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Everyday zoom class link -87928696914



Write things highlighted in RED.

Zoom class is 3 hrs 15 mins a day.

Minimum score of 80% to pass.





Coaches should: Be over age 21 and licenced 3 years.

What is driving school?

  • 30 hrs of classroom and 6 hours Behind the Wheel (BTW)

  • class and BTW 80% to pass

Learners permit


1.must be 15 and 9 months $50 fee

  1. pass vision screening and knowledge tests

  2. Permit is valid for 2 years

  3. Must hold permit VIOLATION FREE for 9 months


1.Cannot drive alone

  1. No cell phone use


1.Restart entire 9 months for any moving violation convictions

-Moving violation- a breach of traffic laws occurring while vehicle is in motion

-speeding, running red lights, running stop signs

Parking violations go against vehicle registration

Moving violations go against your record

What is a Conviction?

Convictions happen in court

  • Judge says "Guilty"

  • You no-show for court

  • You paid the ticket- (admission of guilt)

The Provision license(18 months hold)


  1. 16 and 6 months

  2. complete drivers education

  3. Complete rookie skills log

  4. a valid unexpired Learner's Permit no moving violation convictions or suspensions.

  5. pass skills test


  1. No transporting alcohol and BAC must be below .02% (Zero Tolerance)

  2. cellphone calls only allowed if over age 18 with hands free device but strongly discouraged

Under age of 18  additional Restrictions

  1. No cellphone calls under 18 unless 911!

  2. When driver is under 18, NO driving from 12mid-5am.

  3. When driver is under 18, No passengers can be under 18 for first 5 months of licensure unless they are immediate family.


  1. Restart your 18 months holding

  2. Parents can Cancel license by written request!

  3. You cannot transport alcohol on a provisional regardless of age!

  4. under 21 alcohol= Criminal Misdemeanor.

Road test

  1. You must have clean well maintained car, registration, insurance , licensed driver(over 21 3yrs), permit and complete skill log.



  1. Must be at least 18 and

  2. held provisional license for 18months without any moving violations convictions!


  1. N/A



UNIT TWO: Language of the Road

The "highway transportation system" is composed of :


  1. Vehicles

  2. People

Language of the Road:

  1. Signs- regulate, warn & guide

  2. Signals- permission to move

  3. Pavement Markings- keep separation

  1. What info is given by the following color?

-Green-distance/ directional guidance/ destination                               -Yellow- general warnings

-Blue-Motorist services                           -Fluorescent Yellow- School and pedestrian zones

-Brown- recreation interest                   - black and white-regulatory sign

-orange-construction                   -red and white- Regulatory/ Prohibition (you cannot go over 30 no matter what)

  1. what info is given by the following shapes?

-octagon-stop                        -horizontal rectangle- directions

-triangle -yield                       -vertical rectangle-indicate law

-diamond-Warning                    -round(circle)-advance warning of railroad crossing

-pentagon -school                   -crossbuck- railroad crossing

The Basic Speed Rule- A vehicle must never be operated that is more than both Reasonable and Prudent for existing conditions regardless of the posted speed limit.

Stopping at Stop Signs:

Who Moves First-

  1. Whoever stopped first goes first

  2. if two cars stop at the exact same time, the car on the right goes first

Where To Stop:

  1. Stopline

  2. Crosswalk(when there's no stopline)

  3. edge of the road(when there's no stop line nor crosswalk)

Yield Signs:

  1. Slow down stop if necessary

  2. Yield signs are Red and Regulatory

Chevron alignment signs help guide you through dangerous curves on the roadway.

Street sign colors: Green-public, Blue- Private(need permission) , and Brown- road is historic


Who can overrule traffic signal

  1. police officers

  2. state troopers

  3. crossing guard

  4. flaggers

Traffic Signals

  1. A stale green light is a light that has been green for a long time!

  2. Flashing red- Treat as a stop sign!

  3. Flashing yellow- proceed with caution. Don't stop. You have the right of way.

Pavement Markings:

  1. Broken lines- Passing permitted

  2. Solid lines- No passing

Yellow lines-

  1. Mark left edge of the road

  2. Separate lanes of traffic going in opposite directions

White lines-

  1. Mark right edge of the road

  2. Separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction

HOV stands for High Occupancy Vehicles-

intended to be used by cars with several occupants.

  • Do pedestrians always have right of way? NO

  • A vehicle must always yield the right of way to a pedestrian.

  • They don't always have the right of way

  • Drivers should always be alert for pedestrians who may be deaf, blind, or mobility impaired.


UNIT 3 - Getting Started

Transmission Fluid

-Color - Lite red/ dark red; thick

-Function - Lubricates cools transmission

-Problems if empty - Transmission could slip or lock; permanent damage

Car main parts

  1. Engine - provides power; etc power steering, alternator, transmission

  2. Transmission - provides movement

Engine Oil

-Color - Lite brown/ black; thick

-Function - Lubricates engine

-Problems if empty - Engine lock up; permanent damage

Regular Engine temp - 190 to 220 degrees

Coolant/ Antifreeze

  • Color - Blue/green orange/pink;Sticky;sweet

  • Function - Regulates engine temperature

  • Problems if empty - Engine overheating/ permanent damage. Damage to radiator.


-Color - Thin Colorless Strong Smell

  • function- Engine uses gas and energy for motion

  • Problems if empty - Leak could cause fire; no gas could cause shut down

Power Steering Fluid

-Color - Pink/ clear brown/black thin/ oily smells like burnt marshmallows

-Function - Keeps power steering system working.

- Problems if empty - Not having could cause power steering failure

Brake Fluid

-Color - Light yellow/brown; oily;fishy

-Function - Helps you to stop, lubricates system and protects against rust

-Problems if empty - DO NOT DRIVE! Brake system may be down or damaged

Windshield Washer Fluid

-Color - Blue. Smells like window cleaner.

-Function - Keeps windshield clean and free of dirt oil and grime

- Problems if empty - Unable to clean windshield. Internal parts of pump corrode, plastic parts degrade. Get it checked to be sure reservoir isn't cracked or seals aren't leaking

Get in the car

  • Turn off and put away all of your electronic devices

Hand position on the wheel

(hand over hand steering 8&9 3&4)

(push-pull-slide 4-5 & 7-8

Head Restraints

  • Head restraint protects against head & neck injury

  • Top of the head restraint should be even with the top of the head or as high as it will go

  • Never place it behind your neck!

Rearview Mirror

Nothing should be hanging from rearview mirror nor in the back window!

Back-up Cameras

  • Back up cameras are on all new model cars made after 2018.

Side Mirrors

  • Enhanced mirror settings does not eliminate the need to do a head check

When should i check my mirror?

  • Use rearview, side-views, and do a head check

  • Never take your eyes off of the road for more than 1 second at a time

It's a Collision!

  • it's not an accident since it was predictable

Seat Belts

  • Seat belts protect against ejection!

