P1: 1491-1607
1) Spanish Colonization - Chp 1
*Sources of Labor
*Bartolome de Las Casas
*Encomienda System
P2: 1607-1754
2) EnglishFrench/Spanish relationships with Native Americans - Chp 3
King Philip’s War (Metacom’s War) Context/Cause/Results
P3: 1754-1800
3) 1st Continental Congress (1774) *Context/Causes/Results - Chp 7
4) Constitutional Convention + Ratification - Chp 9
5) John Adams vs. T Jefferson - End of Chp 10, Chp 11
*Conflicts during Adams’ Presidency + 1800 Election
Election of 1800
Federalist vs. dem-rep
First peaceful transfer of power
Views on foreign policy
Quasi war with France
French were ipessing
Jays treaty
Whiskey Rebellion
Strict vs. lose interpretation
Elastic cause(necessary and proper clause)
Alien and Sedition Acts
Meant to weaken and silence dem reps during quasi war
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
P4: 1800-1848
6) Nullification Crisis - Chp 14
1832 -pre-election
South carolina wanted to nullify tariff
John C.Calhoun
Tariff of Abominations
Meant to protect northern goods
Southern farmers
States rights vs. central government
7) Seneca Falls Convention - Chp 16
Declaration of Sentiments
Modeled after Declaration of Independence
“All men and women are created equal”
Wanted suffrage (19th amendment 1920)
National Women's Party
Susan B. Anthony (not there)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucricia Mott
during 2nd great awakening
Reform movements
Sojourner truth
Frederick douglass
Tied together
P5: 1844-1877
8) 1st Wave Immigration 1840s-1850s - Chp 15
Irish and Germans
Military corruption
Political revolution
Settled in the Midwest
Great potato famine
Settled in northeastern cities
Irish faced more nativism
Set up own schools
Political machines
Nativism flares up again during the Red Scare (1920s)
National origins act
Sacco and vanzetti
Emergency quota act
9) Abolition vs. Southern State’s Rights in 1840s-1850s - Chp 17
*Causes of Abolition Movement
Abolition was majority of the north and south wanted the states to determine slavery
Some radical
William Lloyd Garrison
“Right now”
“I will not equivocate”
Among the reform movements sparked during the second Great Awakening
Sectionalism in Congress
“Positive good” -Calhoun
10) 1840’s U.S. Territorial Expansion - Chp 18
Annexation of Texas
Oregon country
Treaty with Britain
Mexican cession land
Treaty of Guadalupa Hidalgo
Gadsden Purchase
rr purposes
Manifest destiny
Causes debate over slavery
11) Lincoln + The Civil War - Chp 21+22
*Main Causes of the Civil War
*CCOT: Lincoln’s Reasons for War (Beginning Reason) (Later Reason)
Debate over new lands in the west
Wilmot proviso(1846)
Kansas Nebraska Act (1854)
Dred Scott (1857)
Election of 1860
SC succeeds when lincoln wins with 6 states following
4 more after
North was modernizing and industrializing, and south were still agricultural and reliant on slave labor
Lincoln originally went to war to keep union together but he moralized the war fighting against slavery
Emancipation Proclaimation
Not in the border states
“Where he could he wouldnt and where he would he couldn’t”
Gettysburg Address
“New birth of freedom”
Reconstruction amendments
European Support
Moral cause keeps them from helping the south despite their potential economic benefit
12) Reconstruction - Chp 23
Reconstruction amendments
The freedmen's bureau
Black institutions and churches
Jim Crow Laws
Literacy tests
Poll taxes
Grandfather clause
Perpetual poverty
Paid slavery
Redeemer governments
White league
Women don’t get rights
Abolition of slavery
Black men gain suffrage
Freedman in the South after Reconstruction
P6: 1865-1898
13) Plains Indians vs. US Gov’t Post Civil War - Chp 27
Forced natives on rservations
Won big at little big horn
Battle at wounded knee
Ends native resistance
End of buffalo
Century of Dishonnor*1881)
Exposes american behavior towards natives
Broke every rtreaty
Forced Assimulat – Dawes Sevralty act
Castle school
14) Gilded Age Industrialization + Urbanization (1865-1900) - Chp 25+26
*Causes of Industrialization post Civil War
*Factory Workers of the Gilded Age
Transcontinental RR was good for transportation
Bad working conditions
Strikes and protests
Immigrants became scabs
Victim to political machines
Labor unions
Organized labor
15) Boss Tweed + The Rise of Political Machines - Chp 24
*Context, Causes, Consequences
Boss Tweed
Exposed by Thomas NAstt
Hull house protected
Big cities
Political power gaines
17th amendment
16) The People’s Party (Populists) - End of Chp 27 + Chp 28
*Goals + Successes
Nationalization of railroads
Graduated income taxe
Coinage of silver
P7: 1890-1945
17) US Imperialism: 1890-1920 - Chp 29+30
*Context, Causes, Consequences
Influence Of Seapower upon history (1890)
Strong navy
Roosevelt and MMicknley
Roosevelt -big stick diplomacy
Roosevelt - Roosevelt corollary
Intervene if needed
Panama canal
Greeat White Fleet
Replaces western development
White man’s burden
Spainish American war
Kicked off imperialism “splendid little war’
Acquired philippines purto rico quam
Filipino insurescction
Cuban independence
Platt amendment
Boxer rebellion
Chinese resentment of U.S.
