Gilded Age
Why was the period between 1870-1910 called the “gilded age”?
To other countries it looked like America was doing good while it wasn't.
Gold on outside weak on inside
What were the causes of industrialization? How did America change?
The need for better technologies
What were some of the major problems during the Gilded Age?
Harsh working conditions, Corruption
What is social darwinism?
Survival of the fittest poor people are poor for a reason and wealthy are wealthy for a reason
What is a muckraker?
A journalist who exposes corruption/injustice in American businesses or the government
Muckraker name What did they expose?
Jacob Riis | The harsh living conditions of Apartments in New York |
Upton Sinclair | He exposed the meatpacking industry for it’s unsanitized and very gross environment |
Ida Tarbell | She exposed the illegal practices of the standard oil company |
Ida B. Wells | She exposed and gave light to african americans being lynched, and violence against african americans in general. |
How did the work of muckrakers impact change/reform?
They influenced laws to change the social corruption in the workplace
Progressive Era
What is Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal? What reforms did America see under the Roosevelt administration?
It was a domestic program that reflected 3 goals: the conservation of natural resources, corporate law, and consumer protection. There were many things that changed under the square deal, such as helping middle class citizens.
What did the 16th amendment do?
The 16th Amendment grants Congress the power to levy and collect income taxes without apportionment among the states or regard to any census.
What did the 17th amendment do?
The 17th amendment changed the method of electing us senators from election by state legislatures to direct popular vote by the people
What was the Sherman Antitrust Act and how did Teddy Roosevelt use it to disband monopolies?
The Sherman Antitrust act was a law passed in order to stop major monopolies from being monopolies. Teddy Roosevelt enforced the Sherman antitrust act .
What were the causes and effects? | The annexation of Hawaii is when the US added Hawaii to its land and possession because Hawaii had a sugar plantation. Effect: Hawaii lost its independence because the US wanted to claim it so they could have a military to know if other countries tried to strike the mainland. |
| The causes of the Spanish-American War is yellow journalism, the sinking of the USS Maine, the US economic interest in Cuba, the Cubans declaring a rebel against the Spanish, and the De Lome letter declaring McKinley “weak.” The effects of the Spanish-American War is the US victory over Spain after 3 months, Spain recognizing Cuba’s declaration of independence, the US is recognized as a world power and has the control of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam, and Cuba became a virtual US protectorate. |
| To shorten the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean It is quicker and cheaper. |
| The Roosevelt corollary stated that the US would join affairs with latin America if needed to keep power and prevent European intervention in the West . The monroe doctrine warned European countries to not interfere with west problems |
| Neutrality is when you pick neither side and you stay out of the situation. From 1914-1917 the US stayed Neutral in ww1. |
| Woodrow Wilson decided to enter the U.S in ww1 because of many things like the zimmerman telegram, and the Germans behavior since they shot any trade ship that came near German Including 100 U.S citizens. |
What was the League of Nations? Why did America never join the League of Nations? | The 14 points of Woodrow Wilson during WW1 is open diplomacy, freedom of seas, free trade, reduction of armaments, adjustment of colonial claims, expansion of the Russian territory, restoration of Belgium, redrawing of Italian borders, return of Alsace-Lorraine, self-determination for Austria-Hungary, redrawing of the Balkan borders, creation of Turkish state and independent Polish State, and the establishment of The League of Nations. The League of Nations is a intergovernmental corporation that promotes peace and prevents wars occurring in the future (via diplomacies) American refused to join the League of Nations because they don’t want to join wars that they have no interest in, which would not only limit their freedom, but put their country in danger. |
| Schneck vs U.S was a case where someone tried speaking out of the dangerous treatments soldiers would face during war and the US tried to put him in jail but Schneck sued them but then the law came into place that you cannot speak against war while the country is currently in war.It limited our first amendment which is freedom of speech. |
6. Other
| The great migration was a time of the relocation of millions of african americans from the rural south to urban centers in the north. |