Chapter 1

There are many Psycholgical perspectives in how psychologist view how the mind works, there are many histroical figures associated with there belief of psycological structure and how their research ad overall all development have attributed to the Psychology of today.

Structuralism - is understanding of the conscious human mind and characteristics through Introspection which is the process of where someone examines their own conscious experience in a attempt to break it into to it's fundamental parts.

William Wundt is a founder of psycology and created the first labrotory for Psych research, he emphasized Structuralism.

Functionalism - Emphasized on how mental activities contributed to basic survival

William James was the first American Psychologist he drew from the functioanlity of the cognitive process. establishing functionalism.

Psychoanalytic Theory - Founded by Sigmund Freud one of the most influetial figure in psychology focuses on the analyzation of the unconsicous mind and it's effects on your conscious behaviors Freud believed that the unconscious mind could be accessed through dream analysis.

Sigund Freud was a highly influential figure in the history of psychology and ENCOURAGED his patients to talk freely of what came to mind. Frued says that we are all affected by subcontial things we've naturally been exposed too. And is known for the emphasise on the focus of the unconscious mind.

Classical Conditioning was discovered by Ivan Pavlov in which organisms unconsciously respond to a stimuli and through conditioning that same response was achevied by different stimuli that was being associtaed by the original stimuli.

Behaviorism Theory is the idea that the analysis of the internal mind is impossible and that you should focus on the behaviors you can see in order to analyze and help someone. Behaviorism is used in behaviral and cognitive behaviroal therapy to date.

John B Watson is seen of the founder of behaviorism and he believed that objective annlysis of the mind was impossible and focused on physical behavior to bring the behavior under control.

B.F Skinner focused on how behavior was effected by its consequences and studied the principles of controling behavior through reinforcement and punishment which wer major driving factors.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) incorporates principles from behaviorism, emphasizing the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and aims to modify negative thought patterns to improve emotional regulation and develop coping strategies.

Noam Chomsy is best known as a influetial figure for the cognitive revolution and believed that mental functioning needed incorporated with the study of behavior to truly understand someone.

Humanism - The Humanistic perspective is that individuals all ahve the capacity to acheive our higheset goals, humans are inheritly good and we all have potential to be our best selves within us.

Carl Rogers mainly developed the client centered therapy method that is a heavy influence in clincal settings today. He believed therapist need, Uncoditional postivity, genuineness, and empathy.

Abraham Maslow is best known for his ideoligacl break down of a humans needs. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs state that the higher up in the list we are in our state of life the closer we are to Inner fulfillment.

Jean Piaget - Cognitive

Biopsycology focuesses on how to structure and function of the nervous system generate behavior

Research areas of focus in this structure is

Sensory and motor systems

- Sleep

- Drug use and abuse

- Ingestive behavior

- Reproductive behavior

- Neurodevelopment

- Plasticity of the nervous system

- Biological correlates of

psychological disord

Cognitive Psychology is the area of psychology that focuses on studying cognitions, or thoughts, and their relationship to our experiences and our actions.

Developmental Psychology is the scientific study of development across a lifespan. Developmental psychologists are interested in processes related to physical maturation.

Personality Psychology focuses on patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make each individual unique. These early theorists attempted to explain how an individual’s personality develops from their given perspective.

Social Psychology is the focus of how indiciduals interact and relate with others and how these interactions can effect our behavior.

Industrial-Organizational psychology (I-O psychology) is a subfield of psychology that applies psychological theories, principles, and research findings in industrial and organizational settings.

Researchers in sport and exercise psychology study the psychological aspects of sport performance, including motivation and performance anxiety, and the effects of sport on mental and emotional wellbeing.

Forensic psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with questions of psychology as they arise in the context of the justice system.