  • Keep back of seat upright

  • Place lap belt snugly across hips, NOT STOMACH!

  • Belt over top of shoulder and across center of chest

  • Under 8 years old must be secured in a child safety seat unless the child is 4'9"(57 inches)

Getting started: safety belts , airbags




Seat belts and cars seats the law

  • all passengers must be belted regardless of age or position in car

  • $83 per person

Getting started: airbags

  • Air bags protect against head and chest injuries

  • No passengers under 12 years of age in the front seat

  • In steering wheel and dashboard

  • Speed of inflation- over 200mph!

  • Keep at least 10 inches between chest and steering wheel to avoid injury

  • if possible, point wheel at chest, not face

Vehicle control equipment: Parking Brake

  • Parking Brake - Holds vehicle in place when vehicle is parked and protects the transmission.

  • May either be a foot pedal at the far left or a lever between the seats


  • Foot brakes only stops front 2 tires

  • Parking brake stops back 2 tires

  • It can be used to help slow the vehicle if the hydraulic or ABS brakes fail.

  • every 3-5 years people get new cars

Instrument Panel: how car communicates with you

  • Yellow/Orange - Important,  but no emergency

  • ABS- ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM ---- On the final test

  • Red Lights - Emergency/Dangerous Malfunction

  • Flashing Red Light - Extremely Dangerous Malfunction

  • You need to stop or get to a mechanic as soon as possible.

  • Engine Oil Pressure - Red Cup dripping oil

  • Page 3.13

  • Batterys charging system - Alternator/ looks like a battery with negative and positive sign on  it

  • Green or Blue Activation Lights indicate that a system is being used currently

11/14/2022 -

Unit 4: Moving the car

Turning your vehicle on

  • Check dashboard lights and gauges

  • ACC setting allows a driver to turn on vehicle accessories without turning on the engine drains the battery.

  • ACC not necessary for hazard lights

Should i let my car idle?

  • During warmer months, you do not need to idle vehicle at all

  • Limited(30-60 seconds) idling is recommended for vehicles only in the coldest weather

Why not let my vehicle idle?

  • Long idling periods reduce gas efficiency, waste fuel, and increase harmful vehicle emissions

  • It is illegal to leave car running and unattended

Moving forward:

  • if you do nothing, your vehicle will begin to move because of the automatic transmission

Backing up:

  • turn body so you are facing the direction you are going

  • use one hand (Left) if steering straight/both hands if turning and signal!

  • turn the wheel in the direction you want the rear of the car to go. (2 hands)

What is risk?

  • A probability or threat of injury, liability, loss, damage or death

Characteristics of risk

  1. Risk is always present

  2. perceived risk differs from actual risk

  3. Risk is shared

  4. Risk can be altered

  5. Risk can be analyzed on a comparative basis

Risk Perception

  • Space

  • Time

  • Speed

  • Roadway conditions

  • Other user's actions

Risk Management

  • Space = Time

  • Turn to page 4.6

Visual Functions

  • 60% of the human brain is devoted to vision

  • 90% of the decisions we make are based on what we see

  • You must keep eyes moving! Never stare! Never center! Never Focus

Potential distractions:

  • Radio too loud

  • smoking

  • pets

  • reaching for things

  • Sneezing

  • gps

  • reading

  • drinking

  • cell phones

  • grooming

  • adjusting radio

  • passengers

  • adjusting vehicle controls

Audio systems

  • Headsets/ Earphones

  • Cover both ears are illegal

Hit small wild animal- keep going

Domestic- cats with collars, dogs, belongs to someone call 911

Deer- call 911

Cell Phones

  • No handheld cell phones

  • no texting while driving

  • Fines:

  • 1st fine -$83 (including court costs)

  • 2nd - $140

  • 3rd - $160

S.E.E : Search Evaluate Execute


  • Traffic

  • pavement markings

  • traffic signs

  • traffic signals

  • Non- Motorized User (bicycles, pedestrians)

  • Road Hazard

  • Look: immediately 3-5 seconds in front, Is 10-15 seconds ahead, behind the car


  • a good driver must evaluate :

  1. The potential for an accident

    1. The consequences of your actions

    2. the safest action to take

    3. 3-4 second following distance


  • Change speed

  • Change lane

  • Communicate*

Communicating Intent:

  • Turn Signals

  • Brake lights

  • Reverse lights

  • Hand signals

  • out-left

  • Up- right

  • Down- stop

  • Headlights

  • Horn

  • Lane Position

  • Speed and drivers actions

  • Front wheel angle

  • Head movements


Unit 5 : Driving in Neighbourhoods

School Buses

  • Red flashing lights and Extended stop arms - All drivers must stop at least 20 feet away in back or 20 feet away in front of a stopped bus.

  • if there is a physical divider between vehicles and bus, only side with the bus must stop, traffic on opposite side can keep going.

  • punishment - 3 point citation and a $250 fine

School zones

  • speed limit is never more than 25mph in a school zone

  • Drivers must yield to pedestrians in the cross and follow directions of any crossing guard


  • Must not pass any closer than three feet to a bicycle or scooter

  • Punishment - $1,000 fine and three points

  • 8 Points Suspension, 12 Points Revoked


  • Bicycles are treated as vehicles in Maryland

  • Can only ride on sidewalks where it is allowed by local ordinance

  • Use marked bike lanes or paths when present

Mopeds, and Scooters

  • Mopeds and scooters are considered to be the same as bicycles

  • may be ridden on roads 50mph or less


  • Distracted pedestrians are a more serious problem every year

  • Pedestrian involved crashes are highest during the spring and fall seasons

  • Fridays Saturdays and evening hours are dangerous times for pedestrians

  • Pedestrians ages 10-29 were 40% of those struck by vehicles, Older pedestrians 45-59 were 30%

  • Nearly 70% of all pedestrian fatalities were male. Half of all drivers in these crashes were also male.

  • Drivers exiting vehicles MUST yield for oncoming cars

  • Once a driver leaves his car, he is now a pedestrian!


  • Residential areas are usually 25mph!

