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wordform otto

  1. housing problem: vấn đề nhà cửa

  2. disenfranchisement: tước đoạt quyền bỏ phiếu

    eg: The act of (FRANCHISE: quyền bầu cử)_________ should be prohibited under any circumstances. Everyone all has equal rights to vote.

  3. collaborative: hợp tác lẫn

    eg: The boss ordered his staff to be (LABOR)________ with each other in dealing with the company's end-of-year burden.

  4. hard-luck story: một câu chuyện gây cảm thương

    eg: It is such a (LUCK)_________ story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated from Africa into Europe.

  5. demystify: làm rõ

    eg: The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to (MYSTERY)_________the murder case.

  6. anti-inflationary: chống lạm phát

    eg: The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough (INFLATE: bơm hơi, bơm phồng; gây lạm phát)__________ policies.

  7. precancerous: chuẩn đoán bệnh ung thư, có dấu hiệu bị ung thư

    eg: The woman detected her (CANCER)________ conditions soon after she felt ill in her body.

  8. heavenward: nhìn lên trên

    eg: I cast my eyes (HEAVEN)________ and saw the geese flying in V-line.

  9. in-service: học tại chức

    eg: (SERVICE)________ programs are offered to those who want to do professional training while being paid to work.

  10. dismember: cắt tứ chi

    eg: It is inhumane to sell (MEMBER).dismembered. limbs of the animals, such as rhinoceros or elephants, in the market place.

  11. runaway winner: người chiến thắng rất dễ dàng

    eg: He was regarded as a (RUN)_______ winner as he beat his opponents in three straight sets.

  12. stopgap: một phương pháp tạm thời

    eg: Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly nothing more than a mere (STOP)________.

  13. hold out hope for st: giữ hi vong cho cái gì

  14. pacemaker: máy trợ tim

    eg: A(n) (MAKE)________ is implanted in the body to prop up the heart.

    • implant: cấy ghép

    • prop up: hỗ trợ

  15. drop-dead: cực kì thú vị, hấp dẫn (= extremely attractive )

    eg: She is (DIE)________ gorgeous in that gown.

  16. aberrant/əˈber.ənt/: khác thường

    eg: His behavior at the party was (ERR: làm sai; sai lầm; phạm lỗi)_________, which went beyond everyone's expectations.

    • errant: phạm lỗi, phạm sai lầm

  17. noteworthy: đáng chú ý, đặc biệt

    eg: The advent of computers was one of the (NOTE)_________ milestones in the mankind's history.

  18. inasmuch as: bởi vì

    eg: His condition was so serious (MUCH)_________ as he had to stay in hospital for a month.

  19. takeover: sự tiếp quản, nắm quyền kiểm soát

    eg: Pending the (TAKE)_________ of KFC, the manager had to catch up on a huge number of backlogs.

    • pending: sắp xảy ra; trong khi chờ đợi

    • catch up on: bù thêm thời gian để hoàn thành việc đang dang dở

    • backlog: việc tồn đọng

  20. irksome: làm khó chịu, làm bực mình

    eg: It is (IRK: làm ai bực mình; chọc giận ai)__________ to be waken up by the noisy music from the neighbor's house.

  21. technophobe: người không thích những công nghệ mới

    eg: Like many other (TECHNICAL)__________ of my age, I dread to use hi-tech gears

    • dread to V: khiếp sợ, kinh hãi

    • hi-tech gears: thiết bị công nghệ

  22. twilight: những năm cuối cùng, những năm về già

    eg: The woman is getting older. She is now in the (LIGHT)__________ year of her age.

  23. deactivate: làm không hoạt động, làm mất phản ứng, khử hoạt tính

    eg: Chemicals are easily (ACTION)__________ if they are laid open in the atmosphere for a long time.

  24. offside: việt vị

    eg: The spectators booed as the referee did not disallow the (SIDE)_______ goal.

    • boo: la ó (phản đối)

    • not say boo: không nói bất cứ điều gì, đặc biệt là không phàn nàn hay phản đối; cực kỳ lo lắng và dễ sợ hãi

  25. deficit/ˈdef.ə.sɪt/: sự thiếu; sự thâm hụt (ngân sách, tiền) = shortfall

    eg: The government must work at full tilt to promote the economy and reduce the

    (EFFICIENT: có hiệu quả)________.

