Church History Mid-Term Review


  • Started by Jesus → lenses of new sign that points to something new

  • At the beginning it would be the sign of conversion to the faith

    • there were specific instructions that you would follow

    • it was thought to be something like circumcision for the Jewish people

    • receiving the Holy Spirit of from another apostles but then changed later into confirmation because of infant baptism

  • After a while they would have developed it into a process

    • this created CATECHUMENS

      which would learn about the faith and trained before baptism

    • people would be interested in joining the faith but not understand salvation or Jesus so they would be taught it

  • There was an early practice of waiting till your death bed

    • This practice alternated back and forth before the custom was to make infancy be baptized

  • Infant baptism

    • became popular because of:

      • the infant mortality rate

      • there was a theological adaption of the situation

      • they tried to get original sin away as fast as possible

      • they tried to get the family committed

      • wanted to get children have access to grace at soon as possible

      • access to salvation

  • God Parent

    • job is to ensure the child is raised in the faith


  • This was the practice of weekly gathering in addition to the temple

    • this was on Sunday → as some were Jewish

  • This preserved of tradition of the Last Supper and the works of it → “do this in remembrance of me” and “body and blood”

  • This is the way to make real the new covenant

    • as Christ is the center and the Eucharist is the access point to Christ

    • The sacrifice and practice was a re-creation of Jesus’ sacrifice

  • The Jewish following would not have a hard time to understand everything that happening → God saves all people though

    • there was an instruction of liturgy

  • This was a showing of the sacrificial lamb of the body of Christ

  • This was a visible sign of obedience

The Canon

  • this was the list of accepted writings which was made over time

  • The Septuagint was accepted

  • MMLJ were accepted

  • By 382AD most of the canon was established

  • To be accepted into the Canon there ware 3 criteria:

    1. Apostolicity: These teachings can be traced back to an apostle

    2. Orthodoxy: this was the right teaching → what the text says matches with the tradition taught

    3. Universality/Catholicity: the book was well used and the community was accepting this already, used for prayer so has authority for it

  • This would tell us that God wants us to be saved so he would show us the way and it would be reasonable to expect us to have a means to be saved


  • They were apostolic Fathers that would defend the church and explain the faith mostly to Roman Leaders

    • mostly under false understanding/criticism

    • Unfound fear

    • Heresies

  • They were the new leader after the apostles and they were also the new writers

    • they were mostly appointed by apostles

  • They developed structures to keep the movement together



  • Those who have died for their sins

  • Most of them were just average converts under persecution

  • this gave then an chance to be a witness to Christ and to the truth of the Gospel


  • This was though of what Christians were suppose to do → not to be sought out


  • this was the exact opposite effect of what the Roman’s wanted → leaves to Decius making the apostates

  • SHOWED THE VALUE OF SUFFER → something St. Paul wrote about

People and Saints

St. Paul

o   Starts with Communities when he leaves so there are leader (Soon Change into Bishops and Priests)

o   He was the primary person to spread the message towards the Gentiles

o   His early writings are very important as it gives glimpse into what the early Church found as a struggle and concerns, they have

Bridges (Jewish – Gentiles)

o   The Jewish people were very stubborn in accepting the Gentiles though he worked and go the Jewish religion not as exclusive and allowed in Christians

o   He worked hard as many of the communities were scattered so with his writing, he would unity them with both moral and keep them focused on Jesus

o   Paul took away the Jew and Gentile labels so we would only be Christian


o   Through writing he would do this as the communities would move away from Jesus them, he would reorient them after they had a blasphemer

o   He was the main source of the Gospel for many of these communities so they would have a consistent voice

o   He would always connect back to the roots of the Apostles so to show they were the main leaders

o   When the Apostles need money he would start to take up a collection which would help the Church and this would possible lead to collection for Mass


o   Would address disciple and show them the new Christian Disciple instead of the Jewish one

o   Changed about how to cloth and prayer time, this would not be a stringent, but the love of God was required

o   He very firmly explained how you should to live out the faith and prayer

Ignatius of Antioch

  • Martyred during the reign of Trajan

  • “Bearer of God” (Kid in the Jesus Story)