Staggered Stops

  • Staggered stops- when you must inch up a little more (maybe several times) to be able to see cross traffic before going through the intersection

Before you turn

  • Begin to signal your intention to turn at least 100 feet or 3-4 seconds out


  • A roundabout is a circular intersection at which traffic travels around a central island, always to the right

  • Move up to the yield line and wait for a gap in traffic

  • Traffic travels counter clockwise

  • if you are in the roundabout , you have the right-of-way

  • Must signal entering & exiting


  • Potholes form in bad weather when water seeps into pavement

  • Beware of puddles: Treat puddles as though they may be hiding potholes

Hill parking rules

  • Downhill without curb - Turn towards grass

  • Downhill with curb - Turn towards curb

  • Uphill without curb - Turn towards grass

  • Uphill with curb- Turn away from curb


  • Leaving an Angled/Perpendicular parking space

  • Back up STRAIGHT until your front seat is lined up with the bumper of the vehicle next to you THEN start turning your wheel

  • Back into a parking space because

  1. It allows you to see traffic easily before pulling out

  2. reduces backing out accidents

  3. it allows hood access in unforeseen situations (i.e.,Battery dies)

Mva testing

  • Backing in:

    1. Space is 20ft deep x 10ft wide

    2. 3 minutes to do it

  • Pulling in:

  1. Space is 20ft deep x 10ft wide

  • Turnabout:

    1. Space is 30ft deep x 20ft wide Forward left/Reverse Right

    2. 3 minutes to do it

    3. Change direction by using a driveway on your right (2pt)

      1. Drive 3-4ft pass the driveway

      2. Back into driveway completely

      3. Signal and turn left

    4. Change direction by using a driveway on your left (3pt)

      1. Pull in head-first

      2. Back out to the right

      3. Proceed straight ahead

11/21/2022 :

Unit 6  : Driving faster with more risk

Urban roads - Urban roads are narrow, congested mixed use roads, usually in cities or towns.

Pedestrians risk

  • A pedestrian is killed, on average, every two hours on american roads.

  • At 40 mph only 10% survive!

Emergency Vehicles

  • The "Move Over Law" - If a emergency vehicle is on the side of the road, you must "move-over" one full lane.

  • if not possible, slow down to a reasonable and prudent speed, move to left be prepared to stop if necessary.

Tow trucks

  • Move over one full lane when passing a tow truck that is on the road.

Flashing lights

  • Pull to the curb

  • stop out of the way

  • Clear all intersections

  • Remain stopped

  • You can not follow any closer than 500 feet!

  • You may not pass it unless it stops or you are directed to do so by law enforcement

  • Crossing over a fire hose is prohibited

  • Standing or parking within 15 feet of either side of a fire hydrant is prohibited!

Turning at Intersections

  • Right turns at red lights

  • Complete stop

  • No conflicting traffic or pedestrians both ways

  • Signal 100 ft in advance and ...

  • There is no sign that prohibits it!

    • Left turns at red lights

  • You can make a left turn on a red light if it is from a one way street onto another one way street

  • If heavy traffic plan ahead if you need to turn or change lanes

Lane changes

  • when making lane changes remember:

  • Lane changes are ILLEGAL in the middle of the intersection

  • You are solely responsible for making the lane change safely

  • Illegal across solid lines

Suburban road

  • Suburban roads are mixed use roads usually outside of and within commuting distance of a city

  • 35-55 mph

  • Usually 3 or 4 lanes going in each direction

  • Have larger and more complicated intersections

  • Shared Left turn lane- pair of yellow lines in the center of multi-lane road

  • Make a left turn both from a multilane road and back onto a multilane road

  • May be used by traffic driving in either direction

  • Do not ride in these lanes for long distances

  • Do not use them for passing other vehicles


  • Almost half of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve cars

  • 6 times more likely to be hurt than car driver

  • Do not attempt to share a lane

Sport Utility Vehicles

  • Susceptible to rollovers when making sharp turns at high speeds

RV's and Trailers

  • You need a 6 second following distance

Rural roads

  • Rural roads are country roads, few buildings ... plenty trees

  • Higher speeds with no barriers

  • Curved roads with limited visibility

  • no divider between lanes

  • limited shoulder space


  • Most dangerous crossing without warning lights or gates.

  • Trains can take 1-2 miles to stop.


  • Usually see Deer at dawn and dusk

  • Peak deer season  is from October to January

Encountering a Deer

  • Never swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid a deer

  • Call 911 if you or a deer are injured

  • Never touch an animal that is in the roadway

  • Report the incident to your insurance company

Passing Procedures

  • Consider are space and time needed to pass

  • The line must be broken to pass

  • Return to the original lane when the vehicle you passed is visible in the rearview mirror

Farm Machinery

  • Farm machinery and any other vehicle traveling at 25mph or less must display a slow moving vehicle emblem

Horse Drawn Vehicles

  • If pulling a cart or carriage, they should have a slow moving vehicle emblem visible also

11/23/2022 :

Unit 7 :  Driving off into the Sunset

Characteristics of an Expressway

  • Limited points to enter and exit

  • minimum and a maximum speed limit

  • Divided by medians or barricades

  • heading in both directions

  • Only motorized vehicles

  • bridges, tunnels, and toll plazas

  • Low rate of collisions though higher speeds contribute to more deaths

Expressway signs

1.Interstate sign-  Red white and blue; shaped like a shield

  • Primary routes have 2 digits

  • North/South routes have ODD numbers

  • East/West routes have EVEN numbers

  • Loops - come back. First digit EVEN

  • Spurs - don't come back. First digit ODD

Highway Hypnosis

  • Highway hypnosis is a dull or drowsy condition that can occur because of the concentration needed whiled driving long boring distances

Long trips on Expressways

  • Maintenance check of vehicle

  • Check belts

  • Check hoses

  • Check fluids

  • Check tires(wear, damage, inflation)

  • Don't overload the vehicle!

  • Plan stops for:

    • Food

    • Rest

    • Fuel

  • Know the route numbers needed

  • Check for construction delays

  • Carry money or credit cards

  • Take a map of planned route

  • Map legends give you route numbers, railroads, places of interest and other useful information

  • Plan to avoid congestion in cities

Expressways: Typical Entrance

  • Entrance/Ramp

  • Acceleration Lane

  • Merge Area

  • Weave lane: One lane used for both exiting and entering the expressway

    • Vehicles leaving the expressway have the right of way

Driving on Expressway

  • Increase following distance behind large trucks , motorcycles, in bad weather , and when driving a heavy vehicle/Pulling trailer.

Passing on Multi-Lane Roads

  • Do not increase speed when being passed!

Toll Plazas

  • Traffic must slow and divide into multiple lanes, but they must come back together after toll plaza, creating confusion and risk

Reversible Lanes

  • Green Arrow - The lane is Open for travel

  • Red X - Travel in that lane is Closed or Prohibited

  • Yellow X - Travel in that lane is About to Change or Close


  • Crowded

  • Limited visibility

  • No shoulders (or even land) if your vehicle crashes or has mechanical issues

  • Freeze 1st in bad weather


  • Crowded

  • Narrow

  • Dark

  • No shoulders

  • Maintain lane

  • Turn on lights and take off sunglasses

  • Make sure your vehicle has gas

  • Electronics are off and seat belts are on


  • Do not share a lane with a motorcycle

Emergency Vehicles

  • Cannot change lanes

    • MUST SLOW DOWN at least 10 mph on expressway

Construction Zones

  • Speed frequently monitored and enforced by speed cameras

Special Roadway Conditions

  • "Emergency and official Vehicles only " crossovers

Commercial Vehicles

  • Tractors have Blind spots called "No Zones" on all 4 sides. You have to see their face in trucks side mirrors, or they cant see you.

