form of writing

this form of writing which is more formal and academic compared to other writing forms. For instance, writing can be grouped into five basic types:

·         Technical writing conveys specific information about a technical subjects to a specific audience for a specific purpose.

·         Creative writing is fiction-poetry , short stories, plays, and novels-and far different from technical writing.

·         Expressive writing is a subjective response to a personal experience-journals and diaries-whereas technical writing might be objective observations of a work-related experience or research.

·         Expository writing “exposes” a topic analytically and objectively, such as news reports. Like technical writing the goal of expository writing is to explain or reveal knowledge, but expository writing does not necessarily expect a response or action from the reader.

·         Persuasive writing depends on emotional appeal. Its goal is to change one’s attitudes or motivate him/her to action.