  • Witness to the truth martyr

  • support for Bishops, unity, Eucharist, “Catholic Church” (First one the use the phrase), Rome

  • He was appointed by bishops and writes letters to churches and helps understand the church

    • of what the role of the Bishop of Rome was (That they should listen to him and unite around him)

    • That Christ is truly in the Eucharist (Draw Christ back to earth)

  • When Martyred the leader wanted to spare him yet he does not do anything to stop in and still sends letters to Rome telling them to continue with the Martyrdom.

St. Justin Martyr

  • died during persecution of Aurelius

  • Covert, Apologist (Explains the Church)

    • writes to Rome and explains that Christians are good citizens, they pay their taxes…, tries to use Greek philosophy to explain Christianity to Roman officials

  • Speaks out against false description of Christianity → shows that their philosophy is not enough either, Christianity is the fulfillment of this relationship

St. Ambrose

  • Bishop of Milan by popular demand (3rd C)

  • Wanted/defender of independence of church → one of the most influential in the empire and church

  • not afraid to stand up to the Emperor’s of his time → Theodosius wanted to destroy a city and Ambrose did not want him to so after killing people, Ambrose made him repent

  • Fought Arian Heresy → Made them remove a pagan altar

  • Baptized St. Augustine


St. Jerome

  • “Rough” character

  • translated bible from original source (Hebrew and Greek into Latin) → Used to write in Greek/”Pagan”, but feared that it would take him away from the Church → First one to translate for the west

    • had access to most accurate (Lived in Jerusalem), he had context and very early versions


St. Peter

  • Was the first “Pope”

  • he was the leader of the Apostles → ½ of Acts was written about him, he was the first to speak on behalf of others

  • he was selected for Jesus directly → special powers and responsibility

  • Why Rome is the center

    • He was crucified upside down → he allowed for more of a structure in the church and showed that there will be a unifying head of the Church

Pope St. Clement

  • Was the Writer of 1 Clements → one of the first apostolic Fathers

  • He was enforcing the Structure of the Church and did not want people just to kick out their Bishops as that was affecting God’s plan

  • Shows that the Bishop of Rome is knowledgeable and asked about problems instead of others → THEY HAVE THE MOST POWER

St. Augustine


    • Sinner → Saint, able to make the leap and convert

    • His influence of his teaching was large → his way of teaching was very accepted

      • Theological impact and development (Conversion away from sin, just war, grace, original sin, and against heresy)

        • Evil is the absence of Good → can’t have this with out perfect goodness and the gap gets created with sin

  • “greatest” Father of the Church → his way of understanding things was becoming the common way that everyone would go to (from 300-1200C)

    • he was very quoted in the CCC and by Aquinas

    • Started his life in North Africa as a wild child and then got sent there as a bishop

  • he was very smart but did not have a match so very full of himself but always seeking out the truth

  • met St. Ambrose → Intellectual equal and could answer hard questions so he wanted to become catholic

  • Tried to not sin (Very attracted to lust) without God but found it impossible so found the St. Paul Passage saying you need God → Converted and became a Bishop

St. Athanasius

  • chief defender of Christian orthodoxy in the 4th-century battle against Arianism

  • He attended the Council of Nicea as a deacon and succeeded the Bishop he was training under

  • He was exiled

St. Benedict

  • became a hermit because he was shock of the sin of Rome

  • HE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MONK (spreads really fast after him)

    • Saying was “ora et labora” → “Prayer and work” (Would resist the temptation of sin)

  • People wanted to live with him and tried to seek his guidance on things

    • Started the rules for monasteries - had community life (everything is the same), moderate life (come in with money everything is shared)

      • He was the one to start formal communities

  • Once you entered you would be submitted to the ABBOT (head/father of monasteries)