Stopping Distance

  • Stopping Distance : The distance your vehicle travels while you are attempting to make a stop

  • Tractor Trailer  = 80,000 Pounds

  • Car = 2,500 to 3,500 pounds

  • Stopping distance affected by in CMV's

    • Weight

    • Speed of vehicle

    • Size of Tires

    • Brakes

    • Roadway conditions

Expressway Exit Components

  • Deceleration Lane

  • Exit

11/28/2022 :

Unit 8 :  Crash bang boom

Tire Failures

  • Stay Calm

  • Look for safe place

  • Grip Steering Wheel

  • Foot off accelerator

  • Do Not Brake! - Allow vehicle to slow

  • Hazards lights

  • Pull over/ Change tire

Accelerator Failure

  • Stay calm and shift to neutral. (Engine will race)

  • Pump gas pedal

  • Look for safe place

  • Steer smoothly/ brake gently

  • Pull off roadway

  • Turn off vehicle

  • Call for help

Engine Failure

  • Shift to NEUTRAL

  • Look for safe place

  • Hazard lights


  • Drift in neutral to the side of the road

  • Pull off roadway

  • Try to restart

  • Call for help

  • It becomes difficult to steer and stop

Engine Overheat

  • Turn off AC

  • Turn on heater

  • Pull off roadway if temperature wont go down


  • Seek help

Car Fire

  • Car fires are rare but dangerous

  • Stop car, turn off ignition

  • Get everybody out

  • Don't go back


  • Move at least 100 feet away

  • Call 911

Brake System Failure

  • Pump the brakes rapidly

  • Shift to a lower gear

  • Use the parking brake while holding release*

  • Prepare for a crash by looking for a "soft" crash area

Power Steering Failure

  • Car can still be steered

  • Requires much more effort

Prevent Gas Station Fires

  • Once you begin pumping gas, DO NOT GET BACK IN CAR ( STATIC Electricity)

  • Do not smoke at the gas pump

  • Turn engine off

  • Do not use cell phone

In event of a breakdown

  • Have the following info : location, car info, description of problem, a number you can be reached on while waiting

Carbon Monoxide

  • Colorless, Odorless, Tasteless DEADLY gas that comes from engine exhaust

    • Symptoms

      • Drowsiness

      • Headache

      • Muscle aches

      • Nausea

      • Shortness of breath

      • Dizziness

      • Fatigue

      • Mental confusion

      • Tinnitus

Driving in Fog

  • Reduce speed

  • Low beam

  • Wipers & Defrosters

  • By law, if your wipers are on, your low beams must be on too! Regardless of daylight!

Driving In Rain : Hydroplaning

  • Occurs when tires lose contact with the road surface because they ride on tope of a film of water

  • Cars can hydroplane in as little as 1/16 of an inch of water



  • Buffeting - Strong wind blasts that can result in total loss of vehicle control on bridges, mountain passes, ravines, and when being passed by large trucks.

Front Wheel loss of traction

  • Understeer - when the Front wheels lose grip with the road

Rear Wheel loss of traction

  • Oversteer - when the Rear wheels lose grip with the road

Electronic Stability Program

  • The Electronic Stability  Program (ESP) compares where a driver is steering with where the vehicle is actually going

Crashes :how to avoid them

  • Keep your vehicle maintained to avoid mechanical issues

Off-Road Recovery

  • if you go off the road accidentally or to avoid a crash,

  • Do not panic and jerk the steering wheel

  • Carefully steer back onto road


  • Stop Immediately

  • Aid the injured

  • Prevent further damage

  • Exchange information

  • Send for police (if necessary)

Notify Law enforcement

  • Anyone's hurt (don't move vehicles)

  • Car can't drive

  • Drunk

  • No license

  • Tries to flee

  • Public property has been damaged

  • Hit a domestic animal

  • Uninsured

  • Irate/ escalating

Hit a parked car

  • Attempt to locate the driver of the damaged vehicle

  • Leave a note with the name address, phone number and tag number of the vehicle you are driving

Hit and Run Crashes


  • Misdemeanor

  • 5 years of Imprisonment and/ or a $5,000 fine

  • Death

  • Felony

  • 10 years Imprisonment and/ or $10,000 fine

State Vehicle Law

  • Pull over. Turn car off. Turn radio off

  • Roll window down to communicate with the officer

  • If its night, turn the dome light on

  • Be calm and courteous

  • Keep hands in plain view,  preferably on the steering wheel. Ask for permission to reach

  • Stay in car & keep seat belt fastened

  • If you are issued a citation, DO NOT ARGUE with the officer. You will have a chance to make your case if you go to court.

  • Sign the ticket

  • Citations

  • SERO Safety Equipment Repair order - Fix within 10 days and submit proof within 30 days or suspension

  • Payable citation - Pay fine or wait for court date

  • Must Appear - Must appear in court

  • Warning - No fines, No points. Cant be stopped again for same thing

11/30/2022 :

Unit 9 :  Making Good Decisions

  • Alcohol is a depressant

    • Alcohol related charges stay on your driving record forever!

    • Mva and Courts system will impose sanctions!

    • BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration

    • Under 21

      • Zero Tolerance Law

      • BAC must be below .02%

    • Over 21

      • .070 - DWI (Driving While Impaired)

      • 0.8 - DUI ( Driving Under The Influence)

  • BAC Factors

    • Weight

    • Time Spent Drinking

    • Gender

    • Food

    • Alcohol Content

    • Size of drink

  • 10% of Alcohol consumed can be eliminated through;

    • Breath

    • Urine

    • Sweat

  • 90% is eliminated through the liver

  • Psychological Effects

    • Judgment/ Reasoning

    • Attention

    • Memory

    • Emotions

    • Aggression

    • Tolerance

  • An Open Container is any alcohol that is not as originally packaged

  • Responsibilities

    • Implied Consent - By operating a motor vehicle the driver has consented to take a test for Blood alcohol concentration AND illegal drugs if detained by police.

    • Stronger penalties for refusal

  • Drugs and Driving

    • A Driver Should Not Use Any Medication That May Impair Their Driving Abilities, Legal Or Illegal

  • Prescription Medications:

    • Tranquilizers

    • Stimulants

    • Narcotics

  • Over the counter medications:

    • Read The Labels!!

    • The mixing of drugs or drugs and alcohol create the synergistic effect

  • Marijuana And Driving

    • Marijuana


  • Reckless Driving

    • Participating in any race or speed contest violates Maryland law and will result in a 5pt penalty on your driving record

  • Aggressive Driving

    • Committing any three moving violations in one continuous period of driving

    • 5 points on license

  • Road Rage

    • When a driver loses total emotional control and takes it out on the roadway

    • Don't go home

    • Stay in car, keep doors locked

    • Seek help of police

  • Drowsy Drivers

    • Being awake for 24hr equivalent to .10 BAC!!

