not, is prob- ably impossible to achieve. This point is discussed in more detail by Saltzer et al. (1984).


If the transport entities on many machines send too many packets into the net- work too quickly, the network will become congested, with performance degraded as packets are delayed and lost. Controlling congestion to avoid this problem is the combined responsibility of the network and transport layers. Congestion occurs at routers, so it is detected at the network layer. However, congestion is ultimately caused by traffic sent into the network by the transport layer. The only effective way to control congestion is for the transport protocols to send packets into the net- work more slowly.

In Chap. 5, we studied congestion control mechanisms in the network layer. In this section, we will study the other half of the problem, congestion control mech- anisms in the transport layer. After describing the goals of congestion control, we will describe how hosts can regulate the rate at which they send packets into the network. The Internet relies heavily on the transport layer for congestion control, and specific algorithms are built into TCP and other protocols.

6.3.1 Desirable Bandwidth Allocation

Before we describe how to regulate traffic, we must understand what we are trying to achieve by running a congestion control algorithm. That is, we must spec ify the state in which a good congestion control algorithm will operate the network. The goal is more than to simply avoid congestion. It is to find a good allocation of bandwidth to the transport entities that are using the network. A good allocation will deliver good performance because it uses all the available bandwidth but avoids congestion, it will be fair across competing transport entities, and it will quickly track changes in traffic demands. We will make each of these criteria more precise in turn.

Efficiency and Power

An efficient allocation of bandwidth across transport entities will use all of the network capacity that is available. However, it is not quite right to think that if there is a 100-Mbps link, five transport entities should get 20 Mbps each. They should usually get less than 20 Mbps for good performance. The reason is that the


traffic is often bursty. Recall that in Sec. 5.3 we described the goodput (or rate of useful packets arriving at the receiver) as a function of the offered load. This curve and a matching curve for the delay as a function of the offered load are given in Fig. 6-19.

) c






































Onset of


Offered load (packets/sec) (a)

Offered load (packets/sec) (b)

Figure 6-19. (a) Goodput and (b) delay as a function of offered load.

As the load increases in Fig. 6-19(a) goodput initially increases at the same rate, but as the load approaches the capacity, goodput rises more gradually. This falloff is because bursts of traffic can occasionally mount up and cause some losses at buffers inside the network. If the transport protocol is poorly designed and retransmits packets that have been delayed but not lost, the network can enter con- gestion collapse. In this state, senders are furiously sending packets, but increas ingly little useful work is being accomplished.

The corresponding delay is given in Fig. 6-19(b) Initially the delay is fixed, representing the propagation delay across the network. As the load approaches the capacity, the delay rises, slowly at first and then much more rapidly. This is again because of bursts of traffic that tend to mound up at high load. The delay cannot really go to infinity, except in a model in which the routers have infinite buffers. Instead, packets will be lost after experiencing the maximum buffering delay.

For both goodput and delay, performance begins to degrade at the onset of con- gestion. Intuitively, we will obtain the best performance from the network if we allocate bandwidth up until the delay starts to climb rapidly. This point is below the capacity. To identify it, Kleinrock (1979) proposed the metric of power, where

power =load


Power will initially rise with offered load, as delay remains small and roughly con- stant, but will reach a maximum and fall as delay grows rapidly. The load with the highest power represents an efficient load for the transport entity to place on the network. The network should try to stay close it as best it can.

538 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 Max-Min Fairness

In the discussion above, we did not talk about how to divide bandwidth be tween different transport senders. This sounds like a simple question—give all the senders an equal fraction of the bandwidth—but it is more complicated than that.

Perhaps the first consideration is to ask what this problem has to do with con- gestion control. After all, if the network gives a sender some amount of bandwidth to use, the sender should just use that much bandwidth. However, it is often the case that networks do not have a strict bandwidth reservation for each flow or con- nection. They may for some flows if quality of service is supported, but many con- nections will seek to use whatever bandwidth is available or be lumped together by the network under a common allocation. For example, IETF’s differentiated ser- vices separates traffic into two classes and connections compete for bandwidth within each class. IP routers often have all connections competing for the same bandwidth. In this situation, it is the congestion control mechanism that is allocat ing bandwidth to the competing connections.

A second consideration is what a fair portion means for flows in a network. It is simple enough if N flows use a single link, in which case they can all have 1/N of the bandwidth (although efficiency will dictate that they use slightly less if the traffic is bursty). But what happens if the flows have different, but overlapping, network paths? For example, one flow may cross three links, and the other flows may cross one link. The three-link flow consumes more network resources. It might be fairer in some sense to give it less bandwidth than the one-link flows. It should certainly be possible to support more one-link flows by reducing the band- width of the three-link flow. This point demonstrates an inherent tension between fairness and efficiency.

However, we will adopt a notion of fairness that does not depend on the length of the network path. Even with this simple model, giving connections an equal fraction of bandwidth is a bit complicated because different connections will take different paths through the network and these paths will themselves have different capacities. In this case, it is possible for a flow to be bottlenecked on a downstream link and take a smaller portion of an upstream link than other flows; reducing the bandwidth of the other flows would slow them down but would not help the bottle- necked flow at all.

The form of fairness that is often desired for network usage is max-min fair- ness. An allocation is max-min fair if the bandwidth given to one flow cannot be increased without decreasing the bandwidth given to another flow with an alloca tion that is no larger. That is, increasing the bandwidth of a flow will only make the situation worse for flows that are less well off.

Let us see an example. A max-min fair allocation is shown for a network with four flows, A, B, C, and D, in Fig. 6-20. Each of the links between routers has the same capacity, taken to be 1 unit, though in the general case the links will have dif ferent capacities. Three flows compete for the bottom-left link between routers R4


and R5. Each of these flows therefore gets 1/3 of the link. The remaining flow, A, competes with B on the link from R2 to R3. Since B has an allocation of 1/3, A gets the remaining 2/3 of the link. Notice that all of the other links have spare capacity. However, this capacity cannot be given to any of the flows without decreasing the capacity of another, lower flow. For example, if more of the band- width on the link between R2 and R3 is given to flow B, there will be less for flow A. This is reasonable as flow A already has more bandwidth. However, the capac ity of flow C or D (or both) must be decreased to give more bandwidth to B, and these flows will have less bandwidth than B. Thus, the allocation is max-min fair.




R1 R2 1/3

1/3 1/3

2/3 1/3









R5 R6


Figure 6-20. Max-min bandwidth allocation for four flows.

Max-min allocations can be computed given a global knowledge of the net- work. An intuitive way to think about them is to imagine that the rate for all of the flows starts at zero and is slowly increased. When the rate reaches a bottleneck for any flow, that flow stops increasing. The other flows continue to increase, sharing equally in the available capacity, until they too reach their respective bottlenecks.

A third consideration is the level over which to consider fairness. A network could be fair at the level of connections, connections between a pair of hosts, or all connections per host. We examined this issue when we were discussing WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing) in Sec. 5.4 and concluded that each of these definitions has its problems. For example, defining fairness per host means that a busy server will fare no better than a mobile phone, while defining fairness per connection encourages hosts to open more connections. Given that there is no clear answer, fairness is often considered per connection, but precise fairness is usually not a concern. It is more important in practice that no connection be starved of band- width than that all connections get precisely the same amount of bandwidth. In fact, with TCP it is possible to open multiple connections and compete for band- width more aggressively. This tactic is used by bandwidth-hungry applications such as BitTorrent for peer-to-peer file sharing.


A final criterion is that the congestion control algorithm converge quickly to a fair and efficient allocation of bandwidth. The discussion of the desirable operat ing point above assumes a static network environment. However, connections are


always coming and going in a network, and the bandwidth needed by a given con- nection will vary over time too, for example, as a user browses Web pages and occasionally downloads large videos.

Because of the variation in demand, the ideal operating point for the network varies over time. A good congestion control algorithm should rapidly converge to the ideal operating point, and it should track that point as it changes over time. If the convergence is too slow, the algorithm will never be close to the changing oper- ating point. If the algorithm is not stable, it may fail to converge to the right point in some cases, or even oscillate around the right point.

An example of a bandwidth allocation that changes over time and converges quickly is shown in Fig. 6-21. Initially, flow 1 has all of the bandwidth. One sec- ond later, flow 2 starts. It needs bandwidth as well. The allocation quickly changes to give each of these flows half the bandwidth. At 4 seconds, a third flow joins. However, this flow uses only 20% of the bandwidth, which is less than its fair share (which is a third). Flows 1 and 2 quickly adjust, dividing the available band- width to each have 40% of the bandwidth. At 9 seconds, the second flow leaves, and the third flow remains unchanged. The first flow quickly captures 80% of the bandwidth. At all times, the total allocated bandwidth is approximately 100%, so that the network is fully used, and competing flows get equal treatment (but do not have to use more bandwidth than they need).





Flow 1














Flow 2 starts





Flow 3 Flow 2 stops


1 4 9 Time (secs)

Figure 6-21. Changing bandwidth allocation over time.

6.3.2 Regulating the Sending Rate

Now it is time for the main course. How do we regulate the sending rates to obtain a desirable bandwidth allocation? The sending rate may be limited by two factors. The first is flow control, in the case that there is insufficient buffering at the receiving end. The second is congestion, in the case that there is insufficient capacity in the network. In Fig. 6-22, we see this problem illustrated hydraulically.


In Fig. 6-22(a), we see a thick pipe leading to a small-capacity receiver. This is a flow-control limited situation. As long as the sender does not send more water than the bucket can contain, no water will be lost. In Fig. 6-22(b), the limiting fac tor is not the bucket capacity, but the internal carrying capacity of the network. If too much water comes in too fast, it will back up and some will be lost (in this case, by overflowing the funnel).


rate adjustment


network Internal


Small-capacity receiver

Large-capacity receiver

(a) (b)

Figure 6-22. (a) A fast network feeding a low-capacity receiver. (b) A slow net- work feeding a high-capacity receiver.

These cases may appear similar to the sender, as transmitting too fast causes packets to be lost. However, they have different causes and call for different solu tions. We have already talked about a flow-control solution with a variable-sized window. Now we will consider a congestion control solution. Since either of these problems can occur, the transport protocol will in general need to run both solu tions and slow down if either problem occurs.

The way that a transport protocol should regulate the sending rate depends on the form of the feedback returned by the network. Different network layers may return different kinds of feedback. The feedback may be explicit or implicit, and it may be precise or imprecise.


An example of an explicit, precise design is when routers tell the sources the rate at which they may send. Designs in the literature such as XCP (eXplicit Con- gestion Protocol) operate in this manner (Katabi et al., 2002). An explicit, impre- cise design is the use of ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) with TCP. In this design, routers set bits on packets that experience congestion to warn the senders to slow down, but they do not tell them how much to slow down.

In other designs, there is no explicit signal. FAST TCP measures the round trip delay and uses that metric as a signal to avoid congestion (Wei et al., 2006). Finally, in the form of congestion control most prevalent in the Internet today, TCP with drop-tail or RED routers, packet loss is inferred and used to signal that the network has become congested. There are many variants of this form of TCP, in- cluding TCP CUBIC, which is used in Linux (Ha et al., 2008). Combinations are also possible. For example, Windows includes Compound TCP that uses both packet loss and delay as feedback signals (Tan et al., 2006). These designs are summarized in Fig. 6-23.

