Course: ZOOL 352 Spring 205
Hematology: The study of blood.
Circulatory System: Composed of blood, blood vessels, and the heart.
Cardiovascular System: Focuses on blood vessels and the heart.
Nutrients, wastes, gases, hormones, and heat to and from cells.
From blood loss: Involves hemostasis and platelets.
From pathogens: Involves immune responses by leukocytes.
Maintains pH levels and fluid balance.
Aids in thermoregulation (body temperature control).
Regulates various physiological parameters.
Connective Tissue:
Contains two main components:
Cells (formed elements):
Erythrocytes: Red blood cells, responsible for oxygen transport.
Leukocytes: White blood cells, essential for immune response.
Thrombocytes: Platelets, critical for clotting.
Extracellular Matrix (plasma): Liquid component of blood.
Measures the proportion of red blood cells in blood.
Components of blood:
Plasma: 55% of total blood volume.
Erythrocytes: Approximately 45% of total blood volume.
Buffy Coat: Contains leukocytes and platelets.
Reference Values:
Children (up to 5 years): Hemoglobin (11.0 g/dL), Hematocrit (33%)
Children (5-11 years): Hemoglobin (11.5 g/dL), Hematocrit (34%)
Nonpregnant women: Hemoglobin (12.0 g/dL), Hematocrit (36%)
Pregnant women: Hemoglobin (11.0 g/dL), Hematocrit (33%)
Men: Hemoglobin (13.0 g/dL), Hematocrit (39%)
Description: Sticky, yellow-colored substance.
Solvent: Primarily water, containing over 100 solutes including:
Smallest and most abundant plasma proteins.
Act as pH buffers and transport solutes.
Produced by the liver.
Globulins (3 types):
Role in transporting solutes and clotting (e.g., prothrombin).
Produced by the liver.
Alpha: Involves solute transport and immunity (complement proteins).
Beta: Antibodies or immunoglobulins (Ig) secreted by plasma cells.
Gamma: Involved in immune response.
Protein precursor produced by the liver.
Activated to form fibrin, which is essential for clot formation.
Plasma without fibrinogen is known as serum.
Describes the "stickiness" of blood and its resistance to flow.
Influenced by:
Concentration of plasma proteins.
Packed Cell Volume (PCV).
Higher viscosity can lead to increased blood pressure.
Concentration of solutes in blood; low osmolarity results in "thin, watery blood" leading to swelling (edema).
Healthy Liver vs. Disease: Fibrosis, Cirrhosis, Carcinoma.
Symptoms: Ankle edema, ascites.
Uric Acid
Creatinine: Nitrogenous wastes that reflect renal function.