Everyday zoom class link -87928696914



Write things highlighted in RED.

Zoom class is 3 hrs 15 mins a day.

Minimum score of 80% to pass.





Coaches should: Be over age 21 and licenced 3 years.

What is driving school?

  • 30 hrs of classroom and 6 hours Behind the Wheel (BTW)

  • class and BTW 80% to pass

Learners permit


1.must be 15 and 9 months $50 fee

  1. pass vision screening and knowledge tests

  2. Permit is valid for 2 years

  3. Must hold permit VIOLATION FREE for 9 months


1.Cannot drive alone

  1. No cell phone use


1.Restart entire 9 months for any moving violation convictions

-Moving violation- a breach of traffic laws occurring while vehicle is in motion

-speeding, running red lights, running stop signs

Parking violations go against vehicle registration

Moving violations go against your record

What is a Conviction?

Convictions happen in court

  • Judge says "Guilty"

  • You no-show for court

  • You paid the ticket- (admission of guilt)

The Provision license(18 months hold)


  1. 16 and 6 months

  2. complete drivers education

  3. Complete rookie skills log

  4. a valid unexpired Learner's Permit no moving violation convictions or suspensions.

  5. pass skills test


  1. No transporting alcohol and BAC must be below .02% (Zero Tolerance)

  2. cellphone calls only allowed if over age 18 with hands free device but strongly discouraged

Under age of 18  additional Restrictions

  1. No cellphone calls under 18 unless 911!

  2. When driver is under 18, NO driving from 12mid-5am.

  3. When driver is under 18, No passengers can be under 18 for first 5 months of licensure unless they are immediate family.


  1. Restart your 18 months holding

  2. Parents can Cancel license by written request!

  3. You cannot transport alcohol on a provisional regardless of age!

  4. under 21 alcohol= Criminal Misdemeanor.

Road test

  1. You must have clean well maintained car, registration, insurance , licensed driver(over 21 3yrs), permit and complete skill log.



  1. Must be at least 18 and

  2. held provisional license for 18months without any moving violations convictions!


  1. N/A



UNIT TWO: Language of the Road

The "highway transportation system" is composed of :


  1. Vehicles

  2. People

Language of the Road:

  1. Signs- regulate, warn & guide

  2. Signals- permission to move

  3. Pavement Markings- keep separation

  1. What info is given by the following color?

-Green-distance/ directional guidance/ destination                               -Yellow- general warnings

-Blue-Motorist services                           -Fluorescent Yellow- School and pedestrian zones

-Brown- recreation interest                   - black and white-regulatory sign

-orange-construction                   -red and white- Regulatory/ Prohibition (you cannot go over 30 no matter what)

  1. what info is given by the following shapes?

-octagon-stop                        -horizontal rectangle- directions

-triangle -yield                       -vertical rectangle-indicate law

-diamond-Warning                    -round(circle)-advance warning of railroad crossing

-pentagon -school                   -crossbuck- railroad crossing

The Basic Speed Rule- A vehicle must never be operated that is more than both Reasonable and Prudent for existing conditions regardless of the posted speed limit.

Stopping at Stop Signs:

Who Moves First-

  1. Whoever stopped first goes first

  2. if two cars stop at the exact same time, the car on the right goes first

Where To Stop:

  1. Stopline

  2. Crosswalk(when there's no stopline)

  3. edge of the road(when there's no stop line nor crosswalk)

Yield Signs:

  1. Slow down stop if necessary

  2. Yield signs are Red and Regulatory

Chevron alignment signs help guide you through dangerous curves on the roadway.

Street sign colors: Green-public, Blue- Private(need permission) , and Brown- road is historic


Who can overrule traffic signal

  1. police officers

  2. state troopers

  3. crossing guard

  4. flaggers

Traffic Signals

  1. A stale green light is a light that has been green for a long time!

  2. Flashing red- Treat as a stop sign!

  3. Flashing yellow- proceed with caution. Don't stop. You have the right of way.

Pavement Markings:

  1. Broken lines- Passing permitted

  2. Solid lines- No passing

Yellow lines-

  1. Mark left edge of the road

  2. Separate lanes of traffic going in opposite directions

White lines-

  1. Mark right edge of the road

  2. Separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction

HOV stands for High Occupancy Vehicles-

intended to be used by cars with several occupants.

  • Do pedestrians always have right of way? NO

  • A vehicle must always yield the right of way to a pedestrian.

  • They don't always have the right of way

  • Drivers should always be alert for pedestrians who may be deaf, blind, or mobility impaired.


UNIT 3 - Getting Started

Transmission Fluid

-Color - Lite red/ dark red; thick

-Function - Lubricates cools transmission

-Problems if empty - Transmission could slip or lock; permanent damage

Car main parts

  1. Engine - provides power; etc power steering, alternator, transmission

  2. Transmission - provides movement

Engine Oil

-Color - Lite brown/ black; thick

-Function - Lubricates engine

-Problems if empty - Engine lock up; permanent damage

Regular Engine temp - 190 to 220 degrees

Coolant/ Antifreeze

  • Color - Blue/green orange/pink;Sticky;sweet

  • Function - Regulates engine temperature

  • Problems if empty - Engine overheating/ permanent damage. Damage to radiator.


-Color - Thin Colorless Strong Smell

  • function- Engine uses gas and energy for motion

  • Problems if empty - Leak could cause fire; no gas could cause shut down

Power Steering Fluid

-Color - Pink/ clear brown/black thin/ oily smells like burnt marshmallows

-Function - Keeps power steering system working.

- Problems if empty - Not having could cause power steering failure

Brake Fluid

-Color - Light yellow/brown; oily;fishy

-Function - Helps you to stop, lubricates system and protects against rust

-Problems if empty - DO NOT DRIVE! Brake system may be down or damaged

Windshield Washer Fluid

-Color - Blue. Smells like window cleaner.

-Function - Keeps windshield clean and free of dirt oil and grime

- Problems if empty - Unable to clean windshield. Internal parts of pump corrode, plastic parts degrade. Get it checked to be sure reservoir isn't cracked or seals aren't leaking

Get in the car

  • Turn off and put away all of your electronic devices

Hand position on the wheel

(hand over hand steering 8&9 3&4)

(push-pull-slide 4-5 & 7-8

Head Restraints

  • Head restraint protects against head & neck injury

  • Top of the head restraint should be even with the top of the head or as high as it will go

  • Never place it behind your neck!

Rearview Mirror

Nothing should be hanging from rearview mirror nor in the back window!

Back-up Cameras

  • Back up cameras are on all new model cars made after 2018.

Side Mirrors

  • Enhanced mirror settings does not eliminate the need to do a head check

When should i check my mirror?

  • Use rearview, side-views, and do a head check

  • Never take your eyes off of the road for more than 1 second at a time

It's a Collision!

  • it's not an accident since it was predictable

Seat Belts

  • Seat belts protect against ejection!