    • (at) full speed/tilt/pelt: (di chuyển) với tốc độ tối đa, hết tốc lực

  26. upheaval: sự thay đổi đột ngột, sự biến động đột ngột

    eg: The Earth is experiencing a major (HEAVE)________ in the climate.

  27. birthmark: vết chàm, vết bớt, sẹo

    eg: My (MARK)________ is the unique thing that distinguishes me from others.

  28. maladapted: không dễ thích nghi

    eg: Children who grow up in peace tend to be more (ADAPT: thích nghi)________ than those who grow up in war.

  29. vouchsafe/ˌvaʊtʃˈseɪf/: chiếu cố, đưa/cho/ban phát ai cgi

    eg: My mother (VOUCH: khẳng định, đảm bảo)________ me a great deal of encouragement after I got bad grades in my exam.

    • vouch for: cam đoan, bảo đảm

  30. weak-willed: nhụt chí/thiếu ý chí

    eg: He is a(n) (WILL)________ man. He does not gain any ground in his family.

    • gain ground: (đảng phái chính trị; niềm tin) trở nên nổi tiếng/phổ biến hoặc được chấp nhận

  31. addendum/əˈden.dəm/: phụ lục

    eg: You can look at the (ADD)________ of this Chinese book to see the elucidation of these new words.

  32. intracellular/ˌɪn.trəˈsel.jə.lɚ/: nội bào

    eg: The reaction that occurs within the cell is called (CELL)_________ reaction.

  33. disentangle: gỡ rối

    eg: He was (TANGLE: mớ rối, mớ lộn xộn (dây, tóc..))________ from the hustle and bustle of life since he moved to this rural area.

    • tangle with someone: dính líu đến ai, thường là tranh cãi hoặc đánh nhau với người đó

    • hustle and bustle: nháo nhiệt, đông đúc

  34. shilly-shally: lưỡng lự/phân vân

    eg: I(SHALL) ________ over whether to go abroad or not.

  35. knowledge-based: dựa vào tri thức

    eg: Many people nowadays want to indulge themselves in (KNOW)________ industries such as finance and the like.

  36. memento/məˈmen.toʊ/: đồ lưu niệm

    eg: Please accept this (REMEMBER)________ as a reminder of your stay here.

  37. werewolf/ˈwer.wʊlf/: ma sói, người sói

    eg: A(n) (WOLF)________ is the one who turns into wolf during full moon.

  38. biatomic: hai nguyên tử

    eg: Nitrogen oxide is a(n)(ATOM )________ compound of oxygen and nitrogen.

    • compound: hợp chất

  39. forbear: tổ tiên

    eg: The story broadens the horizon of the children about their (BEAR)_______.

  40. fortuitous/fɔːrˈtuː.ə.t̬əs/: tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên

    eg: I met my old friend at the supermarket this morning, which was quite (FORTUNE)________.

  41. aggrandize/əˈɡræn.daɪz/: nâng cao (địa vị); tăng thêm (quyền hành...)

    eg: The mall has intrigued a great number of visitors since it was (GRAND)________ last month.

    • intrigue/ɪnˈtriːɡ/: kích thích tính tò mò, gợi thích thú

  42. streetward: về phía phố

    eg: She cast her eyes (STREET)________ and saw a mysterious man looking

  43. tertiary ˈtɜː.ʃər.i/: thứ ba, thuộc mức ba

    eg: The girl excelled herself at the exam and came (THREE)________ to the two boys.

  44. superheavy: siêu nặng

    eg: Scientists from Russia, America and Japan have recently filled the periodic table’s seventh row with four (HEAVE)_________ chemical elements: nguyên tố siêu nặng

  45. deoxygenated blood( thuật ngữ ): máu khử oxy

    eg: It is a misconception that (OXYGEN)_________ human blood is blue.

    • misconception: sự quan niệm sai, sự nhận thức sai, sự hiểu sai

  46. unsavoury/ʌnˈseɪ.vɚ.i/: ghê tởm, ô nhục, nhơ nhuốc, khó chịu, xúc phạm

    eg: The house is painted in such a(n) (SAVOUR: thưởng thức (đồ ăn, trải nghiệm))_________ style.

  47. keep up-to-date: cập nhật tình hình

    eg: In this modern day, you have to keep yourself (DATE)_________ so as not to lag behind others.

