udget deficit The difference when a government takes in less money than it spends
Bully pulpit presidential appeals to the public to pressure other branches of government to support his or her policies
Cloture a procedure through which senators can end a debate on a bill and proceed to action, provided three fifths of senators agree
Constituency a body of voters in a given area who elect a representative or senator
Delegate model a person who acts as the voters’ representative at a convention to select the party’s nominee
Discharge petition a motion filed by a member of Congress to move a bill out of committee and onto the floor of the HoR for a vote
Discretionary spending spending for programs and policies at the discretion of Congress and the president
Divided government a situation that occurs when control of the presidency and one or both chambers of Congress is split between the two major parties
Entitlement programs a program that provides benefits for those who qualify under the law, regardless of income
Executive Office of the President a collection of offices within the White House organization designed mainly to provide information to the president
Executive order policy directives issues by presidents that do not require congressional approval
Executive privilege a right claimed by presidents to keep certain conversations, records, and transcripts confidential from outside scrutiny, especially that of Congress
Filibuster a tactic through which an individual Senator may use the right of unlimited debate to delay a motion or postpone action on a piece of legislation
Gerrymandering the intentional use of redistricting to benefit a specific interest or group of voters
House Rules Committee a powerful committee that determines when a bill will be subject to debate and vote on house floor how long the debate will last and whether amendments will be allowed on the floor
Impeachment The process of bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing.
Incumbency Advantage institutional advantages held be those already in office who are trying to fend off challengers in an election
Issue network webs of influence between interest groups, policy makers, and policy advocates
Iron triangle coordinated and mutually beneficial activities of the bureaucracy congress and interest groups to achieve shared policy goals
Judicial activism a philosophy of constitutional interpretation that justices should wield the power of judicial review sometimes creating bold new policies
Judicial restraint a philosophy of constitutional interpretation that asserts justices should be cautious in overturning laws
Judicial Review the authority of the supreme court to strike down a law or executive action if it conflicts with the constitution
“Lame duck” president a president whose term is coming to the end
Logrolling trading of votes on legislative by members of congress to get earmarks passed into legislation
Majority Leader the head of the party with the most seats in congress chosen by the party’s members
Majority Opinion binding supreme court opinions which serve as precedent for future cases
Concurring Opinion an opinion that agrees with the majority opinion offering different or additional reasoning that does not serve as precedent
Dissenting Opinion an opinion that disagrees with the majority opinion and does not serve as precedent
Mandatory Spending spending required by existing laws that is “locked in” the budget
Original Jurisdiction the authority of a court to act as the first court to hear a case which includes the finding of facts in the case
Oversight Power efforts by congress to ensure that executive branch agencies’ bureaus and cabinet departments as well as their officials are acting legally and in accordance with congressional goals
Pocket Veto an informal veto caused when the president chooses not to sign a bill within ten days during a time when congress has adjourned at the end of a session
Political Patronage filling administrative positions as a reward for support rather than solely on merit
Merit Based Civil Service filling administrative positions based on competitive testing results education and other qualifications rather than politics and personal connections
Politico Model representation where members of congress balance their choices with interests of their constituents and parties making decisions
Pork Barrel Legislation legislation that directs specific funds to projects in the districts or states
Reapportionment redrawing lines
Regulation the process through which the federal bureaucracy makes rules that have the force of law to carry out the laws passed by congress
Signing statements text issued by presidents while signing a bill into law that usually consists of political statements or reasons for signing the bill but that may also include a presidents interpretation of the law itself
Speaker of the house The leader of the house of representatives chosen by an election of its members
Standing Committee most of the work congress gets done, permanent and divided by policy area,
Stare decisis the practice of letting a previous legal decision stand
Trustee Model the idea that members of congress should act as trustees making decisions based on their judgment
War Powers Resolution a law passed over president nixon's veto that restricts the power of the president to maintain troops in combat for more than 60 days without congressional authorization
Whip a member of congress chosen by their party whose job is to ensure party unity and discipline