  • Keep back of seat upright

  • Place lap belt snugly across hips, NOT STOMACH!

  • Belt over top of shoulder and across center of chest

  • Under 8 years old must be secured in a child safety seat unless the child is 4'9"(57 inches)

Getting started: safety belts , airbags




Seat belts and cars seats the law

  • all passengers must be belted regardless of age or position in car

  • $83 per person

Getting started: airbags

  • Air bags protect against head and chest injuries

  • No passengers under 12 years of age in the front seat

  • In steering wheel and dashboard

  • Speed of inflation- over 200mph!

  • Keep at least 10 inches between chest and steering wheel to avoid injury

  • if possible, point wheel at chest, not face

Vehicle control equipment: Parking Brake

  • Parking Brake - Holds vehicle in place when vehicle is parked and protects the transmission.

  • May either be a foot pedal at the far left or a lever between the seats


  • Foot brakes only stops front 2 tires

  • Parking brake stops back 2 tires

  • It can be used to help slow the vehicle if the hydraulic or ABS brakes fail.

  • every 3-5 years people get new cars

Instrument Panel: how car communicates with you

  • Yellow/Orange - Important,  but no emergency

  • ABS- ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM ---- On the final test

  • Red Lights - Emergency/Dangerous Malfunction

  • Flashing Red Light - Extremely Dangerous Malfunction

  • You need to stop or get to a mechanic as soon as possible.

  • Engine Oil Pressure - Red Cup dripping oil

  • Page 3.13

  • Batterys charging system - Alternator/ looks like a battery with negative and positive sign on  it

  • Green or Blue Activation Lights indicate that a system is being used currently

11/14/2022 -

Unit 4: Moving the car

Turning your vehicle on

  • Check dashboard lights and gauges

  • ACC setting allows a driver to turn on vehicle accessories without turning on the engine drains the battery.

  • ACC not necessary for hazard lights

Should i let my car idle?

  • During warmer months, you do not need to idle vehicle at all

  • Limited(30-60 seconds) idling is recommended for vehicles only in the coldest weather

Why not let my vehicle idle?

  • Long idling periods reduce gas efficiency, waste fuel, and increase harmful vehicle emissions

  • It is illegal to leave car running and unattended

Moving forward:

  • if you do nothing, your vehicle will begin to move because of the automatic transmission

Backing up:

  • turn body so you are facing the direction you are going

  • use one hand (Left) if steering straight/both hands if turning and signal!

  • turn the wheel in the direction you want the rear of the car to go. (2 hands)

What is risk?

  • A probability or threat of injury, liability, loss, damage or death

Characteristics of risk

  1. Risk is always present

  2. perceived risk differs from actual risk

  3. Risk is shared

  4. Risk can be altered

  5. Risk can be analyzed on a comparative basis

Risk Perception

  • Space

  • Time

  • Speed

  • Roadway conditions

  • Other user's actions

Risk Management

  • Space = Time

  • Turn to page 4.6

Visual Functions

  • 60% of the human brain is devoted to vision

  • 90% of the decisions we make are based on what we see

  • You must keep eyes moving! Never stare! Never center! Never Focus

Potential distractions:

  • Radio too loud

  • smoking

  • pets

  • reaching for things

  • Sneezing

  • gps

  • reading

  • drinking

  • cell phones

  • grooming

  • adjusting radio

  • passengers

  • adjusting vehicle controls

Audio systems

  • Headsets/ Earphones

  • Cover both ears are illegal

Hit small wild animal- keep going

Domestic- cats with collars, dogs, belongs to someone call 911

Deer- call 911

Cell Phones

  • No handheld cell phones

  • no texting while driving

  • Fines:

  • 1st fine -$83 (including court costs)

  • 2nd - $140

  • 3rd - $160

S.E.E : Search Evaluate Execute


  • Traffic

  • pavement markings

  • traffic signs

  • traffic signals

  • Non- Motorized User (bicycles, pedestrians)

  • Road Hazard

  • Look: immediately 3-5 seconds in front, Is 10-15 seconds ahead, behind the car


  • a good driver must evaluate :

  1. The potential for an accident

    1. The consequences of your actions

    2. the safest action to take

    3. 3-4 second following distance


  • Change speed

  • Change lane

  • Communicate*

Communicating Intent:

  • Turn Signals

  • Brake lights

  • Reverse lights

  • Hand signals

  • out-left

  • Up- right

  • Down- stop

  • Headlights

  • Horn

  • Lane Position

  • Speed and drivers actions

  • Front wheel angle

  • Head movements


Unit 5 : Driving in Neighbourhoods

School Buses

  • Red flashing lights and Extended stop arms - All drivers must stop at least 20 feet away in back or 20 feet away in front of a stopped bus.

  • if there is a physical divider between vehicles and bus, only side with the bus must stop, traffic on opposite side can keep going.

  • punishment - 3 point citation and a $250 fine

School zones

  • speed limit is never more than 25mph in a school zone

  • Drivers must yield to pedestrians in the cross and follow directions of any crossing guard


  • Must not pass any closer than three feet to a bicycle or scooter

  • Punishment - $1,000 fine and three points

  • 8 Points Suspension, 12 Points Revoked


  • Bicycles are treated as vehicles in Maryland

  • Can only ride on sidewalks where it is allowed by local ordinance

  • Use marked bike lanes or paths when present

Mopeds, and Scooters

  • Mopeds and scooters are considered to be the same as bicycles

  • may be ridden on roads 50mph or less


  • Distracted pedestrians are a more serious problem every year

  • Pedestrian involved crashes are highest during the spring and fall seasons

  • Fridays Saturdays and evening hours are dangerous times for pedestrians

  • Pedestrians ages 10-29 were 40% of those struck by vehicles, Older pedestrians 45-59 were 30%

  • Nearly 70% of all pedestrian fatalities were male. Half of all drivers in these crashes were also male.

  • Drivers exiting vehicles MUST yield for oncoming cars

  • Once a driver leaves his car, he is now a pedestrian!


  • Residential areas are usually 25mph!

