Unstructured Interviews

The interviewer is free to vary the questions, their wording or order as seems appropriate based on the situation. They can pursue whatever line of questioning they want, probing for more details, asking follow up questions.

They produce detailed qualitative data so preferred by interpretivists.

Informal so allows interviewer to build rapport. Helps make interviewee comfortable and encourages them to open up, and useful if researching sensitive topics.

Practical issues

  • Training is required so that interviewers can recognise when the interviewee has made a sociological point then can probe with more questions. This adds to the cost.

  • Interviewers need interpersonal skills to establish rapport with interviewees

  • Take a long time therefore can limit the number that can be carried out therefore limiting sample size

  • Produce large amounts of data which can take time to transcribe.

  • No premade questions, making analysis and categorisation of data difficult and time consuming.

  • Can ask for questions