Protocol Signal Explicit? Precise? XCP Rate to use Yes Yes TCP with ECN Congestion warning Yes No FAST TCP End-to-end delay No Yes Compound TCP Packet loss & end-to-end delay No Yes CUBIC TCP Packet loss No No TCP Packet loss No No

Figure 6-23. Signals of some congestion control protocols.

If an explicit and precise signal is given, the transport entity can use that signal to adjust its rate to the new operating point. For example, if XCP tells senders the rate to use, the senders may simply use that rate. In the other cases, however, some guesswork is involved. In the absence of a congestion signal, the senders should increase their rates. When a congestion signal is given, the senders should decrease their rates. The way in which the rates are increased or decreased is given by a control law. These laws have a major effect on performance.

Chiu and Jain (1989) studied the case of binary congestion feedback and con- cluded that AIMD (Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease) is the appropriate control law to arrive at the efficient and fair operating point. To argue this case, they constructed a graphical argument for the simple case of two connections com- peting for the bandwidth of a single link. The graph in Fig. 6-24 shows the band- width allocated to user 1 on the x-axis and to user 2 on the y-axis. When the allocation is completely fair, both users will receive the same amount of band- width. This is shown by the dotted fairness line. When the allocations sum to 100%, the capacity of the link, the allocation is efficient. This is shown by the dot ted efficiency line. A congestion signal is given by the network to both users when


the sum of their allocations crosses this line. The intersection of these lines is the desired operating point, when both users have the same bandwidth and all of the network bandwidth is used.

Additive increase


and decrease

















Fairness line

Optimal point

Multiplicative increase

and decrease

Efficiency line


User 1’s bandwidth

Figure 6-24. Additive and multiplicative bandwidth adjustments.

Consider what happens from some starting allocation if both user 1 and user 2 additively increase their respective bandwidths over time. For example, the users may each increase their sending rate by 1 Mbps every second. Eventually, the oper- ating point crosses the efficiency line and both users receive a congestion signal from the network. At this stage, they must reduce their allocations. However, an additive decrease would simply cause them to oscillate along an additive line. This situation is shown in Fig. 6-24. The behavior will keep the operating point close to efficient, but it will not necessarily be fair.

Similarly, consider the case when both users multiplicatively increase their bandwidth over time until they receive a congestion signal. For example, the users may increase their sending rate by 10% every second. If they then multiplicatively decrease their sending rates, the operating point of the users will simply oscillate along a multiplicative line. This behavior is also shown in Fig. 6-24. The multi- plicative line has a different slope than the additive line. (It points to the origin, while the additive line has an angle of 45 degrees.) But it is otherwise no better. In neither case will the users converge to the optimal sending rates that are both fair and efficient.

Now consider the case that the users additively increase their bandwidth allo- cations and then multiplicatively decrease them when congestion is signaled. This behavior is the AIMD control law, and it is shown in Fig. 6-25. It can be seen that the path traced by this behavior does converge to the optimal point that is both fair and efficient. This convergence happens no matter what the starting point, making AIMD broadly useful. By the same argument, the only other combination, multi- plicative increase and additive decrease, would diverge from the optimal point.

AIMD is the control law that is used by TCP, based on this argument and an- other stability argument (that it is easy to drive the network into congestion and

















Fairness line

Optimal point

= Additive increase (up at 45 )

= Multiplicative decrease (line points to origin)





Efficiency line

User 1’s bandwidth 100%

Figure 6-25. Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) control law.

difficult to recover, so the increase policy should be gentle and the decrease policy aggressive). It is not quite fair, since TCP connections adjust their window size by a given amount every round-trip time. Different connections will have different round-trip times. This leads to a bias in which connections to closer hosts receive more bandwidth than connections to distant hosts, all else being equal.

In Sec. 6.5, we will describe in detail how TCP implements an AIMD control law to adjust the sending rate and provide congestion control. This task is more difficult than it sounds because rates are measured over some interval and traffic is bursty. Instead of adjusting the rate directly, a strategy that is often used in practice is to adjust the size of a sliding window. TCP uses this strategy. If the window size is W and the round-trip time is RTT, the equivalent rate is W/RTT. This strategy is easy to combine with flow control, which already uses a window, and has the ad- vantage that the sender paces packets using acknowledgements and hence slows down in one RTT if it stops receiving reports that packets are leaving the network.

As a final issue, there may be many different transport protocols that send traf fic into the network. What will happen if the different protocols compete with dif ferent control laws to avoid congestion? Unequal bandwidth allocations, that is what. Since TCP is the dominant form of congestion control in the Internet, there is significant community pressure for new transport protocols to be designed so that they compete fairly with it. The early streaming media protocols caused prob lems by excessively reducing TCP throughput because they did not compete fairly. This led to the notion of TCP-friendly congestion control in which TCP and non- TCP transport protocols can be freely mixed with no ill effects (Floyd et al., 2000).

6.3.3 Wireless Issues

Transport protocols such as TCP that implement congestion control should be independent of the underlying network and link layer technologies. That is a good theory, but in practice there are issues with wireless networks. The main issue is that packet loss is often used as a congestion signal, including by TCP as we have


just discussed. Wireless networks lose packets all the time due to transmission er rors. They just are not as reliable as wired networks.

With the AIMD control law, high throughput requires very small levels of packet loss. Analyses by Padhye et al. (1998) show that the throughput goes up as the inverse square root of the packet loss rate. What this means in practice is that the loss rate for fast TCP connections is very small; 1% is a moderate loss rate, and by the time the loss rate reaches 10% the connection has effectively stopped work ing. However, for wireless networks such as 802.11 LANs, frame loss rates of at least 10% are common. This difference means that, absent protective measures, congestion control schemes that use packet loss as a signal will unnecessarily throttle connections that run over wireless links to very low rates.

To function well, the only packet losses that the congestion control algorithm should observe are losses due to insufficient bandwidth, not losses due to transmis- sion errors. One solution to this problem is to mask the wireless losses by using re transmissions over the wireless link. For example, 802.11 uses a stop-and-wait pro tocol to deliver each frame, retrying transmissions multiple times if need be before reporting a packet loss to the higher layer. In the normal case, each packet is deliv- ered despite transient transmission errors that are not visible to the higher layers.

Fig. 6-26 shows a path with a wired and wireless link for which the masking strategy is used. There are two aspects to note. First, the sender does not necessar ily know that the path includes a wireless link, since all it sees is the wired link to which it is attached. Internet paths are heterogeneous and there is no general meth- od for the sender to tell what kind of links comprise the path. This complicates the congestion control problem, as there is no easy way to use one protocol for wire less links and another protocol for wired links.

Transport with end-to-end congestion control (loss = congestion)

Wired link

Wireless link

Sender Receiver

Link layer retransmission

(loss = transmission error)

Figure 6-26. Congestion control over a path with a wireless link.

The second aspect is a puzzle. The figure shows two mechanisms that are dri- ven by loss: link layer frame retransmissions, and transport layer congestion con trol. The puzzle is how these two mechanisms can co-exist without getting con fused. After all, a loss should cause only one mechanism to take action because it is either a transmission error or a congestion signal. It cannot be both. If both


mechanisms take action (by retransmitting the frame and slowing down the send ing rate) then we are back to the original problem of transports that run far too slowly over wireless links. Consider this puzzle for a moment and see if you can solve it.

The solution is that the two mechanisms act at different timescales. Link layer retransmissions happen on the order of microseconds to milliseconds for wireless links such as 802.11. Loss timers in transport protocols fire on the order of milliseconds to seconds. The difference is three orders of magnitude. This allows wireless links to detect frame losses and retransmit frames to repair transmission errors long before packet loss is inferred by the transport entity.

The masking strategy is sufficient to let most transport protocols run well across most wireless links. However, it is not always a fitting solution. Some wire less links have long round-trip times, such as satellites. For these links other tech- niques must be used to mask loss, such as FEC (Forward Error Correction), or the transport protocol must use a non-loss signal for congestion control.

A second issue with congestion control over wireless links is variable capacity. That is, the capacity of a wireless link changes over time, sometimes abruptly, as nodes move and the signal-to-noise ratio varies with the changing channel condi tions. This is unlike wired links whose capacity is fixed. The transport protocol must adapt to the changing capacity of wireless links, otherwise it will either con- gest the network or fail to use the available capacity.

One possible solution to this problem is simply not to worry about it. This strategy is feasible because congestion control algorithms must already handle the case of new users entering the network or existing users changing their sending rates. Even though the capacity of wired links is fixed, the changing behavior of other users presents itself as variability in the bandwidth that is available to a given user. Thus it is possible to simply run TCP over a path with an 802.11 wireless link and obtain reasonable performance.

However, when there is much wireless variability, transport protocols designed for wired links may have trouble keeping up and deliver poor performance. The solution in this case is a transport protocol that is designed for wireless links. A particularly challenging setting is a wireless mesh network in which multiple, interfering wireless links must be crossed, routes change due to mobility, and there is lots of loss. Research in this area is ongoing. See Li et al. (2009) for an example of wireless transport protocol design.


The Internet has two main protocols in the transport layer, a connectionless protocol and a connection-oriented one. The protocols complement each other. The connectionless protocol is UDP. It does almost nothing beyond sending pack- ets between applications, letting applications build their own protocols on top as


needed. The connection-oriented protocol is TCP. It does almost everything. It makes connections and adds reliability with retransmissions, along with flow con trol and congestion control, all on behalf of the applications that use it.

In the following sections, we will study UDP and TCP. We will start with UDP because it is simplest. We will also look at two uses of UDP. Since UDP is a transport layer protocol that typically runs in the operating system and protocols that use UDP typically run in user space, these uses might be considered applica tions. However, the techniques they use are useful for many applications and are better considered to belong to a transport service, so we will cover them here.

6.4.1 Introduction to UDP

The Internet protocol suite supports a connectionless transport protocol called UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP provides a way for applications to send encapsulated IP datagrams without having to establish a connection. UDP is de- scribed in RFC 768.

UDP transmits segments consisting of an 8-byte header followed by the pay load. The header is shown in Fig. 6-27. The two ports serve to identify the end- points within the source and destination machines. When a UDP packet arrives, its

payload is handed to the process attached to the destination port. This attachment occurs when the BIND primitive or something similar is used, as we saw in Fig. 6-6 for TCP (the binding process is the same for UDP). Think of ports as mailboxes that applications can rent to receive packets. We will have more to say about them when we describe TCP, which also uses ports. In fact, the main value of UDP over just using raw IP is the addition of the source and destination ports. Without the port fields, the transport layer would not know what to do with each incoming packet. With them, it delivers the embedded segment to the correct application.

32 Bits

Source port UDP length

Destination port

UDP checksum

Figure 6-27. The UDP header.

The source port is primarily needed when a reply must be sent back to the source. By copying the Source port field from the incoming segment into the Des tination port field of the outgoing segment, the process sending the reply can spec ify which process on the sending machine is to get it.

The UDP length field includes the 8-byte header and the data. The minimum length is 8 bytes, to cover the header. The maximum length is 65,515 bytes, which


is lower than the largest number that will fit in 16 bits because of the size limit on IP packets.

