protective tariff | tax on foreign goods to help protect American industry |
“corrupt bargain” | “unfair deal” made between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams in the election of 1824 |
Democrats | Political party formed by Jackson and his supporters in the 1800’s |
Whigs | Political party formed by John Quincy Adams and his supporters to oppose the Democrats |
Inauguration | Ceremony at which a president officially takes office |
Spoils System | System of rewarding political supporters with government jobs |
Tariff | Tax on goods imported from foreign countries |
Abomination | Something that is hated |
Tariff of Abominations | Name given by Southerners to a high tariff passed by Congress in 1828 |
Nullify | To cancel a law |
Secede | To break away from a country and form a separate government |
Force Bill | Bill proposed by Jackson that would use the military to force South Carolina to obey the tariff law |
Bank War | Disagreement between Jackson and the Whig party over whether the national bank should be renewed |
Pet Banks | Nickname given to the state banks that Jackson put the national bank money into |
Indian Removal Act | Law passed by Jackson that forced Native Americans in the southeast to move west of the Mississippi River |
Trail of Tears | Name given to the trip Native Americans were forced to take to their new land in the West |