  • Even though the Bishop was the formal head the Abbot had a lot of power so they shared

    • the Bishop would what the abbot on his side

  • The health of the Church at the time was linked to the health of the Monasteries

  • THE RULE OF ST. BENEDICTS → adopted by the west (all used it as a guide)

    • did not have a lot of writing at the time so his was an example of literature

  • Chief aim: give praise and glory to God

Pope St. Gregory the Great

  • he was the Traditional point of transition between the old and the medieval periods

  • He grew up with a lot of money but then donated it all to but monasteries and to the poor

    • He lived as a monk and was an abbot

  • He was a deacon to the pope and never wanted to be a pope but was elected by great demand

  • He was the “Servant of the Servants of God” → this is the title that would be taken on by Pope

  • He inherited a mess of Rome → had to take on many temporal roles and not just the religious

    • need to keep getting food shipments to the people

    • deal with sewage

    • Religious: he reformed the Church → enforced celibacy


Jewish Persecutions

  • This was the earliest persecutions of Christians because Rome just though they were a weird off shoot of Jews

  • The Romans would only ever get involved when the Jew and the Christians were fighting

  • Started to get more separated as the Gentiles joined as this distanced the two religions


  • Popular before he became crazy and a tyrant/paranoid → he killed a bunch of people

  • there was a great fire in Rome in 64AD because the suspicion was a Nero

    • so he Scapegoated the Christians → SET A PRESEDENT TO PERSECUTE CHRISTIANS (In order to shift suspicion)

    • He accused them of “hating the human race”

  • Peter and Paul was killed under the reign of Nero

  • He tried to exterminate the Christians


  • Thought he was God yet he was an effective ruler

  • Christianity was already spreading to the aristocracy

  • Just scapegoated again if something bad happened because they would be accused of being atheists or superstitious



  • Lead empire at its height of power → He had a change from the last 2 emperors because he did not try to persecute Christians

  • He would only kill or torture people who were openly Christian and kinda be like the “look at me” so it was a don’t ask don’t tell police

    • He did not want to waste resources on hunting down Christians (He was the one to write the letters to Pliny)


    • Gave the ability to treat Christians like criminals and more scapegoating could happen

Septimius Severus

  • This is when the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity happened

  • he had to deal with internal and external threats

  • He imposed 1 view of religious harmony and that you were not allowed to convert to Christianity

  • When he died down there was 40-50 YEARS OF PEACE

  • Just added on to what Trajan had just more serious


  • Sparked no peace, peace before him

  • there was internal and external threats so he started to blame the Christians as they were worshipping the “wrong” God → they thought the gods were mad as they were being abandon


    • large shift as any before hand were localized (at this point 1/3 of Rome was Christian)

    • He found that people would convert if there were martyrs made so he tried to make apostates → someone who would turn away from their faith

  • Made people have certificates (Labellum) (HAD AN EDICT WHERE THEY HAVE TO WORSHIP THE ROMAN GODS) on them to show they had given a sacrifice → these were people would had grown up in peace and not persecution so this was new

    • kinda like a test to see who was willing to be tortured for the faith

      • some people would give in

      • some would try and forge it

  • PROBLEM: what would you do with the ones who give in then want to come back to the Church?

    • Novatian Schism → they were not allowed in or would have to go through a lot of training and get baptized

    • Pope → more moderate and introduced confession (BECAME BIG) → this made sure that there was one one baptism was necessary


  • Was first tolerant but then became the most destructive (HIS DAUGHTER AND WIFE WAS CHRISTIAN)

    • Greatest persecution was started in 303 AD

  • He split up the empire into different areas and allowed people under him to manage it → START OF THE SPLIT OF EAST AND WEST

  • He had a problem with it as he could not control it and was worried about problems with succession

  • Other mini-emperors of their own regions would persecute Christians to “Get on the good side” of him

  • He was harsher on the East

    • he force people to convert away from Christianity or die

      • people in the Army did not know if they wanted to fight because of faith so just killed → the army was scared people would just walk away from the battle