  48. all-embracing: chứa đựng rất nhiều thông tin

    eg: This book is (EMBRACE)_________. You can find information about the varieties of plants around the world here.

  49. bode/forebode: báo trước, báo hiệu

    eg: The little rainfall (BODE)________ a poor crop for farmers in this village.

  50. jawbreaker: những câu nói cong lưỡi = tongue-twister

    eg: That word is such a(n) (JAW: quay hàm)________. It is not easy to pronouce at all.

    • someone's jaw drop (open): rất ngạc nhiên

      eg: My jaw dropped open when she told me how old she was.

  51. antiseptic(s)/ˌæn.t̬iˈsep.tɪk/: thuốc khử trùng

    eg: (SEPTIC: nhiễm khuẩn)_________ and disinfectants are widely used in hospital to kill the bacteria.

    • disinfectant(s)/ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfek.t̬ənt/: chất khử khuẩn

  52. containerization: sự đóng hàng hóa

    eg: Due to the prolonged (CONTENT)_________, the goods arrived later than we had expected.

  53. run-down: :dổ nát

    eg: Found in (DOWN)________ condition, the house is intended to be demolished.

  54. indoctrination: sự truyền bá, sự truyền thụ; sự truyền giáo

    eg: (DOCTRINE: học thuyết, chủ nghĩa )________ of violence has been possible by means of television.

    • doctrinaire/ˌdɑːk.trəˈner/: lý luận cố chấp, người lí luận cố chấp

  55. aheap ( adv) chất đống, ngổn ngang

    eg: He laid his desk (HEAP: xếp thành đống, chất đống)_________. It is untidily filled with all kinds of stuff.

    • scrap heap: đống phế liệu

    • the bottom of the heap: những người nghèo, không thành công và có vị trí thấp nhất trong xã hội

    • collapse/fall in a heap: ngã mạnh xuống và nằm trên mặt đất không cử động

    • a (whole) heap of something: rất nhiều thứ gì

  56. odds-on: chắc chắn, rất có thể

    eg: It is (ODD)________ that he will press ahead with his project. Nothing can prevent him.

  57. irradiation/iˌreɪ.diˈeɪ.ʃən/: (vật lý) sự chiếu (bức xạ...); sự rọi

    eg: X-rays, known as a form of (RADIAL)________, are widely utilized nowadays to diagnose medical conditions.

  58. discom’posure: :sự lo lắng, sự bối rối, sự mất bình tĩnh

    eg: His misunderstanding of the situation resulted in his (COMPOSE)_________. Everyone could make out the embarrassing remarks on his face.

  59. accentuate/əkˈsen.tʃu.eɪt/: nhấn mạnh, làm nổi bật, nêu bật

    eg: 273. The minister (ACCENT)_________ the fight against hunger in his opening speech.

  60. state-of-the-art: hiện đại, tiên tiến nhất

    eg: Even the most (ART)_________ equipment cannot replace the role of the teachers in the future.

  61. superpower/ˈsuː.pɚˌpaʊ.ɚ/; cường quốc

    eg: America is considered one of the biggest (POWER)_________ in the world.

  62. infiltration/ˌɪn.fɪlˈtreɪ.ʃən/: sự rò rỉ ( nước )

    eg: The water (FILL)________ in the building is of great concern.

  63. beguilingly/bɪˈɡaɪ.lɪŋ.li/:

    eg: He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was (GUILE)________ a trick.

  64. redoubtable/rɪˈdaʊ.t̬ə.bəl/: đáng sợ, đáng kính; đáng gờm, ghê gớm (đối thủ...)

    eg: In a (DOUBT)_________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice.

  65. unilateral/ˌjuː.nəˈlæt̬.ɚ.əl/: đơn phương, một bên

    eg: You should not assess a situation from such a(n) (LATERAL)________ side.

  66. impassioned /ɪmˈpæʃ.ənd/: xúc động mạnh

    eg: The homeless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) (PASSION)_________ tone.

  67. egg-shaped /ˈɛɡʃeɪpt/: có hình quả trứng

    eg: The man reported than he had seen a(n) (EGG)_________ object, which might well be a UFO.

  68. ventilation /ˌven.t̬əlˈeɪ.ʃən/: sự thông gió, sự thông hơi

    eg: The coal cellar needs to be equipped with (VENT: lỗ thông)_________ system in order to prevent suffocation.

