Lake: Actors > Interests > Domestic Institutions > International Institutions > Policy
Acemoglu & Robinson: Political Institution = de jure power, Distribution of resources = de facto power. These shape political + economic institutions. Economic institutions affect the distribution of resources, restarting the cycle.
Production Model: Y* = A * f(K, L): Y = Output, A = TFP, K = Capital, L = Labor.
Ricardo-Viner: Assume capital is fixed. Comparative advantage industry wins in trade, and vice versa.
Heckscher-Ohlin: Assume capital is mobile. Country specializes in abundant factors.
Stolper-Samuelson: Derived from HO — abundant factor industry wins in trade, and vice versa.
Industry Characteristics:
Trilemma /Monetary Policy: Can choose between two of the three: macro flexibility, currency stability, open capital markets..
Converse: Voters aren’t logically constrained and oftentimes follow the lead of their party elites.
Achen & Bartels: Voter behavior is based on membership in social groups.
Hainmueller + Hiscox: Education is correlated with support for trade.
Scheve & Slaughter: People make trade decisions based on their long-term winnings + closings. Also, ownership of assets in comparative disadvantage areas matters. The intensive factor in the comparative disadvantage industry will not support free trade.
Olson: Individuals won’t act to achieve interests due to the free-rider problem.
Baron: Look at the rent chain (who benefits/harmed by status quo) to determine allies.
Kim & Osgood: Big firms overcome collective action problem because a) resources, b) fewer of them
Downs: Rulers in democracy formulate policy with the sole purpose of remaining in power. Normal distribution = stable, moderators win. Polarized = polarizing parties, unstable.
Gilens: Policies strongly correlated with affluent voter support, almost no correlation with lower-income support.
Drazen: Policymakers make policies to please the ruling coalition(part of selectorate + companies).
Rudra: Countries decrease taxes + screw over labor & environment to induce companies to do business in their location.
Wang: Leftist countries lower taxes to avoid enraging labor (their ruling coalition)