An optional Checksum is also provided for extra reliability. It checksums the header, the data, and a conceptual IP pseudoheader. When performing this compu tation, the Checksum field is set to zero and the data field is padded out with an ad- ditional zero byte if its length is an odd number. The checksum algorithm is sim- ply to add up all the 16-bit words in one’s complement and to take the one’s com- plement of the sum. As a consequence, when the receiver performs the calculation on the entire segment, including the Checksum field, the result should be 0. If the checksum is not computed, it is stored as a 0, since by a happy coincidence of one’s complement arithmetic a true computed 0 is stored as all 1s. However, turn ing it off is foolish unless the quality of the data does not matter (e.g., for digitized speech).

The pseudoheader for the case of IPv4 is shown in Fig. 6-28. It contains the 32-bit IPv4 addresses of the source and destination machines, the protocol number for UDP (17), and the byte count for the UDP segment (including the header). It is different but analogous for IPv6. Including the pseudoheader in the UDP check- sum computation helps detect misdelivered packets, but including it also violates the protocol hierarchy since the IP addresses in it belong to the IP layer, not to the UDP layer. TCP uses the same pseudoheader for its checksum.

32 Bits

Source address

Destination address

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Protocol = 17 UDP length

Figure 6-28. The IPv4 pseudoheader included in the UDP checksum.

It is probably worth mentioning explicitly some of the things that UDP does not do. It does not do flow control, congestion control, or retransmission upon receipt of a bad segment. All of that is up to the user processes. What it does do is provide an interface to the IP protocol with the added feature of demultiplexing multiple processes using the ports and optional end-to-end error detection. That is all it does.

For applications that need to have precise control over the packet flow, error control, or timing, UDP provides just what the doctor ordered. One area where it is especially useful is in client-server situations. Often, the client sends a short re- quest to the server and expects a short reply back. If either the request or the reply


is lost, the client can just time out and try again. Not only is the code simple, but fewer messages are required (one in each direction) than with a protocol requiring an initial setup like TCP.

An application that uses UDP this way is DNS (Domain Name System), which we will study in Chap. 7. In brief, a program that needs to look up the IP address of some host name, for example,, can send a UDP packet con taining the host name to a DNS server. The server replies with a UDP packet con taining the host’s IP address. No setup is needed in advance and no release is needed afterward. Just two messages go over the network.

6.4.2 Remote Procedure Call

In a certain sense, sending a message to a remote host and getting a reply back is a lot like making a function call in a programming language. In both cases, you start with one or more parameters and you get back a result. This observation has led people to try to arrange request-reply interactions on networks to be cast in the form of procedure calls. Such an arrangement makes network applications much easier to program and more familiar to deal with. For example, just imagine a pro- cedure named get IP address(host name) that works by sending a UDP packet to a DNS server and waiting for the reply, timing out and trying again if one is not forthcoming quickly enough. In this way, all the details of networking can be hid- den from the programmer.

The key work in this area was done by Birrell and Nelson (1984). In a nut- shell, what Birrell and Nelson suggested was allowing programs to call procedures located on remote hosts. When a process on machine 1 calls a procedure on ma- chine 2, the calling process on 1 is suspended and execution of the called proce- dure takes place on 2. Information can be transported from the caller to the callee in the parameters and can come back in the procedure result. No message passing is visible to the application programmer. This technique is known as RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and has become the basis for many networking applica tions. Traditionally, the calling procedure is known as the client and the called pro- cedure is known as the server, and we will use those names here too.

The idea behind RPC is to make a remote procedure call look as much as pos- sible like a local one. In the simplest form, to call a remote procedure, the client program must be bound with a small library procedure, called the client stub, that represents the server procedure in the client’s address space. Similarly, the server is bound with a procedure called the server stub. These procedures hide the fact that the procedure call from the client to the server is not local.

The actual steps in making an RPC are shown in Fig. 6-29. Step 1 is the client calling the client stub. This call is a local procedure call, with the parameters pushed onto the stack in the normal way. Step 2 is the client stub packing the pa rameters into a message and making a system call to send the message. Packing the parameters is called marshaling. Step 3 is the operating system sending the


message from the client machine to the server machine. Step 4 is the operating system passing the incoming packet to the server stub. Finally, step 5 is the server stub calling the server procedure with the unmarshaled parameters. The reply traces the same path in the other direction.

Client CPU

Server CPU





stub Client




Operating system



Operating system Network

Figure 6-29. Steps in making a remote procedure call. The stubs are shaded.

The key item to note here is that the client procedure, written by the user, just makes a normal (i.e., local) procedure call to the client stub, which has the same name as the server procedure. Since the client procedure and client stub are in the same address space, the parameters are passed in the usual way. Similarly, the ser- ver procedure is called by a procedure in its address space with the parameters it expects. To the server procedure, nothing is unusual. In this way, instead of I/O being done on sockets, network communication is done by faking a normal proce- dure call.

Despite the conceptual elegance of RPC, there are a few snakes hiding under the grass. A big one is the use of pointer parameters. Normally, passing a pointer to a procedure is not a problem. The called procedure can use the pointer in the same way the caller can because both procedures live in the same virtual address space. With RPC, passing pointers is impossible because the client and server are in different address spaces.

In some cases, tricks can be used to make it possible to pass pointers. Suppose that the first parameter is a pointer to an integer, k. The client stub can marshal k and send it along to the server. The server stub then creates a pointer to k and passes it to the server procedure, just as it expects. When the server procedure re turns control to the server stub, the latter sends k back to the client, where the new k is copied over the old one, just in case the server changed it. In effect, the stan- dard calling sequence of call-by-reference has been replaced by call-by-copy-re- store. Unfortunately, this trick does not always work, for example, if the pointer points to a graph or other complex data structure. For this reason, some restric tions must be placed on parameters to procedures called remotely, as we shall see.


A second problem is that in weakly typed languages, like C, it is perfectly legal to write a procedure that computes the inner product of two vectors (arrays), with- out specifying how large either one is. Each could be terminated by a special value known only to the calling and called procedures. Under these circumstances, it is essentially impossible for the client stub to marshal the parameters: it has no way of determining how large they are.

A third problem is that it is not always possible to deduce the types of the parameters, not even from a formal specification or the code itself. An example is printf, which may have any number of parameters (at least one), and the parame ters can be an arbitrary mixture of integers, shorts, longs, characters, strings, float ing-point numbers of various lengths, and other types. Trying to call printf as a remote procedure would be practically impossible because C is so permissive. However, a rule saying that RPC can be used provided that you do not program in C (or C++) would not be popular with a lot of programmers.

A fourth problem relates to the use of global variables. Normally, the calling and called procedure can communicate by using global variables (although it is not good practice), in addition to communicating via parameters. But if the called pro- cedure is moved to a remote machine, the code will fail because the global vari- ables are no longer shared.

These problems are not meant to suggest that RPC is hopeless. In fact, it is widely used, but some restrictions are needed to make it work well in practice. In terms of transport layer protocols, UDP is a good base on which to imple- ment RPC. Both requests and replies may be sent as a single UDP packet in the simplest case and the operation can be fast. However, an implementation must include other machinery as well. Because the request or the reply may be lost, the client must keep a timer to retransmit the request. Note that a reply serves as an implicit acknowledgement for a request, so the request need not be separately ac- knowledged. Sometimes the parameters or results may be larger than the maxi- mum UDP packet size, in which case some protocol is needed to deliver large mes- sages in pieces and reassemble them correctly. If multiple requests and replies can overlap (as in the case of concurrent programming), an identifier is needed to match the request with the reply.

A higher-level concern is that the operation may not be idempotent (i.e., safe to repeat). The simple case is idempotent operations such as DNS requests and replies. The client can safely retransmit these requests again and again if no replies are forthcoming. It does not matter whether the server never received the re-

quest, or it was the reply that was lost. The answer, when it finally arrives, will be the same (assuming the DNS database is not updated in the meantime). However, not all operations are idempotent, for example, because they have important side effects such as incrementing a counter. RPC for these operations requires stronger semantics so that when the programmer calls a procedure it is not executed multi- ple times. In this case, it may be necessary to set up a TCP connection and send the request over it rather than using UDP.

552 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.4.3 Real-Time Transport Protocols

Client-server RPC is one area in which UDP is widely used. Another one is for real-time multimedia applications. In particular, as Internet radio, Internet tele- phony, music-on-demand, videoconferencing, video-on-demand, and other multi- media applications became more commonplace, people have discovered that each application was reinventing more or less the same real-time transport protocol. It gradually became clear that having a generic real-time transport protocol for multi- ple applications would be a good idea.

Thus was RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) born. It is described in RFC 3550 and is now in widespread use for multimedia applications. We will describe two aspects of real-time transport. The first is the RTP protocol for transporting audio and video data in packets. The second is the processing that takes place, mostly at the receiver, to play out the audio and video at the right time. These functions fit into the protocol stack as shown in Fig. 6-30.

Ethernet header





Multimedia application






Socket interface UDP

RTP payload

OS Kernel

IP Ethernet

UDP payload

IP payload

Ethernet payload

(a) (b)

Figure 6-30. (a) The position of RTP in the protocol stack. (b) Packet nesting.

RTP normally runs in user space over UDP (in the operating system). It oper- ates as follows. The multimedia application consists of multiple audio, video, text, and possibly other streams. These are fed into the RTP library, which is in user space along with the application. This library multiplexes the streams and encodes them in RTP packets, which it stuffs into a socket. On the operating system side of the socket, UDP packets are generated to wrap the RTP packets and handed to IP for transmission over a link such as Ethernet. The reverse process happens at the receiver. The multimedia application eventually receives multimedia data from the RTP library. It is responsible for playing out the media. The protocol stack for this situation is shown in Fig. 6-30(a). The packet nesting is shown in Fig. 6-30(b).

As a consequence of this design, it is a little hard to say which layer RTP is in. Since it runs in user space and is linked to the application program, it certainly looks like an application protocol. On the other hand, it is a generic, applica tion-independent protocol that just provides transport facilities, so it also looks like


a transport protocol. Probably the best description is that it is a transport protocol that just happens to be implemented in the application layer, which is why we are covering it in this chapter.

RTP—The Real-time Transport Protocol

The basic function of RTP is to multiplex several real-time data streams onto a single stream of UDP packets. The UDP stream can be sent to a single destination (unicasting) or to multiple destinations (multicasting). Because RTP just uses nor- mal UDP, its packets are not treated specially by the routers unless some normal IP quality-of-service features are enabled. In particular, there are no special guaran tees about delivery, and packets may be lost, delayed, corrupted, etc.

The RTP format contains several features to help receivers work with multi- media information. Each packet sent in an RTP stream is given a number one higher than its predecessor. This numbering allows the destination to determine if any packets are missing. If a packet is missing, the best action for the destination to take is up to the application. It may be to skip a video frame if the packets are carrying video data, or to approximate the missing value by interpolation if the packets are carrying audio data. Retransmission is not a practical option since the retransmitted packet would probably arrive too late to be useful. As a conse- quence, RTP has no acknowledgements, and no mechanism to request retransmis- sions.

Each RTP payload may contain multiple samples, and they may be coded any way that the application wants. To allow for interworking, RTP defines several profiles (e.g., a single audio stream), and for each profile, multiple encoding for- mats may be allowed. For example, a single audio stream may be encoded as 8-bit PCM samples at 8 kHz using delta encoding, predictive encoding, GSM encoding, MP3 encoding, and so on. RTP provides a header field in which the source can specify the encoding but is otherwise not involved in how encoding is done.

