Untitled Flashcards Set

·      Holistic perspective/ Holism

o   Considers societies as a whole rather than isolated parts

·      Anthropology

o   The study of human cultures and their development

·      Ethnocentrism

o   Judging other cultures based on my own

·      Four field approach

o   Biological Anthropology

§  Primatology

·      The study of nonhuman primates

o   Archaeology

§  Prehistoric vs. Historic archaeology

·      Before and after written history

o   Linguistic Anthropology

§  Study of language and how it affects cultures

o   Cultural Anthropology

§  Studying culture and societies

·      Globalization

o   Time-space compression

§  Overall increase of connectivity (travel, internet, shipping routes)

o   Flexible accumulation

§  Companies manufacturing things in the cheapest locations (made in china)

o   Uneven development

§  Uneven distribution of wealth

o   Anthropocene

§  The era in which humans have become the dominant force

o   Climate change

§  Climate change
