Exam 3

  • 3 reasons for premil:

    • binding of Satan

    • resurrection in vs 5 → physical resurrection

    • literary structure

  1. Why do the NT and the OT need each other?

  2. What is the main point of Matthew?

    1. Jesus is Messiah to Jewish people

  3. What is the main point of Mark?

    1. Jesus is the son of God who gave his life as a ransom for many

  4. What is the main point of John?

    1. God the Son Incarnate, respond with belief

  5. What is the main point of Luke?

    1. Jesus is the Savior of the word; men and women, rich and poor, Jew and Gentile

  6. What is the main point of Acts?

    1. gospel spreading by power of Holy Spirit against persecution

  7. What is the main point of 1 Corinthians? 

    1. unity

  8. What is the main point of 2 Corinthians?

    1. suffering magnifies the Gospel

  9. What is the main point of Galatians?

    1. salvation by faith alone

  10. What is the main point of Ephesians?

    1. God saved us, so act like it

  11. What is the main point of Philippians?

    1. unity through humility

  12. What is the main point of Colossians?

    1. Christ is supreme, so live in light of his preeminence

  13. What is the main point of 1 and 2 Thessalonians?

    1. persevere, stay awake, and hold onto your hope because Jesus is coming back

  14. What is the main point of Hebrews?

    1. persevere because God has spoken through his son

    2. (not Jesus is God)

  15. What main sin issue does the author address throughout the book?

    1. licentiousness

    2. apathy

  16. What clues in the first 4 verses of Hebrews indicate that he thinks of Jesus as God? 

    1. contrast with prophets

    2. son’s agency in creation (imprint of his nature)

    3. comparison to the angels

  17. Why does he bring up Jesus’s divinity in the first four verses?

    1. God has spoken through the son, in the intro he doesn’t just talk about divinity of Jesus, it gives weight to his speaking

  18. Why does the author bring up angels in the first chapter? 

    1. lesser/greater comparison

    2. angels mediated in old covenant, their warnings came true

    3. not bad vs good

  19. What was the main reason I gave for denying Pauline authorship of Hebrews?

    1. author is a second generation Christian

  20. Who does the author of Hebrews think Psalm 8 is referring to?

    1. Jesus

    2. not Adam

  21. When read in its Old Testament context, who does Psalm 8 seem to be referring to? 

    1. Adam

  22. How could Psalm 8 be referring to both Adam and Jesus?

    1. typology

  23. What is the iceberg effect?

    1. all the theology in the quote is not seen on the surface, goes deeper

  24. What is the “loss of salvation” view of the warning passages?

    1. believers can lose their salvation

  25. What are its strengths and weaknesses?

    1. natural reading of Heb 6 and 10

    2. no repentance offereed to those who have apostatized

  26. What is the “once saved always saved” view of the warning passages?

    1. passage is not referring to believers, they can’t lose their salvation

  27. What are its strengths and weaknesses?

    1. deals better with other passages

    2. doesn’t read well with Heb 6

  28. What is the “infallible warnings view” of the warning passages?

    1. ultimately, true believers will heed the warning and return

  29. What are its strengths and weaknesses?

    1. allows the text to be read naturally

    2. does justice to assurance of salvation passages

    3. feels artificial

  30. What book of the Old Testament is James most like?

    1. Proverbs

  31. What implications does this have?

    1. no long, linear point

    2. bits of wisdom, somewhat disconnected

  32. What is the main point of the books of James?

    1. the faith that saves is never alone

  33. What is the difference between temptations and testing?

    1. intent

  34. Where does temptation ultimately come from according to James?

    1. ourselves

  35. What is the main point of 1 Peter?

    1. pursue holiness, in all circumstances, in all of its forms

  36. What is the main point of 2 Peter and Jude?

    1. beware of false teachers

  37. In what sense are pastors priests?

    1. access to God

  38. In what way does Peter think believers should relate to the government?

    1. submit

  39. What does it mean to live with your wife in an understanding way?

    1. not fully understand, but live in an understanding way

  40. Why does Peter call the wife the weaker vessel?

    1. not physical weakness, but to work together with exhortation

    2. help understand what it means to live in understanding way

  41. What is false teaching in 2 Peter and Jude?

    1. twisting essentials of the faith

  42. How should we respond to false teachers of our time?

    1. not compassion, critical rebuke

    2. (talking about deceiver, not the deceived)

  43. What is the main point of 1, 2, and 3 John?

    1. assurance of salvation

  44. What does it mean that 1 John is progressively recursive? 

    1. repetitive

    2. adds layers of meaning

  45. What heresy does Paul seem to be addressing in 1 John?

    1. protodocetism

    2. Christ did not actually come in the flesh

  46. Why did this false teaching probably spread in the church John is addressing?

    1. physical stuff is bad

  47. How does fighting sin relate to assurance?

    1. sin causes doubts

    2. to gain assurance, fight sin

  48. Why doesn’t 1 John teach Christian Perfectionism?

    1. if we say we’re without sin, we are liars

  49. Why is it important that we recognize that the gospel is not merely helpful, but true?

    1. eventually, the usefulness will wear off

    2. the only thing that will last is that it’s true

  50. What does John remind his readers of that are fighting against sin?

    1. Jesus died to pay for their sin

  51. Why does it matter that John wrote Revelation to churches in his time?

    1. had to have revelance for them, and by extension, for us

  52. Which of the big three ways of reading Revelation is the best way?

    1. all 3 combined

  53. What is the genre of Revelation?

    1. apocalyptic

  54. Who do the seven spirits symbolize in Romans 1:4?

    1. Holy Spirit

  55. What impact does the genre have on the way we read?

    1. inclines us to read Revelation symbolically

  56. What does symbolism do in the book of revelation?

    1. 2 way street

    2. takes things and points to other things (beast isn’t just beast, points to Daniel and secular gov.)

    3. reveals reality of mundane things

  57. What is the main point of Revelation?

    1. beast wars against the lamb, lamb will be victorious, so hold on

  58. How does the beast wage war against the lamb and his people in Revelation?

    1. sex and money

    2. temptation

  59. Why does Revelation focus on God’s sovereignty?

    1. to comfort us

  60. Why does the millennium probably describe the reign of Christ after his second coming?

    1. binding of Satan

    2. resurrection in vs 5 → physical resurrection

    3. literary structure