Another facility many real-time applications need is timestamping. The idea here is to allow the source to associate a timestamp with the first sample in each packet. The timestamps are relative to the start of the stream, so only the dif ferences between timestamps are significant. The absolute values have no mean ing. As we will describe shortly, this mechanism allows the destination to do a small amount of buffering and play each sample the right number of milliseconds after the start of the stream, independently of when the packet containing the sam- ple arrived.

Not only does timestamping reduce the effects of variation in network delay, but it also allows multiple streams to be synchronized with each other. For ex- ample, a digital television program might have a video stream and two audio streams. The two audio streams could be for stereo broadcasts or for handling films with an original language soundtrack and a soundtrack dubbed into the local language, giving the viewer a choice. Each stream comes from a different physical


device, but if they are timestamped from a single counter, they can be played back synchronously, even if the streams are transmitted and/or received somewhat errati- cally.

The RTP header is illustrated in Fig. 6-31. It consists of three 32-bit words and potentially some extensions. The first word contains the Version field, which is al ready at 2. Let us hope this version is very close to the ultimate version since there is only one code point left (although 3 could be defined as meaning that the real version was in an extension word).

32 bits

Ver. P X M Payload type Sequence number CC


Synchronization source identifier

Contributing source identifier

Figure 6-31. The RTP header.

The P bit indicates that the packet has been padded to a multiple of 4 bytes. The last padding byte tells how many bytes were added. The X bit indicates that an extension header is present. The format and meaning of the extension header are not defined. The only thing that is defined is that the first word of the extension

gives the length. This is an escape hatch for any unforeseen requirements. The CC field tells how many contributing sources are present, from 0 to 15 (see below). The M bit is an application-specific marker bit. It can be used to mark the start of a video frame, the start of a word in an audio channel, or some thing else that the application understands. The Payload type field tells which encoding algorithm has been used (e.g., uncompressed 8-bit audio, MP3, etc.). Since every packet carries this field, the encoding can change during transmission. The Sequence number is just a counter that is incremented on each RTP packet sent. It is used to detect lost packets.

The Timestamp is produced by the stream’s source to note when the first sam- ple in the packet was made. This value can help reduce timing variability which is called jitter, at the receiver by decoupling the playback from the packet arrival time. The Synchronization source identifier tells which stream the packet belongs to. It is the method used to multiplex and demultiplex multiple data streams onto a


single stream of UDP packets. Finally, the Contributing source identifiers, if any, are used when mixers are present in the studio. In that case, the mixer is the syn- chronizing source, and the streams being mixed are listed here.

RTCP—The Real-time Transport Control Protocol

RTP has a little sister protocol (little sibling protocol?) called RTCP (Real time Transport Control Protocol). It is defined along with RTP in RFC 3550 and handles feedback, synchronization, and the user interface. It does not transport any media samples.

The first function can be used to provide feedback on delay, variation in delay or jitter, bandwidth, congestion, and other network properties to the sources. This information can be used by the encoding process to increase the data rate (and give better quality) when the network is functioning well and to cut back the data rate when there is trouble in the network. By providing continuous feedback, the encoding algorithms can be continuously adapted to provide the best quality pos- sible under the current circumstances. For example, if the bandwidth increases or decreases during the transmission, the encoding may switch from MP3 to 8-bit PCM to delta encoding as required. The Payload type field is used to tell the desti- nation what encoding algorithm is used for the current packet, making it possible to vary it on demand.

An issue with providing feedback is that the RTCP reports are sent to all par ticipants. For a multicast application with a large group, the bandwidth used by RTCP would quickly grow large. To prevent this from happening, RTCP senders scale down the rate of their reports to collectively consume no more than, say, 5%of the media bandwidth. To do this, each participant needs to know the media bandwidth, which it learns from the sender, and the number of participants, which it estimates by listening to other RTCP reports.

RTCP also handles interstream synchronization. The problem is that different streams may use different clocks, with different granularities and different drift rates. RTCP can be used to keep them in sync.

Finally, RTCP provides a way for naming the various sources (e.g., in ASCII text). This information can be displayed on the receiver’s screen to indicate who is talking at the moment.

More information about RTP can be found in Perkins (2003).

Playout with Buffering and Jitter Control

Once the media information reaches the receiver, it must be played out at the right time. In general, this will not be the time at which the RTP packet arrived at the receiver because packets will take slightly different amounts of time to transit the network. Even if the packets are injected with exactly the right intervals be tween them at the sender, they will reach the receiver with different relative times.


Even a small amount of packet jitter can cause distracting media artifacts, such as jerky video frames and unintelligible audio, if the media is simply played out as it arrives.

The solution to this problem is to buffer packets at the receiver before they are played out to reduce the jitter. As an example, in Fig. 6-32 we see a stream of packets being delivered with a substantial amount of jitter. Packet 1 is sent from the server at t = 0 sec and arrives at the client at t = 1 sec. Packet 2 undergoes more delay and takes 2 sec to arrive. As the packets arrive, they are buffered on the client machine.

Packet departs source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Packet arrives at buffer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Packet removed from buffer

Time in buffer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gap in playback

0 5


Time (sec)

15 20

Figure 6-32. Smoothing the output stream by buffering packets.

At t = 10 sec, playback begins. At this time, packets 1 through 6 have been buffered so that they can be removed from the buffer at uniform intervals for smooth play. In the general case, it is not necessary to use uniform intervals because the RTP timestamps tell when the media should be played.

Unfortunately, we can see that packet 8 has been delayed so much that it is not available when its play slot comes up. There are two options. Packet 8 can be skipped and the player can move on to subsequent packets. Alternatively, playback can stop until packet 8 arrives, creating an annoying gap in the music or movie. In a live media application like a voice-over-IP call, the packet will typically be skipped. Live applications do not work well on hold. In a streaming media applica tion, the player might pause. This problem can be alleviated by delaying the start ing time even more, by using a larger buffer. For a streaming audio or video player, buffers of about 10 seconds are often used to ensure that the player receives all of the packets (that are not dropped in the network) in time. For live applica tions like videoconferencing, short buffers are needed for responsiveness.

A key consideration for smooth playout is the playback point, or how long to wait at the receiver for media before playing it out. Deciding how long to wait de- pends on the jitter. The difference between a low-jitter and high-jitter connection is shown in Fig. 6-33. The average delay may not differ greatly between the two, but if there is high jitter the playback point may need to be much further out to capture 99% of the packets than if there is low jitter.


s t






























High jitter Low jitter







(due to speed of light)


Figure 6-33. (a) High jitter. (b) Low jitter.

Delay (b)

To pick a good playback point, the application can measure the jitter by look ing at the difference between the RTP timestamps and the arrival time. Each dif ference gives a sample of the delay (plus an arbitrary, fixed offset). However, the delay can change over time due to other, competing traffic and changing routes. To accommodate this change, applications can adapt their playback point while they are running. However, if not done well, changing the playback point can produce an observable glitch to the user. One way to avoid this problem for audio is to adapt the playback point between talkspurts, in the gaps in a conversation. No one will notice the difference between a short and slightly longer silence. RTP lets applications set the M marker bit to indicate the start of a new talkspurt for this purpose.

If the absolute delay until media is played out is too long, live applications will suffer. Nothing can be done to reduce the propagation delay if a direct path is already being used. The playback point can be pulled in by simply accepting that a larger fraction of packets will arrive too late to be played. If this is not acceptable, the only way to pull in the playback point is to reduce the jitter by using a better quality of service, for example, the expedited forwarding differentiated service. That is, a better network is needed.


UDP is a simple protocol and it has some very important uses, such as cli- ent-server interactions and multimedia, but for most Internet applications, reliable, sequenced delivery is needed, so UDP will not do. UDP cannot provide this, so another protocol is required. It is called TCP and is the main workhorse of the Internet. Let us now study it in detail.

558 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 6.5.1 Introduction to TCP

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) was specifically designed to provide a reliable end-to-end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork. An internetwork differs from a single network because different parts may have wildly different topologies, bandwidths, delays, packet sizes, and other parameters. TCP was designed to dynamically adapt to properties of the internetwork and to be robust in the face of many kinds of failures.

TCP was formally defined in RFC 793 in September 1981. As time went on, many improvements have been made, and various errors and inconsistencies have been fixed. To give you a sense of the extent of TCP, the important RFCs are now RFC 793 plus: clarifications and bug fixes in RFC 1122; extensions for high-per formance in RFC 1323; selective acknowledgements in RFC 2018; congestion con trol in RFC 2581; repurposing of header fields for quality of service in RFC 2873; improved retransmission timers in RFC 2988; and explicit congestion notification in RFC 3168. The full collection is even larger, which led to a guide to the many RFCs, published of course as another RFC document, RFC 4614.

Each machine supporting TCP has a TCP transport entity, either a library pro- cedure, a user process, or most commonly part of the kernel. In all cases, it man- ages TCP streams and interfaces to the IP layer. A TCP entity accepts user data streams from local processes, breaks them up into pieces not exceeding 64 KB (in practice, often 1460 data bytes in order to fit in a single Ethernet frame with the IP and TCP headers), and sends each piece as a separate IP datagram. When data- grams containing TCP data arrive at a machine, they are given to the TCP entity, which reconstructs the original byte streams. For simplicity, we will sometimes use just ‘‘TCP’’ to mean the TCP transport entity (a piece of software) or the TCP protocol (a set of rules). From the context it will be clear which is meant. For example, in ‘‘The user gives TCP the data,’’ the TCP transport entity is clearly in tended.

The IP layer gives no guarantee that datagrams will be delivered properly, nor any indication of how fast datagrams may be sent. It is up to TCP to send data- grams fast enough to make use of the capacity but not cause congestion, and to time out and retransmit any datagrams that are not delivered. Datagrams that do arrive may well do so in the wrong order; it is also up to TCP to reassemble them into messages in the proper sequence. In short, TCP must furnish good per formance with the reliability that most applications want and that IP does not pro- vide.

6.5.2 The TCP Service Model

TCP service is obtained by both the sender and the receiver creating end points, called sockets, as discussed in Sec. 6.1.3. Each socket has a socket number (address) consisting of the IP address of the host and a 16-bit number local to that


host, called a port. A port is the TCP name for a TSAP. For TCP service to be obtained, a connection must be explicitly established between a socket on one ma- chine and a socket on another machine. The socket calls are listed in Fig. 6-5.

A socket may be used for multiple connections at the same time. In other words, two or more connections may terminate at the same socket. Connections are identified by the socket identifiers at both ends, that is, (socket1, socket2). No virtual circuit numbers or other identifiers are used.

Port numbers below 1024 are reserved for standard services that can usually only be started by privileged users (e.g., root in UNIX systems). They are called well-known ports. For example, any process wishing to remotely retrieve mail from a host can connect to the destination host’s port 143 to contact its IMAP dae- mon. The list of well-known ports is given at Over 700 have been assigned. A few of the better-known ones are listed in Fig. 6-34.

Port Protocol Use

20, 21 FTP File transfer

22 SSH Remote login, replacement for Telnet

25 SMTP Email

80 HTTP World Wide Web

110 POP-3 Remote email access

143 IMAP Remote email access

443 HTTPS Secure Web (HTTP over SSL/TLS)

543 RTSP Media player control

631 IPP Printer sharing

Figure 6-34. Some assigned ports.

