Conception: A single sperm (male) cell penetrates the egg's outer coating (female) and fuses to form one fertilized egg, AKA sex.
first cell division occurs: 30 hours after conception
germinal stage time: first 2 weeks
germinal stage: zygote (initially splits, then differentiates into different body structures)
Embryonic stage time: 2-8th week
Embryonic stage: embryo (zygote's outer part attaches to the uterus wall, starting to form the placenta!)
Fetal stage when: 8th week to birth
Fetal stage: fetus
Placenta: transfers nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, and hormones from the mother to the fetus. prohibits blood transfusion between mom and fetus.
Function of the placenta: in addition, forms a barrier that filters out harmful substances- teratogen
rooting reflex: turns head towards gentle touch
sucking reflex: instinctively sucks on anything that touches the roof of their mouth
more reflex: startle reaction or embrace reflex
baby sitting: 6 months
baby crawling: 8-9 months
baby walking: 12 months
walking independently: 15 months
Frontal lobe development: 3-6 years
association areas development: 6 to puberty
Sensorimotor stage: (0-2 years) Infants learn about the world through their senses and actions
object permanence: (8 months) knowing that an object doesn’t disappear when hidden. peek-a-boo!!
Stranger anxiety: (7~8 months) Infants distinguish between family and strangers. anxiety around strangers.
preoperational stage: (2-7 years) memory and language develop in leaps. rely on intuition rather than logical reasoning. the water in the two cups thing.
Egocentric: cant take perspective of another person yet (the volcano)
Conservation: mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in their form or shape (the water in cups)
Concrete operational: (7-11 years) kinds start understanding logic and reason.
Formal operational: (12 and up) reasoning ability expands from concrete thinking to abstract thinking. can use symbols and imagined realities to reason systematically.
imprinting: first animal animals see is their mama. need to be able to move right after birth for it to work, doesn’t work on humans
Attachment: Originated from Harlow, infants bonded with surrogate mothers bc of BODILY CONTACT!!!!
Harlow study: monkeys showed great anxiety when their cloth mommy was removed.
Attachment theory: bonds between parent and child have a long lifelong impact on the child
Parent-child interaction shapes: child mental model of interpersonal relationships
Secure attachment: explore environment happily, when mommy gone they stree, when mommy back, they are happy for the reunion
Insecure attachment (anxious-resistant): overly clingy and anxious. mommy shows little love, they get defensive and when they see that love, they cling to it. Stress when moms there, stress when mom is gone.
Insecure attachment (anxious-avoidant): cold and distant, the neglected ones that learn to be “independent.” don’t care when mom returns.
Older ppl become more susceptible to short-term illnesses? no, strong immune systems, but get very weak when sick, can kill them
During old age, many brain neurons die. no, just slow down
Memory declines with age. yes?? idk
DSM: American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
What does DSM do? defines a diagnostic process and 16 clinical syndromes. Describes various disorders and various disorders and lists their prevalence
What does DSM NOT do? explain the cause of disorders
David Rosenhan’s field study: admitted to a hospital when they didn’t have any mental illnesses, proved the system is broken, only patients figured out they were faking it.
Anxiety disorder: Feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorder: Chronic and exaggerated worry and tension. persistent tenseness, automatic arousal, inability to identify or avoid causes of certain feelings
Most common anxiety disorder? Social anxiety (intense feeling of fear in social situations)
anxiety disorder (Panic disorder): a sudden surge of intense fear and anxiety. long episodes of intense dread, including feelings of terror, chest pain, choking, or frightening sensations
Anxiety disorder (Phobia): persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that disturbs behavior
Anxiety disorder (OCD): persistence of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or engaging in senseless rituals (compulsion), causes distress
PTSD: flashbacks to previously encountered highly stressful experiences
PTSD symptoms: 1 re-experience, 1 avoidance, 2 arousals, 2 mood symptoms.