A. Basic Marketing Functions 1. Explain the marketing concepts and describe the benefits of marketing. 2. Explain the functions in marketing goods and services. 3. Identify the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion). 4. Describe the process for new product and service development. 5. Explain the rationale for extending product line. 6. Explain the functions of packaging. 7. Describe the importance of branding, packaging, and labeling. 8. Describe factors (features, benefits, price, quality, competition, brand loyalty) used by marketers to position products and services. 9. Identify and explain factors that influence a product’s price (cost, quality, competition, brand loyalty). 10. Demonstrate knowledge of basic advertising terms. B. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 1. Explain the steps involved in the sales process (generate leads, approach customers, determine customer needs, present the product, overcome objections, close the sale, follow up). 2. Describe reasons why sales promotion is needed (influence consumer decisions, encourage trial of new products, strengthen brand loyalty, influence consumer behavior). C. Traditional Advertising Media 1. Describe traditional types of advertising media (television, radio, print, direct mail, flyers and brochures, outdoor). 2. Identify advertising media selection criteria (reach, frequency, lead time, cost). D. Alternative Forms of Advertising Media 1. Recognize alternative forms of advertising media outlets (transit, aerial, cinema, product placement, directory). 2. Describe the latest advertising media trends (video advertising, mobile advertising). E. Branding and Positioning 1. Explain why branding is important to the success of a business. 2. Describe product positioning strategies. F. Advertising and the Economy 1. Identify economic factors that impact advertising. 2. Describe how advertising stimulates the economy. G. Promotion 1. Define promotional mix and explain its importance. 2. Identify the steps in developing the promotional plan. H. Advertising and Public Relations 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertising. 2. Explain the need for public relations. I. The Advertising Plan 1. Identify the steps in creating an advertising plan (perform a SWOT analysis, set advertising objectives, determine the budget, develop the creative strategy, execute the plan, evaluate the plan). 2. Recognize the various types of analyses that should be performed when creating an advertising plan. 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines Advertising Advertising - Page 5 of 7 – Updated August 2024 J. Creation of the Advertisement 1. Describe different advertising creative formats. 2. Identify processes involved in the copywriting, art, and production stages of advertising. 3. Describe various methods used to evaluate advertising effectiveness. 4. Identify simple approaches to use in determining advertising effectiveness. K. Consumer-Oriented Advertising 1. Define consumer-oriented advertising and explain how it is used. 2. Describe how sponsorships can be used to make a connection with consumers. L. Financial Planning for Advertising 1. Explain strategies used for setting the advertising budgets (percentage of sales, competition matching market share, objective and task, response model). 2. Describe the financial reports a business can use for planning and operating the company. 3. Describe factors that affect the advertising budget. 4. Determine whether advertising spending generates brand awareness. 5. Identify the cost for different forms of advertising. 6. Explain the purpose of an advertising budget. 7. Explain rate of return on advertising investment. M. Consumer Behavior 1. Recognize the importance of understanding the customer’s wants and needs. 2. Identify the five-step consumer decision-making process. N. Consumer Purchase Classifications 1. Distinguish between types of consumer purchases and recognize the level of consumer involvement in buying decisions. 2. Describe different types of consumer products. O. Influences on Consumer Behavior 1. Discuss consumer buying motives. 2. Describe individual, social, and marketing influences on consumer behavior. P. The Target Market 1. Define target market and advertising strategies to reach different targets. 2. Explain the process for selecting target markets. Q. Market Segmentation 1. Differentiate between market segmentation and mass marketing. 2. Describe market segmentation categories. 3. Define demographics. 4. Explain how demographics influence advertising campaigns. 5. Differentiate between buying habits and buying preferences. 6. Explain how to select market segments that have market potential. R. Product Development 1. Identify the stages of new product development. 2. Explain the various levels of products and components that make up the product mix. S. Product Life Cycle 1. Explain the stages of the product life cycle. 