What was Piaget’s approach to cognitive development?
Children make constant mental adaptations to new observation and experiences
What is assimilation?
Assimilation: Fitting new information into present system of knowledge(schema)
What is accommodation?
Accomodation: As a result of new information, change existing(schema)
What are Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
What is object permanence?
Understanding that something continues to exist even when it cannot be seen
What is egocentrism?
Only use own frame of reference
What is animistic thinking?
Attribute life to objects
What is conservation?
Understanding that physical properties do not change when appearance changes
Concrete operational
What is reversibility?
Idea that a stimulus that has been changed can return to its original state
What is transitivity?
Understanding how components in a series are related(if A>B and B>C, then A>C)
Formal operational
Abstract and systematic reasoning. Thinking about future possibilities
What is Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development?
Cognitive development results from guidance
What is the zone of proximal development?
Level at which a child can almost perform a task independently
What is scaffolding?
Teacher adjusts amount of support to child’s level of development
What is theory of mind?
Understanding of how other people think
What was the band-aid box study?
kids were shown a band aid box and were asked what was inside. They were surprised to find pencils in the box
What is Erik Erikson’s stage theory of social development?
8 stages; changes in interpersonal thought, feeling, and behavior (the epigenetic principle)
What are the major challenges in each stage? (first 4 stages here; last 4 stages later)
Trust vs. mistrust
If needs are dependably met, infants develop a sense of basic trust
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Toddlers learn to exercise their will and do things for themselves, or they doubt their abilities
Initiative vs. guilt
Preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans, or they feel guilty about their efforts to be independent
Industry vs. inferiority
Children learn the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks, of they feel inferior
What were the results of Harlow’s studies of infant attachment?
Soft contact is very important. The infant monkey preferred a soft cloth surrogate mother over a wire mother that provided food
How did Mary Ainsworth study attachment?
Ainsworth studied attachment using the Strange Situation experiment(1978), where infants were observed in a series of separations and reunions with their caregivers to asses their attachment styles
What were her resulting attachment styles?
Infants uses caregiver as a secure base for exploration
What is a secure base?
A secure base is a caregiver who provides sense of security and support, allowing an infant to explore their environment while knowing they have a safe place to return to
Infants are clingy and distressed when caregiver leaves but is not easily comforted upon return
Infants shows little distress when caregiver leaves and avoids them upon return
What contributes to attachment styles (e.g., temperament)?
Temperament, Stressful home life and Parenting
What are the later correlates of infant attachment style (e.g., size of vocabulary)?
Size of vocabulary, Interpersonal interaction and Emotions
What was Langlois et al.’s (1995) study?
Studied how infants attractiveness
What are Baumrind’s 2 dimensions of parenting?
What are the resulting 4 parenting styles?
High warmth, high control(child-centered, not overly demanding)
Low warmth, high control(strict, obedience-focused)
High warmth, low control(few rules, indulgent)
Low warmth, low control(least effective, most detriment)
How are parenting styles associated with later outcomes?
Authoritative: Higher grades, cooperative behavior
Authoritarian: Lower grades, lower self esteem
Permissive: Easily frustrated, low self-control
Uninvolved:Low self-esteem, emotionally detached
What is Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? What are his 3 stages?
Morality based on rewards and punishments
Morality based on social norms and approval
Morality based on abstract principles and ethics
What is the Heinz dilemma?
A moral dilemma used by Kohlberg to assess moral reasoning, where a man must decide whether to steal medicine to save his dying wife
What is the delay of gratification?
The ability to resist an immediate reward for a larger reward later
What was the marshmallow test?
A study where children were given marshmallows and told they could have two if they waited before eating the first. It measured self-control and future success.
What are Erik Erikson’s last 4 stages of social development? What is the challenge in each?
Identity vs. confusion (5th stage)
Developing a stable sense of self
Intimacy vs. isolation
Forming close relationships
Generativity vs. stagnation
Contributing to society or feeling purposeless
Integrity vs. despair
Reflecting on life with satisfaction or regret
What is the socioemotional selectivity theory?
The theory suggest that when people age, they prioritize emotionally meaningful relationships and experiences over seeking new knowledge and social connection