    • suffocation: sự nghẹt thở

  69. landmark: cột mốc (lịch sử)

    eg: The advent of Internet is an important (MARK)__________ in human history.

  70. flippancy /ˈflɪp.ə sự khiếm nhã - flippancies ( số nhiều )

    eg: His face showed the remark of (FLIP: thiếu nghiêm trang, khiếm nhã, suồng sã, chớt nhã)_________ even when we were talking about seriously.

    • flippant: cợt nhả, nhờn, không nghiêm túc

  71. superficial /ˌsuː.pɚˈfɪʃ.əl/: ở bên ngoài, trên mặt, nông cạn (nghĩa bóng), trên bề mặt; ngoài da

    eg: What you know is rather (FACIES)__________. And it is unfair to judge just through a cursory glance.

    • cursory: vội vã, qua loa

  72. counter-clockwise: ngược chiều kim đồng ồ

    eg: Moving (CLOCK)_________ is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves.

  73. genomic: thuộc hệ gen; bộ gen - genomics (số nhiều)

    eg: Reta is studying animal (GENE)__________ at the Oxford university.

  74. stowaway: người đi lâu, đi chui

    eg: The crews fortuitously discovered a (STOW)__________ in the ship’s cool chamber.

  75. bestow /bɪˈstoʊ/: tặng cho, ban cho

    eg: The man was (STOW)_________ on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house.

  76. pinpoint /ˈpɪn.pɔɪnt/: tìm hiểu, điều tra, xác định, định vị (vị trí)

    ,eg: The report has (POINT)_________ the cause of global warming in the past decades.

  77. shipborne (a): đi bằng đường thủy

    eg: It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to VietNam as it is (SHIP)_________.

  78. shipboard: trên con tàu

    eg: “Titanic” is an example of (SHIP)_________ romance.

  79. misalignment /ˌmɪs.əˈlaɪn.mənt/: sự lắp ráp, sắp xếp sai trong máy móc

    eg: The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of (ALIGN: sắp thẳng hàng)_________.

    • align oneself with something/someone: tán thành với ai/tổ chức nào và ủng hộ/làm việc cùng họ

  80. stronghold: pháo đài

    eg: There used to be a (HOLD)__________ in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site.

wordform otto

  1. housing problem: vấn đề nhà cửa

  2. disenfranchisement: tước đoạt quyền bỏ phiếu

    eg: The act of (FRANCHISE: quyền bầu cử)_________ should be prohibited under any circumstances. Everyone all has equal rights to vote.

  3. collaborative: hợp tác lẫn

    eg: The boss ordered his staff to be (LABOR)________ with each other in dealing with the company's end-of-year burden.

  4. hard-luck story: một câu chuyện gây cảm thương

    eg: It is such a (LUCK)_________ story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated from Africa into Europe.

  5. demystify: làm rõ

    eg: The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to (MYSTERY)_________the murder case.

  6. anti-inflationary: chống lạm phát

    eg: The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough (INFLATE: bơm hơi, bơm phồng; gây lạm phát)__________ policies.

  7. precancerous: chuẩn đoán bệnh ung thư, có dấu hiệu bị ung thư

    eg: The woman detected her (CANCER)________ conditions soon after she felt ill in her body.

  8. heavenward: nhìn lên trên

    eg: I cast my eyes (HEAVEN)________ and saw the geese flying in V-line.

  9. in-service: học tại chức

    eg: (SERVICE)________ programs are offered to those who want to do professional training while being paid to work.

  10. dismember: cắt tứ chi

    eg: It is inhumane to sell (MEMBER).dismembered. limbs of the animals, such as rhinoceros or elephants, in the market place.

  11. runaway winner: người chiến thắng rất dễ dàng

    eg: He was regarded as a (RUN)_______ winner as he beat his opponents in three straight sets.

  12. stopgap: một phương pháp tạm thời

    eg: Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly nothing more than a mere (STOP)________.

  13. hold out hope for st: giữ hi vong cho cái gì

  14. pacemaker: máy trợ tim

    eg: A(n) (MAKE)________ is implanted in the body to prop up the heart.

    • implant: cấy ghép

    • prop up: hỗ trợ

  15. drop-dead: cực kì thú vị, hấp dẫn (= extremely attractive )

    eg: She is (DIE)________ gorgeous in that gown.

