They produce color based on the additive color system, which involves light emitted directly from a source before an object reflects light.
A TV screen or computer monitor creates color using the primary colors of light (additive color system ): red, blue and green.
From these three colors a wide range of colors can be produced.
Thousands of red, green and blue phosphor dots emit light to make the images seen on monitors.
Primary Colors
The three primary colors of light are: red, green and blue
All colors we see are made from these three colors being reflected in different combinations and amounts.
The primary colors of light are different from the primary subtractive colors of our paints.
Secondary Colors
Three secondary colors of light are made by combining two primary colors in equal amounts: red + blue = magenta blue + green = cyan red + green = yellow
Since white light is all colors of light, mixing red + green + blue light = WHITE light
Mixing the primary pigment colors: yellow, cyan and magenta = black