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Target 1.1 Monomers and Polymers

  • Monomers - Building blocks in our bodies that make up larger molecules

    • Monomers in the body - Amino acids, Monosaccharides, and Nucleotides

    • Molecules that are monomers - Glycerol and Saturated Fatty Acids

  • Polymers - Larger molecules in our bodies that have a specific function based on their structure

    • Polymers in the body - Nucleic acid, Polypeptides (proteins), and Polysaccharides (carbs)

    • Macromolecule that is NOT a polymer - Lipid

  • Monosaccharides (monomer) make polysaccharides (polymer)

  • Amino Acid (monomer) makes Polypeptides/proteins (polymer)

  • Nucleotide (monomer) makes Nucleic Acid (polymer)

  • Fatty Acid and Glycerol (not monomer) make Lipids (not polymer)

  • Dehydration synthesis - macromolecules being made when water molecules are removed

  • Hydrolysis - macromolecules being broken down from a water molecule

Target 1.1 Monomers and Polymers

  • Monomers - Building blocks in our bodies that make up larger molecules

    • Monomers in the body - Amino acids, Monosaccharides, and Nucleotides

    • Molecules that are monomers - Glycerol and Saturated Fatty Acids

  • Polymers - Larger molecules in our bodies that have a specific function based on their structure

    • Polymers in the body - Nucleic acid, Polypeptides (proteins), and Polysaccharides (carbs)

    • Macromolecule that is NOT a polymer - Lipid

  • Monosaccharides (monomer) make polysaccharides (polymer)

  • Amino Acid (monomer) makes Polypeptides/proteins (polymer)

  • Nucleotide (monomer) makes Nucleic Acid (polymer)

  • Fatty Acid and Glycerol (not monomer) make Lipids (not polymer)

  • Dehydration synthesis - macromolecules being made when water molecules are removed

  • Hydrolysis - macromolecules being broken down from a water molecule