Other ports from 1024 through 49151 can be registered with IANA for use by unprivileged users, but applications can and do choose their own ports. For ex- ample, the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file-sharing application (unofficially) uses ports 6881–6887, but may run on other ports as well.

It would certainly be possible to have the FTP daemon attach itself to port 21 at boot time, the SSH daemon attach itself to port 22 at boot time, and so on. However, doing so would clutter up memory with daemons that were idle most of the time. Instead, what is commonly done is to have a single daemon, called inetd (Internet daemon) in UNIX, attach itself to multiple ports and wait for the first incoming connection. When that occurs, inetd forks off a new process and ex- ecutes the appropriate daemon in it, letting that daemon handle the request. In this way, the daemons other than inetd are only active when there is work for them to do. Inetd learns which ports it is to use from a configuration file. Consequently, the system administrator can set up the system to have permanent daemons on the busiest ports (e.g., port 80) and inetd on the rest.


All TCP connections are full duplex and point-to-point. Full duplex means that traffic can go in both directions at the same time. Point-to-point means that each connection has exactly two end points. TCP does not support multicasting or broadcasting.

A TCP connection is a byte stream, not a message stream. Message bound- aries are not preserved end to end. For example, if the sending process does four 512-byte writes to a TCP stream, these data may be delivered to the receiving proc- ess as four 512-byte chunks, two 1024-byte chunks, one 2048-byte chunk (see

Fig. 6-35), or some other way. There is no way for the receiver to detect the unit(s) in which the data were written, no matter how hard it tries.

IP header TCP header

A B C D A B C D (a) (b)

Figure 6-35. (a) Four 512-byte segments sent as separate IP datagrams. (b) The 2048 bytes of data delivered to the application in a single READ call.

Files in UNIX have this property too. The reader of a file cannot tell whether the file was written a block at a time, a byte at a time, or all in one blow. As with a UNIX file, the TCP software has no idea of what the bytes mean and no interest in finding out. A byte is just a byte.

When an application passes data to TCP, TCP may send it immediately or buff- er it (in order to collect a larger amount to send at once), at its discretion. Howev- er, sometimes the application really wants the data to be sent immediately. For example, suppose a user of an interactive game wants to send a stream of updates.

It is essential that the updates be sent immediately, not buffered until there is a col lection of them. To force data out, TCP has the notion of a PUSH flag that is car ried on packets. The original intent was to let applications tell TCP implementa tions via the PUSH flag not to delay the transmission. However, applications can- not literally set the PUSH flag themselves when they send data. Instead, different operating systems have evolved different options to expedite transmission (e.g., TCP NODELAY in Windows and Linux).

For Internet archaeologists, we will also mention one interesting feature of TCP service that remains in the protocol but is rarely used: urgent data. When an application has high-priority data that should be processed immediately, for ex- ample, if an interactive user hits the CTRL-C key to break off a remote computa tion that has already begun, the sending application can put some control infor- mation in the data stream and give it to TCP along with the URGENT flag. This event causes TCP to stop accumulating data and transmit everything it has for that connection immediately, with no delay.


When the urgent data are received at the destination, the receiving application is interrupted (e.g., given a signal in UNIX terms) so it can stop whatever it was doing and read the data stream to find the urgent data. The end of the urgent data is marked so the application knows when it is over. The start of the urgent data is not marked. It is up to the application to figure that out.

This scheme provides a crude signaling mechanism and leaves everything else up to the application. However, while urgent data is potentially useful, it found no compelling application early on and fell into disuse. Its use is now discouraged be- cause of implementation differences, leaving applications to handle their own sig- naling. Perhaps future transport protocols will provide better signaling.

6.5.3 The TCP Protocol

In this section, we will give a general overview of the TCP protocol. In the next one, we will go over the protocol header, field by field.

A key feature of TCP, and one that dominates the protocol design, is that every byte on a TCP connection has its own 32-bit sequence number. When the Internet began, the lines between routers were mostly 56-kbps leased lines, so a host blast ing away at full speed took over 1 week to cycle through the sequence numbers. At modern network speeds, the sequence numbers can be consumed at an alarming rate, as we will see later. Separate 32-bit sequence numbers are carried on packets for the sliding window position in one direction and for acknowledgements in the reverse direction, as discussed below.

The sending and receiving TCP entities exchange data in the form of segments. A TCP segment consists of a fixed 20-byte header (plus an optional part) followed by zero or more data bytes. The TCP software decides how big segments should be. It can accumulate data from several writes into one segment or can split data

from one write over multiple segments. Two limits restrict the segment size. First, each segment, including the TCP header, must fit in the 65,515-byte IP payload. Second, each link has an MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit). Each segment must fit in the MTU at the sender and receiver so that it can be sent and received in a

single, unfragmented packet. In practice, the MTU is generally 1500 bytes (the Ethernet payload size) and thus defines the upper bound on segment size. However, it is still possible for IP packets carrying TCP segments to be frag- mented when passing over a network path for which some link has a small MTU. If this happens, it degrades performance and causes other problems (Kent and Mogul, 1987). Instead, modern TCP implementations perform path MTU discov- ery by using the technique outlined in RFC 1191 . We describedit in Sec. 5.5.6. This technique uses ICMP error messages to find the smallest MTU for any link on the path. TCP then adjusts the segment size downwards to avoid fragmentation. The basic protocol used by TCP entities is the sliding window protocol with a dynamic window size. When a sender transmits a segment, it also starts a timer. When the segment arrives at the destination, the receiving TCP entity sends back a


segment (with data if any exist, and otherwise without) bearing an acknowledge- ment number equal to the next sequence number it expects to receive and the remaining window size. If the sender’s timer goes off before the acknowledgement is received, the sender transmits the segment again.

Although this protocol sounds simple, there are many sometimes subtle ins and outs, which we will cover below. Segments can arrive out of order, so bytes 3072–4095 can arrive but cannot be acknowledged because bytes 2048–3071 have not turned up yet. Segments can also be delayed so long in transit that the sender times out and retransmits them. The retransmissions may include different byte ranges than the original transmission, requiring careful administration to keep track of which bytes have been correctly received so far. However, since each byte in the stream has its own unique offset, it can be done.

TCP must be prepared to deal with these problems and solve them in an efficient way. A considerable amount of effort has gone into optimizing the per formance of TCP streams, even in the face of network problems. A number of the algorithms used by many TCP implementations will be discussed below.

6.5.4 The TCP Segment Header

Figure 6-36 shows the layout of a TCP segment. Every segment begins with a fixed-format, 20-byte header. The fixed header may be followed by header op tions. After the options, if any, up to 65, 535 < 20 < 20 = 65, 495 data bytes may follow, where the first 20 refer to the IP header and the second to the TCP header. Segments without any data are legal and are commonly used for acknowledge- ments and control messages.

Let us dissect the TCP header field by field. The Source port and Destination port fields identify the local end points of the connection. A TCP port plus its host’s IP address forms a 48-bit unique end point. The source and destination end points together identify the connection. This connection identifier is called a 5 tuple because it consists of five pieces of information: the protocol (TCP), source IP and source port, and destination IP and destination port.

The Sequence number and Acknowledgement number fields perform their usual functions. Note that the latter specifies the next in-order byte expected, not the last byte correctly received. It is a cumulative acknowledgement because it summarizes the received data with a single number. It does not go beyond lost data. Both are 32 bits because every byte of data is numbered in a TCP stream.

The TCP header length tells how many 32-bit words are contained in the TCP header. This information is needed because the Options field is of variable length, so the header is, too. Technically, this field really indicates the start of the data within the segment, measured in 32-bit words, but that number is just the header length in words, so the effect is the same.

Next comes a 4-bit field that is not used. The fact that these bits have remained unused for 30 years (as only 2 of the original reserved 6 bits have been


32 Bits

Source port Destination port

Sequence number

Acknowledgement number




















Window size









Checksum Urgent pointer Options (0 or more 32-bit words)

Data (optional)

Figure 6-36. The TCP header.

reclaimed) is testimony to how well thought out TCP is. Lesser protocols would have needed these bits to fix bugs in the original design.

Now come eight 1-bit flags. CWR and ECE are used to signal congestion when ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) is used, as specified in RFC 3168. ECE is set to signal an ECN-Echo to a TCP sender to tell it to slow down when the TCP receiver gets a congestion indication from the network. CWR is set to signal Congestion Window Reduced from the TCP sender to the TCP receiver so that it knows the sender has slowed down and can stop sending the ECN-Echo. We dis- cuss the role of ECN in TCP congestion control in Sec. 6.5.10.

URG is set to 1 if the Urgent pointer is in use. The Urgent pointer is used to indicate a byte offset from the current sequence number at which urgent data are to be found. This facility is in lieu of interrupt messages. As we mentioned above, this facility is a bare-bones way of allowing the sender to signal the receiver with- out getting TCP itself involved in the reason for the interrupt, but it is seldom used.

The ACK bit is set to 1 to indicate that the Acknowledgement number is valid. This is the case for nearly all packets. If ACK is 0, the segment does not contain an acknowledgement, so the Acknowledgement number field is ignored.

The PSH bit indicates PUSHed data. The receiver is hereby kindly requested to deliver the data to the application upon arrival and not buffer it until a full buffer has been received (which it might otherwise do for efficiency).

The RST bit is used to abruptly reset a connection that has become confused due to a host crash or for some other reason. It is also used to reject an invalid


segment or refuse an attempt to open a connection. In general, if you get a seg- ment with the RST bit on, you have a problem on your hands.

The SYN bit is used to establish connections. The connection request has SYN = 1 and ACK = 0 to indicate that the piggyback acknowledgement field is not in use. The connection reply does bear an acknowledgement, however, so it has SYN = 1 and ACK = 1. In essence, the SYN bit is used to denote both CONNEC- TION REQUEST and CONNECTION ACCEPTED, with the ACK bit used to distin- guish between those two possibilities.

The FIN bit is used to release a connection. It specifies that the sender has no more data to transmit. However, after closing a connection, the closing process may continue to receive data indefinitely. Both SYN and FIN segments have sequence numbers and are thus guaranteed to be processed in the correct order.

Flow control in TCP is handled using a variable-sized sliding window. The Window size field tells how many bytes may be sent starting at the byte acknow ledged. A Window size field of 0 is legal and says that the bytes up to and includ ing Acknowledgement number < 1 have been received, but that the receiver has not had a chance to consume the data and would like no more data for the moment, thank you. The receiver can later grant permission to send by transmitting a seg- ment with the same Acknowledgement number and a nonzero Window size field.

In the protocols of Chap. 3, acknowledgements of frames received and permis- sion to send new frames were tied together. This was a consequence of a fixed window size for each protocol. In TCP, acknowledgements and permission to send additional data are completely decoupled. In effect, a receiver can say: ‘‘I have re- ceived bytes up through k but I do not want any more just now, thank you.’’ This decoupling (in fact, a variable-sized window) gives additional flexibility. We will study it in detail below.

A Checksum is also provided for extra reliability. It checksums the header, the data, and a conceptual pseudoheader in exactly the same way as UDP, except that the pseudoheader has the protocol number for TCP (6) and the checksum is mandatory. Please see Sec. 6.4.1 for details.

