SOC 222 Childhood Lecture

Industrial Revolution

By 1900, ¼ of textile workers were children

  • Northern reformers outraged at white child slavery

    • Did not show concern for african american children who were also working

African-American Child Labor

After emancipation 1863, sharecropping system

  • Most young black children worked

  • Child labor law reformers did not see this as exploitive, but as teaching southern Black children how to function in freedom

  • 75% of black children were working before 10

They thought the white children were being misused, and thought black children working in the fields was an educational tool to function in a free society

Why Child Labor Laws Resisted

Child labor was good for industry

  • Could pay children 10-20% of adult wages

  • “unconstitutional”


  • Unions fought for these laws so men could get children’s jobs

  • 1938, FDR passed law banning child labor under age 14

    • Except in agriculture where Black and immigrant kids worked

Child Labor still exists though

  • Live away from families

Industrialization for White Middle Class

Decent jobs for only men in urban areas

  • Most men began working for someone else (‘free labor”)

  • (middleclass white) women and children ceased to be economically productive

How does the shift from women adn children working a lot affect things?

Gender relations

  • Housewife + breadwinner

  • Domestic abuse

    • Men are tired from work and they become more aggressive

  • Boys are raised to work, girls are raised to be home

Children’s Lives

  • Have more time to be children and start their education


  • Mom is closer to the child because the father works more

  • Change the cycle of abuse (exploitation)

    • Man taking the stress out on the kids

    • Kids were no longer being depended on for financial help so the parent could have less value for them

Shift in Dependency

Shift from dependence on people to dependence on money

  • No longer needign to maintain good relationship to survive

    • Now they need money

  • Rise of nuclear family

  • From unit of production to unit of consumption

  • Contrast in feelings toward family and toward others

Care became associated with the family rather than in society

Big Split

Public = Market

  • “Cold cruel world”

  • Men

  • Competition and Self-interest

Private = Family

  • “Haven in a heartless world”

  • Women

  • Cooperation, love, selfless concern for others

Created intense emotional gender divide

Why still have kid?

All about emotional need to nurture someone

Middle Class White Children

Economically worthles and emotionally priceless

  • Social consturction of “childhood”

    • Innocence, learning, separation

  • Child raising becomes an activity

  • More emotionally loaded

    • Narrowing the basis of connection with your kid from working together to having an emotional connection

Parents began to need love and affirmation from their child

  • Punishment became more about hte parent withdrawing their affection for their child

What is the effect that families are more emotional on children?

Replacing stressor w another stressor

  • Now not getting arm chopped off, but now bear the burden
