Unit 1: Overview of Catholic Social Teaching
Made in God’s divine image→ endowed with a human soul giving us two great powers:
Free will
Human Intellect- enables us to recognize and understand God's command to do good and avoid evil
Free Will- enables you to choose good with the guidance of your conscience and to obey God’s law of love
Catholic Social Teaching:
The official documents written down by church leaders in response to various social, political, and economic issues
Embodies core themes
Responds to challenges facing humans in a complex and changing world
3 Aspects of CST
CST gives principles for reflection
Provides criteria for judgment
Provides guidelines for action
Dignity- the quality or state of being valued, respected or worthy
Every human possesses dignity because we are made in Gods image and likeness
9 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
1) Dignity of the Human Person:
Every person is worthy of respect because we are made by God and in God’s image
NOT based on what we have or what we do
People are more important than things
2) Respect for Human Life
Every stage of human life has dignity & it:
Is sacred
Is worthy of respect
Must be protected
Does it enhance or threaten human life & dignity?
Worrying about respect for human life comes first
3) Call to Family, Community, and Participation
By nature, humans are social
Grow and achieve fulfillment in a community
Must contribute & actively take part in it
Family is the central institution
Must be supported and strengthened, not undermined
“We are one body; when one suffers we all suffer”
The good of each individual is tied to the common good
4) Rights and Responsibilities individual
A healthy community is achieved only if:
Human rights protected
Responsibilities met
Every person has:
Fundamental right to life
Right to requirement for human decency: faith, food, shelter, education, employment, etc
All Rights have corresponding Responsibilities
To one another, to family, to the larger society
5) The Common Good
The ability of individuals & entire community to thrive because:
The way society is organized
When you get something as an individual that you want, AND the community benefits as well
Provide means, access, & opportunities necessary
Essential elements:
Respect rights of all people
Social well-being and development of the group
Peace and Security
Ex: the lt dan band performing for military
6) The Option and Love for The Poor and Vulnerable
The “Poor and Vulnerable” → refers to the marginalized: unborn children, persons with disabilities, the elderly, etc.
Are our brothers and sisters
Deserve respect
Deserve protection of their rights
Deprivation and powerlessness of these groups wounds the whole community
We’re called to respond to those with the greatest needs first
“Option” → A special commitment to enable
Find a way they can contribute
Becoming active participants in society
All persons share in and contribute to the common good
Finding ways for them to belong
ex: bitty and Beau’s downtown Annapolis
7) Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
Economy exists to serve the people, the people don’t exist to serve the economy
Work is more than a way to make a living; it’s a form of participation in God’s creation
If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected
The right to productive work
The right to decent and fair wages
The right to organize and join unions
The right to private property
The right to economic initiative→ An average worker should have the ability to affect change without being in upper management (don’t have to be in a leadership position in order to be heard)
8) Solidarity
Solidarity: A spirit of unity and mutual concern | The quality of justice that breaks down barriers between people
We are one human family
Despite the geographical distance, we’re “our brothers and sister’s keepers”
Responsibilities to each other cross national, racial, economic and ideological differences
This is about people who are different than you, there is some kind of barrier
Stewards: those who take on the responsibility God gave humans as caretakers, protectors, and guardians of the earth and everything in it.
We respect and show gratitude to our loving Creator by being good stewards of the earth
We’re called to:
Protect people and the planet by living in our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation
Assess how we live in harmony with God’s creation
Examine what we pass on to future generations
Evaluate the use and share goods of the earth
Rights- claims we make on each other/society to guarantee to attain certain basic conditions to live a truly human life
Universal Rights-
Apply to all people
Exists in every individual
Can’t be taken away
Inviolable Rights-
Untouchable because they come from God
Too sacred/too important to be broken
Inalienable Rights-
Inherent- don’t need to be earned
Cant be handed over to someone else
Beyond challenge→ there is only one way to look at it (can’t challenge the claim)
An official Papal letter
Sent to the entire church
Responds to current issues/real world events (important aspects of Church teaching)
Pacem in Terris → Peace on Earth
What: important Social Justice Encyclical
Who: Pope John XXIII
When: 1963
Why: focused on fundamental human rights
Identifies components for basis of peace:
Respect for people
A just social order
Affirms rights all people possess: the right to….
Life, respect, to civil, political, social, and economic services, work for just wages in safe environment, hold private property, work freely for the common good, search for truth, express opinions and worship God, emigrate and immigrate.