The Options field provides a way to add extra facilities not covered by the reg- ular header. Many options have been defined and several are commonly used. The options are of variable length, fill a multiple of 32 bits by using padding with zeros, and may extend to 40 bytes to accommodate the longest TCP header that can be specified. Some options are carried when a connection is established to negotiate or inform the other side of capabilities. Other options are carried on packets during the lifetime of the connection. Each option has a Type-Length- Value encoding.

A widely used option is the one that allows each host to specify the MSS (Maximum Segment Size) it is willing to accept. Using large segments is more efficient than using small ones because the 20-byte header can be amortized over more data, but small hosts may not be able to handle big segments. During con- nection setup, each side can announce its maximum and see its partner’s. If a host


does not use this option, it defaults to a 536-byte payload. All Internet hosts are required to accept TCP segments of 536 + 20 = 556 bytes. The maximum segment size in the two directions need not be the same.

For lines with high bandwidth, high delay, or both, the 64-KB window corres- ponding to a 16-bit field is a problem. For example, on an OC-12 line (of roughly 600 Mbps), it takes less than 1 msec to output a full 64-KB window. If the round trip propagation delay is 50 msec (which is typical for a transcontinental fiber), the sender will be idle more than 98% of the time waiting for acknowledgements. A larger window size would allow the sender to keep pumping data out. The window scale option allows the sender and receiver to negotiate a window scale factor at the start of a connection. Both sides use the scale factor to shift the Window size 30 bytes. Most TCP

field up to 14 bits to the left, thus allowing windows of up to 2 implementations support this option.

The timestamp option carries a timestamp sent by the sender and echoed by the receiver. It is included in every packet, once its use is established during con- nection setup, and used to compute round-trip time samples that are used to esti- mate when a packet has been lost. It is also used as a logical extension of the 32-bit sequence number. On a fast connection, the sequence number may wrap around quickly, leading to possible confusion between old and new data. The PAWS scheme described earlier discards arriving segments with old timestamps to prevent this problem.

Finally, the SACK (Selective ACKnowledgement) option lets a receiver tell a sender the ranges of sequence numbers that it has received. It supplements the Ac- knowledgement number and is used after a packet has been lost but subsequent (or duplicate) data has arrived. The new data is not reflected by the Acknowledgement number field in the header because that field gives only the next in-order byte that is expected. With SACK, the sender is explicitly aware of what data the receiver has and hence can determine what data should be retransmitted. SACK is defined in RFC 2108 and RFC 2883 and is increasingly used. We describe the use of SACK along with congestion control in Sec. 6.5.10.

6.5.5 TCP Connection Establishment

Connections are established in TCP by means of the three-way handshake dis- cussed in Sec. 6.2.2. To establish a connection, one side, say, the server, passively waits for an incoming connection by executing the LISTEN and ACCEPT primitives in that order, either specifying a specific source or nobody in particular.

The other side, say, the client, executes a CONNECT primitive, specifying the IP address and port to which it wants to connect, the maximum TCP segment size it is willing to accept, and optionally some user data (e.g., a password). The CONNECT primitive sends a TCP segment with the SYN bit on and ACK bit off and waits for a response from the other end.


When this segment arrives at the destination, the TCP entity there checks to see if there is a process that has done a LISTEN on the port given in the Destination port field. If not, it sends a reply with the RST bit on to reject the connection.

Host 1 Host 2

Host 1 Host 2





SYN (SEQ = x)

SYN (SEQ = y, ACK = x + 1)

SYN (SEQ = x)

SYN (SEQ = y)

SYN (SEQ = y, ACK = x + 1)

(SEQ = x + 1, ACK = y + 1)

SYN (SEQ = x , ACK = y + 1)

(a) (b)

Figure 6-37. (a) TCP connection establishment in the normal case. (b) Simul

taneous connection establishment on both sides.

If some process is listening to the port, that process is given the incoming TCP segment. It can either accept or reject the connection. If it accepts, an acknowl- edgement segment is sent back. The sequence of TCP segments sent in the normal case is shown in Fig. 6-37(a). Note that a SYN segment consumes 1 byte of sequence space so that it can be acknowledged unambiguously.

In the event that two hosts simultaneously attempt to establish a connection between the same two sockets, the sequence of events is as illustrated in Fig. 6-37(b). The result of these events is that just one connection is established, not two, because connections are identified by their end points. If the first setup results in a connection identified by (x, y) and the second one does too, only one ta- ble entry is made, namely, for (x, y).

Recall that the initial sequence number chosen by each host should cycle slowly, rather than be a constant such as 0. This rule is to protect against delayed duplicate packets, as we discussed in Sec 6.2.2. Originally, this was accomplished with a clock-based scheme in which the clock ticked every 4 µsec.

However, a vulnerability with implementing the three-way handshake is that the listening process must remember its sequence number as soon it responds with its own SYN segment. This means that a malicious sender can tie up resources on a host by sending a stream of SYN segments and never following through to com- plete the connection. This attack is called a SYN flood, and it crippled many Web servers in the 1990s. Now ways are known for defending against this attack.


One way to defend against this attack is to use SYN cookies. Instead of remembering the sequence number, a host chooses a cryptographically generated sequence number, puts it on the outgoing segment, and forgets it. If the three-way handshake completes, this sequence number (plus 1) will be returned to the host. It can then regenerate the correct sequence number by running the same crypto- graphic function, as long as the inputs to that function are known, for example, the other host’s IP address and port, and a local secret. This procedure allows the host to check that an acknowledged sequence number is correct without having to remember the sequence number separately. There are some caveats, such as the inability to handle TCP options, so SYN cookies may be used only when the host is subject to a SYN flood. However, they are an interesting twist on connection establishment. For more information, see RFC 4987 and Lemon (2002).

6.5.6 TCP Connection Release

Although TCP connections are full duplex, to understand how connections are released it is best to think of them as a pair of simplex connections. Each simplex connection is released independently of its sibling. To release a connection, either party can send a TCP segment with the FIN bit set, which means that it has no more data to transmit. When the FIN is acknowledged, that direction is shut down for new data. Data may continue to flow indefinitely in the other direction, howev- er. When both directions have been shut down, the connection is released. Nor- mally, four TCP segments are needed to release a connection: one FIN and one ACK for each direction. However, it is possible for the first ACK and the second FIN to be contained in the same segment, reducing the total count to three.

Just as with telephone calls in which both people say goodbye and hang up the phone simultaneously, both ends of a TCP connection may send FIN segments at the same time. These are each acknowledged in the usual way, and the connection is shut down. There is, in fact, no essential difference between the two hosts releasing sequentially or simultaneously.

To avoid the two-army problem (discussed in Sec. 6.2.3), timers are used. If a response to a FIN is not forthcoming within two maximum packet lifetimes, the sender of the FIN releases the connection. The other side will eventually notice that nobody seems to be listening to it anymore and will time out as well. While this solution is not perfect, given the fact that a perfect solution is theoretically

impossible, it will have to do. In practice, problems rarely arise.

6.5.7 TCP Connection Management Modeling

The steps required to establish and release connections can be represented in a finite state machine with the 11 states listed in Fig. 6-38. In each state, certain events are legal. When a legal event happens, some action may be taken. If some other event happens, an error is reported.


State Description

CLOSED No connection is active or pending

LISTEN The server is waiting for an incoming call

SYN RCVD A connection request has arrived; wait for ACK

SYN SENT The application has started to open a connection

ESTABLISHED The normal data transfer state

FIN WAIT 1 The application has said it is finished

FIN WAIT 2 The other side has agreed to release

TIME WAIT Wait for all packets to die off

CLOSING Both sides have tried to close simultaneously

CLOSE WAIT The other side has initiated a release

LAST ACK Wait for all packets to die off

Figure 6-38. The states used in the TCP connection management finite state ma- chine.

Each connection starts in the CLOSED state. It leaves that state when it does either a passive open (LISTEN) or an active open (CONNECT). If the other side does the opposite one, a connection is established and the state becomes ESTAB- LISHED. Connection release can be initiated by either side. When it is complete, the state returns to CLOSED.

The finite state machine itself is shown in Fig. 6-39. The common case of a client actively connecting to a passive server is shown with heavy lines—solid for the client, dotted for the server. The lightface lines are unusual event sequences. Each line in Fig. 6-39 is marked by an event/action pair. The event can either be a user-initiated system call (CONNECT, LISTEN, SEND, or CLOSE), a segment arrival (SYN, FIN, ACK, or RST), or, in one case, a timeout of twice the maximum packet lifetime. The action is the sending of a control segment (SYN, FIN, or RST) or nothing, indicated by –. Comments are shown in parentheses.

One can best understand the diagram by first following the path of a client (the heavy solid line), then later following the path of a server (the heavy dashed line). When an application program on the client machine issues a CONNECT request, the local TCP entity creates a connection record, marks it as being in the SYN SENT state, and shoots off a SYN segment. Note that many connections may be open (or being opened) at the same time on behalf of multiple applications, so the state is per connection and recorded in the connection record. When the SYN+ACK arrives, TCP sends the final ACK of the three-way handshake and switches into the ESTABLISHED state. Data can now be sent and received.

When an application is finished, it executes a CLOSE primitive, which causes the local TCP entity to send a FIN segment and wait for the corresponding ACK (dashed box marked ‘‘active close’’). When the ACK arrives, a transition is made to the state FIN WAIT 2 and one direction of the connection is closed. When the



CONNECT/SYN (Step 1 of the 3-way handshake)






(Step 2 of the 3-way handshake)







SYN/SYN + ACK (simultaneous open) (Data transfer state)




(Step 3 of the 3-way handshake)




(Active close)




(Passive close)














(Go back to start)

Figure 6-39. TCP connection management finite state machine. The heavy solid line is the normal path for a client. The heavy dashed line is the normal path for a server. The light lines are unusual events. Each transition is labeled with the event causing it and the action resulting from it, separated by a slash.

other side closes, too, a FIN comes in, which is acknowledged. Now both sides are closed, but TCP waits a time equal to twice the maximum packet lifetime to guar- antee that all packets from the connection have died off, just in case the acknowl- edgement was lost. When the timer goes off, TCP deletes the connection record.

Now let us examine connection management from the server’s viewpoint. The server does a LISTEN and settles down to see who turns up. When a SYN comes in, it is acknowledged and the server goes to the SYN RCVD state. When the server’s


SYN is itself acknowledged, the three-way handshake is complete and the server goes to the ESTABLISHED state. Data transfer can now occur.

When the client is done transmitting its data, it does a CLOSE, which causes a FIN to arrive at the server (dashed box marked ‘‘passive close’’). The server is then signaled. When it, too, does a CLOSE, a FIN is sent to the client. When the client’s acknowledgement shows up, the server releases the connection and deletes the connection record.

6.5.8 TCP Sliding Window

As mentioned earlier, window management in TCP decouples the issues of acknowledgement of the correct receipt of segments and receiver buffer allocation. For example, suppose the receiver has a 4096-byte buffer, as shown in Fig. 6-40. If the sender transmits a 2048-byte segment that is correctly received, the receiver will acknowledge the segment. However, since it now has only 2048 bytes of buff- er space (until the application removes some data from the buffer), it will advertise a window of 2048 starting at the next byte expected.