Staggered Stops

  • Staggered stops- when you must inch up a little more (maybe several times) to be able to see cross traffic before going through the intersection

Before you turn

  • Begin to signal your intention to turn at least 100 feet or 3-4 seconds out


  • A roundabout is a circular intersection at which traffic travels around a central island, always to the right

  • Move up to the yield line and wait for a gap in traffic

  • Traffic travels counter clockwise

  • if you are in the roundabout , you have the right-of-way

  • Must signal entering & exiting


  • Potholes form in bad weather when water seeps into pavement

  • Beware of puddles: Treat puddles as though they may be hiding potholes

Hill parking rules

  • Downhill without curb - Turn towards grass

  • Downhill with curb - Turn towards curb

  • Uphill without curb - Turn towards grass

  • Uphill with curb- Turn away from curb


  • Leaving an Angled/Perpendicular parking space

  • Back up STRAIGHT until your front seat is lined up with the bumper of the vehicle next to you THEN start turning your wheel

  • Back into a parking space because

  1. It allows you to see traffic easily before pulling out

  2. reduces backing out accidents

  3. it allows hood access in unforeseen situations (i.e.,Battery dies)

Mva testing

  • Backing in:

    1. Space is 20ft deep x 10ft wide

    2. 3 minutes to do it

  • Pulling in:

  1. Space is 20ft deep x 10ft wide

  • Turnabout:

    1. Space is 30ft deep x 20ft wide Forward left/Reverse Right

    2. 3 minutes to do it

    3. Change direction by using a driveway on your right (2pt)

      1. Drive 3-4ft pass the driveway

      2. Back into driveway completely

      3. Signal and turn left

    4. Change direction by using a driveway on your left (3pt)

      1. Pull in head-first

      2. Back out to the right

      3. Proceed straight ahead

11/21/2022 :

Unit 6  : Driving faster with more risk

Urban roads - Urban roads are narrow, congested mixed use roads, usually in cities or towns.

Pedestrians risk

  • A pedestrian is killed, on average, every two hours on american roads.

  • At 40 mph only 10% survive!

Emergency Vehicles

  • The "Move Over Law" - If a emergency vehicle is on the side of the road, you must "move-over" one full lane.

  • if not possible, slow down to a reasonable and prudent speed, move to left be prepared to stop if necessary.

Tow trucks

  • Move over one full lane when passing a tow truck that is on the road.

Flashing lights

  • Pull to the curb

  • stop out of the way

  • Clear all intersections

  • Remain stopped

  • You can not follow any closer than 500 feet!

  • You may not pass it unless it stops or you are directed to do so by law enforcement

  • Crossing over a fire hose is prohibited

  • Standing or parking within 15 feet of either side of a fire hydrant is prohibited!

Turning at Intersections

  • Right turns at red lights

  • Complete stop

  • No conflicting traffic or pedestrians both ways

  • Signal 100 ft in advance and ...

  • There is no sign that prohibits it!

    • Left turns at red lights

  • You can make a left turn on a red light if it is from a one way street onto another one way street

  • If heavy traffic plan ahead if you need to turn or change lanes

Lane changes

  • when making lane changes remember:

  • Lane changes are ILLEGAL in the middle of the intersection

  • You are solely responsible for making the lane change safely

  • Illegal across solid lines

Suburban road

  • Suburban roads are mixed use roads usually outside of and within commuting distance of a city

  • 35-55 mph

  • Usually 3 or 4 lanes going in each direction

  • Have larger and more complicated intersections

  • Shared Left turn lane- pair of yellow lines in the center of multi-lane road

  • Make a left turn both from a multilane road and back onto a multilane road

  • May be used by traffic driving in either direction

  • Do not ride in these lanes for long distances

  • Do not use them for passing other vehicles


  • Almost half of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve cars

  • 6 times more likely to be hurt than car driver

  • Do not attempt to share a lane

Sport Utility Vehicles

  • Susceptible to rollovers when making sharp turns at high speeds

RV's and Trailers

  • You need a 6 second following distance

Rural roads

  • Rural roads are country roads, few buildings ... plenty trees

  • Higher speeds with no barriers

  • Curved roads with limited visibility

  • no divider between lanes

  • limited shoulder space


  • Most dangerous crossing without warning lights or gates.

  • Trains can take 1-2 miles to stop.


  • Usually see Deer at dawn and dusk

  • Peak deer season  is from October to January

Encountering a Deer

  • Never swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid a deer

  • Call 911 if you or a deer are injured

  • Never touch an animal that is in the roadway

  • Report the incident to your insurance company

Passing Procedures

  • Consider are space and time needed to pass

  • The line must be broken to pass

  • Return to the original lane when the vehicle you passed is visible in the rearview mirror

Farm Machinery

  • Farm machinery and any other vehicle traveling at 25mph or less must display a slow moving vehicle emblem

Horse Drawn Vehicles

  • If pulling a cart or carriage, they should have a slow moving vehicle emblem visible also

11/23/2022 :

Unit 7 :  Driving off into the Sunset

Characteristics of an Expressway

  • Limited points to enter and exit

  • minimum and a maximum speed limit

  • Divided by medians or barricades

  • heading in both directions

  • Only motorized vehicles

  • bridges, tunnels, and toll plazas

  • Low rate of collisions though higher speeds contribute to more deaths

Expressway signs

1.Interstate sign-  Red white and blue; shaped like a shield

  • Primary routes have 2 digits

  • North/South routes have ODD numbers

  • East/West routes have EVEN numbers

  • Loops - come back. First digit EVEN

  • Spurs - don't come back. First digit ODD

Highway Hypnosis

  • Highway hypnosis is a dull or drowsy condition that can occur because of the concentration needed whiled driving long boring distances

Long trips on Expressways

  • Maintenance check of vehicle

  • Check belts

  • Check hoses

  • Check fluids

  • Check tires(wear, damage, inflation)

  • Don't overload the vehicle!

  • Plan stops for:

    • Food

    • Rest

    • Fuel

  • Know the route numbers needed

  • Check for construction delays

  • Carry money or credit cards

  • Take a map of planned route

  • Map legends give you route numbers, railroads, places of interest and other useful information

  • Plan to avoid congestion in cities

Expressways: Typical Entrance

  • Entrance/Ramp

  • Acceleration Lane

  • Merge Area

  • Weave lane: One lane used for both exiting and entering the expressway

    • Vehicles leaving the expressway have the right of way

Driving on Expressway

  • Increase following distance behind large trucks , motorcycles, in bad weather , and when driving a heavy vehicle/Pulling trailer.

Passing on Multi-Lane Roads

  • Do not increase speed when being passed!

Toll Plazas

  • Traffic must slow and divide into multiple lanes, but they must come back together after toll plaza, creating confusion and risk

Reversible Lanes

  • Green Arrow - The lane is Open for travel

  • Red X - Travel in that lane is Closed or Prohibited

  • Yellow X - Travel in that lane is About to Change or Close


  • Crowded

  • Limited visibility

  • No shoulders (or even land) if your vehicle crashes or has mechanical issues

  • Freeze 1st in bad weather


  • Crowded

  • Narrow

  • Dark

  • No shoulders

  • Maintain lane

  • Turn on lights and take off sunglasses

  • Make sure your vehicle has gas

  • Electronics are off and seat belts are on


  • Do not share a lane with a motorcycle

Emergency Vehicles

  • Cannot change lanes

    • MUST SLOW DOWN at least 10 mph on expressway

Construction Zones

  • Speed frequently monitored and enforced by speed cameras

Special Roadway Conditions

  • "Emergency and official Vehicles only " crossovers

Commercial Vehicles

  • Tractors have Blind spots called "No Zones" on all 4 sides. You have to see their face in trucks side mirrors, or they cant see you.