  16. aberrant/əˈber.ənt/: khác thường

    eg: His behavior at the party was (ERR: làm sai; sai lầm; phạm lỗi)_________, which went beyond everyone's expectations.

    • errant: phạm lỗi, phạm sai lầm

  17. noteworthy: đáng chú ý, đặc biệt

    eg: The advent of computers was one of the (NOTE)_________ milestones in the mankind's history.

  18. inasmuch as: bởi vì

    eg: His condition was so serious (MUCH)_________ as he had to stay in hospital for a month.

  19. takeover: sự tiếp quản, nắm quyền kiểm soát

    eg: Pending the (TAKE)_________ of KFC, the manager had to catch up on a huge number of backlogs.

    • pending: sắp xảy ra; trong khi chờ đợi

    • catch up on: bù thêm thời gian để hoàn thành việc đang dang dở

    • backlog: việc tồn đọng

  20. irksome: làm khó chịu, làm bực mình

    eg: It is (IRK: làm ai bực mình; chọc giận ai)__________ to be waken up by the noisy music from the neighbor's house.

  21. technophobe: người không thích những công nghệ mới

    eg: Like many other (TECHNICAL)__________ of my age, I dread to use hi-tech gears

    • dread to V: khiếp sợ, kinh hãi

    • hi-tech gears: thiết bị công nghệ

  22. twilight: những năm cuối cùng, những năm về già

    eg: The woman is getting older. She is now in the (LIGHT)__________ year of her age.

  23. deactivate: làm không hoạt động, làm mất phản ứng, khử hoạt tính

    eg: Chemicals are easily (ACTION)__________ if they are laid open in the atmosphere for a long time.

  24. offside: việt vị

    eg: The spectators booed as the referee did not disallow the (SIDE)_______ goal.

    • boo: la ó (phản đối)

    • not say boo: không nói bất cứ điều gì, đặc biệt là không phàn nàn hay phản đối; cực kỳ lo lắng và dễ sợ hãi

  25. deficit/ˈdef.ə.sɪt/: sự thiếu; sự thâm hụt (ngân sách, tiền) = shortfall

    eg: The government must work at full tilt to promote the economy and reduce the

    (EFFICIENT: có hiệu quả)________.

    • (at) full speed/tilt/pelt: (di chuyển) với tốc độ tối đa, hết tốc lực

  26. upheaval: sự thay đổi đột ngột, sự biến động đột ngột

    eg: The Earth is experiencing a major (HEAVE)________ in the climate.

  27. birthmark: vết chàm, vết bớt, sẹo

    eg: My (MARK)________ is the unique thing that distinguishes me from others.

  28. maladapted: không dễ thích nghi

    eg: Children who grow up in peace tend to be more (ADAPT: thích nghi)________ than those who grow up in war.

  29. vouchsafe/ˌvaʊtʃˈseɪf/: chiếu cố, đưa/cho/ban phát ai cgi

    eg: My mother (VOUCH: khẳng định, đảm bảo)________ me a great deal of encouragement after I got bad grades in my exam.

    • vouch for: cam đoan, bảo đảm

  30. weak-willed: nhụt chí/thiếu ý chí

    eg: He is a(n) (WILL)________ man. He does not gain any ground in his family.

    • gain ground: (đảng phái chính trị; niềm tin) trở nên nổi tiếng/phổ biến hoặc được chấp nhận

  31. addendum/əˈden.dəm/: phụ lục

    eg: You can look at the (ADD)________ of this Chinese book to see the elucidation of these new words.

  32. intracellular/ˌɪn.trəˈsel.jə.lɚ/: nội bào

    eg: The reaction that occurs within the cell is called (CELL)_________ reaction.

  33. disentangle: gỡ rối

    eg: He was (TANGLE: mớ rối, mớ lộn xộn (dây, tóc..))________ from the hustle and bustle of life since he moved to this rural area.

    • tangle with someone: dính líu đến ai, thường là tranh cãi hoặc đánh nhau với người đó

    • hustle and bustle: nháo nhiệt, đông đúc

  34. shilly-shally: lưỡng lự/phân vân

    eg: I(SHALL) ________ over whether to go abroad or not.

  35. knowledge-based: dựa vào tri thức

    eg: Many people nowadays want to indulge themselves in (KNOW)________ industries such as finance and the like.

  36. memento/məˈmen.toʊ/: đồ lưu niệm

    eg: Please accept this (REMEMBER)________ as a reminder of your stay here.

