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Theology Questions Quiz for 9/11/24


Noah and Drunkenness

• Noah's different son's and where they occupied

◦ Japeth (europe, asia), Ham (sw asia, canan, africa), shem (mid east, shemites)

• Events of the flood

• Noah's drunken story

◦ Ham finds him and mocks him, his brothers cover Noah's body

◦ Ham (and the Canaanites, his descendants) are cursed -> Canaanites will be enslaved

This story proves that sin still exists in the world

• Drinking isnt a sin, getting DRUNK is

◦ Debauchery -> sensual pleasures (sex, drugs, alcohol)


• People were originally spreading out, united to TRY TO BE LIKE GOD (parallel with Adam + Eve)

• God scatters people and creates dif languages

• Events of Pentecost REVERSE what happened at Babylon

◦ Disciples are blessed with language to UNITE people with God's Word

• Babylon represents a DO religion (you have to earn salvation, "building the tower")

• Pentecost represents a DONE religion (you have to accept salvation)

◦ True religion is already finished/done 

Other Questions

1. If God created the universe, then what created God?

The question assumes God exists inside time/space. Since he created time and space, He exists outside of these ideas in ways that we cannot comprehend. He is eternal and has always existed.


2. Which argument is more convincing: Cosmological, Teleological, or Moral Law? Explain.

• Cosmological Argument: cause/effect; since the universe has a cause, that implies that there is a cause before this (that being God or at least something that exists outside of the universe that caused it)

• Teleological Argument: since the universe is intricately designed, there must be a designer

• Moral Law Argument: if God does not exist, moral values do not exist (they are God given because we share the same knowledge of good/evil even if people believe in God or don’t)         


3. Define God's institution of marriage. How does this differ from marriage today?

God wanted one man and one woman to become one. He wants the man and the woman to treat each other as equals and love and care for each other. Today, marriage is broken and not how it should be.


4. Review the definition of sin and explain why sin is more than just acts you commit.

Sin is not just wrong doings that we do; it is a betrayal to God every time we commit one. He created us without flaw, but we ruined it and betrayed Him by sinning. Every time that we sin, it is a direct betrayal to God, but He forgives us even though we sin against Him.

Theology Questions Quiz for 9/11/24


Noah and Drunkenness

• Noah's different son's and where they occupied

◦ Japeth (europe, asia), Ham (sw asia, canan, africa), shem (mid east, shemites)

• Events of the flood

• Noah's drunken story

◦ Ham finds him and mocks him, his brothers cover Noah's body

◦ Ham (and the Canaanites, his descendants) are cursed -> Canaanites will be enslaved

This story proves that sin still exists in the world

• Drinking isnt a sin, getting DRUNK is

◦ Debauchery -> sensual pleasures (sex, drugs, alcohol)


• People were originally spreading out, united to TRY TO BE LIKE GOD (parallel with Adam + Eve)

• God scatters people and creates dif languages

• Events of Pentecost REVERSE what happened at Babylon

◦ Disciples are blessed with language to UNITE people with God's Word

• Babylon represents a DO religion (you have to earn salvation, "building the tower")

• Pentecost represents a DONE religion (you have to accept salvation)

◦ True religion is already finished/done 

Other Questions

1. If God created the universe, then what created God?

The question assumes God exists inside time/space. Since he created time and space, He exists outside of these ideas in ways that we cannot comprehend. He is eternal and has always existed.


2. Which argument is more convincing: Cosmological, Teleological, or Moral Law? Explain.

• Cosmological Argument: cause/effect; since the universe has a cause, that implies that there is a cause before this (that being God or at least something that exists outside of the universe that caused it)

• Teleological Argument: since the universe is intricately designed, there must be a designer

• Moral Law Argument: if God does not exist, moral values do not exist (they are God given because we share the same knowledge of good/evil even if people believe in God or don’t)         


3. Define God's institution of marriage. How does this differ from marriage today?

God wanted one man and one woman to become one. He wants the man and the woman to treat each other as equals and love and care for each other. Today, marriage is broken and not how it should be.


4. Review the definition of sin and explain why sin is more than just acts you commit.

Sin is not just wrong doings that we do; it is a betrayal to God every time we commit one. He created us without flaw, but we ruined it and betrayed Him by sinning. Every time that we sin, it is a direct betrayal to God, but He forgives us even though we sin against Him.