Now the sender transmits another 2048 bytes, which are acknowledged, but the advertised window is of size 0. The sender must stop until the application process on the receiving host has removed some data from the buffer, at which time TCP can advertise a larger window and more data can be sent.

When the window is 0, the sender may not normally send segments, with two exceptions. First, urgent data may be sent, for example, to allow the user to kill the process running on the remote machine. Second, the sender may send a 1-byte segment to force the receiver to reannounce the next byte expected and the window size. This packet is called a window probe. The TCP standard explicitly provides this option to prevent deadlock if a window update ever gets lost.

Senders are not required to transmit data as soon as they come in from the application. Neither are receivers required to send acknowledgements as soon as possible. For example, in Fig. 6-40, when the first 2 KB of data came in, TCP, knowing that it had a 4-KB window, would have been completely correct in just buffering the data until another 2 KB came in, to be able to transmit a segment with a 4-KB payload. This freedom can be used to improve performance.

Consider a connection to a remote terminal, for example using SSH or telnet, that reacts on every keystroke. In the worst case, whenever a character arrives at the sending TCP entity, TCP creates a 21-byte TCP segment, which it gives to IP to send as a 41-byte IP datagram. At the receiving side, TCP immediately sends a 40-byte acknowledgement (20 bytes of TCP header and 20 bytes of IP header). Later, when the remote terminal has read the byte, TCP sends a window update, moving the window 1 byte to the right.This packet is also 40 bytes. Finally, when the remote terminal has processed the character, it echoes the character for local display using a 41-byte packet. In all, 162 bytes of bandwidth are consumed and


Sender Receiver



does a 2-KB write


does a 2-KB write

Sender is


Sender may

send up to 2-KB

2 KB SEQ = 0

ACK = 2048 WIN = 2048

2 KB SEQ = 2048

ACK = 4096 WIN = 0

ACK = 4096 WIN = 2048

1 KB SEQ = 4096

Figure 6-40. Window management in TCP.


0 4 KB Empty

2 KB



reads 2 KB

2 KB

1 KB 2 KB

four segments are sent for each character typed. When bandwidth is scarce, this method of doing business is not desirable.

One approach that many TCP implementations use to optimize this situation is called delayed acknowledgements. The idea is to delay acknowledgements and window updates for up to 500 msec in the hope of acquiring some data on which to hitch a free ride. Assuming the terminal echoes within 500 msec, only one 41-byte packet now need be sent back by the remote side, cutting the packet count and bandwidth usage in half.

Although delayed acknowledgements reduce the load placed on the network by the receiver, a sender that sends multiple short packets (e.g., 41-byte packets con taining 1 byte of data) is still operating inefficiently. A way to reduce this usage is known as Nagle’s algorithm (Nagle, 1984). What Nagle suggested is simple: when data come into the sender in small pieces, just send the first piece and buffer all the rest until the first piece is acknowledged. Then send all the buffered data in


one TCP segment and start buffering again until the next segment is acknowledged. That is, only one short packet can be outstanding at any time. If many pieces of data are sent by the application in one round-trip time, Nagle’s algorithm will put

the many pieces in one segment, greatly reducing the bandwidth used. The algo rithm additionally says that a new segment should be sent if enough data have trickled in to fill a maximum segment.

Nagle’s algorithm is widely used by TCP implementations, but there are times when it is better to disable it. In particular, in interactive games that are run over the Internet, the players typically want a rapid stream of short update packets. Gathering the updates to send them in bursts makes the game respond erratically, which makes for unhappy users. A more subtle problem is that Nagle’s algorithm can sometimes interact with delayed acknowledgements to cause a temporary deadlock: the receiver waits for data on which to piggyback an acknowledgement, and the sender waits on the acknowledgement to send more data. This interaction can delay the downloads of Web pages. Because of these problems, Nagle’s algo rithm can be disabled (which is called the TCP NODELAY option). Mogul and Minshall (2001) discuss this and other solutions.

Another problem that can degrade TCP performance is the silly window syn- drome (Clark, 1982). This problem occurs when data are passed to the sending TCP entity in large blocks, but an interactive application on the receiving side reads data only 1 byte at a time. To see the problem, look at Fig. 6-41. Initially, the TCP buffer on the receiving side is full (i.e., it has a window of size 0) and the sender knows this. Then the interactive application reads one character from the TCP stream. This action makes the receiving TCP happy, so it sends a window update to the sender saying that it is all right to send 1 byte. The sender obliges and sends 1 byte. The buffer is now full, so the receiver acknowledges the 1-byte segment and sets the window to 0. This behavior can go on forever.

Clark’s solution is to prevent the receiver from sending a window update for 1 byte. Instead, it is forced to wait until it has a decent amount of space available and advertise that instead. Specifically, the receiver should not send a window update until it can handle the maximum segment size it advertised when the con- nection was established or until its buffer is half empty, whichever is smaller. Fur thermore, the sender can also help by not sending tiny segments. Instead, it should wait until it can send a full segment, or at least one containing half of the receiver’s buffer size.

Nagle’s algorithm and Clark’s solution to the silly window syndrome are com- plementary. Nagle was trying to solve the problem caused by the sending applica tion delivering data to TCP a byte at a time. Clark was trying to solve the problem of the receiving application sucking the data up from TCP a byte at a time. Both solutions are valid and can work together. The goal is for the sender not to send small segments and the receiver not to ask for them.

The receiving TCP can go further in improving performance than just doing window updates in large units. Like the sending TCP, it can also buffer data, so it


Receiver's buffer is full

Application reads 1 byte

Room for one more byte



1 Byte

Window update segment sent New byte arrives

Receiver's buffer is full

Figure 6-41. Silly window syndrome.

can block a READ request from the application until it has a large chunk of data for it. Doing so reduces the number of calls to TCP (and the overhead). It also increases the response time, but for noninteractive applications like file transfer, efficiency may be more important than response time to individual requests.

Another issue that the receiver must handle is that segments may arrive out of order. The receiver will buffer the data until it can be passed up to the application in order. Actually, nothing bad would happen if out-of-order segments were dis- carded, since they would eventually be retransmitted by the sender, but it would be wasteful.

Acknowledgements can be sent only when all the data up to the byte acknow ledged have been received. This is a cumulative acknowledgement. If the receiver gets segments 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, it can acknowledge everything up to and in-

cluding the last byte in segment 2. When the sender times out, it then retransmits segment 3. As the receiver has buffered segments 4 through 7, upon receipt of seg- ment 3 it can acknowledge all bytes up to the end of segment 7.

6.5.9 TCP Timer Management

TCP uses multiple timers (at least conceptually) to do its work. The most important of these is the RTO (Retransmission TimeOut). When a segment is sent, a retransmission timer is started. If the segment is acknowledged before the


timer expires, the timer is stopped. If, on the other hand, the timer goes off before the acknowledgement comes in, the segment is retransmitted (and the timer is start- ed again). The question that arises is: how long should the timeout be?

This problem is much more difficult in the transport layer than in data link pro tocols such as 802.11. In the latter case, the expected delay is measured in microseconds and is highly predictable (i.e., has a low variance), so the timer can be set to go off just slightly after the acknowledgement is expected, as shown in

Fig. 6-42(a). Since acknowledgements are rarely delayed in the data link layer (due to lack of congestion), the absence of an acknowledgement at the expected time generally means either the frame or the acknowledgement has been lost.

T T1 T2 0.3 0.3


























00 10 20

0.1 0

30 40 50 0 10 20

30 40 50

Round-trip time (microseconds)

Round-trip time (milliseconds)

(a) (b)

Figure 6-42. (a) Probability density of acknowledgement arrival times in the data link layer. (b) Probability density of acknowledgement arrival times for TCP.

TCP is faced with a radically different environment. The probability density function for the time it takes for a TCP acknowledgement to come back looks more like Fig. 6-42(b) than Fig. 6-42(a). It is larger and more variable. Determining the round-trip time to the destination is tricky. Even when it is known, deciding on the timeout interval is also difficult. If the timeout is set too short, say, T1in Fig. 6-42(b), unnecessary retransmissions will occur, clogging the Internet with useless packets. If it is set too long (e.g., T2), performance will suffer due to the long retransmission delay whenever a packet is lost. Furthermore, the mean and variance of the acknowledgement arrival distribution can change rapidly within a few seconds as congestion builds up or is resolved.

The solution is to use a dynamic algorithm that constantly adapts the timeout interval, based on continuous measurements of network performance. The algo rithm generally used by TCP is due to Jacobson (1988) and works as follows. For each connection, TCP maintains a variable, SRTT (Smoothed Round-Trip Time),


that is the best current estimate of the round-trip time to the destination in question. When a segment is sent, a timer is started, both to see how long the acknowledge- ment takes and also to trigger a retransmission if it takes too long. If the acknowl- edgement gets back before the timer expires, TCP measures how long the acknowl- edgement took, say, R. It then updates SRTT according to the formula

SRTT = _ SRTT + (1 < _ ) R

where _ is a smoothing factor that determines how quickly the old values are for- gotten. Typically, _ = 7/8. This kind of formula is an EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) or low-pass filter that discards noise in the samples.

Even given a good value of SRTT, choosing a suitable retransmission timeout is a nontrivial matter. Initial implementations of TCP used 2xRTT, but experience showed that a constant value was too inflexible because it failed to respond when the variance went up. In particular, queueing models of random (i.e., Poisson) traf fic predict that when the load approaches capacity, the delay becomes large and highly variable. This can lead to the retransmission timer firing and a copy of the packet being retransmitted although the original packet is still transiting the net- work. It is all the more likely to happen under conditions of high load, which is the worst time at which to send additional packets into the network.

To fix this problem, Jacobson proposed making the timeout value sensitive to the variance in round-trip times as well as the smoothed round-trip time. This change requires keeping track of another smoothed variable, RTTVAR (Round-Trip Time VARiation) that is updated using the formula

RTTVAR = ` RTTVAR + (1 < ` ) |SRTT < R|

This is an EWMA as before, and typically ` = 3/4. The retransmission timeout, RTO, is set to be


The choice of the factor 4 is somewhat arbitrary, but multiplication by 4 can be done with a single shift, and less than 1% of all packets come in more than four standard deviations late. Note that RTTVAR is not exactly the same as the standard deviation (it is really the mean deviation), but it is close enough in practice. Jacob- son’s paper is full of clever tricks to compute timeouts using only integer adds, subtracts, and shifts. This economy is not needed for modern hosts, but it has become part of the culture that allows TCP to run on all manner of devices, from supercomputers down to tiny devices. So far nobody has put it on an RFID chip, but someday? Who knows.

More details of how to compute this timeout, including initial settings of the variables, are given in RFC 2988. The retransmission timer is also held to a mini- mum of 1 second, regardless of the estimates. This is a conservative (albeit some- what empirical) value chosen to prevent spurious retransmissions based on meas- urements (Allman and Paxson, 1999).


One problem that occurs with gathering the samples, R, of the round-trip time is what to do when a segment times out and is sent again. When the acknowledge- ment comes in, it is unclear whether the acknowledgement refers to the first trans- mission or a later one. Guessing wrong can seriously contaminate the retransmis- sion timeout. Phil Karn discovered this problem the hard way. Karn is an amateur radio enthusiast interested in transmitting TCP/IP packets by ham radio, a notori- ously unreliable medium. He made a simple proposal: do not update estimates on any segments that have been retransmitted. Additionally, the timeout is doubled on each successive retransmission until the segments get through the first time. This fix is called Karn’s algorithm (Karn and Partridge, 1987). Most TCP imple- mentations use it.