    • Most violent

    • He also burned a lot of writing and destroyed that part of history

      • destroyed churches

  • Martyrdom of St. Agnes (Sent to a brothel then killed for not wanting to be married)

Julian the Apostate

  • He was an emperor who was an anomaly as he was a Baptism Christians that then went to persecute Christians after taking power

    • this is after Constantine made Christianity legal

  • He wanted to have the Pagan religion back for control

  • He uses elements of Christianity to try and spread paganism


    • he restricted teaching of literature of Christians so if you wanted an education you would have to be pagan

    • pull financial support

  • this all stopped when he died, so it was just a blip

The Convert of Persecution to Legalization to Support

Constantine the Great

  • He lead the western empire

  • He would lead his army after having a vision of the Christian God, and putting the symbol of it on his people and won


    • This was through the EDICT OF MILAN (313) KNOW DATE

    • This would just elevate the Christian God to the pagan God

    • There is no real evidence that he converted to Christianity, he could also have a political aspect to his want to change this religion as he found that religious freedom was more peaceful → GAVE UNITY


  • St. Helen → Constantine’s mom, discovered the cross of Christ



  • there was a slow move of support and people would start to convert as it was a good political move (THE QUALITY OF CHRISTIANS WERE DYING)

  • He removed support for pagan places → it was not a function of the state anymore

    • there was not really sacrifices anymore

    • it was slowly outlawed → no one really cared though


    • There is now a strange relationship with state and religion

    • Bishops in legal matter → state in religious matters?

    • Who is the leader? Pope or emperor?

  • Now that there is not as many authentic Christians how would it possibly survive?


Council of Jerusalem (49-50AD)

  • Trying to Figure out if the Gentiles should have to submit to Jewish law

  • This was a discussion to go beyond the Jewish law

  • In Acts Peter needed encouragement to accept Gentiles à God tells him not to worry about the Jewish law

  • Peter and Cornelius both had vision to meet, and Cornelius was a devout Christian but did not know about the Jewish Law

    • CIRCUMSION was a major concern as some people that wanted to be Christians did not want to be circumcised as that is a very big sign of being Jewish

    • DIET is another one as much of the food is not for Jewish at the market so they could not buy a lot of it

  • Some people believed that Gentiles had to adopt all the customs

  • St. Paul went to appeal and say that they don’t need to change as he said that forcing the Jewish tradition was going backwards and that the Gentiles should not have to do it

  • Even though Paul wants to voice what he is saying he go and discusses it with the Apostles showing that he respects their power and their Apostolic authority so showing we have to respect them

  • Peter must ease the Jewish into the narrative

  • Paul get mad at Peter from leading Gentiles and treating them as a “2nd” class as he is embarrassed to be with them à Paul says that they are all equal

  • DECISION: they only must follow the marriage rules and that they cannot eat or sacrifice animals to pagan Gods


  • Showed that the Church is a worldwide movement and turned it from a local religion to everywhere

  • Shifts from a Jewish to Gentile Religion as most converts now are Gentiles

  • Starts the way that all main concerns are solved and gives a tool to adapt to situations and cultures

  • Guided fully by the Holy Spirit which means that the are an infallible teaching authority

  • Shift of Center of Church from Jerusalem to Rome as Peter is there

    • Not a big impact as no large reliance on it

    • The Jewish Temple has been destroyed so no Jewish reliance on it too

Council of Nicea

  • 325 AD → KNOW DATE

  • This was not simply an academic dispute → This was religious to figure out who Jesus was

  • The Hypostatic Union comes from and where the Creed comes from → To fight against heresies

  • Constantine just wanted the Empire to unit

  • MAIN ISSUE: How to deal with Arianism

  • Importance

    • persecution recent so tried to unity

    • it was a free act of the church tried to stay united

    • 1st real large scale with all bishops of both east and west coming to meet

  • St. Athanasius

Council of Constantinople


  • provide for a Catholic succession of Constantinople

  • to confirm the Nicene Faith

  • to reconcile the semi-Arians with the Church

  • put an end to the Macedonian heresy (denied the full personhood and divinity of the Holy Spirit. According to this heresy, the Holy Spirit was created by the Son and was thus subordinate to the Father and the Son)

