Unit 2: Chapter 6
Appall: to shock in a terrible way or disturbing way
Cognizant: conscious of
Commiserate: To express sorrow or comfort someon
Expedient: self-interested, selfish, you’re only looking out for yourself
Hindrance: a barrier or something you have to get around
Kindle: to inspire or start it up to a spark
Lavish: overly luxurious
Ludicrous: ridiculous or absurd
Negligent: Thoughtless or careless ; low effort
Scrutinize: to inspect or check something carefully
Unit 2: Chapter 7
-clamor: loud noise
-contract: to become smaller
-duplicity: deceit ; lying
-equivocal: vague
-irresolute: unable to decide
-rescind: to cancel
-stagnant: motionless
-uniform: alike
-untenable: unable to be defended ; not real
-vilify: to speak evil of
Unit 2 : Chapter 8
-affable: good natured
-apocryphal: fictitious
-desultory: random, opposite of thorough and organized
-garbled: distorted, unclear, mixed up
-irascible: bad-tempered, irritable, angered
-loquacious: talking too much, chatty, yapper
-obtuse: stupid, dense
-opaque: difficult to understand, complex
-paucity: lack of, shortage, scarcity
-recapitulate: to sum up, repeat, reiterate
Unit 2: Chapter 9
-accolade: an expression of approval
-Assuage: to make less severe
-cacophony: unpleasant noise
-censure: disapproval
-diatribe: a verbal attack
-edifice: a structure
-gravity: seriousness
-infraction: a violation
-profane: lacking reverence
-somber: very serious
Unit 2: CHapter 10
-blasphemy: an insult to something holy
-enmity: hostility
-erroneous: wrong
-garner: to gather
-heretic: a rebel
-incite: to urge on
-languish: to do poorly
-peruse: to inspect
-recluse:a hermit
-renounce: to give up