Bilabial sound - sound articulated by the two lips
Voice box activation - activating vocal cords so feel the movement (buzzing)
Labiodentals - the bottom lip contact with the ridge of the upper teeth
/f/ - ‘fall’, photo
/v/ - very
Dentals - the tip of the tongue makes contact (and sometimes slides in between the teeth)
Aleolars - the tip of the tongue does not make contact with the teeth with area of gum immediately behind the teeth and before the palate
Palatals - the tongue body raises toward the palate
Pre-palats (or post-alveolars) - produced in an area between the alveolar ridge and the palate
Retroflex - the tongue curled up and back
Velars - the posterior portion of the tongue makes contact with the velum
/k/ - car
/g/ - go, give
/x/ - hair