Heresy and Church Response

Anything that leads us to a place where we have to deny something of the deposit of faith

Or if you have to question something about salvation → Usually an error and a stubborn belief of it


Immaterial and Material

The Material is real but insurant to the immaterial

He did believe in God and the Logo


Really Far off the Mark → Pagan Greek and Mix of Christianity

  • Rejects Jesus’ Human Nature

    • over spiritualize him (Docetism → Ghost)

  • Sees Creation as evil, pessimistic

  • Secret Knowledge is the way to get to Heaven →

  • Christian Response:

    • Goodness of Creation (and God Saw it was good)

    • Supremacy of One God (One essence)

    • Profess Christ’s human experience

  • All have a sense of material and immaterial so to have 2 God

    •  We believe in one God, the Father almighty

    • Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary (HUMANITY)

Marcionism → Earliest


Montanism → 2nd -3rd Century



  • Related to the person and Nature of Christ

  • Mis-use of the Greek philosophical language and scriptural passages

  • Goes against the hypostatic union

    • Breaks Hypostatic Union (J= 1 person , 2 wills, 2 natures) → JESUS IS FULLY GOD AND FULL HUMAN

  • Also go against salvation

    • you need a human person to pay back for sins of humans not just God or someone who is possessed

    • Then you need someone who is divine because you are sinning against a divine person → one that transcends time as everyone

  • Response to Arianism because they were trying to explain it properly but messed up

  • NICENE RESPONSE: consubstantial with the Father;






  • Started by Arius, a bishop

  • ALL OFF from this one

  • Believes Jesus is not God but just an elevated figure

  • Believes that he was made from God thus not consubstantial

    • Does not believe in the trinity or divinity of Jesus

  • Problems and Responses

    • rejection of divinity challenges → trinity, redemption incarnation

    • Bishops rejected teachings but Arius refused to change so became a apostate

    • UNITY is at risk so it prompted the Council of Nicaea


  • How we access Grace to get to salvation

  • Don’t believe in grace or that the grace is part of the Priest not part of Jesus and salvation

Church’s Response:

  • NICENE: I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

  • We need grace and the grace is Jesus



Why we need Heresies

  • We learn from the process

  • Councils emerges → gives a way to possibly to fight other problems


  • Heresies strengthen the Magisterium to teach use → help the Church to Navigate Heresy

Nicene Creed

I I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Church Structure


  • There was not an instant structure

  • This can out of need

    • with the beginning the people where compelled to lead would lead → this is just the fulfillment of the Jewish

  • Charismatic leadership was just a transferred of authority, to a more structured way

  • To preserve UNITY

    • they where moving away from less structured because of the growth

    • this was how they deal with the diversity of the Church

    • this was also when people were starting to realize that the second coming was coming later

    • The way they had leaders were growing much larger as the faith expanded and so the transfer of authority became very prominent and because the Apostles were starting to die off


  • The solution to this was to give a for of structure;

    • there would be elders as a commissioned ministry - they were not priest as that would come later but they needed someone to preserve tradition


  • The creed was also written and could be first before the written list as this is what was accepted for beliefs and sacraments ESPECIPALLY FOR BAPTISM

  • This was last but there was an authoritative list of teaching and writings which is what was used and keep which made up the canon → this was what was used first in worship and the context of prayers


  • This was the commissioned ministry

  • this was the transferring of authority to the next generation by ordaining and laying hands which was the accepted tradition of how leaders where transfer → gave fixed leaders

  • This was the best way to preserve the ONENESS of the Church


  • Peter was the first -preserved the first and chief shepherd → all the bishops need a leader