  37. werewolf/ˈwer.wʊlf/: ma sói, người sói

    eg: A(n) (WOLF)________ is the one who turns into wolf during full moon.

  38. biatomic: hai nguyên tử

    eg: Nitrogen oxide is a(n)(ATOM )________ compound of oxygen and nitrogen.

    • compound: hợp chất

  39. forbear: tổ tiên

    eg: The story broadens the horizon of the children about their (BEAR)_______.

  40. fortuitous/fɔːrˈtuː.ə.t̬əs/: tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên

    eg: I met my old friend at the supermarket this morning, which was quite (FORTUNE)________.

  41. aggrandize/əˈɡræn.daɪz/: nâng cao (địa vị); tăng thêm (quyền hành...)

    eg: The mall has intrigued a great number of visitors since it was (GRAND)________ last month.

    • intrigue/ɪnˈtriːɡ/: kích thích tính tò mò, gợi thích thú

  42. streetward: về phía phố

    eg: She cast her eyes (STREET)________ and saw a mysterious man looking

  43. tertiary ˈtɜː.ʃər.i/: thứ ba, thuộc mức ba

    eg: The girl excelled herself at the exam and came (THREE)________ to the two boys.

  44. superheavy: siêu nặng

    eg: Scientists from Russia, America and Japan have recently filled the periodic table’s seventh row with four (HEAVE)_________ chemical elements: nguyên tố siêu nặng

  45. deoxygenated blood( thuật ngữ ): máu khử oxy

    eg: It is a misconception that (OXYGEN)_________ human blood is blue.

    • misconception: sự quan niệm sai, sự nhận thức sai, sự hiểu sai

  46. unsavoury/ʌnˈseɪ.vɚ.i/: ghê tởm, ô nhục, nhơ nhuốc, khó chịu, xúc phạm

    eg: The house is painted in such a(n) (SAVOUR: thưởng thức (đồ ăn, trải nghiệm))_________ style.

  47. keep up-to-date: cập nhật tình hình

    eg: In this modern day, you have to keep yourself (DATE)_________ so as not to lag behind others.

  48. all-embracing: chứa đựng rất nhiều thông tin

    eg: This book is (EMBRACE)_________. You can find information about the varieties of plants around the world here.

  49. bode/forebode: báo trước, báo hiệu

    eg: The little rainfall (BODE)________ a poor crop for farmers in this village.

  50. jawbreaker: những câu nói cong lưỡi = tongue-twister

    eg: That word is such a(n) (JAW: quay hàm)________. It is not easy to pronouce at all.

    • someone's jaw drop (open): rất ngạc nhiên

      eg: My jaw dropped open when she told me how old she was.

  51. antiseptic(s)/ˌæn.t̬iˈsep.tɪk/: thuốc khử trùng

    eg: (SEPTIC: nhiễm khuẩn)_________ and disinfectants are widely used in hospital to kill the bacteria.

    • disinfectant(s)/ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfek.t̬ənt/: chất khử khuẩn

  52. containerization: sự đóng hàng hóa

    eg: Due to the prolonged (CONTENT)_________, the goods arrived later than we had expected.

  53. run-down: :dổ nát

    eg: Found in (DOWN)________ condition, the house is intended to be demolished.

  54. indoctrination: sự truyền bá, sự truyền thụ; sự truyền giáo

    eg: (DOCTRINE: học thuyết, chủ nghĩa )________ of violence has been possible by means of television.

    • doctrinaire/ˌdɑːk.trəˈner/: lý luận cố chấp, người lí luận cố chấp

  55. aheap ( adv) chất đống, ngổn ngang

    eg: He laid his desk (HEAP: xếp thành đống, chất đống)_________. It is untidily filled with all kinds of stuff.

    • scrap heap: đống phế liệu

    • the bottom of the heap: những người nghèo, không thành công và có vị trí thấp nhất trong xã hội

    • collapse/fall in a heap: ngã mạnh xuống và nằm trên mặt đất không cử động

    • a (whole) heap of something: rất nhiều thứ gì

  56. odds-on: chắc chắn, rất có thể

    eg: It is (ODD)________ that he will press ahead with his project. Nothing can prevent him.

  57. irradiation/iˌreɪ.diˈeɪ.ʃən/: (vật lý) sự chiếu (bức xạ...); sự rọi

    eg: X-rays, known as a form of (RADIAL)________, are widely utilized nowadays to diagnose medical conditions.

