Waitlist Protocol
Stay enrolled in a class while on the waitlist.
Automated registration process; instructors cannot force enrollment.
Course Overview
Focus on Financial Accounting though it's perceived as an economics course.
Goal: Understand the role of accounting within broader economic education rather than becoming an expert accountant.
Check email regularly for announcements, especially on Canvas.
Important messages may be sent via Canvas, appearing in your emails.
First Half of Class
Introduces basic concepts like bookkeeping: debits, credits, assets, liabilities, and equity.
Second Half of Class
Becomes more mathematically complex, focusing on advanced accounting topics over the last three weeks.
Textbook Access
provided through the Inclusive Access Program; available at a reduced cost via Brightway link.
Students can opt out if they don't want to use it, though it's highly recommended.
Previous students found comprehensive lecture slides helpful as an alternative to the textbook.
Uflow Tool
Powerful AI tool for inputting PDFs, slides, and other documents to assist learning.
Offers benefits for asynchronous learning and provides access to course materials including recordings.
All lectures will be recorded and accessible through the Canvas Media Center.
Lecture materials available shortly after class completion; sometimes may not be displayed immediately due to organizational tweaks.
Discussion Sections
Focus on problem-solving; no discussions during the first week.
TAs available to assist with problem sets and individual questions either during office hours or via Uflow.
5 Lecture Review Problems (LRP), 10% each; quizzes also accounting for class grade.
Each LRP has a maximum of 100 points with several opportunities for re-submission.
Two exams: Midterm focusing on bookkeeping and final exam covering more quantitative topics without being cumulative.
Curve applied based on performance; students in the top 30% receive an A.
Sundays are critical for submissions of LRPs and quizzes; some deadlines overlapping.
Specific instructions and preliminary materials available beforehand for students to prepare effectively.
Grading System
Canvas does not reflect weighted points automatically; instructors clarify grading thresholds post-exams.
Learning Environment
Encourages participation and questions; aims for an inclusive atmosphere.
Instructor uses a call and response strategy to engage students.
TA Availability
TAs serve dual purpose: assisting in content understanding while also learning from the teaching process.
AI Tool Usage
Designed to enhance student learning; not meant to replace direct instructor support.
Tentative Schedule
Course schedule is subject to change but generally follows a predictable format.
Understanding how firms operate as a part of the greater economic context.
Analyzing economic models like circular flow which illustrates interactions between households and firms.