Abject: Hopeless extremely sad and servile; defeated
Abridge: To shorten without losing key content.
Adroit: Skillful and clever
Antipathy: A deep dislike
Acrid: Sharp or bitter in smell or taste.
Audacity: boldness; reckless daring; impertinence
Belie: Fail to give true notion; or contradict
Beset: to harrass to surround
Burgeon: To grow or develop rapidly; to flourish.
Cajole: To persuade through flattery or coaxing.
Capricious: Impulsive; prone to sudden mood changes.
Castigate: To criticize or reprimand severely.
Celibacy: Abstaining from marriage and sexual relations.
Charisma: Magnetic charm or appeal.
Culpable: Deserving blame or at fault.
Conciliatory: making peace; attempting to
resolve a dispute through goodwill
Depravity: Moral corruption or wickedness.
Dogmatic: characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts
Evanescent: Quickly fading or disappearing.
Farcical: Absurd or ludicrous