  58. discom’posure: :sự lo lắng, sự bối rối, sự mất bình tĩnh

    eg: His misunderstanding of the situation resulted in his (COMPOSE)_________. Everyone could make out the embarrassing remarks on his face.

  59. accentuate/əkˈsen.tʃu.eɪt/: nhấn mạnh, làm nổi bật, nêu bật

    eg: 273. The minister (ACCENT)_________ the fight against hunger in his opening speech.

  60. state-of-the-art: hiện đại, tiên tiến nhất

    eg: Even the most (ART)_________ equipment cannot replace the role of the teachers in the future.

  61. superpower/ˈsuː.pɚˌpaʊ.ɚ/; cường quốc

    eg: America is considered one of the biggest (POWER)_________ in the world.

  62. infiltration/ˌɪn.fɪlˈtreɪ.ʃən/: sự rò rỉ ( nước )

    eg: The water (FILL)________ in the building is of great concern.

  63. beguilingly/bɪˈɡaɪ.lɪŋ.li/:

    eg: He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was (GUILE)________ a trick.

  64. redoubtable/rɪˈdaʊ.t̬ə.bəl/: đáng sợ, đáng kính; đáng gờm, ghê gớm (đối thủ...)

    eg: In a (DOUBT)_________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice.

  65. unilateral/ˌjuː.nəˈlæt̬.ɚ.əl/: đơn phương, một bên

    eg: You should not assess a situation from such a(n) (LATERAL)________ side.

  66. impassioned /ɪmˈpæʃ.ənd/: xúc động mạnh

    eg: The homeless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) (PASSION)_________ tone.

  67. egg-shaped /ˈɛɡʃeɪpt/: có hình quả trứng

    eg: The man reported than he had seen a(n) (EGG)_________ object, which might well be a UFO.

  68. ventilation /ˌven.t̬əlˈeɪ.ʃən/: sự thông gió, sự thông hơi

    eg: The coal cellar needs to be equipped with (VENT: lỗ thông)_________ system in order to prevent suffocation.

    • suffocation: sự nghẹt thở

  69. landmark: cột mốc (lịch sử)

    eg: The advent of Internet is an important (MARK)__________ in human history.

  70. flippancy /ˈflɪp.ə sự khiếm nhã - flippancies ( số nhiều )

    eg: His face showed the remark of (FLIP: thiếu nghiêm trang, khiếm nhã, suồng sã, chớt nhã)_________ even when we were talking about seriously.

    • flippant: cợt nhả, nhờn, không nghiêm túc

  71. superficial /ˌsuː.pɚˈfɪʃ.əl/: ở bên ngoài, trên mặt, nông cạn (nghĩa bóng), trên bề mặt; ngoài da

    eg: What you know is rather (FACIES)__________. And it is unfair to judge just through a cursory glance.

    • cursory: vội vã, qua loa

  72. counter-clockwise: ngược chiều kim đồng ồ

    eg: Moving (CLOCK)_________ is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves.

  73. genomic: thuộc hệ gen; bộ gen - genomics (số nhiều)

    eg: Reta is studying animal (GENE)__________ at the Oxford university.

  74. stowaway: người đi lâu, đi chui

    eg: The crews fortuitously discovered a (STOW)__________ in the ship’s cool chamber.

  75. bestow /bɪˈstoʊ/: tặng cho, ban cho

    eg: The man was (STOW)_________ on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house.

  76. pinpoint /ˈpɪn.pɔɪnt/: tìm hiểu, điều tra, xác định, định vị (vị trí)

    ,eg: The report has (POINT)_________ the cause of global warming in the past decades.

  77. shipborne (a): đi bằng đường thủy

    eg: It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to VietNam as it is (SHIP)_________.

  78. shipboard: trên con tàu

    eg: “Titanic” is an example of (SHIP)_________ romance.

  79. misalignment /ˌmɪs.əˈlaɪn.mənt/: sự lắp ráp, sắp xếp sai trong máy móc

    eg: The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of (ALIGN: sắp thẳng hàng)_________.

    • align oneself with something/someone: tán thành với ai/tổ chức nào và ủng hộ/làm việc cùng họ

  80. stronghold: pháo đài

    eg: There used to be a (HOLD)__________ in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site.