    • they are all successors of the Apostles

    • they were the focal point of the local church

    • they were the primary worship leader

    • they ensured that the creed was passed on properly

    • This process was guided by the holy spirit

  • By the end of the 1st Century there as a ‘bishop’ which allowed for an overseer


    • This was the reason for successful unity

    • they helped with gentile convers

    • They were the GUARANTOR of the Oral Tradition

    • they did the job of the apostles with unity continuative


    • Bishop of Rome → sign of unity with all the Bishops

After Fall of Rome

  • 476AD

  • The academics of reading and writing was would usually for the monks or priest as not many were literate

  • There was an economic collapse so need more unity from the Church

  • Everywhere was rural and no real urban places → started around Monasteries

  • There were a lot of structures that were adopted from Rome such as the Dioceses → Roman Term for mini-empires but then just adopted

    • the state and church were very interconnected

  • There was a struggle with new wake of paganism → new Germanic beliefs

Missionary Work and Conversion (Mission of the Church)

  • There was a necessary to preach Christ as salvation is for everyone

  • The missionary would convince the head the they would all convert because usually the head/king was also the head of the religion

  • The Church was the civilized structure that would unity all of the western world because of diversity of people

  • All of the temporal work the church was doing was setting a stage for the conversation

Germanic Tribes and Church Response

  • After the Fall there was a wave of barbarians that sacked Rome (Visigoths) in 410

  • When people moved in people were very quick to accept the Roman traditions which means that they were very quick to accept Christianity

  • There was always pressure on boarders because of resources and movement of tribes

  • There was early missionary attempts

  • Pope Leo and Attila the Hun met and Leo convinced Attila to not sack Rome

    • this was slowly how the Church took on Temporal roles in the West


    1. Church is Universal: for everyone so the mission is to convert as many people as possible, so they have to communicate with the new people

    2. Church Structure is essential: This is to maintain unity within all of its diversity → even more now as the tribes would have very different customs

    3. Shift in thinking: they could not used the philosophy so they they would have to make a new way of on the ground thinking - pause on the well developed think as it was just not affective



  • This was a response to a desire to live a more authentic life (THEY DETACHED FROM SOCIETY → did not wanted to be temped by sin)

  • The model of this was Jesus (before he did anything big he would go and pray)

  • This also could be for the reparation of sins (Such as St. Augustine)

  • There were different forms → does predate the legalization of Christianity

  • Mostly began in 3rd or 4th century

  • This was the people would others would look up to as they were the new “strong willed” Christians as there was no real persecutions

  • This started in the east and move west but the rule (guideline) of Benedict was accepted mostly in the west

  • Eremitical - hermit/lonely

  • Coenobitical - Common/in community

New Christian Culture

  • Very Vital for the early Church

  • Centers of life of the Church

    • they were centers for missionaries and religion to be taught

    • they were a main source of spirituality

      • they trained priest

      • they were an access point of Christ

      • They Dignified Work

  • This was adopted as a means to deal with the fall of the west (this gave a greater influence of Christian Culture)

  • There were 3 main contributions:

    • They responded to the new reality of rural life → the towns would emerge around them

    • They were intellectual Centers (Scriptoria) → They preserved the knowledge of the Romans → THEY PERSEVED CULTURE

    • They civilized Germanic people → shared their traditions, taught farming so they would not have to pillage

Hierarchy and the Papacy

  • Pope – Father (multiple people have this title but it is understood that the Bishop of Rome is the leader)

  • This was much more concrete in the West → the term was taking on different meanings

  • Leo the Great → Showed that they have temporal responsibilities

    Temporal influence confirmed authority and also fought for independence

  • In the absence of political structure, the Pope became the head of the West as it was a unifying structure

    • This means that there was a struggle for independence from the state

    • There was a very large Christian Culture

    • The Church knew how to be independent under persecutions but new challenge with the interconnectedness

    • They had to do a lot of set up with the emperor and they had to fight for independence and to have their own leader


On Paper → if people want to see please come find me and ask they are just outlines