The retransmission timer is not the only timer TCP uses. A second timer is the persistence timer. It is designed to prevent the following deadlock. The receiver sends an acknowledgement with a window size of 0, telling the sender to wait. Later, the receiver updates the window, but the packet with the update is lost. Now the sender and the receiver are each waiting for the other to do something. When the persistence timer goes off, the sender transmits a probe to the receiver. The re- sponse to the probe gives the window size. If it is still 0, the persistence timer is set again and the cycle repeats. If it is nonzero, data can now be sent.

A third timer that some implementations use is the keepalive timer. When a connection has been idle for a long time, the keepalive timer may go off to cause one side to checkwhether the other side isstill there. If it fails to respond, the con- nection is terminated. This feature is controversial because it adds overhead and may terminate an otherwise healthy connection due to a transient network parti tion.

The last timer used on each TCP connection is the one used in the TIME WAIT state while closing. It runs for twice the maximum packet lifetime to make sure that when a connection is closed, all packets created by it have died off.

6.5.10 TCP Congestion Control

We have saved one of the key functions of TCP for last: congestion control. When the load offered to any network is more than it can handle, congestion builds up. The Internet is no exception. The network layer detects congestion when queues grow large at routers and tries to manage it, if only by dropping packets. It is up to the transport layer to receive congestion feedback from the network layer and slow down the rate of traffic that it is sending into the network. In the Internet, TCP plays the main role in controlling congestion, as well as the main role in reli- able transport. That is why it is such a special protocol.

We covered the general situation of congestion control back in Sec. 6.3. One key takeaway there was that a transport protocol using an additive increase multi- plicative decrease control law in response to binary congestion signals from the


network would converge to a fair and efficient bandwidth allocation. TCP conges tion control is based on implementing this approach using a window and with packet loss as the binary signal. To do so, TCP maintains a congestion window whose size is the number of bytes the sender may have in the network at any time. The corresponding rate is the window size divided by the round-trip time of the connection. TCP adjusts the size of the window according to the AIMD rule.

Recall that the congestion window is maintained in addition to the flow control window, which specifies the number of bytes that the receiver can buffer. Both windows are tracked in parallel, and the number of bytes that may be sent is the smaller of the two windows. Thus, the effective window is the smaller of what the sender thinks is all right and what the receiver thinks is all right. It takes two to tango. TCP will stop sending data if either the congestion or the flow control win- dow is temporarily full. If the receiver says ‘‘send 64 KB’’ but the sender knows that bursts of more than 32 KB clog the network, it will send 32 KB. On the other hand, if the receiver says ‘‘send 64 KB’’ and the sender knows that bursts of up to 128 KB get through effortlessly, it will send the full 64 KB requested. The flow control window was described earlier, and in what follows we will only describe the congestion window.

Modern congestion control was added to TCP largely through the efforts of Van Jacobson (1988). It is a fascinating story. Starting in 1986, the growing popu larity of the early Internet led to the first occurrence of what became known as a congestion collapse, a prolonged period during which goodput dropped precipi tously (i.e., by more than a factor of 100) due to congestion in the network. Jacob- son (and many others) set out to understand what was happening and remedy the situation.

The high-level fix that Jacobson implemented was to approximate an AIMD congestion window. The interesting part, and much of the complexity of TCP con- gestion control, is how he added this to an existing implementation without chang ing any of the message formats, which made it instantly deployable. To start, he observed that packet loss is a suitable signal of congestion. This signal comes a lit tle late (as the network is already congested) but it is quite dependable. After all, it is difficult to build a router that does not drop packets when it is overloaded. This fact is unlikely to change. Even when terabyte memories appear to buffer vast numbers of packets, we will probably have terabit/sec networks to fill up those memories.

However, using packet loss as a congestion signal depends on transmission errors being relatively rare. This is not normally the case for wireless links such as 802.11, which is why they include their own retransmission mechanism at the link layer. Because of wireless retransmissions, network layer packet loss due to trans- mission errors is normally masked on wireless networks. It is also rare on other links because wires and optical fibers typically have low bit-error rates.

All the Internet TCP algorithms assume that lost packets are caused by conges tion and monitor timeouts and look for signs of trouble the way miners watch their


canaries. A good retransmission timer is needed in order to detect packet loss sig- nals accurately and in a timely manner. We have already discussed how the TCP retransmission timer includes estimates of the mean and variation in round-trip times. Fixing this timer, by including the variation factor, was an important step in Jacobson’s work. Given a good retransmission timeout, the TCP sender can track the outstanding number of bytes, which are loading the network. It simply looks at the difference between the sequence numbers that are transmitted and acknow ledged.

Now it seems that our task is easy. All we need to do is to track the congestion window, using sequence and acknowledgement numbers, and adjust the congestion window using an AIMD rule. As you might have expected, it is more complicated than that. A first consideration is that the way packets are sent into the network,

even over short periods of time, must be matched to the network path. Otherwise the traffic will cause congestion. For example, consider a host with a congestion window of 64 KB attached to a 1-Gbps switched Ethernet. If the host sends the

entire window at once, this burst of traffic may travel over a slow 1-Mbps ADSL line further along the path. The burst that took only half a millisecond on the 1-Gbps line will clog the 1-Mbps line for half a second, completely disrupting pro tocols such as voice over IP. This behavior might be a good idea for a protocol designed to cause congestion, but not for a protocol to control it.

However, it turns out that we can use small bursts of packets to our advantage. Fig. 6-43 shows what happens when a sender on a fast network (the 1-Gbps link) sends a small burst of four packets to a receiver on a slow network (the 1-Mbps link) that is the bottleneck or slowest part of the path. Initially the four packets travel over the link as quickly as they can be sent by the sender. At the router, they are queued while being sent because it takes longer to send a packet over the slow link than to receive the next packet over the fast link. But the queue is not large because only a small number of packets were sent at once. Note the increased length of the packets on the slow link. The same packet, of 1 KB say, is now longer because it takes more time to send it on a slow link than on a fast one.

1: Burst of packets sent on fast link

2: Burst queues at router and drains onto slow link

Fast link Slow link (bottleneck)

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

Sender Receiver

4: Acks preserve slow

link timing at sender Ack clock

3: Receive acks packets at slow link rate

Figure 6-43. A burst of packets from a sender and the returning ack clock.

Eventually the packets get to the receiver, where they are acknowledged. The times for the acknowledgements reflect the times at which the packets arrived at


the receiver after crossing the slow link. They are spread out compared to the origi- nal packets on the fast link. As these acknowledgements travel over the network and back to the sender they preserve this timing.

The key observation is this: the acknowledgements return to the sender at about the rate that packets can be sent over the slowest link in the path. This is pre- cisely the rate that the sender wants to use. If it injects new packets into the net- work at this rate, they will be sent as fast as the slow link permits, but they will not queue up and congest any router along the path. This timing is known as an ack clock. It is an essential part of TCP. By using an ack clock, TCP smoothes out traffic and avoids unnecessary queues at routers.

A second consideration is that the AIMD rule will take a very long time to reach a good operating point on fast networks if the congestion window is started from a small size. Consider a modest network path that can support 10 Mbps with an RTT of 100 msec. The appropriate congestion window is the bandwidth-delay product, which is 1 Mbit or 100 packets of 1250 bytes each. If the congestion win-

dow starts at 1 packet and increases by 1 packet every RTT, it will be 100 RTTs or 10 seconds before the connection is running at about the right rate. That is a long time to wait just to get to the right speed for a transfer. We could reduce this startup time by starting with a larger initial window, say of 50 packets. But this window would be far too large for slow or short links. It would cause congestion if used all at once, as we have just described.

Instead, the solution Jacobson chose to handle both of these considerations is a mix of linear and multiplicative increase. When a connection is established, the sender initializes the congestion window to a small initial value of at most four segments; the details are described in RFC 3390, and the use of four segments is an increase from an earlier initial value of one segment based on experience. The sender then sends the initial window. The packets will take a round-trip time to be acknowledged. For each segment that is acknowledged before the retransmission timer goes off, the sender adds one segment’s worth of bytes to the congestion win- dow. Plus, as that segment has been acknowledged, there is now one less segment in the network. The upshot is that every acknowledged segment allows two more segments to be sent. The congestion window is doubling every round-trip time.

This algorithm is called slow start, but it is not slow at all—it is exponential growth—except in comparison to the previous algorithm that let an entire flow control window be sent all at once. Slow start is shown in Fig. 6-44. In the first round-trip time, the sender injects one packet into the network (and the receiver re- ceives one packet). Two packets are sent in the next round-trip time, then four packets in the third round-trip time.

Slow start works well over a range of link speeds and round-trip times, and uses an ack clock to match the rate of sender transmissions to the network path. Take a look at the way acknowledgements return from the sender to the receiver in Fig. 6-44. When the sender gets an acknowledgement, it increases the congestion window by one and immediately sends two packets into the network. (One packet

580 THE TRANSPORT LAYER CHAP. 6 TCP sender TCP receiver

cwnd = 1



1 RTT, 1 packet cwnd = 2

cwnd = 3 cwnd = 4

cwnd = 5 cwnd = 6 cwnd = 7 cwnd = 8

1 RTT, 2 packets

1 RTT, 4 packets

1 RTT, 4 packets (pipe is full)

Figure 6-44. Slow start from an initial congestion window of one segment.

is the increase by one; the other packet is a replacement for the packet that has been acknowledged and left the network. At all times, the number of unacknow ledged packets is given by the congestion window.) However, these two packets will not necessarily arrive at the receiver as closely spaced as when they were sent. For example, suppose the sender is on a 100-Mbps Ethernet. Each packet of 1250 bytes takes 100 µsec to send. So the delay between the packets can be as small as 100 µsec. The situation changes if these packets go across a 1-Mbps ADSL link anywhere along the path. It now takes 10 msec to send the same packet. This means that the minimum spacing between the two packets has grown by a factor of 100. Unless the packets have to wait together in a queue on a later link, the spacing will remain large.

In Fig. 6-44, this effect is shown by enforcing a minimum spacing between data packets arriving at the receiver. The same spacing is kept when the receiver sends acknowledgements, and thus when the sender receives the acknowledge- ments. If the network path is slow, acknowledgements will come in slowly (after a delay of an RTT). If the network path is fast, acknowledgements will come in quickly (again, after the RTT). All the sender has to do is follow the timing of the ack clock as it injects new packets, which is what slow start does.

Because slow start causes exponential growth, eventually (and sooner rather than later) it will send too many packets into the network too quickly. When this happens, queues will build up in the network. When the queues are full, one or more packets will be lost. After this happens, the TCP sender will time out when an acknowledgement fails to arrive in time. There is evidence of slow start growing too fast in Fig. 6-44. After three RTTs, four packets are in the network. These four packets take an entire RTT to arrive at the receiver. That is, a congestion window of four packets is the right size for this connection. However, as these packets are acknowledged, slow start continues to grow the congestion window, reaching eight packets in another RTT. Only four of these packets can reach the receiver in one
