Scientific Notation
scientists use a short hand method to express very large or very small numbers
made up of a coeffecient (greater than 1, less than 10) and a base (10 to the power of x)
Steps of scientific notation, using 300 000 000:
Step 1. Put the decimal directly after the first number and drop all of the zeros that remain after our 3 significant figures
Step 2. Count how many places we moved the decimal to get to the number
Our base is 10 to the power of 8
Step 3. Put the coefficient and base together
3.00 × 10 (8) m/s
Now, with a very small number:
0.000 000 000 000 753g
7.53 × 10 ( -13) g
Significant figure rules:
All non zero numbers are significant
All zeros between non zeros are significant
All leading zeros are not significant, they just set the decimal place
All trailing zeros after the decimal are significant
All trailing zeros before a decimal are significant. Trailing zeros in a number may be signficiant if the number does not contain a decimal
Addition and subtraction: round the number to the least number of decimal places
Multipacation and division: round the number to the least number of significant figures