Yeasts are generally in the form of separate
spherical cells.
There are several species of yeast under the genus Saccharomyces.
Yeasts are found freely in the atmosphere.
The yeast cell is ovoid in shape and has a distinct cell wall and a nucleus.
There may be one or more vacuoles in the cytoplasm.
Yeast cells can directly absorb simple sugar (glucose) but the cane sugar or sucrose has to be first broken into simple sugar by one of the enzymes before absorption into the cell.
Yeast respires anaerobically in the absence of air, i.e. without using oxygen.
Mushrooms are of various shapes and sizes.
Many have a cap and stalk, but in some varieties stalk is absent.
Not all mushrooms are edible.
In fact, most are mildly or severely poisonous.
Agaricus bisporous is the most common edible mushroom eaten practically all over the world.
At present, three kinds of mushrooms are widely cultivated in India and abroad:
Mushroom cultivation is done indoors and hence a little land area is required.
Mushrooms can be grown on substrate or compost based on various agricultural wastes which in turn are recycled [Compost: decayed organic matter used for fertilizing land].
White button mushroom (Agaricus bisporous is the most popular variety grown in India.
Its cultivation involves five major steps:
The compost is prepared by
mixing the following in certain proportions.
Wheat or paddy straw
Chicken manure
Some organic and inorganic fertilizers.
“mushroom seed” consisting of mycelium of the selected type of mushroom is introduced into the compost and allowed to spread for a couple of days.
A thin layer of soil is spread over the compost.
It gives support to the mushroom.
It provides humidity
It prevents quick drying of the compost.
It helps to regulate temperature.
Cropping and Harvesting:
The growth occurs in three principal stages:
The full-grown mushrooms are taken out.
Mushrooms are highly perishable.
Their shelf life is increased by a variety of processes:
Nutritive value of mushrooms:
Mushrooms are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals.
They contain a good amount of niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin.
The vitamins in mushrooms are well retained during cooking, canning, and dehydration.