Hated annexation of filipenes
Didn’t give them independent
Brutal insurrection
18) The Progressive Movement: 1890-1920 - Chp 31+ 1st part of 32
*Context, Causes, Consequences
Fought against
Corruption of government and business
Social justice
Led largely by women
Womens suffrage
Fix problems of gilded age
FDR and LBJ progressive outside era
Initiative referendum and recall
Progressive amendments
Meat inspection
Pure food anddrug
TR 3 Cs
Newlands act
Control of corporation
Consumer protection
19) Immigration to the U.S. 1890-1930 - Chp 26 (Gilded Age) + Chp 34 (1920s)
*1890-1920 - Immigration Characteristics
*1920’s Immigration Characteristics
New imigrants
Different = nativism
Factory jobs, tenement houses. Ghettos
Post-gilded age
Less thangilded age
Emergency quota
National origins act
Red scare
Palmer raids
Rise of KKK
Immigration to America =jobs abd opportunities
Growth of citie s
20) FDR’s New Deal - Chp 36
FDR’s successes + Failures
3 Rs
Relif recovery reform
Relief anf reform worked but WW2 ended
Roosevelt recession
National debt
Tried to pack the coourt
Hoover’s Reaction to the Great Depression
Hawley- Smoot tariff
Second highest tariff
Worsened depression
Too little too late
Hoovervilles and bonus army made him look bad
Forign polciy;
Manchiurian incident
Japan invades china
Good neighbor
Short Answer Topics (Write 1 Short Answer)
1) Comparing/Contrasting Manifest Destiny (1800-1850) to West Development (1844-1890) (Causes, Effects) (Period 4+5 and Period 6) - Chp 18 + Chp 27
Godgiven right to expand from sea too shining sea
Conflicts with natives
Mexican amreican war
James k polk
Lousiana Purchase
Texas (1845)
Oregon (1846)
Mexican session (1848)
Development of acquired land
Honestead act
Big business was more sucessful
Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis(1893)
Rugged individualism
Census Beaauru says west is fully developed (1890)
Century of Dishonor(1881)
Conflicts withnatives
Transcontitnetal railroad( 18969)
Gold rush (1849)
Plains indian wars
2) Comparing/Contrasting "Reform" Movements from 1880-1920 (Period 6 and Period 7) - Chp 27+28 (Populists) and Chp 31+32 (Progressives)
Hull house (1880s and 90s)
Led by middle class and women
Change gilded age issues
Poor factory workers
Dubois v. washington — militant v. okay with segregation
NWP v. NAWSA – militant v. moderate
Graduated income tax - 16th amenment
Direct election ofU.S senators-17th amendment
Unlimited coinage of U.S. silver
Nationalize RR - taking down of big business
Carried outby progressives later
WJB ran for president
Cross of gold speech
3) Continuity and Change over Time of Industrial workers from 1865-1898 (Period 6) - Chp 25+26 (Gilded Age)
Change over Time
Bad working conditions
Pullman strike
Great RR Strick of 1877
Taken advantage of by political machines
Unions gaining power
AF of L still here today