Stopping Distance

  • Stopping Distance : The distance your vehicle travels while you are attempting to make a stop

  • Tractor Trailer  = 80,000 Pounds

  • Car = 2,500 to 3,500 pounds

  • Stopping distance affected by in CMV's

    • Weight

    • Speed of vehicle

    • Size of Tires

    • Brakes

    • Roadway conditions

Expressway Exit Components

  • Deceleration Lane

  • Exit

11/28/2022 :

Unit 8 :  Crash bang boom

Tire Failures

  • Stay Calm

  • Look for safe place

  • Grip Steering Wheel

  • Foot off accelerator

  • Do Not Brake! - Allow vehicle to slow

  • Hazards lights

  • Pull over/ Change tire

Accelerator Failure

  • Stay calm and shift to neutral. (Engine will race)

  • Pump gas pedal

  • Look for safe place

  • Steer smoothly/ brake gently

  • Pull off roadway

  • Turn off vehicle

  • Call for help

Engine Failure

  • Shift to NEUTRAL

  • Look for safe place

  • Hazard lights


  • Drift in neutral to the side of the road

  • Pull off roadway

  • Try to restart

  • Call for help

  • It becomes difficult to steer and stop

Engine Overheat

  • Turn off AC

  • Turn on heater

  • Pull off roadway if temperature wont go down


  • Seek help

Car Fire

  • Car fires are rare but dangerous

  • Stop car, turn off ignition

  • Get everybody out

  • Don't go back


  • Move at least 100 feet away

  • Call 911

Brake System Failure

  • Pump the brakes rapidly

  • Shift to a lower gear

  • Use the parking brake while holding release*

  • Prepare for a crash by looking for a "soft" crash area

Power Steering Failure

  • Car can still be steered

  • Requires much more effort

Prevent Gas Station Fires

  • Once you begin pumping gas, DO NOT GET BACK IN CAR ( STATIC Electricity)

  • Do not smoke at the gas pump

  • Turn engine off

  • Do not use cell phone

In event of a breakdown

  • Have the following info : location, car info, description of problem, a number you can be reached on while waiting

Carbon Monoxide

  • Colorless, Odorless, Tasteless DEADLY gas that comes from engine exhaust

    • Symptoms

      • Drowsiness

      • Headache

      • Muscle aches

      • Nausea

      • Shortness of breath

      • Dizziness

      • Fatigue

      • Mental confusion

      • Tinnitus

Driving in Fog

  • Reduce speed

  • Low beam

  • Wipers & Defrosters

  • By law, if your wipers are on, your low beams must be on too! Regardless of daylight!

Driving In Rain : Hydroplaning

  • Occurs when tires lose contact with the road surface because they ride on tope of a film of water

  • Cars can hydroplane in as little as 1/16 of an inch of water



  • Buffeting - Strong wind blasts that can result in total loss of vehicle control on bridges, mountain passes, ravines, and when being passed by large trucks.

Front Wheel loss of traction

  • Understeer - when the Front wheels lose grip with the road

Rear Wheel loss of traction

  • Oversteer - when the Rear wheels lose grip with the road

Electronic Stability Program

  • The Electronic Stability  Program (ESP) compares where a driver is steering with where the vehicle is actually going

Crashes :how to avoid them

  • Keep your vehicle maintained to avoid mechanical issues

Off-Road Recovery

  • if you go off the road accidentally or to avoid a crash,

  • Do not panic and jerk the steering wheel

  • Carefully steer back onto road


  • Stop Immediately

  • Aid the injured

  • Prevent further damage

  • Exchange information

  • Send for police (if necessary)

Notify Law enforcement

  • Anyone's hurt (don't move vehicles)

  • Car can't drive

  • Drunk

  • No license

  • Tries to flee

  • Public property has been damaged

  • Hit a domestic animal

  • Uninsured

  • Irate/ escalating

Hit a parked car

  • Attempt to locate the driver of the damaged vehicle

  • Leave a note with the name address, phone number and tag number of the vehicle you are driving

Hit and Run Crashes


  • Misdemeanor

  • 5 years of Imprisonment and/ or a $5,000 fine

  • Death

  • Felony

  • 10 years Imprisonment and/ or $10,000 fine

State Vehicle Law

  • Pull over. Turn car off. Turn radio off

  • Roll window down to communicate with the officer

  • If its night, turn the dome light on

  • Be calm and courteous

  • Keep hands in plain view,  preferably on the steering wheel. Ask for permission to reach

  • Stay in car & keep seat belt fastened

  • If you are issued a citation, DO NOT ARGUE with the officer. You will have a chance to make your case if you go to court.

  • Sign the ticket

  • Citations

  • SERO Safety Equipment Repair order - Fix within 10 days and submit proof within 30 days or suspension

  • Payable citation - Pay fine or wait for court date

  • Must Appear - Must appear in court

  • Warning - No fines, No points. Cant be stopped again for same thing

11/30/2022 :

Unit 9 :  Making Good Decisions

  • Alcohol is a depressant

    • Alcohol related charges stay on your driving record forever!

    • Mva and Courts system will impose sanctions!

    • BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration

    • Under 21

      • Zero Tolerance Law

      • BAC must be below .02%

    • Over 21

      • .070 - DWI (Driving While Impaired)

      • 0.8 - DUI ( Driving Under The Influence)

  • BAC Factors

    • Weight

    • Time Spent Drinking

    • Gender

    • Food

    • Alcohol Content

    • Size of drink

  • 10% of Alcohol consumed can be eliminated through;

    • Breath

    • Urine

    • Sweat

  • 90% is eliminated through the liver

  • Psychological Effects

    • Judgment/ Reasoning

    • Attention

    • Memory

    • Emotions

    • Aggression

    • Tolerance

  • An Open Container is any alcohol that is not as originally packaged

  • Responsibilities

    • Implied Consent - By operating a motor vehicle the driver has consented to take a test for Blood alcohol concentration AND illegal drugs if detained by police.

    • Stronger penalties for refusal

  • Drugs and Driving

    • A Driver Should Not Use Any Medication That May Impair Their Driving Abilities, Legal Or Illegal

  • Prescription Medications:

    • Tranquilizers

    • Stimulants

    • Narcotics

  • Over the counter medications:

    • Read The Labels!!

    • The mixing of drugs or drugs and alcohol create the synergistic effect

  • Marijuana And Driving

    • Marijuana


  • Reckless Driving

    • Participating in any race or speed contest violates Maryland law and will result in a 5pt penalty on your driving record

  • Aggressive Driving

    • Committing any three moving violations in one continuous period of driving

    • 5 points on license

  • Road Rage

    • When a driver loses total emotional control and takes it out on the roadway

    • Don't go home

    • Stay in car, keep doors locked

    • Seek help of police

  • Drowsy Drivers

    • Being awake for 24hr equivalent to .10 BAC!!
