detract | Diminish the worth of |
defraud | Obtain money from someone illegally with deception |
defer | Put off |
deferential | Respectful, showing humble submission |
demagogue | Politician who appeals to ppl instead of what is good for the nation |
dilate | make/become wider/more open |
diaphanous | Light, translucent, delicate (FABRIC) |
dialectic | Art of investigating the truth of opinions (reasoning/argumentation) |
verdict | Say the truth |
indict | Announcement of a crime |
indignant | feeling/showing annoyance at unfair treatment |
disseminate | Spread widely |
dissipate | (a feeling) disappears |
dissuade | Persuade to not do something |
doctrinaire | Seeking to impose a set of beliefs in all circumstances |
didactic | Something meant to teach |
orthodox | Straight belief - no deviation |
dogma | Principle laid down by an authority as TRUE |
dogmatic | Inclined to law down principles as true (adj for a person) |
doleful | mournful |
dolorous | feeling/expressing great sorrow/distress |
doldrums | State of stagnation inactive |
endow, | Provide with a quality |
indubitable | Without a doubt |
conducive | Making a certain situation possible |
seduce | Led away from your beliefs/morals |
inductive | Way to describe something that leads to something else |
induce | To lead on to do something/persuade |
duress | The use of force/threats - coercion |
dour | frowning/stern |
obdurate | Stubbornly refusing to change |
epitaph | A phrase/form of words written in memory of a person who has died |
epidermis | Most superficial layer of skin |
epistle | A letter |
epitome | Top cut of something (very best) |
epithet | Description expressing a quality characteristic of something |
adequate | satisfactory |
equity | fairness/justice |
equanimity | Mental calmness |
erroneous | incorrect |
aberrant | Departing from standard |
errant | Straying away from proper course - adventure? |
obsolescent | Becoming out of date/no longer produced |
acquiescent | Ready to accept something without protest |
convalescent | Recovering from an illness/operation |
euphemism | A good word/way of saying something that isn’t great |
euphonium | Of good sound |
euthanasia | Painless killing |
eugenics, | Study of arranging reproduction to get good characteristics |
eulogy | Funeral speech |
extricate | To free oneself (from a constraint/difficulty) |
exonerate | Release from blame/duty/obligation |
extenuate | Cause an offense to seem less serious |
egress | Action of going out/leaving a place |
egregious | Extremely bad in a way that is noticeable |
extrasensory | Residing beyond ordinary senses |
extraneous | Unrelated to the subject being dealt with |
extrapolate | Using existing info to make an educated guess about the future |
affable | Easy to approach/talk to |
ineffable | Inexpressible (too sacred) |
facsimile | An exact copy/to copy (simile) |
facile | Easily done |
prolific | Highly productive |
soporific | Causing sleep (spore) |
configuration | Arrangement of things |
effigy | A crude representation |
feign | pretend |
fait accompli | Something already done |
ex post facto | From a thing done afterward/having effect on a thing that happened in the past |
confer | To consult together |
referendum | Vote on a subject that was referred to you |
proffer | offer |
defer | To put off |
proliferate | To increase in number multiplicatively/rapidly |
vociferous | Crying out noisily (voice) |
fervor | Intense heat |
fervid | Burning (literally)/enthusiasm (metaphoric heat) |
effervescent | bubbling |
affidavit | A written statement confirmed by oath/affirmation (used as evidence in court) |
diffident | Lacking trust in your own ability |
perfidy | Deliberate breaking of trust |
fiduciary | A person who is entrusted with property/power to benefit someone else |
semper fidelis | Always faithful (marine corps) |
flamboyant | Strikingly bold |
inflammatory | Tending to arouse anger |
flagrant | obvious |
conflagration | Destructive fire |
deflect | Turn from a true course/swerve |
inflect | To alter/adapt (think voice) |
afflict | To distress (someone, they are affected) |
inflict | To impose |
profligate | Shamelessly + completely immoral |
affluent | Flowing with money |
influx | Something flowing in |
mellifluous | sweetly/smoothly flowing |
forestall | To prevent in advance |
forgo | To give up |
forbearance | Self-control from something |
fortuitous | Lucky and accidental |
refraction | Bending of light as it passes through something |
infraction | Violation of a law/agreement |
infringe | Actively break terms of a law |
fruition | Moment when a plan works |
profound | Very great/intense |
transfusion | joining someone else's blood with yours (simple addition) |
profuse | abundant |
effusive | Gratitude pouring out of you |
suffuse | Gradually spread through/over |
infusion | Introduction of a new element/quality into something, changing it |
genesis | Origin of something (think bible) |
degenerate | Showing evidence of decline |
homogeneous | Of a similar kind |
genre | Category of artistic composition |
ingenuous | Innocent and unsuspecting |
congenital | Present from birth |
progeny | descendant(s) of something |
engender | To cause |
miscegenation | Relationships between ppl of different ethnic groups |
sui generis | unique |
ignoramus | A stupid person |
prognosis | The likely course of a disease |
cognitive | Relating to thinking/acquiring knowledge |
grandeur | Impressive in appearance |
grandiose | Pretentiously impressive in appearance |
aggrandize | Increase the power/status/wealth of |
grandiloquent | Grand in a way to impress |
ingrate | Person who shows NO gratitude |
ingratiate | Bringing yourself into favor through flattery |
gratuity | A tip ($$) |
gratuitous | Uncalled for |
aggrieve | To distress |
grievous | Very severe/serious(ly bad) |
gravitas | seriousness/dignity |