Terms (10)
Israel - one who struggled with God and prevailed
YHWH – inhale and exhale sounding like the pron. Yah way
Decalogue – the ten commandments
Shema - The Lord is our God, the Lord is one. And as for you, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength
Hanakkuh – a celebration indicating the wars of independence
Messiah – anointed one
Minyan - quorum of ten male adults needed for community worship
Ghetto – Forced living quarters only for the Jews
Pogrom – massacres on Jews
Tikkun Olam – to repair the world
Mishpat - justice
Chesed – loving kindness
Bar/Bat Mitzvah – coming of age ceremony for the transition to adulthood
Seder – a dinner marking the start of passover
Tree of Life Synagogue – in 2018, 11 worshipers were gunned down by an anti-semite
Questions (5)
- What is the symbol of Judaism and why?
The star of David, as its connection to the holocaust
- What was the “curse of Ham” and how was it interpreted to justify enslaving Blacks?
It was a biblical rationale for slavery by preachers of the churches before the civil war, making slavery as an okay thing at the time
- What is the Hebrew Bible called and what are its three parts?
The Tanakh containing the Torah, Kethuvim, and Nevi’im
- How does a mythic story differ from a factual account and give three examples from the book of Genesis?
Mythic stories give important truths but may not be realistically accurate, three examples are Noah’s Ark, Creation Stories, and the Tower of Babel
- In terms of patriarchy, how are the two creation stories in Genesis different?
One story was focused on the male and female in gods image and the other more focused on the objective parts to the creation story
- Who were the four courageous women who saved Moses in the story in Exodus?
Jochebed, Shiprah, the Pharaoh’s Daughter, and Miriam
- How are Xenophobia and Endogamy related?
They are related in their aspects of limiting one’s perspective down to just a specific area, people avoid others different.
Terms (10)
Exegesis – to listen to a text’s meaning
Incarnation - god becomes flesh
Abba – meaning daddy/father, characterizes someone’s personal relationship with God
Lydia – the first convert to Christianity in Europe
Agape – an alternate view of love
Excommunication – people who are “suspended” to their church or following religiously
Lalibela Churches – below ground churches, part of the oldest churches found in Africa
Crusades – a wave of military command against the holy land
Inquisition – a ecclesiastical court to suppress heresy
St. Francis of Assisi – a figure who underwent a radical spiritual transformation and “left the world”
Middle Passage – the trading of slaves continentally
Sacraments – a mystery or sacred rite
Lent – a fasting period in the 40 days before Easter
Maundy Thursday – the day the last supper occurred
Liberation Theology – the view of Jesus being the liberator of the oppressed
Ecumenism – a movement to promote unity between Christian denominations
Questions (5)
- Draw the first symbol for Christianity and explain why.
A fish with the word ICHTHYS (spelt as IXOYE) meaning Jesus Christ and his disciple’s connection as being fishers
- Name the four Gospels. What are three of them collectively called due to their similarities?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the three in similarity are collectively called the synoptic gospels
- How did Jesus answer the question, “What is the greatest commandment?”
He said to love thy neighbor and god with all your heart
- Who were the first persons to experience the Resurrection on Easter morning and what does that mean for the Christian Church?
The woman of his followers leading to the men not believing them until they saw for themselves meaning the dramatic stories.
- When is Easter?
Sunday after the full moon of the first day of spring
- What was Constantine’s dream and how did it affect the future of Christianity?
His vision was that he saw a battle predicting the outcome of who would rule the empire where he saw a bright cross in the sky which now is seen as a sign to look up towards
- How has Pope Francis challenged the leadership of the Catholic Church?
His view of nonjudgemental on homosexuality and divorce
Terms (10)
Islam – peace to obedience to follow Gods law
Ka’bah – one of the holiest sites in Mecca
Ishma’il – the son of Hagar (the slave’s and master’s son)
Qur’an – to recite or read, a central religious text
Muezzin – one who calls people to pray from a high place
Surahs – chapters in the Qur’an
Shahadah - “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”
People of the Book – the name for Jews and Christians
Ramadan – a period of fasting where they fast from sunrise to sunset similar to lent
Dome of the Rock – the last of the three holist sites which is the oldest mosque of Islam
Sunni – the 80% of Muslims
Shi’a – the other majority of the remaining Muslim community
Dhimmis – protected people by an exchange for loyalty by a pay of taxing of income
Hijab – veiling worn by Muslim woman
Malala Yousafzai – a young girl awarded for her fight for the right to every child to receive education
Questions (5)
- Draw and describe the symbol for Islam.
The symbol is the crescent and the star, and it represents progress and illumination of knowledge
- What do Muslims believe about Jesus and how many times is he mentioned in the Qur’an?
Jesus is mentioned 97 times and Muslims believe that Jesus recognized as the messiah
- What are the Five Pillars of Islam? (use the Arabic words as well as the English)
Belief and Witness (Shahadah), Daily Prayers (Salat), Charity (Zakat), Fasting (Sawm), and Pilgrimage (Hajj)
- Who was Malcolm X and how was he changed by going on the hajj?
He was formerly known as Malcolm Little a human rights activist, but changed his last name to X as he was protesting against the assigning of last names of Blacks who were enslaved by their owners
- Describe the Greater and Lesser Jihad?
The Greater Jihad called for oneself to be better and the Lesser Jihad called for external effort to protect the Way of God, Jihad meaning striving