
Classification of Sandstone

1. Introduction

  • Overview of classification focus.

  • Key topics include petrography and sandstone types, provenance, and mineral compositions.

2. Petrography and Origin of Principal Sandstone Types

  • A. Quartz Arenites

  • B. Arkoses

  • C. Litharenites

  • D. Greywackes

3. Provenance and Significance of Mineral Compositions

  • 3.1. Genetic Classification of Quartz Grains

  • 3.2. Paleoclimate

  • 3.3. Tectonic Setting by Detrital Modes

4. References

  • Dr. Muhamed F.Omer, Ph.D. in Sedimentology, Postdoctoral - Warsaw University, 2014.

Classification of Sandstone

- Introduction

  • Petrographic classification.

  • Microscopic studies; grain types assessed (400 grains recommended).

  • Field estimates via hand lens.

  • Triangular Diagram Usage

    • End members: Quartz (+Chert), Feldspar, Rock Fragments.

    • Fields named by modal analysis.

- Groups of Sandstones

  • Arenites: Clean sands (>25% feldspar).

  • Litharenite: >25% rock fragments, more than feldspar.

  • Wackes: Dirty sands (>15% matrix).

Classification of Sand-Grain Types

  • Quartzose Grains: Qt = Qm + Qp

  • Lithic Fragments: Included based on content.

  • Feldspar Grains: F = P + K (P = plagioclase, K = potassium feldspar).

Types of Sandstone

1. Quartz Arenite

  • At least 95% quartz.

  • Well-rounded, well-sorted, high textural maturity.

  • Cements: quartz overgrowths, calcite common.

  • Heavy minerals: well-rounded ZTR.

  • Typical deposition: shallow marine shelves.

  • Example: Khabour Formation, Iraq.

2. Arkose

  • 25% feldspar; red/pink color.

  • Poorly to well-sorted grains.

  • Cemented by calcite, quartz, clay.

  • Derived from granites and gneisses.

  • Example: Injana Formation, Iraq.

3. Litharenites

  • High content of unstable rock fragments.

  • Poorly sorted; fluvial and deltaic settings.

  • Bulk composition: high Al2O3, low Na2O/MgO.

  • Example: Qalandar Formation, Iraq.

4. Greywacke

  • Texturally immature; >15% matrix.

  • Fine-grained matrix: chlorite, sericite.

  • Rich in Al2O3; deposited by turbidity currents.

Provenance Significance of Mineral Compositions

  • Mineralogy affects sediment transport distance, climate.

  • Provenance studies help reconstruct pre-depositional history.

3.1. Genetic Classification of Quartz Grains

  • Monocrystalline types: non-undulose, slightly undulose, undulose.

  • Polycrystalline types differentiated by crystal units.

3.2. Paleoclimate

  • Sandstone mineralogy reflects ancient conditions.

3.3. Tectonic Setting by Detrital Modes

  • Relates detrital composition to tectonic settings.

  • Provenance terrains: stable craton, basement uplift, magmatic arcs, recycled orogen.


  • Academic references on sandstones and classifications.