2. Describe real-world applications of the product life cycle. T. Price Planning 1. Discuss pricing objectives used by businesses when setting prices. 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines Advertising Advertising - Page 6 of 7 – Updated August 2024 2. Compare and contrast pricing strategies (price skimming, penetration pricing, competition pricing, supply and demand pricing). U. Channels of Distribution/Supply Chain Management 1. Explain the functions of the channel of distribution and channel members (producers, retailers, wholesalers, transportation companies, warehouses, agents and brokers, consumers). 2. Identify various distribution channel options (direct, indirect, multiple, nontraditional). 3. Describe the processes involved in supply chain management (purchasing, processing orders, warehousing and shipping, managing supply chain risks). 4. Identify factors that can influence supply chain decisions (international markets, outsourcing, digital distribution, eco-friendly practices). 5. Define logistics and explain its role in distribution. 6. Explain the importance of product storage, handling, and packaging in the distribution process. V. Types of Promotion 1. Describe types of promotion (endorsements, word-of-mouth promotion, direct marketing). 2. Explain the purpose and components of visual merchandising. W. Marketing Research of Advertising 1. Explain the marketing research process (identify/define the problem, develop the research design, determine the method for collecting data, collect the data, analyze the data, report/present the data). 2. Describe the benefits and limitations of marketing research. 3. Define primary and secondary market research. X. Developing an Effective Sales Promotion Strategy 1. Identify consumer sales promotions (coupons, price deals, rebates, premiums, loyalty marketing program sampling, contests, sweepstakes, point-of-purchase displays). 2. Identify trade sales promotions (push money, deal loader, trade allowance). Y. Consumer-Oriented Advertising and Sales Promotion 1. Explain the components of the communication process (sender, encoding the message, communication channel, receiver, decoding the message, noise, feedback). 2. Explain the purposes of advertising and promotional communication. 3. Explain the purpose of consumer-oriented sales promotions. 4. Describe how direct marketing is used to reach consumers. Z. Types of Communication 1. Explain why interpersonal communication is an important part of advertising and promotion. 2. Describe other types of communication used by businesses. AA. Effective Advertising and Promotional Messages 1. Explain the four C’s (comprehension, connection, credibility, contagiousness) of communication. 2. Describe how to create effective advertising messages. BB. Legal and Ethical Issues Affective Advertising 1. Explain the need for government regulation of advertising and the role of the Federal Trade Commission. 2024-25 Competitive Events Guidelines Advertising Advertising - Page 7 of 7 – Updated August 2024 2. Describe the purpose of other government regulatory agencies. CC. Ethics in Advertising 1. Identify the ethical aspects of advertising. 2. Explain how the FTC assures truth in advertising. DD. Advertising in a Multicultural Market (Global Vision) 1. Recognize factors that have an impact on global marketing. 2. Describe global marketing challenges facing marketers. EE. Diversity and Advertising 1. Describe the impact of diversity on advertising. 2. Identify characteristics of growing ethnic markets. 3. Explain advertising needs for different parts of the world. 4. Explain the impact of multiculturalism and multi-generation on advertising activities. FF. History of Advertising 1. Explain how advertising has changes to meet the needs of changing times. 2. Describe inventions that have impacted advertising. GG. Influences on Advertising 1. Describe environmental influences on advertising. 2. Describe consumer influences on advertising. HH. The Advertising Industry and Careers 1. Explain how the advertising industry works. 2. Describe careers in the advertising industry. 3. Determine characteristics necessary for a successful career in advertising. 4. Identify the skill set needed for a successful advertising career. II. The Internet and Advertising 1. Describe various types of internet advertising (e-mail, banner and pop-up advertising, search engine advertising, website advertising, blogs, social media advertising, Twitter). 2. Explain what factors businesses should consider when using internet advertising (hits, page views, visits, unique visitors). JJ. Self-Regulation 1. Explain the concept of self-regulation and identify how it is applied in the advertising industry. 2. Recognize how consumers can regulate business practices. KK. Cross-Cultural Communication 1. Recognize how verbal and nonverbal communication differ in other cultures. 2. Explain the importance of the translation process in global marketing.